How Did the Side Door Get Opened?/Door Locks/Use of Cinder Block**REVISITED**

DNA Solves
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Looks like the long side of a broken cement block to me too.


The bucket could have been used in car washing as Ron said he'd do out back. I thought from the beginning that propping the door and laundry still being in a pile showed that a female took something out the back door. It could be staging though, and if it's staging it seems to point to cousin Joe. Misti said he is known to prop doors with bricks, he was in town, she doesn't trust him, the van was moved, and it has a scratch.
What was holding the inside door open?

OT: Can someone tell me what kind of car RC drives?
I guess we can assume laundry was holding it open...don't know. What I do know is we can't believe anything RC tells us..the man is a pathological liar.

What do we know about the locks in the front of the house? We are always getting diverted to the back door...I want to see the front door!
Regarding the object on the ramp, I can see what you're talking about, but I can't commit to agreement. When I zoom it up to 400% I think I can see a kitty in the corner. (Sorry. :crazy: If you have to ask just disregard.)

If it is a fragment of 8" CMU then it's a darned sorry choice for a door prop on that ramp. Oh, well.

I'm having trouble with the idea of Misty running around the outside of the home and discovering the screen open, so if we accept your ideas about interpreting her 911 call (and I can't find fault with them) then the inside door must also have been ajar for her to have noticed the screen.

I keep getting "data insufficient". Maybe we can be preparing for that one more hint, but I'm afraid we'll be spinning our wheels on this until we do.

The NG video showed us that the inside door is inclined to swing shut, but it's pretty unenthusiastic about the idea. No door closer or spring hinge. It wouldn't require much for it to be propped open along with the screen, so for right now that's the direction I'm leaning toward.

How about if we talk some more about why the screen door was propped. I know it's been suggested that it was to simplify egress when encumbered with a child, but I'm not quite buying that. The screen door is RHR swing, which is (as you pointed out) swing to the outside, and with the latch side on the right when exiting. Haleigh is small, and doesn't weigh very much. An abductor shouldn't have any trouble holding her while reaching to push the screen door latch and closing it gently on the way by. I'd be more concerned about the noise made by trying to prop the thing open on that ramp with a piece of CMU scrap.

Also, your eagle eyed catch of that mud bucket (good work there, BTW) has raised even more questions in my mind. I thought it had been indicated that the side door was rarely used. That might suggest otherwise.

I think we're essentially in violent agreement, 42.

You'll come around to the shard of cinder block...I'm sure of it ;) Georgia PI did the handwork that best illustrates what I tried to describe. You maybe onto something...if kitty :cat: is involved, well, then...:rolleyes:

I speculated, either earlier in this thread, and/or the AC-Dude thread on the half-dozen or so "why" the door would be propped open. I agree with what others have posted that we need not focus exclusively on this door. We need be aware of it...but not...solely on it. Also, FWIW, I'm not suggesting that the door was staged...or that it wasn't. I'm inclined to believe what we're seeing isn't the result of staging...but, that's no more than instinct.

Thanks everyone for the help getting up to speed and entertaining my musings.
Looks like the long side of a broken cement block to me too.


Your image handling tools are much better than mine (or I didn't get as good a source image.)

I concur . No question about it.

Now the question is...

Would a panicked, distraught teenager on the phone to 911 refer to that as a 'brick'?

ETA: Where did you get your copy of the image? I copied it off the 'Politigal' web page.
The bucket could have been used in car washing as Ron said he'd do out back. I thought from the beginning that propping the door and laundry still being in a pile showed that a female took something out the back door. It could be staging though, and if it's staging it seems to point to cousin Joe. Misti said he is known to prop doors with bricks, he was in town, she doesn't trust him, the van was moved, and it has a scratch.
Very good point about the car washing.

Should have thought of that myself.
I guess we can assume laundry was holding it open...don't know. What I do know is we can't believe anything RC tells us..the man is a pathological liar.

What do we know about the locks in the front of the house? We are always getting diverted to the back door...I want to see the front door!
(bold above by me)

Tell me why we can assume that.

I'm not being 'snarky'. I really want to know. As far as I can determine if the Nancy creature's producer hadn't brought the subject up none of us would have even thought of the word 'laundry' until we ran out of clean socks.
This is just me thinking here but I have a problem with the idea the AC guy would come in front door and chose not to continue using the front door, If back door was locked. I also question his purpose to use the broken cinder block to prop the screen door. Why? If misty was washing clothes would she not of noticed the door even slightly ajar?(remember hard to close) Would she go climb in bed without making sure the doors were locked if she was aware AC guy used back door? I can't seem to bring my self to believe that AC guy would come and be so irresponsible or not courteous enough if noticing how hard door is to use would not close and lock door just like he found it. It doesn't make sense to fit him to the circumstances of the door. IMOO
And why would Misty choose to use difficult back door for any purpose (smoke, sneak out...etc) when the front porch is screened in and front door would be easier.
I think we're essentially in violent agreement, 42.

You'll come around to the shard of cinder block...I'm sure of it ;) Georgia PI did the handwork that best illustrates what I tried to describe. You maybe onto something...if kitty :cat: is involved, well, then...:rolleyes:

I speculated, either earlier in this thread, and/or the AC-Dude thread on the half-dozen or so "why" the door would be propped open. I agree with what others have posted that we need not focus exclusively on this door. We need be aware of it...but not...solely on it. Also, FWIW, I'm not suggesting that the door was staged...or that it wasn't. I'm inclined to believe what we're seeing isn't the result of staging...but, that's no more than instinct.

Thanks everyone for the help getting up to speed and entertaining my musings.
I'm inclined to agree with you about the staging. The alternative just gets too weird.

The side door gets our popcorn and jujubee time because it's the thing we know is out of place.

...well, we think we know.

... and staged or not, it's just too, I guess. It doesn't add up from either approach.

You probably saw in my earlier post that I'm on the 'busted CMU' bandwagon now.
She may have chosen to use the difficult door because she was hauling out a garbage bag and figured if she got caught taking it to the dumpster, she would just say she was taking out trash. Plus, the bag would be heavy and going out the backdoor with a ramp would be easy.
She may have chosen to use the difficult door because she was hauling out a garbage bag and figured if she got caught taking it to the dumpster, she would just say she was taking out trash. Plus, the bag would be heavy and going out the backdoor with a ramp would be easy.

I may be wrong but I thoght garbage cans were in front. HELP anybody remember or have pic link?
This is just me thinking here but I have a problem with the idea the AC guy would come in front door and chose not to continue using the front door, If back door was locked. I also question his purpose to use the broken cinder block to prop the screen door. Why? If misty was washing clothes would she not of noticed the door even slightly ajar?(remember hard to close) Would she go climb in bed without making sure the doors were locked if she was aware AC guy used back door? I can't seem to bring my self to believe that AC guy would come and be so irresponsible or not courteous enough if noticing how hard door is to use would not close and lock door just like he found it. It doesn't make sense to fit him to the circumstances of the door. IMOO
I have problems with why anyone would prop open that door with that piece of scrap block for any reason. But that being said, I don't understand propping the door unless there was some very large object being moved through it. Read washing machine, not tiny child.
And why would Misty choose to use difficult back door for any purpose (smoke, sneak out...etc) when the front porch is screened in and front door would be easier.
Very good question.

I don't think that she would.
I have problems with why anyone would prop open that door with that piece of scrap block for any reason. But that being said, I don't understand propping the door unless there was some very large object being moved through it. Read washing machine, not tiny child.

I know I did also at first. I originally have stated it might of been propped to carry Jr. and walk Haleigh out with out making noise and ease of movement but everyone here helped me see it as another way to allow the person the ability to pick, bump the lock (dead bolt Per Crystal) Think about that comment reminds me she stated "...they were right the back door was locked"....
I believe it was in the first interviews with NG. I will check but feel free to look for your self. Little to much information or Knowledge?
Has anyone checked on Crystal's Statement. I stand correct on what I read. Also it was questioned in the article as to how she would know. the 911 call I noted Misty trying to explain to the operator about the block first says something about it being on the "floor" IIRC, then, she expands to explain on the ramp, IIRC. Maybe nothing...maybe something...:waitasec:

We can only speculate on the little shreds of information we have, but, when/if we learn the as-found status of the solid door I think it tells us something.

One props a doorway (2-doors in this case) open for a variety of reasons.

1) One will be carrying a heavy/awkward load through a self-closing doorway by oneself without the assistance of someone to help hold the door...or even if one has someone to help hold one door if/when the 2nd door swings in the opposite direction as I believe these doors function.

2) One wants to carry an awkward load through same without damaging the load or the doorway

3) One wants to naturally cool a room

4) One wants to naturally ventilate a room ;)

5) One will be carrying several loads, even small-to-medium, through the doorway and wishes to do so quickly, and/or, without the nuisance of operating the doors.

6) One wants to stage an egress which points away from the occupants of the home (*Indigo)

...anyone wanna add 7, 8, 9 etc.?

...and of course, the list gets longer to compare the reasons only 1 door would be propped open and the other would be ajar.

...and plus 1 that for only 1 door propped open and the other latched

IMHO, We can speculate on which of the above is the more likely motive based on the manner in which doors were propped. And based on the motive..better speculate on who was responsible for propping it open.

Early in the case we spent some time discussing the block itself...and...upon searching this afternoon I cannot find a thread dedicated to the block. Sooo....I'm off to create one and will include the option to discuss whether or not it was solely responsible for holding both doors, or if something else was employed. I see the close connection w/ this thread, however, IMHO, the prop itself is as independently important to solving this as is "How [Did] The Side Door Get Opened". Hopefully we'll see it explored enough to stand on its own merit.

*Quoting myself...bad form & all :blushing:*

Playing this out a bit...

A) Grandmother that brought laundry over and would be presumably bringing it in would be one scenario that fits 1 & 5 above.

B) AC Repair Dude, depending on the scope of his work which I expanded on in his thread, would possibly fit 1, 2, and/or 5 above.​

Both of these might be encouraged by the family eating on the front porch. I don't have the facts clear on that, but, IIRC, earlier it was suggested that kids/fam went outside to eat/play/socialize. I can see that it would be reasonable to bypass the crowd and use the back door for either of these activities.

In either case, it would seem likely either party would have admitted to LE already that they did use/prop this doorway for this purpose...and that we would've heard something about this slip out by now. Perhaps IF one of these is responsible they might not want to come forward out of guilt for having left the door in that condition - whether it was a factor or not.

Just noodlin'...
Does the Greatgrandmother or the relative who was with her have any disability? If one of them happened to have difficulty with stairs it might make sense to use the back door with a ramp.

ETA, I'd think that they'd have told LE if the reason would be something this innocent.

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