How hopeful are you, really?

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DNA Solves


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Jan 21, 2013
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I guess this is kind of a pessimistic thread, but... I honestly don't think the we will ever know what really happened. I enjoy this forum and think everyone here is doing a great job in finding clues, figuring out evidence, etc and think this forum serves a great purpose. So please don't think I'm knocking the forum. I'm not!

But, it occured to me that even though I enjoy this forum...I really think this is a case where we will never know the real answers.

I don't know if its truly a case that will never be solved, OR, a case that was solved years ago but the public will never be allowed to know that information.
Either way, I really think WE as the public will never, ever know.

Now, that doesn't stop me from still wanting to sleuth!!!

But what do you really think in your heart of hearts- are we sleuthing a case that we'll never get closure on??
I believe there is a big piece missing, and I think that we will find it one day. I think that someone knows something and they are waiting for the right time to come forward.

I think the perpetrator of this crime has already faced final, eternal judgement - and the co-conspirator is walking free.

I think the Grand Jury might concur.....

MOO and all that jazz
I think the case was solved shortly after it happened. I think police and the DA know who did it, and because that person is not prosecutable, the case was never and will never be prosecuted. Colorado laws are designed in such a way as to prevent those who covered up the crime or aided and abetted in any way from being prosecuted as well IF in doing so it would reveal the identity of the legally protected guilty person. Kolar dances around it (because he has to), but it is plain to see the truth.
That being said- while I believe we will never see a trial, one day the truth WILL come out - publicly. Someone will slip up, someone will talk, someone will cave. And the world will know.
I don't think we will ever learn the truth. I don't think anyone will come out and say what happened.
The truth may come out years down the road. I'm old, so sadly it won't be in my lifetime.
I think the case was solved shortly after it happened. I think police and the DA know who did it, and because that person is not prosecutable, the case was never and will never be prosecuted. Colorado laws are designed in such a way as to prevent those who covered up the crime or aided and abetted in any way from being prosecuted as well IF in doing so it would reveal the identity of the legally protected guilty person. Kolar dances around it (because he has to), but it is plain to see the truth.
That being said- while I believe we will never see a trial, one day the truth WILL come out - publicly. Someone will slip up, someone will talk, someone will cave. And the world will know.


Hopefully your last point will come true.

I'd love to get my habds on Kolar's "theory of prosecution!"

Maybe one day he'll be the one who makes a deathbed confession revelation!
You got it right, we'll never know for sure. People will still be debating this case 100 years from now.
not hopeful AT ALL....
maybe something will happen many years from now on >>>a new chief of police,fresh pair of eyes in the DA office,a new cold case unit,etc

JB's killer/abuser will screw up again one day

these are the only options I can think of
Yes, I'm hopeful even though not a regular poster on the thread, but a longtime reader. After coming in years back actually thinking it could possibly have been an intruder, the great posters just pointed out evidence and never quit discussing. Now with Kolar's input even more is out there. There is still hope for something, but I'm not sure what or how long it might take.
Even after all this time passage since JB’s death, there are still insights here and connections made. Noone will face anything from the forum’s discussions. Yet given the media’s lack of research of the crime and subsequent whitewash of the participants, these discussions at least provide people who care, who are interested some ideas of what happened. Kolar felt revealing as much as he legally could was important too. And I truly applaud the integrity of his action. ST too. This crime involved the physically weakest person in that family.

Anyway you slice it, the safety of the R children was the adult R’s responsibility. What’s ironic is that the R’s who are left likely believe “they’re home free” now. But they created a lie they cannot escape from. Moo. They escaped the legal ramifications for their deeds, but no one escapes who they are inside. By not telling the truth of the tragic death of JB, they hurled a huge question mark above their own heads. Like that old hair coloring commercial, “Did she or didn’t she?” color her hair. Paraphrased, did JR or not, did BR or not, did PR or not participate in this homicide. There are people not related to the R’s who know more and one day, there will be additional information. Will we see a prosecution? Maybe not. But for one or both R’s, escaping prosecution doesn’t provide escape from internet opinion. Neither JR and now BR can live a life free from the cloud of what they created.

Remember this protest ( Reporters Committee objects to strict gag in Ramsey case The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press announced today that it protests the expansive gag order signed by the Chief Judge of the Boulder District Court on October 13, 1999, which threatens any member of the public with prosecution for contempt of court if he or she contacts a member of the discharged Boulder County Grand Jury that investigated the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

Guess one or more of the GJ agreed with the Reporters’ Committee in this.

And then there was this ( “For years, New Times editor Tony Ortega writes, a group of dedicated Internet sleuths at "Forums for Justice" has been trying to get word out that Tracey's documentaries are filled with errors and falsehoods.” I remain hopeful more will leak out. JMHO.
When I think of this case I think of Sacco and Vanzetti, the assassination of JFK, Sam Sheppard, OJ Simpson and the Lindbergh baby. Even Vince Foster to some extent.

For the most part those cases were investigated and/or tried in the public realm or media just like this case. Also there were way too many hands in the case and they were not in agreement most of the time, ditto this case. There was at least a little politics involved and justice fell to second place behind ego. Amazing similarities! :rockon:

I do not think there will be resolution without a confession. The forensic evidence is too weak, only good enough to support either a confession or eyewitness account.
Respectfully, this is a circumstantial case, not an eyewitness case.

It's a little hard to judge the strength or weakness of the evidence when only 10% of the evidence is in the public view. I'm hop'n for more leaks.
Due to my very strong belief that the murderer is dead and buried next to JonBenet, I have NO hope that justice will ever be served in this lifetime. It breaks my heart to say this, but I learned to live with the situation as it was and is and shall be a long time ago.

Respectfully, this is a circumstantial case, not an eyewitness case.

As a court case, yes it would probably be circumstantial evidence that linked the murderer to the crime.
However, this is a murder that took place in a house of 4 people where it's obvious there was clean up and manipulation of evidence. It's doubtful that was done by one person. Also, Burke is still an unknown. He's been so quiet I sometimes wonder if he has his own suspicions.

It's a little hard to judge the strength or weakness of the evidence when only 10% of the evidence is in the public view. I'm hop'n for more leaks.

I've never heard that. Where has that been verified?
As a court case, yes it would probably be circumstantial evidence that linked the murderer to the crime.
However, this is a murder that took place in a house of 4 people where it's obvious there was clean up and manipulation of evidence. It's doubtful that was done by one person. Also, Burke is still an unknown. He's been so quiet I sometimes wonder if he has his own suspicions.

I've never heard that. Where has that been verified?

There are 2 sources for the lack of evidence in the public domain. One is from LA (detective on the scene Dec. 26), in a 2006 interview with the Rocky Mountain News. She claimed that: 90 percent of the case details have not been disclosed accurately. So discard her percentage if you want, but MK was even more emphatic. He said to the Rocky Mountain News in 2001 the following: MK said that with more than half a dozen books published and two movies made about the case, people could assume they know everything there is to know about the murder - other than who did it, of course.

But, he said, such an assumption would be wrong.

There remain "dozens" of secrets, he said. "Absolutely. Dozens. And a lot of what the public thinks is fact is simply not fact."

So, I was figuring we don't know how much this case was really unprosecutable, and how much was simply AH not wanting to go up against the army of R lawyers. IIRC, AH only allowed for a GJ under pressure from the Governor. Some believe the R attorneys in CO may also have applied some kind of pressure on AH. We simply don't have all the facts. moo
I think the murderer has evaded justice, and is still alive and enjoying evading justice. I think he's the patriarch, I think he's powerful, and I think, sadly, he'll never be brought to justice.
I will never believe that this case never went to trial because they had all they needed but were afraid of the ramseys. It was a national case. I believe if they truly had enough, They would have charged them and convicted them. The fact that they were never charged, Never brought to trial says to me that something big is missing. Something we have no idea about.

I believe there is a piece out there somewhere that we will know one day. Just not yet. But we will.
The problem was and is that both parent's DNA and clothing fibers were all over the body.

No one could be certain which parent to charge or whether to charge one and the other as an accessory. The Ramseys didn't flip on each other, thus, the case is officially unsolved.
Steve Thomas's book is a very good source of info about this.

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