How Will the ANTHONY FAMILY react?

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If I had just found out that my grand-daughter is dead, without a doubt, then I would have to be picked up and helped to some quiet place to mourn. I would not be able to stop crying. I cannot understand how anyone who just found that out, could be composed enough to make a deal to appear on Larry King Live the next night, and discuss something so horrible. What are these people made of???? What are their main concerns????

Snips and snails and fake nanny tales! That's what the A's are made of!
Cindy will probably say something like...

"There was duct tape on Caylee's mouth so that proves that she was kidnapped because Casey would NEVER do anything to hurt that little girl"


"That area was already searched and cleared and Casey has been in jail so she could not have placed Caylee there. The kidnappers must have planted Caylee there to frame Casey."


"Casey has maintained from day one that she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and all this does is reaffirm our faith in her"


" There is still no proof that Caylee is dead. Until LE shows me something concrete I'm still going to search for a LIVE Caylee. I owe her that much."

You know what, you are right! That is exactly what CA will say. OMG she will say that THAT AREA has been cleared and KC is being framed! That sounds just like her!!
Casey is positioned to maintain a defensive stance.

GA and Ca have gotten a lawyer to help them.

When I heard CA say on LKL that there is no motive and they haven't a motive, she is forgetting that in a way she claimed a motive when in her MY SPACE posting that Casey had a problem with jealousy and that keeping Caylee from her was based on jealousy. She also had sent an email also about Casey not letting her see Caylee. The motive is tied to their relationship. That is hard for Cindy to manage now that it is clear, Casey had the power.

Looking at that dynamic it is certain that Casey will have to look for elements to blame.
It will be easier to blame the family than continue with the ZFG BS. She might try. She will blame CA's controlling pressures perceived all along. The lies will get stranger.

So how will CA defend. What position will she take relative to the relationship with Casey when it is a fact she knew Casey had a problem with jealousy? Why go on LKL so soon? If LE is interested in tying in any obstruction issues with the two of them have they been prepared for that???What is it that CA can not deny?

How can the two of them get out from under the lies if Casey refuses to change her stories? If Casey comes up with "stuff" about them, then they will have to be on the defensive.

What is stronger, Casey wanting freedom without Caylee to roam the Orlando area, or her jealousy of CA's relationship with Caylee? In either case, Caylee was still an obstacle and frustration for Casey that she could not handle in a mature way.

ITA, Bookworm. KC is now positioned to start throwing everyone she knows under the bus, family included. Lest we forget, it is all about KC, in her pathetic mind. I will be curious to see what stance CA takes when KC starts to accuse either LA or GA of abuse, physical and/or sexual. Is she going to stand by KC if, say, KC accuses LA of sexual abuse, as has been reported in the doc dumps? Or will she defend LA, her other child? Which way will she spin it? Is one child a liar or is the other a deviant? Either way, her perfect little bubble that she lives in is going to pop!
Cindy will probably say something like...

"There was duct tape on Caylee's mouth so that proves that she was kidnapped because Casey would NEVER do anything to hurt that little girl"

This is brilliant, and we will be hearing this tomorrow night on LKL


"That area was already searched and cleared and Casey has been in jail so she could not have placed Caylee there. The kidnappers must have planted Caylee there to frame Casey."

Again, never mind science which will tell how long Caylee has been dead


"Casey has maintained from day one that she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and all this does is reaffirm our faith in her"

This is one of those sentences that CA utters that makes you go, "Huh?"


" There is still no proof that Caylee is dead. Until LE shows me something concrete I'm still going to search for a LIVE Caylee. I owe her that much."

CA, GA you've just learned your granddaughter is dead, what are you gonna do? WE'RE GOING TO LARRY KING LIVE!
Great post, Mollie!! Welcome to WS!

The absurdity of their actions and words just take on a life all of its own, doesn't it?!
Death in general is hard to *move on from*. Unexpected death, specifically a life lost from a murderous act (self inflicted or otherwise) compounds the grieving process to say the least. When you add to this such a young victim, personally ... I can only imagine.

I can speak from exp. here when I say that grief can make you feel, and act, in unimaginable ways. I have compassion for Caylee's entire family, truly! I will not however, allow my compassion to discolor fact's. I am human, this is not my child or, my grandchild that I have lost. I am outraged and humbled!

In spite of that, I too will now journey towards acceptance, and yes even forgiveness (at some point I hope). That is how I choose to honor Caylee.

Agree with you whole-heartedly, especially when the loss is a young person, it is very different feelings. I do not care for their actions but believe they are both very intelligent and while their actions and re-actions seem odd, it seems in their heart of hearts they have suspected all along the way, just "working thru their own process of acceptance". I think they differ from SP's parents though on the surface it appears similar reactions... their's is very very different under the surface that "we" the public see.

God Bless you Sweet, Sweet Caylee, may you always fly with the angels, very sad (appears to be) end to a life of a beautiful child. :(
You find out that the remains of your only granddaughter have most likely been found, down the road from your house, your house is surrounded with crime scene tape, police are all over your house under a search warrant, your only daughter is all alone jail and what do you do? Book LKL. If they are really going to appear on the show tonight, they are both certifiable. This is an outrage.
The Anthony's will continue to follow in the Peterson's foot steps, blaming everything on everyone but the obvious. They will say sloppy police work, the body was planted, the babysitter did it, etc. They won't take any responsibility nor will they hold Casey accountable for anything. JMO

I agree.

I feel sorry for their loss, but they won't accept that their daughter did it. And that makes me angry, but at least justice will come for Caylee now.

So, in essence, I don't care what they think anymore. They can't ruin the outcome of justice. I HOPE they question their daughter's motives and come to some reasoning in their mind that MAYBE their daughter could be responsible. But, I think forever there will be some "kidnappers" who did this to Caylee in their eyes, which is sad.

Well, maybe just Cindy and not George....
You find out that the remains of your only granddaughter have most likely been found, down the road from your house, your house is surrounded with crime scene tape, police are all over your house under a search warrant, your only daughter is all alone jail and what do you do? Book LKL. If they are really going to appear on the show tonight, they are both certifiable. This is an outrage.

I strongly hope that they will cancel and back out of the LKL appearance. Not likely, I know. Though I think my head will explode if I have to hear any more about Casey's innocence.
Not sure how they will react. I do HOPE though that we finally get some sort of emotion for the loss of Caylee and that they stop defending the person who put them and most of the world through this.

I cant imagine the pain and heartbreak they will feel when this finally does hit them.
I totally think the A's will say KC was framed. I remember hearing in one of the taped jail visits that CA asked KC if someone was threatening their family and KC broke down in tears (fake tears, IMO) and CA asked her one more time and KC said, "Just leave it at that Mom."

I think this will be the next strategy they'll try. KC was framed. Someone killed Caylee and dumped the body by the A's home.

I think the A's will stand by her-they've stood by her all this time and I believe they knew that Caylee was gone. It was CA who said, "We lost her." meaning Caylee. I wonder if they thought-well Caylee is gone, we should try to save KC. I don't know how to think like they do....

I wish the A's would just tell her they don't believe her lies anymore and they want justice for Caylee, but I doubt this would affect KC very much. She'd probably continue with her lies and charade, saying how everyone deserted her and everyone is lying but her and on and on. I don't think her parents lack of support would cause her to own up to what she's done. I doubt she'll ever admit any guilt. She is too self absorbed-it's all about her.
Cindy will probably say something like...

"There was duct tape on Caylee's mouth so that proves that she was kidnapped because Casey would NEVER do anything to hurt that little girl"


"That area was already searched and cleared and Casey has been in jail so she could not have placed Caylee there. The kidnappers must have planted Caylee there to frame Casey."


"Casey has maintained from day one that she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and all this does is reaffirm our faith in her"


" There is still no proof that Caylee is dead. Until LE shows me something concrete I'm still going to search for a LIVE Caylee. I owe her that much."

Very good prediction. Sad to say, but it's pretty easy to foresee a lot of what CA will do.

So the A's maintain that Zanny kidnapped Caylee even last night on LK. So if you think the remains of your "kidnapped" granddaughter have been found wouldn't you go straight to the jail to comfort your "innocent" daughter. But the A's don't make an appointment to see their daughter at the jail tomorrow, instead they make an appointment with LK.
I feel for everyone who loses a loved one but the A's continue to disgust me with their need to be in front of a camera.

I thought about this as well when I heard the news about the discovery. If my kid was jailed for murdering her child but was innocent, and then the remains of the child were found, NOTHING could stop me from immediately rushing to jail to comfort her and cry, etc., cameras and surveillance be damned!
But, they won't, because they do know casey is guilty.

So, how do I feel about the Anthonys? Do I hate them? Have anger? I admit that their actions have been amazing and infuriating at times, but I think there are reasons that explain why they are they way they are that still leave room for compassion. Some of those reasons I learned listening to and watching them interact with casey in jailhouse calls and visits.
Watching the jailhouse videos was an especially strange experience. Psychologists would have a field day analyzing the interactions. What did I see? I saw people whose gut told them KC killed their grandchild/niece, but who quickly swapped the gut feeling for extreme denial, because they cannot face that their sweet Caylee is dead, because they cannot face that their casey is a murderer, because they cannot face the shame that one of their own could have done something so bad, because they could not face the shame of having the perfect picture of their family that they portayed to the public, dismantled, and the truth about who they are, exposed, and because they could not face the guilt that their own actions may have prompted casey to kill Caylee. But, nothing is black and white.
For that reason, yes, the denial is very strong with this family and loyalty to each other, but so is love for Caylee. So, I saw competing motivations coloring these video visits.
Denial lead the bizarre attempts to get "information" they could use to conduct thier own investigation and find the child. However, love for Caylee and a distrust of casey lead the questions at times too, like when CA seemed to try to trap casey in a lie, or when she seemed to plead for mercy, "We need Caylee home before her birthday!" Or, when GA seemed to try to use guilt to get casey to tell them where the child was: When he spoke about little Caylee and the family hand, etc. It seemed he tried to inspire feelings of sorrow and pity in casey. At times, this family really seemed to genuinely want casey to tell the truth.
Then, at other times, competing once again with the denial and the love for the child, there was loyalty to, and protectiveness of casey. Sure, they had a gut feeling and they love Caylee, but she is gone and casey is what they still have. I feel this family will do everything to protect her, even if it is at the expense of trying to get information that could have helped to find baby Caylee.
So, how can I feel any compassion at all? Well, I do. Because it appears very obvious that this is a very dysfunctional family (families that create murderers often are) and that affects how they react to this tragedy and circle the wagons. I also do not think these are the brightest people in the world and that may affect their reactions as well. But most important, they were/are faced with the worst tragedy a person can face - the loss of a child! That can make people go absolutely cuckoo, especially those who already have emotional problems.
They do remind me of SP's family, but unlike that family, the Anthonys actually knew the grandchild they lost. They raised her, they cared for her, they tried to protect her, even from her own mother (remember CA apparently talking about trying to get custody and her pleading MySpace message for her lost little girl? Remember GA's bank account for the baby that he diligently put funds into?) and most of all, they LOVED her.
I don't think anything they could have done would have made casey tell a thing. So, it does not make much of a difference in this case that they appear to have enabled their horrid daughter in keeping quiet. The bottom line is that these dysfunctional people, with all the flaws they have, are human. And six months ago, they lost the one thing that WAS perfect about their family: Little Caylee.
I have lost one very close and dear to me recently and I would never wish that feeling on anyone. These people are very alone right now and even though they will no doubt continue to do and say more to make us angry, I'm going to try to maintain compassion for them because, the fact that they may not have done the right thing every step of the way during this sad case, does not relieve me of my responsibility to do the right thing now.
Thus, my prayers go out to them along with the hope that they can get through this safely, sanely, and without doing more to alienate the public whose so support they so desperately need.
We must remember that it was because of CA's persistence and love that the investigation finally began and it was because of GA that casey was indicted. Yes, they have not done the right thing all the time, but they do not deserve this terrible loss.
IMO it doesn't really matter if they face the facts or not.I truly don;t care one way or the other. It is unimportant to anyone except them. their belief in KC's innocence will not impact a jury or a judge and those are about the only people that matter now as far as KC is concerned.
I don't need the Anthony's to see it any particular way to honor Caylee.:blowkiss:

Agreed. I do feel so very sorry for them right now but your right it doesnt matter what they think. Caylee was loved and will continue to be. I know she has made an impact in my life and I will never forget her!!!
I strongly hope that they will cancel and back out of the LKL appearance. Not likely, I know. Though I think my head will explode if I have to hear any more about Casey's innocence.

I hope they do too. And I agree about "head exploding" after hearing George lie last time I was so mad I had to log off and go take a shower to relax.:furious:
IMO when it can be proven to them that Caylee is dead, we will see a change in the A's Lee will be the first one to come around, he has distanced himself already I think from the craziness and I hope he has a good support system.
When reality does manage to break the door down for Cindy I do worry about what she and George might do.
Not only have they lost Caylee, they have lost their extended family also with all of this and their daughter will be locked up (I hope) for the rest of her life.
Now we will see what Casey does, will she throw her parents and brother under the bus? IMO she will not be happy about her mother having a "cameo" on LKL and she will do anything she can to bring her down. Casey will do or say anything to get what she wants and will still be wanting to have control.
Casey has dangled the "Caylee will be back soon" in front of her mother all this time and Cindy has chosen to hold onto that rather than accept reality. Now reality will be very hard on her. How can someone deal with this?
I hope there are people around them who can help, their pastor, professional councelors etc, help and guidance is needed big time however it has to be up to them to accept that help. I hope they don't end up going on Dr Phil!
If Cindy is reading here I would like to tell her that I am sorry, I am so sorry that all of this has happened, no one wanted this to be the outcome but we can't change it no matter how hard we try. Now be Caylee's voice, work to find out the truth of what happened to her and fight for the justice she deserves!

I strongly hope that they will cancel and back out of the LKL appearance. Not likely, I know. Though I think my head will explode if I have to hear any more about Casey's innocence.

I totally agree. I fear they will go with the Zanny and gang killed Caylee and are attempting to frame poor KC scenario and broadcast it endlessly until trial time. I really hope they reconsider the LKL interview. I am normally a very compassionate and tender hearted person and I have dug deep to try to find some empathy and compassion for them as the grandparents of a beautiful little girl that they will never see or hold again. Sadly, any tiny bit of sympathy I manage to dredge up is short lived.
I strongly hope that they will cancel and back out of the LKL appearance. Not likely, I know. Though I think my head will explode if I have to hear any more about Casey's innocence.

I too hope that the A's will cancel the LKL interview. It seems to me that if they loved Caylee so much, that the finding of her body would be devastating to them and that they would be in no shape to do such an interview. I know that I would be unconsolable and would probably need to be sedated initially

The fact that they are supposedly doing the LKL show tells me that they (deep in their hearts) have known that Caylee was dead a long time ago and their public appearances of late have just been an act to help protect Casey by trying to raise reasonable doubt in people's minds. LKL is one more attempt at damage control to convince people that Casey did not do this terrible thing. Sadly it makes me feel that Caylee, or the memory of her at least, is the one being thrown under the bus. It is kind of like "Caylee is gone" so now it is all just about saying Casey. JMO
My heart also breaks fom the Anthonys too. History is filled with family members declaring the innocence of their guilty loved ones. Perfectly natural.

Dr. Bethany Marshall says that CA is most likely in a state of pathological denial stemming from deep-seated fear that her fight with KC on the 15th led to Caylee's death.

I think George knows the truth and is just trying to keep everyone from falling apart and is just being codependent to CA's denial.

The entire Anthony family (save KC) have my sympathy and prayers. They LOVED Caylee. They LOVED her.

I pointedly just refuse to be angry at anyone excpt KC. I see her family as her victims too.

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