Human Predators Stalk Haiti's Vulnerable Kids

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Well, I am working on the relationships. According to Drew Culberth's Facebook page, his sister is Renee Culberth Thompson, who according to the East Side Baptist Church pages is married to Pastor Paul Thompson, one of the people arrested and detained in Haiti.

One of the articles, has that dude Jim Allen of Amarillo, Texas being a cousin of Paul Thompson's.
Help me out i.b.nora, I'm not making a connection. Who is Jim Allen?
Here is an article about Jim Allen, the guy from Amarillo. He is a cousin of Paul Thompson. Thompson is originally from Amarillo, his mother still lives there, he was a youth minister there.

Amarilloan among 10 jailed rescuing orphans

"Shirley Thompson said the group's mission was to take the children to a 45-room hotel the team had rented in Cabarete, a beach resort in the Dominican Republic, where they could get better care. A permanent orphanage is in the process of being established near there.

"They had no intention, of course, of trafficking children or even making them available for adoption," Shirley Thompson said. "They were there simply to rescue and care for them.""

Shirley is Paul Thompson's mother.
If they had no illegal intent, why didn't they follow the law? I still would think that something would come up at the Bethel Church in Topeka concerning working on this mission prior to the earthquake. The closest I came is a missionary connected with the Bethel Church working in Jamaica.

Another issue which really concerns me is that this group received no permission from the Dominican Republic for their plans. The Dominican Republic certainly has an intact infrastructure. I'm sure they have the means to license children's homes. I'm not so sure they would have licensed a hotel, however. I'd like someone to provide the press with the documents; applications, licenses and certifications to run a group home in that country. And where is the notarized permission, approved by a judge, for these children to be separated from their families?
Silas Thompson, 19, of Twin Falls, Idaho is one of the arrested (the media is using the word "arrested" now) in Haiti. This young man might (I hope) have a stellar reputation. I found this:

Silas is shown as serving as a "missionary" in the Smoky Mountains during the summer of 2008. He would have been about 17 years old. While I applaud young people's work with the needy of the world, can I ask if Silas has had background checks completed on him before he works with the needy children of America or Haiti?

I can't get it out of my mind that David Mohler worked "informally" with the Americorps summer camp held at Graceland University last summer. Yes, I realize that David would have come back clean as a whistle but still..........
A little more background. I'm trying very hard to give these people the benefit of the doubt:

"......At least three of the 10 detained Americans are members of the East Side Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. Others being held are from Texas and Kansas.

The Idaho churches had elaborate plans before the earthquake to "provide a loving Christian homelike environment" for up to 200 Haitian and Dominican boys and girls in the Magante beach resort, complete with a school and chapel as well as villas and a seaside cafe catering to adoptive U.S. parents.

The mission was organized through the nonprofit New Life Children's Refuge, which Silsby incorporated in Idaho on Nov. 25. A planning document for last week's trip, posted on the East Side Baptist Church's Web site, listed an itinerary for the group and asked for donations and supplies, as well as prayers."

"Silsby, 40, acknowledged on Sunday that she hadn't obtained the proper Haitian documents for the children, whose names were written on pink tape on their shirts during their bus ride to the border."

Pink tape. This is what Ms. Silsby describes as "elaborate plans"?

OK, I'm calming down if a church had "elaborate plans" prior to the earthquake. And then, I come upon this:

"They had no intention, of course, of trafficking children or even making them available for adoption," said Shirley Thompson, whose son and grandson were among the 10 Americans. "They were simply to rescue and care for them."

I'm confused, which is it? Rescue or adoption? Does Haiti and the Dominican Republic approve of these plans? Were these people just there as benevolent helpers, spurred on by the immediate escalation of need due to the earthquake, or did they have plans to set up an orphanage? They can't seem to keep the story straight.

That's why I keep worrying that one or two people are leading a bunch of truly caring people astray.
Drew Ham, the pastor at Central Valley Baptist was just on CNN 360. He hasn't spoken with the arrestees since Friday. Is talking with the lawyer. Some of his story is just plain wrong.
If its like usual, this whole story will repeat at 8 PM Pacific. Its still on now.
"Monday, Silsby said that in the midst of the crisis they did not think they needed the documents. She said the group did not intend to offer the children for adoption. "We intended to raise those children and be with them their entire lives, if necessary," she said." — Laura Silsby

Phillip and Nancy Garrido felt the same way about Jaycee Dugard and look where they are now.

New good article.

Protecting Haiti while protecting its 'orphans'
By Ginger Thompson
New York Times
Posted: 02/01/2010 06:34:01 PM PST
Updated: 02/01/2010 06:34:02 PM PST

A document on the Eastside Baptist Web site laid out the group’s plans to “rescue orphans from Port-au-Prince.”

The document said the group planned to establish an orphanage in Cabarete, Dominican Republic, to “provide opportunities for adoption through partnership with New Life Adoption Foundation,” which subsidizes adoptions “for loving Christian parents who would otherwise not be able to afford to adopt.”

The status of New Life Adoption Foundation was not immediately clear. The group is not registered as an adoption agency in Idaho and does not appear to be registered as a federal nonprofit. The group also did not appear on a list of accredited international adoption agencies on the Web site of the State Department.

I keep trying to give these people the benefit of the doubt but the more I read the worse it looks. Was there anyone in this group with one ounce of common sense when they were planning this thing out?? I don't think so IMO.

I saw a video interview that was done with Ms Silsby earlier today, but forgot to bookmark it and now can't find it again. I wanted to post it so that some of our body language experts could give me their opinions on it. Maybe I am just too accustomed to watching interviews with different perps that claim to be innocent (and are later proved guilty), but give all the tell-tale signs of lying when they speak. Closing their eyes when answering certain questions, or looking down and left. I am going to keep looking for it because I think many will find her mannerisms quite interesting.
An excellent article!! Thank you.

"Fearful of the possibility that unscrupulous traffickers would take advantage of Haiti's sundered justice system to take children from poor families for adoptions, prostitution or worse — organ donations and slavery have been mentioned — the government had halted all adoptions except those already in motion before the earthquake. Bellerive's signature is now required for the departure of any child.

For the government, the arrests were an opportunity to send a message, and the official reaction was outrage. "If people want to help children of Haiti," said Marie-Laurence Jocelin Lassegue, a government spokeswoman, "This is not the way to do it."

"There can be no questions about taking our children off the streets," she added. "It is wrong. And those who do so will be judged."
I have been doing some searching and cannot find anything on New Life Adoption Foundation. Perhaps someone with more experience in searching can come up with something on them.
This report makes it sound like they almost made it across the border!

"The 10 Americans were arrested trying to drive a bus with the children across the border Friday night. As they were crossing the Dominican border, one of the children started crying so loudly it alarmed the guards, who looked inside and found that the children had no papers.

No passports, no documents - but one of the children did have a flier from the "Americans' New Life Children's Refuge" promising an education, a swimming pool and tennis courts in the Dominican Republic."

Baptists Offered Kids Pool, Tennis Courts
I have been doing some searching and cannot find anything on New Life Adoption Foundation. Perhaps someone with more experience in searching can come up with something on them.
Rest assured Melly, God will make it appear when the time is right. I can't find it either.
Rest assured Melly, God will make it appear when the time is right. I can't find it either.

Does anyone else think that it is perhaps more than just a slight coincidence that the name of their group was supposedly "New Life Children's Refuge" and the name of the Christian adoption agency was supposedly "New Life Adoption Foundation".
"New light was shed on the early activities of the missionaries by Anne-christine d'Adesky, a writer and human-rights activist from a prominent Haitian family who is a U.S. citizen. She emailed several U.N. authorities and said she met Laura Silsby, the leader of the American group, on Jan. 24 in a hotel in the Dominican Republic.

Ms. Silsby said her authorization to collect Haitian orphans and bring them to the Dominican Republic was from an unnamed Dominican official, according to Ms. d'Adesky's email. "I informed her that this would be regarded as illegal even with some 'Dominican' minister authorizing, since the children are Haitian," Ms. d'Adesky wrote, adding that she directed Ms. Silsby to U.N. agencies helping the Haitian government handle orphans and adoptions. In a telephone interview, Ms. d'Adesky said she recalled Ms. Silsby's response: "We have been sent by the Lord to rescue these children, and if it's in the Lord's plan we will be successful.""

"Ms. d'Adesky also told the U.N. officials that Ms. Silsby had planned to bring children back to the Dominican Republic on Jan. 25, four days before the group was arrested. She therefore urged the U.N. officials to "check on the orphanage" in the Dominican Republic because children might have been brought there before the group was arrested.

"The implications of what she wrote are highly relevant to the status of this case before the Haitian courts," Fabrizio Hochschild, the top U.N. official addressed in Ms. d'Adesky's email, said in an interview. Mr. Puello, Ms. Silsby's lawyer, said he knew nothing about the alleged meeting with Ms. d'Adesky and his client."

Haiti Allows Adoptions, Queries Missionaries
Does anyone else think that it is perhaps more than just a slight coincidence that the name of their group was supposedly "New Life Children's Refuge" and the name of the Christian adoption agency was supposedly "New Life Adoption Foundation".
That makes $en$e to me. I don't think she expected to be captured and arrested, so she hadn't had a chance to work it all out yet.
We're getting into some nasty territory here, folks. The number one reason that parents adopt on the "black market" is because they get kicked out the front door. A typical Haitian adoption will cost anywhere from $12-20,000. If you travel and spend extra time with your child there, the tab can run up even higher. The costs are really not much different from S. Korea, China, Liberia, etc. International adoption is not an inexpensive option. However, some years ago, banks started offering low interest loans for families choosing this route. It's still a very expensive choice and one which most families save for years to accomplish. My husband built two homes for one of our Korean adoptions and a school for another. Let's not forget that there are almost 400,000 children waiting in America for families either. Not a piddly number.

I can't wrap my mind around what these people mean about subsidizing foreign adoptions. Does this mean gifting or loaning families thousands of dollars for the adoption of a single child? That would be legal but hardly fiscally prudent for a church group. Think how much good could be done by sending a gift of $20,000 to a well researched and established children's home or hospital.

Setting up private adoption agencies and only placing within a certain church here in the states? Well, that's not allowed. Everything has oversight--everything. That's why the State Dept. and the Hague decide that a country can place internationally. Many many countries don't make the cut.

I'm afraid, plain and simple, that this group had some half-baked plan which was driven by a single person with a "dream" or a "calling". Notice that the goals of the group have changed depending on the interview and the day. They've alternately wanted to rescue, place for adoption, or "stay with the children forever". I'm terribly afraid that someone is lying, just as Melly pointed out.

I find it interesting that, even given the absolute devastation in Haiti, the officials have stepped up to protect these children and to make a stand against this sort of crime. The officials and Ms. d'Adesky have done everything right. The Americans have screwed up horribly and embarrassed us all. I cringe to think of the time and money this debacle has cost.

And, what would have happened if they had been successful in getting these kids over the border? What was the next step? Did they think they could go back to Port au Prince and get the paperwork? You need the child with you to get the proper documents and visas. And what were they planning on telling the Dominicans about their little hotel/rescue home? Inspections, schooling, medical care, social work.....sounds like a couple of steps got left out.

I wonder if this group is embarrassed or ashamed of their actions. Has it sunk in?

Child protection teams have been posted at Haiti's borders to stop orphans and other young earthquake victims being smuggled out of the country.

The specialist squads are working at the land crossing into the Dominican Republic and at the airport of Port-au-Prince in response to fears that traffickers are exploiting the disruption to seize children and send them abroad.

In a further move to protect the thousands left without parents or separated from their families, “child brigades” are also patrolling the streets of the Haitian capital in a bid to find unaccompanied young people.

Hospital staff have been asked to conduct closer checks on adults claiming to be related to injured children because of fears that criminal gangs could be taking them from wards.

The concerted efforts to protect children is being overseen by the UN's children's organisation, Unicef. It said that as many as 60,000 children, possibly even more, have been affected by the earthquake.
Officials believe that traffickers were already responsible for an estimated 2,000 child abductions each year.
Unicef's concerns are so great that three secret “safe havens” have been set up in Port-au-Prince with room for 900 children.

(read more at link) well I am glad that they are at least being proactive in trying to combat the problem of child trafficking.
After reading about what Laura Silsby has to say regarding the "mission", it struck me how similar her 'story' / 'excuses'/ 'reasons' are to Tammi Peters-Smith's. (JMOOOC)

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