How much does Jeremy know?

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So are you saying anything that comes from msm, a talking head, or show host should be taken as a fact when there is nothing to back it up? Especially what someone (mk) who for a fact has misreported/misstated information about this case? Mk first priority is ratings, not accurately report the news. She's not a news anchor or reporter.

MK is on a news network. Ratings are going to be the same no matter what MK reports. The news media must abide by a code of ethics. Misreporting about a person's character can result in a defamation lawsuit. The parents are represented by attorneys. Have they demanded a retraction or clarification?

How many excuses have to made for Lisa'sparents? Talk show hosts don't like them. There is a reason for that. When the media turns on you, it is probably because you have done something that is frowned upon by society. In this case, we have two people that refuse to be interviewed, are not pleading for Lisa's return and are in hiding from the public

cbm + bbm = or they aren't spilling their guts to them like they would like.
I've seen cases disappear from the web before. Sometimes an attorney can make them vanish from view. It is all part of rehabilitating their client. Nowadays, they even hire people to post on social networking sites.

To say Megan Kelly got it wrong but believe Deborah Bradley tells the truth is quite a leap IMO. MK is not the first reporter to not like DB or JI. They all don't have it wrong. It seems to be most all are suspicious of the parents. When you see this in the reporting, it is likely a very good reason they have their they have better sources than we do.

As far as JI drinking, my money is on he does. It may be the reason he excuses DB for drinking and getting sloshed while watching his children. He doesn't see any wrong in it. A person who didn't drink and found out the sitter was passed out drunk while watching the children, and one got stolen would be pizzad to high heaven...not Jeremy. He supports DB.

Something is wrong with his loyalty.

The 'case' didn't disappear, it's just the wrong person. Seriously...are you saying that attorneys can obliterate a charge off of case net at their own convenience?? If we were making that assumption regarding JT you would be calling us all gullible -- not buying it.

We know there is no doubt doubt in your mind that D&J are evil personified, but there is no need to create or condone false info.
The media doesn't need DB or JI. Quite the opposite. I have no respect for Joe T. and I have no respect for parents who use him to hide behind. This case is done. The parents don't care and most of the public has forgotten about the case. There are many other sick parents to follow who have harmed their need to follow this case exclusively. If the parents don't care, neither should we...imo.
The 'case' didn't disappear, it's just the wrong person. Seriously...are you saying that attorneys can obliterate a charge off of case net at their own convenience?? If we were making that assumption regarding JT you would be calling us all gullible -- not buying it.

We know there is no doubt doubt in your mind that D&J are evil personified, but there is no need to create or condone false info.

Yes, attorneys can get records sealed. I've seen it done in other cases.
I don't see how pointing out that it was a different Jeremy Irwin who has a DUI is defending the real JI. It's not relevant to the case at all, so we should throw out that rumor. Having a discussion about this mythical DUI is what the Irwins would want since it distracts us from the actual case.

I also don't understand how asking for clarification for statements about the Irwins' supposed control over the media and the Internet is defending them. Personally, I think they are guilty and I hate reading posts that make this average couple sound like they are something special.

Frankly, the irwins and bradleys get too much attention. They are parents who don't give a hoot. I stand by my first impression that something is very wrong with these two...and they are not telling the truth.

I think DB is an alcoholic and JI hasn't give too much insight into his character and his family is silent. He can't be too right in the head if he chooses to stand behind a person who claims to be sloshed and lost his daughter.
The 'case' didn't disappear, it's just the wrong person. Seriously...are you saying that attorneys can obliterate a charge off of case net at their own convenience?? If we were making that assumption regarding JT you would be calling us all gullible -- not buying it.

We know there is no doubt doubt in your mind that D&J are evil personified, but there is no need to create or condone false info.

I guess MK and I can expect a lawsuit form the innocent victims of a home invasion and kidnapping on Lister Ave.
... :waiting:
The Question is, How much does Jeremy know? The answer is a hell of a lot more then we do.

o/t So sad to see a beautiful highly educated woman (law degree) beat up the way she is.
..megyn kelly mentioned it in her interview w/ judge jeanineP.

--part 2 ---@ approx. 4:12--

megyn: " I did ask them (DB and JI) if there was any history of domestic violence or any reports of that, "no", any arrests between them? the father was convicted of a DUI a few years ago."

MK phrases it imo more like she's reporting things that DB and JI said to her than things that her researcher dug up on Casenet but who knows.
I've pretty much given up on this case mostly because the parents don't seem to care about Lisa - they lawyered up, stopped cooperating with LE, defended DB's actions ("adult time"), stopped pleading for their child's safe return. Neither parent is a sympathetic character: It's seems that they want this to just go away, and they act as if Lisa never existed.

As to what Jeremy knows - whatever Deborah has chosen to tell him. He's sticking to the story to save face, keep his son, and cover DB's azz. I believe that this is the reason that they refuse to be interviewed separately: Jeremy simply parrots whatever DB says and would probably mess things up if he were questioned without her sitting beside him. She's got the guy by the ba!!s, and JI is too much of a wuss to realize it. jmo
MK is on a news network. Ratings are going to be the same no matter what MK reports. The news media must abide by a code of ethics. Misreporting about a person's character can result in a defamation lawsuit. The parents are represented by attorneys. Have they demanded a retraction or clarification?


If it comes to pass that they are cleared, they may attempt this (it's been done in past cases), but the odds of them winning a defamation lawsuit would be slim to none. MK's producers are not fact checking every single little tidbit of info that comes there way, this has already been highlighted in the past. So when she comes out with a 'shocking' revelation, it turns out a lot of times it's nothing of the sort, it's just a rumor.
If it comes to pass that they are cleared, they may attempt this (it's been done in past cases), but the odds of them winning a defamation lawsuit would be slim to none. MK's producers are not fact checking every single little tidbit of info that comes there way, this has already been highlighted in the past. So when she comes out with a 'shocking' revelation, it turns out a lot of times it's nothing of the sort, it's just a rumor.

highlighted? what does that infer/imply?
The Question is, How much does Jeremy know? The answer is a hell of a lot more then we do.

Snipped and RBBM: Ya got that right !! :seeya:

Now ... what I would like to know is this :

IF Jeremy had "nothing" to do with Lisa's "disappearance" -- except for covering up ...

WHAT does Deborah have "ON HIM" that she got Jeremy to jump to her demands ? :waitasec:

MOO ...
Snipped and RBBM: Ya got that right !! :seeya:

Now ... what I would like to know is this :

IF Jeremy had "nothing" to do with Lisa's "disappearance" -- except for covering up ...

WHAT does Deborah have "ON HIM" that she got Jeremy to jump to her demands ? :waitasec:

MOO ...

Or maybe he just believes her story. I'd love to hear of some other case where the spouse/SO had nothing to do with it and just 'went along' with their SO killing their child. I'm sure it's happened but I can't think of one.

Maybe he doesn't know anything because he doesn't want to know. Remember, it's not just him that stands beside her, it all of that family, even the ones on his side who have no obligation to her (they are not married and have no relational ties). Does DB have something on all of these people?
In the beginning, I thought that Jeremy knew nothing. That has changed as I think about this case. I believe that whatever happened to Lisa involved BOTH parents and this is why they seem to be protecting each other and refuse to be separated. I now believe that Jeremy knows everything that DB does.
JI knows his Pumpkin Pie is missing from his home . . .
JI knew he was going to be at work that night.

JI knew JB was going to be out of his home that night.

JI knew DB was going to be partaking in "adult time."

I think JI might know more than DB.

I think he knows nobody came through that window.

I think he knows why the phones are missing.
I could see Jeremy covering for one of the boys (particularly his own biological son). If he came home and called 911 before getting DB's "story", it is possible that after he called 911 DB told him that one of the boys somehow had a hand in Lisa's death.

However, I have trouble making this scenario work, largely because I think if either one of the boys did kill Lisa (either accidentally or on purpose), LE would have figured that out when they interviewed the boys. Little kids like that would not be able to hide the truth from LE.
What if JI had something to do with getting rid of the phones? Not the baby, but just the phones.

IIRC, there's info that the phones were accessed just before JI came home, but no solid info about exactly when they stopped pinging entirely. Perhaps DB convinced him to get rid of the phones after they discovered baby was missing.

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