How Do You See This Case Playing Out?

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While I don't know FL laws, I think eventually an attorney will use a mental defense. It's obvious that Casey isn't behaving like a normal mother or even a normal adult.

I hate to say it but I think you're right. She is mentally unstable.
I think Casey's 911 call about the protesters killed her mental defense. Casey is coherent. She is rational.

NONE of the people on death row got there for behaving normally.


That may be true but I'm pretty sure they are going to try like HE!!
There have been many murder cases successfully prosecuted without a body so I'm not sure why you think that couldn't happen in this case. We are not aware of what evidence they have which may show intent. She could have left evidence of planning, we just don't know now. I agree that what has been released doesn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt IMO.

I think Caylee will be found, it will be after Casey is in prison for the murder.
it's not that I don't think she is guilty - IMO she is but Casey has carried this " I don't know nothing about nothing" thing for a long time and I think with all the evidence that the public has seen against Casey (not to mention what we don't know that LE is holding back), And with the possibility that Caylle's body will be found before Casey is arrested - her attorney, Baez, has to know how bad it looks right now. All of Baez's quips and quotes to the media, acting and reacting like LE has nothing, IMO is nothing more than his job, defend my client, put up a "big show of Innocence" in reference to his client.
1) So, I think if it stays like it is right now with the current charges, yes it will go to court - but these charges aren't the big one, I think Casey will be chared with degree of Murder and that gets rid of option #1
2) Caylee's body is found, Casey will plead out by advise of her attorney
3) Casey is charged with some degree of Murder, Casey will plead out and give info to LE
I don't think Casey would want to face all of her "ex-friends" in court And remember, the only time I remember her showing any emotion was the 1st day in court when she found out she was going to jail - IMO once she is faced with the possibility of the death penalty or life plus 10 ,for instance, she will start talking and plead out

Casey is keeping her mouth shut because this is what her attorney told her to do.Remember she was talking a lot in the begining, all lies but she was talking. She is talking only to her attorney, her attorney knows where Caylee is. He is just trying to figure out a way so that he can make lot's of money on this case and also become a big time attorney. Name of his book :

" How to get away with Murder,
Keep your mouth shut"

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