How long will the JA jury deliberate?

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How long will Jodi's jury deliberate?

  • Less than four hours

    Votes: 98 16.7%
  • One day

    Votes: 201 34.2%
  • Two days to a week

    Votes: 277 47.2%
  • Longer than a week

    Votes: 11 1.9%

  • Total voters
My answer depends on whether jm covered the order of the attack. Was it stab then shoot or shoot then stab? I can't keep up with the case in detail so I'm not sure about that point. It will take less time to convict her if a professional testified that it was stab then shoot.

Hi, fruity! -- The M.E. testified that he thought the gunshot wound was prolly last due to the lack of hemorrhage/blood loss that he would have expected when he examined the track of the bullet. He said TA was dead or near death -- due to previous blood loss from the other wounds -- when he was shot.

I imagine JM will go through the actual murder scenario like he is telling a story -- step by step. I think he will need to do it to refresh the jurors of the horror of what she actually did -- inter-spaced with his comments about "Is this self-defense? By this time, Travis was not able to walk due to blood loss. Why didn't she run out of the house, get in her car and leave? But no, she stabbed him several more times, and then she slit his throat. Finally, she shot him for good measure...." and like that. With pictures. The brutality will have to be shown again. "And what injuries did the defendant have?..." and so on... Grrrrrrrrrr.
I voted one day in my original post to this thread, and now that we know that the jury will have the case next Friday, I'm further convinced that we'll have a verdict by the end of that day. Just in time for the evening news shows and for the weekend. :) The jury will not want to return the following Monday morning. They will want a break before the sentencing phase of the trial. :moo:
I HOPE it's less than four hours but I could see it taking a couple days. They seem very thorough and I think even if they're all on the same page for the most part, they may want to go over all of the information they have. And who knows, there may be one hold-out. Hope not but it's possible.
They begin deliberations on a Friday so it's a little tricky. Will some to want to think it over during the weekend? I hope they come back with a verdict after lunch on Friday.
I am still a tiny bit concerned of the Judge's instructions. For some reason, a few jurors always take those instructions too "literally" so to speak. If there is just one who gets sidetracked by the instructions next week, then it could end up hung. Please let them use their common sense, too! Please? Please?? (desperate for justice for Travis).
During deliberation does JA just hang out at the jail? I guess the jail is close to the courthouse so it wouldn't take them long to transport her over. I think up until Friday she really thought this was a piece of cake. But...seeing she has deleted her tweets that were aimed at Juan and Nancy Grace, I think she is finally worried and realized her time is running out. I voted for 1 day because this jury deserves a big catered lunch and some very fattening desserts!!

I believe I remember when the defense for the hundredth time asked for a mistrail on grounds of misconduct by Juan Martinez, that JM asked the judge to instruct the defendent to stop tweeting to the public. Does anyone know if the judge did put a gag rule on the gagger (Jodi)? Or maybe the friend got the picture quick that it might be hurting Jodi and not so funny as the two idiots thought.
They begin deliberations on a Friday so it's a little tricky. Will some to want to think it over during the weekend? I hope they come back with a verdict after lunch on Friday.

IF it takes them more than five minutes, there is a problem. :)
Any ideas on when deliberations will start?

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I'm hoping there are no lesser included charges.

I think it will take the jurors more time to sift through and understand the verdict sheets and juror instructions than to reach an unanimous verdict.

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Any ideas on when deliberations will start?

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Friday May 3rd... No deliberations over the weekend...restart Monday

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I'll be surprised if they go over four hours. Well, unless they're waiting to have lunch first!:facepalm:


I'm sure as soon as they come in to read their verdict, JSS will stop them to for lunch break, then come back in, then out again for afternoon break...then some chambers stuff (Jodi will prob be hyperventilating so Nurmi will ask to go to chambers to discuss it with the judge), then they'll all come back...THEN oops it's 4:30 time to go...see you tomorrow 9:30 am please don't be late, but we will.
As much as I think the jury wants to "get on with it" and go home, I also think they will be relieved that they can FINALLY talk and deliberate, and eager to do so. I think they recognize that if/ when they find her guilty, they will have several days/ weeks of work and deliberations left to do, with penalty phase. I really think the jury is taking their job seriously. (At least, I really WANT to believe that!)

I believe that there will be very early agreement in their verdict, but also think that they will want/ need to decompress and "verify" their impressions against one another, discuss the trial evidence, testimony, etc.

So I think it will be anywhere from one day to a couple. They might want to "sleep on it" and come back together to re-affirm their unanimity. I DO hope they ask questions about the testimony and evidence before returning their verdict.
I voted one day in my original post to this thread, and now that we know that the jury will have the case next Friday, I'm further convinced that we'll have a verdict by the end of that day. Just in time for the evening news shows and for the weekend. :) The jury will not want to return the following Monday morning. They will want a break before the sentencing phase of the trial. :moo:

I tend to agree with the "Friday" angle, BDE. However, the judge could just say, ok, be here 0930 Monday morning for the beginning of penalty phase, right? I think they will get the weekend off no matter what!
I think they will decide quickly & I'm hoping we find out quickly bc I'll be going crazy and everyone at work is already scared that whatever happens, my reaction will be way over-the-top!!

That said, it'd be funny if they wanted to get even with JA and made her wait a loooooooooooooooooooong time to hear shes off to death row!! I wish they could SCREAM, "Guilty!!!" and then sit back and stare at her while sipping on strawberry fraps ;)
I voted less than 4 hours. I know if I were on that jury, I would not have to deliberate 5 minutes before I could return a verdict of GUILTY, Murder one. The prosecution has proved it's case to me beyond a SHADOW of a doubt, not just beyond a REASONABLE doubt.
If they get the case early enough on Friday, I am going with a Friday verdict. If it is late in the day and no deliberations on the weekend, I am going with first thing Monday morning.
I voted one day. I guess about 5-6 hours.
I tend to agree with the "Friday" angle, BDE. However, the judge could just say, ok, be here 0930 Monday morning for the beginning of penalty phase, right? I think they will get the weekend off no matter what!

I'm sure that the DT has already begun preparations for the penalty phase in anticipation of the worst case scenario - that Jodi is convicted of 1st degree premeditated murder, but they might not be ready to proceed with their case immediately on Monday morning. I figure that they will need at least a couple of days to plan and prepare this part of their case. :moo:

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