Huckaby defense seeks second Sandra Cantu autopsy

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Hi KK! I seem to remember Scott Peterson's team examining the bodies, although I don't know if that was considered a second autopsy. I believe there was a second autopsy also done on Caylee Anthony. But in both cases there hadn't been a burial yet I believe.

I read this story this morning and it really made me angry. I guess I shouldn't be surprised or shocked at the request. I am hoping the original autopsy was documented completely and there will be no need to exhume Sandra.

IIRC, the defense was allowed to examine the remains of Lacy and her baby, but I don't believe they had been buried yet. So I don't believe the bodies had been released to the famlly, though again, it's been a long time and I may be wrong on this.
I haven't noticed any precedence wherein the defense gets to conduct their own autopsy.

Think of how that would go....

What victim and his/her family wouldn't feel doubly violated if defendants all got to demand their own autopsies. Once a precedence is set, it opens a floodgate. Graveyards all over opening up.

What's next? Defendants get to do physical GYN exams on rape victims?

I don't think this is going to happen.

This attorney isn't doing his/her job. He/she is asking to RAPE THE VICTIM AGAIN. Bastid.

Just put the words second autopsy into search and you may be surprised how often it is done. There are several pages on it. I think the question the defense may have is about the rape. I hope this is done right, and if there needs to be a second autopsy, it won't hurt Sandra. I think Melissa H did this but do not think she was the only one involved. I think she might be protecting someone. I hope the total truth comes out.
The most recent case was that of Caylee Anthony. A second autopsy was requested, fought over, and given to the defense. The defense then took her body and held her for an extended (IMO, inappropriate) period of time which meant the accused killer/mother had complete control over the victim's remains. I honestly felt like Caylee was being held hostage and revictimized by the accused killer in that case.

But again, the family was Caylee's family and the defendant's family, so no one was complaining on behalf of Caylee, since the grandparents are defending Casey as innocent. So maybe that's an issue.

I doubt that Sandra's parents would find this acceptable and not be devastated by it.
Oh, I really hope it will be denied, oceanblueeyes! I really value your opinion and have seen that you are usually right!


I certainly hope so too.

It would be like re-victimizing Sandra to disturb her from her final resting place.

For quite awhile I have had such a queasy uneasy feeling that this is even worse than any of us can imagine. I keep thinking about the words of Sgt. S. when he said that Sandra had no VISABLE signs of trauma. The police are so guarded with their words but I just get the most sickening feeling the trauma that may have contributed to her death was INTERNAL.

And that is why the defense knows they must find hired experts to refute the MEs conclusions and cause of death, imo.

This reminds me of another case where the defense team demanded the right to the crime scene DURING the time LE was processing the scene. It was a failed attempt only staged for publicity as they knew darn well they had no right to request such a thing!

Oh, that was the Phil Spector murder, right?

Yeah, that was a big brouhaha. Spector's getting used to his new digs now. :clap:
Huckaby was arrested Friday night. She was arraigned on Tues. Given that Saturday and Sunday are not court days, exactly what do you consider "timely"?

There was no delayed request.

An arrestee has to be arraigned (or first court appearance) within 72 hours of arrest. MH was read her charges on Monday. She was arrested late Friday evening and in court on Tuesday. This was indeed 'timely' as the weekends do not count.
It sure makes me feel that the autopsy report is as bad as it can get concerning Melissa's guilt and the damage done to Sandra by her.

I think it will be denied. They will be given access to all of the photos, analysis and all the tissue samples taken for forensic testing. The state has to leave enough for the defense to let their own expert run their own testing.

I don't think this is going anywhere.


I agree with this Ocean. Though I'm not a criminal attorney, it seems to me that second autopsies are not necessary to a defense. The ME is supposed to be a NEUTRAL expert whose findings are to be examined and used by BOTH sides. The only time second autopsies are necessary is when there is an issue with the coroner or new evidence has surfaced much later which may put into question results of the first autopsy. For example, in some Muchausen Syndrom by Proxy cases where the mother is killing all her babies, during inital deaths, the coronoer may have no reason to suspect murder and that affects his findings. After several subsequent deaths, there is reason to dig deeper and so a second autposy is ordered. I don't see anything like that here. There is no reason to believe the coroner did not do his or her job perfectly.

Plausible. It's still his word against hers. However it does shed a little light on the subject and if proven would indicate a pathological trend.

Many innocent "witches" were burned at the stake with this same mentality years ago... let's wait for the evidence to surface before we light the match ok?

At WS, we vent. It is a place for us to express our opinions. No one on here has ever tried to organize a mob to go burn a witch or lynch a suspect. In general, I feel we all respect the legal system but as we are not jurors, we are allowed to form an opinion based on what info we have. That is what we are doing here. In fact, I think our opinions may prove valuable to either side of a case because they represent a microcosm of what the public at large thinks. That is helpful to determing strategy for both sides.
Look, I'm angry as he!! and I think I have a right to be. Someone precious was taken from us. I have no reason to think that LE has not and is not doing their job in a completely professional manner. I don't think they honed in on MH until she inserted herself into the case. I trust they have the evidence they need and that the right person was arrested.

The medical examiner who does the autopsy is a scientist, as well as a medical doctor. Asking for a second autopsy would be paramount to calling the ME corrupt and/or incompetent. Without SOMETHING to base that upon, some ACTUAL EVIDENCE, I don't see this happening. It will take a judge agreeing to violate the victim and her family again, as well as calling the medical examiner's skill and honesty into question.

And as I said, a precedent of just letting a defendant have access to the body just in case would open up legal issues that would have victims' families rioting in the streets, as every convicted killer would be asking for the same on appeal.

Think of the expense to the government, as well. Bodies of victims will have to be held indefinitely in the morgue because the cost of burying and digging up and re-burying bodies would be enourmous. Morgues would overflow....

I will be shocked if this happens. It would be extremely stupid, and most judges don't want to be known for being stupid.

Bump. Well said, totally agree.
There was an exhumation done in the case of Drew Peterson's ex-wife several years after her burial. Most exhumations and second autopsies are the result of new evidence coming to light to bring into question the first autopsy.

I think asking for a second autopsy to be performed on Sandra does go against the standard when the first has not been completed or if there is no known reason for it to be called into question already (my opinion only).

Makes sense to me when there's a possibility of more evidence, but not when they JUST completed the first autopsy and JUST buried the victim. I seriously hope that the judge will NOT allow this kind of circus in this case... :hand:
I have no problem with the SA's office going after her if she doesn't take a deal or offer a full confession. I want them to go after the perp with guns blazing and all their ducks in a row which in this case...I believe they have both. They have the ammo and the ducks are standing at attention.

ITA SS, If there ever was a case where LE held their ducks close to their vest as they lined them up all in a row, this one is one of the tightest I've seen except for the Michelle Young case.

Furthermore LE was greatly assisted by the accused as she handed ammo to them on a silver platter, almost to say come and get me if you can!
Oh, that was the Phil Spector murder, right?

Yeah, that was a big brouhaha. Spector's getting used to his new digs now. :clap:
No, it came from the Casey A. dream team. They stood in the street at the site while LE was still processing it and kvetched to the media about not being allowed access to the dump site during the investigation. It was ridiculous, imo.
Yes and her family supported it.

I am trying to remember back about some of these instances where the body was exhumed and so far the ones I can recall the family of the deceased person gave their permission or was in agreement with the state to have it exhumed.

I cannot see that happening with the Chavez/Cantu family.

Here is a CNN transcript of the Anthony case where the issues of the second autopsy was being discussed. I believe the judge had denied it at this point, but differing points of view are expressed:

Here is a timeline page where it lists the issue of the second autopsy in the Anthony case being denied:

Tuesday, Dec. 16

2:25 p.m.
Judge Stan Strickland denies the defense's request for photos, drawings and videos from the discovery site. He also says the request for a second autopsy is moot because the first autopsy has not yet been complete.
Here is a CNN transcript of the Anthony case where the issues of the second autopsy was being discussed. I believe the judge had denied it at this point, but differing points of view are expressed:

Here is a timeline page where it lists the issue of the second autopsy in the Anthony case being denied:

Tuesday, Dec. 16

2:25 p.m.
Judge Stan Strickland denies the defense's request for photos, drawings and videos from the discovery site. He also says the request for a second autopsy is moot because the first autopsy has not yet been complete.

Thank you, KoldKase!!!

Judge Stan Strickland is one smart judge!

I do hope the judge in Sandra's case will hold the same standard!
I do hope MH's defense attorney is not another Baez. I just do not want this to turn into another circus like little Caylee's case has.

Does anyone local know anything about him?
Here is a more detailed article on the defense request. Apparently he is trying to find evidence there was no rape, or that the rape wasn't committed by Huckaby, no doubt to remove the death penalty from the table.

Defense request to disinter body on hold

By Scott Smith
Record Staff Writer
April 17, 2009 6:00 AM

STOCKTON - A judge refused to rule on a request Thursday by Melissa Huckaby's attorney to have 8-year-old Sandra Cantu's body removed from her Tracy mausoleum so the defense could conduct its own autopsy.

San Joaquin County Deputy Public Defender Sam Behar's request - drawing the judge's reproach and sharp opposition from the prosecutor - unfolded in a Stockton courtroom the same afternoon thousands of mourners gathered in Tracy to remember Sandra's short life.

San Joaquin County Superior Court Presiding Judge William J. Murray Jr. said he would not make a final determination on Behar's motion, because that decision rests with the judge assigned to the case.

Murray said he was disappointed Behar approached him and not Superior Court Judge Terrence Van Oss, who has been assigned to take up Huckaby's case next Friday.

Behar said Van Oss is not on the bench this week, and he also expects Van Oss to dismiss himself because of a conflicting case with Huckaby's prosecutor. Behar said he couldn't wait and had no choice but to ask Murray.

"Every hour is critical," Behar told the judge, adding that he's worried Sandra's body is deteriorating. "Any delay will be prejudicial to my client."


Behar's request came the day after he was assigned to represent Huckaby, the 28-year-old Tracy woman charged with murder and the special circumstances of kidnapping, lewd and lascivious acts on a child, and rape with a foreign object - charges that make her eligible for the death penalty if convicted.

Sandra's body was placed in a casket even before Huckaby's arrest. Behar, who was later assigned to Huckaby's case, implied that the autopsy was conducted without Huckaby's interests being represented.

Most homicide cases involve a single, independent pathologist's report such as the one performed by the San Joaquin County Coroner's Office.

Behar said in the 14-page request that he wants his own analysis of "genital trauma" Sandra allegedly sustained that supports the lewd and lascivious acts and sexual penetration charges.

Behar seeks to have the Sheriff's Office send officials to Fry Memorial Chapel, who would then take custody of Sandra's body, which was entombed Wednesday at the Tracy Mausoleum.

The Sheriff's Office would "preserve" and "deliver" the body to the Coroner's Office "with all due haste" to prevent further deterioration. Behar's defense pathologist would examine and then return the body to Fry's or Sandra's family, the court motion requests.

"In this case, Ms. Cantu's body is of such material evidence and that, without immediate intervention by this court, her defense will be prejudiced," Behar's motion says.

This is the last chance Huckaby's defense pathologist will ever have an opportunity to refute the people's case, the motion says. Huckaby was not in court for the hearing. Behar declined to comment further outside court.

Put off by Murray, Behar has two options: to make his case before the state's 3rd District Court of Appeal or to wait for next Friday's scheduled hearing in Stockton.

San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Thomas Testa argued against Behar, saying he needed time to prepare a written response, consult with Tracy police detectives and his pathologist and give Sandra's family a chance to be in court and state their own objection to disturbing the girl's remains.

"It's obscene. I'm outraged by it," Testa told the judge. "Let me have my detectives here, my doctor here, (Sandra's) family here."

Murray, in declining to rule on Behar's motion, said he did some research on the law before the brief hearing, and the arguments Behar cited did not convince him he has the right to remove Sandra's body from the mausoleum.

"If I thought your legal arguments were compelling, I might be of a different thought," Murray said. "But I'm not."

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