How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
I'm going to weigh in on this: it is my opinion that although the family has a right to grieve for Caylee's demise in whatever manner they deem proper, they cannot now complain about the public wanting to grieve in the manner that it deems proper, as both GA and CA (and LE, to a lesser degree) have contributed to the publicity surrounding this case. Moreover, GA and CA have had ample time (almost 4 months since Casey was arrested, right?) to conduct a public memorial service, but they refuse to acknowledge or even speak in public about her being deceased.

GA and CA cannot control what the public now believes re: Caylee's demise and, therefore, they should have thought of this aspect of the situation BEFORE they went on national television each and every day. As a very wise professor of mine once said:
you cannot unring the bell.
That's it! It's Cindy's control issue again. She wants to control what the members of the public think.
LP is just flat wrong to hold a memorial service for Caylee. It is not his to do.

A prayer service at Caylee's favorite, Jay Blanchard Park, and planting a beautiful tree or donating a park bench in her honor would allow people to express their emotions through prayer and by placing a permanent reminder of her, put her to rest in a place. A place for prayer.

But a memorial service is inappropriate.

I don't know what he thinks this service will acomplish vis-a-vis KC, but even the most heart wrenching of memorials would not phase her one bit and would be "a waste - a huge waste." LP still thinks he is dealing with someone who has a conscience, human emotion and empathy for others. Sociopaths are empty shells and nothing reaches them.
I agree! If this were my child, my grandchild, I know that I would not write that child off at this point..No way..I would hold onto that hope.. That's the type of person I am.. I dont think anyone has the right to judge this family for not giving up their hope.. I also think that a lot of people, if in this same situation, would not write off hope.

As for LP, how many times has he said something, and it not be true, or not happen.. He talks, it goes right over my head.. I know a lot of people love the guy, but I'm not one of them..

When does "hope" become "delusion?"
How can LP do this to Caylee? Never again will I watch anything with him in it. What right does he have to decide to have a memorial for that baby girl? He wants the spotlight. He took over the search Tim had, he is taking over with his memorial.

No one on God's green earth is going to take over one of Tim's searches....including the cowboy.
That's it! It's Cindy's control issue again. She wants to control what the members of the public think.

I think so. She's really all about being in control. This is where Casey learned her manipulative behaviors/tendencies. Very unfortunate. :waitasec: The weird thing is that I think if the public were doing nothing, saying nothing, etc., Cindy would be screaming about that, too (so she could get everyone's attention.)
Perhaps those who think they are helping CA keep the "hope" going are enabling her delusion. If those who are with CA are simply agreeing with her and are feeling discomfort in that because they secretly feel Caylee is dead, then they are in fact further hurting CA. Maybe those people should have some quiet alone moments and decide not to hurt her by either promoting Caylee is alive or promoting Caylee is dead. Come from one "side" to neutral. Just say, "I know you want her to be alive, but we all know the evidence doesn't look good." Just move to neutral. Stop adding to CA's pain.
(another weird thing, in terms of what I just posted) Cindy's control issues over how the public reacts reminds me of Casey's lie re: how the nanny named zanny gave her a script! :eek:
CA said at the park today that the decision as to whether or not to have a memorial service was her decision and hers alone. Actually, it is KC's decision. Even that statement was a display of the confusion of roles and a manifestation of the issue of control.
Regardless of what Tim thinks of LP, I highly doubt that's the reason he pulled out of the search.
Agree. He also mentioned being in debt for this search for about 100,000.00 - I post that just as maybe another reason he is leaving (along with the other missing people that need his help). I have the highest respect for TM and LP
Not that anyone who is "reasonable" or intelligent will believe!! Sure...your defense team will try to sprinkle BS all over...but the stench of her rotting corpse in the trunk of Casey's car will overpower the smell of their BS! It is NOT reasonable to believe that Caylee is alive anymore that it is reasonable to believe the moon is made of cheese. There is conclusive proof of both. The moon is not cheese and Caylee was in the car rotting.

Can these people not grasp that the DNA was Caylee's from the fluids in the trunk and the death bands were off her little head where she was stuffed in the trunk like a piece of garbage?

I get angry just thinking about how that baby was treated. I am angry now the Anthonys care so little for her they would let her lay out in some god forsaken place, cold, wet and damp without even the decency to bury her in a little casket.
(another weird thing, in terms of what I just posted) Cindy's control issues over how the public reacts reminds me of Casey's lie re: how the nanny named zanny gave her a script! :eek:
I guess the public isn't going along with CA's script for the public parts.
CA said at the park today that the decision as to whether or not to have a memorial service was her decision and hers alone. Actually, it is KC's decision. Even that statement was a display of the confusion of roles and a manifestation of the issue of control.

I did not catch that, but you are right...........she is NOTHING legally to that child, but a grandparent and she has NO RIGHTS except the rights people CHOOSE to allow her.
Can these people not grasp that the DNA was Caylee's from the fluids in the trunk and the death bands were off her little head where she was stuffed in the trunk like a piece of garbage?

I get angry just thinking about how that baby was treated. I am angry now the Anthonys care so little for her they would let her lay out in some god forsaken place, cold, wet and damp without even the decency to bury her in a little casket.
Certainly not with the respect for remains that the public expects.
Truth, what wonderful news.......congrats on your first. He is a very lucky boy.:blowkiss:

Thank you, My DH is already wanting to get him his own future Son In Law freaked, just a little. We are looking forward to a little boy around again.
I really believe the whole point of George's, whom we know believes Caylee is deceased, and Cindy's actions today re: the memorial is that they want to help their daughter, Casey, establish reasonable doubt and they're prolly worried how a "memorial" service will resonate in the coming months as their daughter's "team" tries to proclaim to a local jury that no body = no deceased Caylee. Just a sayin...
Hehehe. Jemeny Christmas, what wazzz that? I have watched that like 3 times and on that third time I decided it was obscene and decided to quit watching it

The first thing which came to mind when I saw that is: I know where KC learned that inappropriate sexual behavior - Her mother.

That was really sick in my opinion and he looked very uncomfortable.
I really believe the whole point of George's, whom we know believes Caylee is deceased, and Cindy's actions today re: the memorial is that they want to help their daughter, Casey, establish reasonable doubt and they're prolly worried how a "memorial" service will resonate in the coming months as their daughter's "team" tries to proclaim to a local jury that no body = no deceased Caylee. Just a sayin...
Exactly! They are between a rock and a wall. If there is a service and they attend, they appear to have indorsed that they know Caylee is dead (which they both do know). IF there is a memorial service and they do not attend, it would be very bad social form.
Certainly not with the respect for remains that the public expects.

Not just the public, but even the Bible tells us to treat the dead with respect. How can they call what they are doing by letting that baby just be disposed of like a dead dog be called respect for her.

<-------On a rant tonight
Can these people not grasp that the DNA was Caylee's from the fluids in the trunk and the death bands were off her little head where she was stuffed in the trunk like a piece of garbage?

I get angry just thinking about how that baby was treated. I am angry now the Anthonys care so little for her they would let her lay out in some god forsaken place, cold, wet and damp without even the decency to bury her in a little casket.
I agree what I said is harsh...but it is reality.

No, it is beyond me how people refuse to understand the truth. It isn't a convenient truth. It is the stark reality of knowing this poor little girl has been forsaken. What a good word for it. She is the forsaken child. I have been angry for a long time and now...I am ready to let that anger go. It is just so difficult to do when these people keep pushing the envelope and are trying to insult our intelligence at every turn. The A fam actually believe people buy their song and dance.

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