How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
et Tim's sonar seems to have missed the park bench in the sawgrass that was found by the divers today. I think Tim is not the altruistic person he clims to be. HE makes promises that he does not keep. He has said twice that he will stay until Caylee is found. This is the SECOND time he has let down the volunteers and believers in him. I am disappointed in his going back on his promises that he makes

When Tim's sonar sees a park bench in the water, it stays in the water. Why would you expect him to pull it out? That's not what he's there for. Tim is everything he claims to be with honesty and integrity beyond measure. When he made his promise it was with the assumption that he would have enough help. You cannot cover this much area with 1000, 500, then 50 people. There are miles and miles yet to cover. As far as letting any searchers or believers in him down, speak for yourself please. I believe in Tim 100% as do many many others. If you want to talk about disappointment, try showing up to the TES searches and see what Tim and TES teams deal with and the disappointment in their faces when they CAN'T deliver because they cannot get enough help. For a city the size of Orlando, where is everyone? It takes a lot of help and your criticism of Tim with no firm basis for your statements are not fair.
Did any of you still attacking the Anthony's actually LISTEN to the service? By the accusations and hateful words STILL spoken about Cindy by so many here I think the words went right over your heads. How sad that a man who actually knew Caylee can ask for the Anthony's not to be attacked but strangers think they know better. He knew Caylee loved them and they loved Caylee and Caylee would not want her grandparents attacked but that seems to make no difference to some people.

Not arguing that.

But Caylee would also want to have a proper funeral and burial so that everyone who has grown to love her could say their farewells in their own way. That seems to make no difference to a certain mother. Just sayin...
I have seen it happen as recently as the Hudson case where a memorial was held without the family.

To me, this was and will be considered a MEMORIAL service. It is the only one I ever see happening for Caylee to remember her short life and the closest she will ever come to having a respectful end. RG can call it whatever he pleases. Nearly 1100 people came together today to say goodbye to Caylee Marie except the ones like RG who believe it was for another reason. They are free to believe what they wish in order to make it through the day.

RIP Caylee Marie Anthony :( You are loved.

According to Channel 6 news - About 100 people participated in the 9 a.m.prayer vigil,
I was VERY happy to hear that RG explained to LP that this was a Prayer Service and NOT a Memorial. That is the proper etiquette for holding such an event at this time. From what I could hear and see of Cindy's confrontation with LP, that was her main concern. I think that is reasonable and fair. A memorial service, when held, is for the benefit of the family and those people who actually knew the deceased. It is not something to be hijacked by people who never even knew Caylee, even if they are emotionally invested in this situation.

For those of you who disagree, think of it this way:
There should only be 1 memorial or funeral for a single person. It is a momentous occaision and not one to be trifled with or done in the heat of the moment. Most importantly, how would you feel if a close relative of yours died and a bunch of people you don't know and your relative never knew, suddenly decided to hold a funeral or memorial service for your relative without consulting you and you find out about the event by the announcement in the newspaper. That is the equivalent of what Cindy felt was going on. RG, as a minister, understands this. That is why he corrected LP and told him, this could only be a prayer service.

I'd feel totally honored, if perfect strangers were so memorializing my loved one.
I think he is an self admitted media *advertiser censored* and this is a guarantee of coverage tomorrow, and more interview appearances. The FBI guy yesterday said he thought LP's only motivation was coverage. TM said today he was frustrated with LP and his media circus, that it was unproductive. The prosecution is asking for a gag order on this mess. None of this is helping. A search could have been conducted without all the press coverage in advance. TM says he was there with sonar previously, that didn't result in a media circus and the Anthony's on site. The whole thing is just so sad.

You know all this could have been avoided if Casey gave two cents about her daughter, as George and Cindy are always claiming that she loved Caylee and that she would never do anything to hurt her, that may be true in front of them, but who is to say what she did to Caylee when no one was around or when she was not around anyone else, let's not forget Caylee was about to be three and she was probably talking or at least saying words and she probably did not want her George and Cindy to find out what was really going on. If Casey would have reported her daughter missing, when it first happened none of this would be going on now, she knows what she has done and obviously she does not care who is hurting and who she continues to keep in pain, as long as she gets what she wants. Casey for the love of GOD let closure come to this case you will not get away with this neither will the person that helped you, you might as well come clean, stop making everyone suffer, especially your parents and family if you have any love or respect for them at all.
Did any of you still attacking the Anthony's actually LISTEN to the service? By the accusations and hateful words STILL spoken about Cindy by so many here I think the words went right over your heads. How sad that a man who actually knew Caylee can ask for the Anthony's not to be attacked but strangers think they know better. He knew Caylee loved them and they loved Caylee and Caylee would not want her grandparents attacked but that seems to make no difference to some people.

Perhaps if CA cooperated with LE's investigation, and quit lying, changing stories, distracting from KC, and attacking OCSO, the FBI, and every, single entity who is working so hard to bring justice to Caylee, she would be given sympathy and respect.

Or, if she would do some of the same actual searching that she is demanding from everyone ELSE?

Seriously Searching: Are you referring to the PUBLIC memorial held for the Hudson family on Nov. 5 which followed the PRIVATE memorial held for the Hudson family on Nov. 2? This is a very different situation. The family held a private memorial service and then, only AFTER their private service, an additional PUBLIC service was held. This is the CORRECT order of things. There should NEVER be a PUBLIC service held PRIOR to a PRIVATE service. I'm not making this stuff up folks, these are the rules of etiquette for how things like this are done.
When Tim's sonar sees a park bench in the water, it stays in the water. Why would you expect him to pull it out? That's not what he's there for. Tim is everything he claims to be with honesty and integrity beyond measure. When he made his promise it was with the assumption that he would have enough help. You cannot cover this much area with 1000, 500, then 50 people. There are miles and miles yet to cover. As far as letting any searchers or believers in him down, speak for yourself please. I believe in Tim 100% as do many many others. If you want to talk about disappointment, try showing up to the TES searches and see what Tim and TES teams deal with and the disappointment in their faces when they CAN'T deliver because they cannot get enough help. For a city the size of Orlando, where is everyone? It takes a lot of help and your criticism of Tim with no firm basis for your statements are not fair.

I believe in Tim too. Sometimes, people working for the same cause DO have differences about what the best way to persue it is. That doesn't mean either is bad, or insincere.
Seriously Searching: Are you referring to the PUBLIC memorial held for the Hudson family on Nov. 5 which followed the PRIVATE memorial held for the Hudson family on Nov. 2? This is a very different situation. The family held a private memorial service and then, only AFTER their private service, an additional PUBLIC service was held. This is the CORRECT order of things. There should NEVER be a PUBLIC service held PRIOR to a PRIVATE service. I'm not making this stuff up folks, these are the rules of etiquette for how things like this are done.
You are not correct. The PUBLIC memorial was held before the private memorial service. The immediate family did not attend the public memorial. So what about the rules of etiquette and the order?!

The private service was held exactly a day after the public memorial service on Sunday, November 2. Attended by nearly 100 friends and relatives, the public service was done at Pleasant Gift Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago. During the Sunday ceremony, relatives took turns in reminiscing about the three victims.
When Tim's sonar sees a park bench in the water, it stays in the water. Why would you expect him to pull it out? That's not what he's there for. Tim is everything he claims to be with honesty and integrity beyond measure. When he made his promise it was with the assumption that he would have enough help. You cannot cover this much area with 1000, 500, then 50 people. There are miles and miles yet to cover. As far as letting any searchers or believers in him down, speak for yourself please. I believe in Tim 100% as do many many others. If you want to talk about disappointment, try showing up to the TES searches and see what Tim and TES teams deal with and the disappointment in their faces when they CAN'T deliver because they cannot get enough help. For a city the size of Orlando, where is everyone? It takes a lot of help and your criticism of Tim with no firm basis for your statements are not fair.

He just seems a little quick to throw in the towel to me. The slightest little thing goes wrong and he is out of there. Maybe that is why he doesn't get volunteers - he never stays in one place long enough for them to believe he will be there. He doesn't say "we will stay as long as we have volunteers." He says "We will stay until Caylee is found." moo
I have seen it happen as recently as the Hudson case where a memorial was held without the family.

To me, this was and will be considered a MEMORIAL service. It is the only one I ever see happening for Caylee to remember her short life and the closest she will ever come to having a respectful end. RG can call it whatever he pleases. Nearly 1100 people came together today to say goodbye to Caylee Marie except the ones like RG who believe it was for another reason. They are free to believe what they wish in order to make it through the day.

RIP Caylee Marie Anthony :( You are loved.

You are right, of course, and you know it.

"O, be some other name!
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose,
By any other name would smell as sweet.
(Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, 1594.)

It is inherent in the nature of the service that was held today, that it was a memorial service. It was held for a child we know is dead. It was attended by loved ones and people of a greater community who cared for her. It honored her life. It had, therefore, the sweet smelling characteristics inherent to the rose. It is of these characteristics that we identify it and not by its name. Therefore, it was a memorial service; regardless of the name given by those in denial.
"O, be some other name!
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose,
By any other name would smell as sweet.
(Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, 1594.)

It is inherent in the nature of the service that was held today, that it was a memorial service. It was held for a child we know is dead. It was attended by loved ones and people of a greater community who cared for her. It honored her life. It had, therefore, the sweet smelling characteristics inherent to the rose. It is of these characteristics that we identify it and not by its name. Therefore, it was a memorial service; regardless of the name given by those in denial.
That was beautiful, Themis. :( Hugs~
I believe it is an intrusion to foist oneself into a family's private grief without the invitation of the family.

When the Anthony's are ready, they will hold a memorial service (or a funeral if Caylee's little body is found.) Until that time, I think it is highly presumptuous of the public at large to think their needs to memorialize the little girl usurps the family's need to continue to believe there is a chance she is alive.

No harm would come from waiting for the family to come around, but I can see harm coming from "forcing" the issue.

It's just incredibly poor taste, IMO.
I believe it is an intrusion to foist oneself into a family's private grief without the invitation of the family.

When the Anthony's are ready, they will hold a memorial service (or a funeral if Caylee's little body is found.) Until that time, I think it is highly presumptuous of the public at large to think their needs to memorialize the little girl usurps the family's need to continue to believe there is a chance she is alive.

No harm would come from waiting for the family to come around, but I can see harm coming from "forcing" the issue.

It's just incredibly poor taste, IMO.

I agree with you 100%!
Ok...we seem to go around and around with this. If we call it something different, would it be ok then? There are people down there in Orlando who would like to do SOMETHING. Think of them as first responders. They may actually NEED to do something. Let them handle this in their own way.

If they want to have a prayer vigil, I see nothing wrong with that. Most families would not feel right about the general public taking over the memorial service of their loved one. That is their time to honor and bid farewell to their loved one.
I have said this before but my kids have said and more recently because of the KC stuff, that they are more scared of me than they are of LE. That's a good one month I am going to have a step grandchild, he is 7 and I am going to love him like my own...protect him like my own. (He will be my first grandchild).

Pity no one in that family protected Caylee. :-(
You are right, of course, and you know it.

"O, be some other name!
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose,
By any other name would smell as sweet.
(Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, 1594.)

It is inherent in the nature of the service that was held today, that it was a memorial service. It was held for a child we know is dead. It was attended by loved ones and people of a greater community who cared for her. It honored her life. It had, therefore, the sweet smelling characteristics inherent to the rose. It is of these characteristics that we identify it and not by its name. Therefore, it was a memorial service; regardless of the name given by those in denial.

You are right, of course, and you know it.

"O, be some other name!
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose,
By any other name would smell as sweet.
(Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, 1594.)

It is inherent in the nature of the service that was held today, that it was a memorial service. It was held for a child we know is dead. It was attended by loved ones and people of a greater community who cared for her. It honored her life. It had, therefore, the sweet smelling characteristics inherent to the rose. It is of these characteristics that we identify it and not by its name. Therefore, it was a memorial service; regardless of the name given by those in denial.

Both beautiful and eloquent, Themis.
How can LP do this to Caylee? Never again will I watch anything with him in it. What right does he have to decide to have a memorial for that baby girl? He wants the spotlight. He took over the search Tim had, he is taking over with his memorial.

Well, LP has done SO much more than the family, to try to locate Caylee. He spent 50K to spring KC, and supported her position, until it became obvious by the forensic evidence that Caylee was dead in her mom's car.

And, the family hasn't moved to give her an appropriate memorial.

It's a perfect Catch-22. They will not memorialize, because they insist that she is alive. However, they also refuse to search, themselves. MOO

The standoff protects KC, they think, and ensures them continued attention.

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