Human Predators Stalk Haiti's Vulnerable Kids

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DNA Solves
A little off topic (okay a lot) but I had an experience with a Dentist that takes periodic trips to help the underpriviledged with their teeth. There was always Christian music playing softly in his office too but I wasn't 'feeling it' after our third visit.

He said that my child had four cavaties. My child told me that one of the teeth that the Dentist alluded to was the same one he had filled six months earlier. I was quite alarmed too that he had four cavaties within six months as I had been reminding of brushing,etc. So, ??? Suddenly, we lost our dental insurance. As months passed, I felt guilty about leaving my child with decaying teeth. Finally, when our new insurance was in place, I decided to see a different dentist that my neighbor recommended. I had a few minor concerns about the old Dentist but never in my wildest dreams did I think he would fabricate all of those cavaties. Upon meeting the new Dentist, I embarrassing waited to hear the damage regarding my child's teeth. My son walked out into the waiting room and said, "Look Mom, no cavaties". Instantaneously, I was both happy :waitasec: and confused. It dawned on me that the other Dentist was going to drill my son's healthy teeth and collect the insurance payment. How could that even bring in that much money?

There are scammer's everywhere but who would have thought this was happening? I was so lucky the circumstances changed and fate, combined with hinky, allowed me to avoid the damage to my child. My son said to me, "I told you Mom that the one tooth had just been filled last time." My second lesson, Listen to my son.

My point is, like many posters have alluded to, there are crooks and scammers hiding behind religious organizations. What is interesting to me too, I could sense 'it' but didn't know what 'it' was. We can't take anybody at face value anymore.

I've been reading here and am impressed by the sleuthing that has been done regarding the legitimacy of these people - way to go!
10 Americans in Haiti Are Charged With Abduction

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Ten Americans detained after trying to take 33 Haitian children across the border last week were charged Thursday with abduction and criminal association, according to prosecutors.

The charges, which carry prison terms of up to 15 years, were announced after a closed-door court hearing in which prosecutors questioned the Americans, most of them members of a Baptist congregation from Idaho. The case has become a flashpoint for Haiti’s fears of foreign encroachment in the aftermath of the Jan. 12 earthquake.

Wow, they're not messing around.
I wonder if all this money actually made it to Operation Smile? Her fundraising had quite a reach--you gotta hand her that. Look at the list of classes which donated. WSers might want to see if their kid's class is listed!!

Here's the letter which went home to parents, asking for donations. So, I'm wondering if this was something Laura wrote or if this is a template from the "parent charity"?

I've also got to wonder how she jumped from a relationship with Operation Smile to Haitian earthquake victims? I'm feeling my typical "scattered/rattled" response to a bipolar person out of control. I feel myself spinning because I can't keep up. The sad thing is that after the mania and the grandiose plans, comes the crash.

Just like the name of the book on bipolar....."What Goes Up".
Operation Smile is on the ground in Haiti:

There's all sorts of ways to help, volunteer, and donate. If Laura was so involved with this organization, why didn't she link up with them to go down to help? I wonder if there's been a serious parting of the ways between this wonderful charity and Laura?

Those are mighty serious charges. I can tell you, from spending time in Haiti, I wouldn't want to be held in a Haitian jail cell. Wait until the heat hits in about a month. They think no A/C is bad now?

How long is it going to be before Laura has a "medical emergency"? The train wreck is not over.
Operation Smile and Kids Changing Lives are huge, highly organized charities that have been around for some time now. They have done and are doing work in Haiti now.

Silsby is just a hanger on. Its a tax write-off. All the PR stuff is supplied by the charities. Look them up to see how they work, how they are organized.
I would hope that on this end of things that the IRS and the FBI are looking into the legitimacy of any contributions that Laura Silsby might have received for her Children's Refuge (scam).

And, who does that EIN # belong to???
I just watched the video on msnbc concerning the court hearing. An "investigating judge" (who researched the case and interviewed all ten of the charged) gathered information and presented a report to the prosecutors. Then, the 10 were charged and detained by the presiding judge.

I find it remarkable that no representative from the US State Dept. was present in the courtroom. I'm actually shocked. Does anyone know if this is typical or more than a bit surprising? There was a comment that the Red Cross would probably be checking on the ten Baptists' welfare and that the State Dept. is keeping an eye on the situation.

Sounds to me that the US knows this is something dirty and is letting Ms. Silsby hang.
"In Washington, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the attempt to bring undocumented children out of Haiti was "unfortunate whatever the motivation" and the Americans should have followed proper procedures. She said U.S. officials were in discussions with Haitian authorities about how to resolve the case."
10 Americans in Haiti Charged With Child Kidnapping

This is the same Associated Press article that has been appearing but this has some info that was left out of others:

"The U.S. citizens, most of them members of an Idaho-based church group, were whisked away from the closed court hearing to jail in Port-au-Prince, the capital. One of them, Laura Silsby, waved and smiled faintly to reporters but declined to answer questions.

Coq said that under Haiti's legal system, there won't be an open trial, but a judge will consider the evidence and could render a verdict in about three months.

Coq said a Haitian prosecutor told him the Americans were charged because they had the children in their possession. No one from the Haitian government could be reached immediately for comment."


""I'm going to do everything I can to get the nine out," Coq said. That would still leave mission leader Laura Silsby facing charges.

Only minutes earlier, the Americans' Dominican lawyer, Jorge Puello, had said he expected at least nine of the 10 to be released Thursday, and said he was arranging a charter flight for them from Santo Domingo, the Dominican capital.

After the Haitian lawyer's announcement, Puello could not be reached by telephone for comment.

"I'm at the airport [in Santo Domingo] and we're getting the plane ready. We're just waiting for the green light," Puello said. "I spoke to a source inside the jail — a government official — who said nine would be released but one would be held for further investigation.""

I guess things didn't go as planned?
10 Americans in Haiti Charged With Child Kidnapping

This is the same Associated Press article that has been appearing but this has some info that was left out of others:

Quoted from the link:

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said in Washington the U.S. was monitoring the case and was open to discuss "other legal avenues" for the defendants — an apparent reference to the Haitian prime minister's earlier suggestion that Haiti could consider sending the Americans back to the United States for prosecution.
"But right now the matter rests within the Haitian judicial system," Crowley said. "We respect that. And we will continue to have discussions with the Haitian government as this case proceeds."

Looks like this group is in some very serious trouble as well they should be, or at least Ms Silsby should be. I feel badly for the nine people with her that possibly had no knowledge of her illegal mode of operation. I hope the State Department can help them out but leave Ms Silsby in the Haitian jail where she belongs IMO.
Jean Sainvil isn't doing Laura Silsby any favors, or else he is trying to cover his own behind. Every time he speaks, its a new story.

"They met on the Dominican border one week ago. Gwinnett pastor Jean Sainvil, loaded with supplies for Haitian earthquake victims, needed a ride.

The 10 Americans, most of them members of an Idaho Baptist church, were headed into Haiti hoping to bring children back to their Dominican orphanage. Sainvil, a native Haitian, became their guide, directing them to Delmas, where (he) has contacts. Before long the bus was filled with 33 children ages 2-12 -- some orphans, some handed over by their parents, Sainvil, pastor of the Gospel Assembly Church, told the AJC."

""[Haitian authorities] want to prove they're still in power, still in charge," said Sainvil, who often travels to Haiti as a Christian missionary. "If they had asked two simple questions everything would be solved."

The Americans were arrested on their return trip across the border. Sainvil stayed behind in Haiti after trying unsuccessfully to secure official permission to relocate the children. Both Sainvil and group leader Laura Silsby acknowledged the youths were taken without official permission.

"These kids needed help immediately," Sainvil told the AJC. "It was the right moment and the right time. I thought they'd make it because many Haitians have good hearts. But I was worried.""

Yeah, I'll just bet he was worried. Wonder why he didn't go on the trip back to the DR with them. Surely he had delivered the supplies he brought along? Oh, thats right, he was sick. And, someone tried to call him but the phone line got cut off?

They are all liars, imo, every last one of them. And, I am not so sure that the 24 year old 'nanny' and VP/co-founder of the New Life Children's Refuge, Inc. is quite as innocent as most others believe her to be. I am starting to think she is in it up to her eyeballs.

Gwinnett pastor who aided Baptist missionaries says they're no kidnappers
Sounds to me that the US knows this is something dirty and is letting Ms. Silsby hang.

Yep. US Embassy officials have visited them in jail a few times, reportedly brought them some MREs and water. But certainly also run background checks on them and made inquiries to Haitian and Dominican officials that Silsby claimed to be have been "consulting" with re her scheme. Their absence from the hearing is an indication of what they found out. The loud and clear message from the US government to the Haitian government is "They're all yours! Have at 'em".

When you incorporate a phony charity, falsely claim on a donation-soliciting website that your organization has federal 501c3 nonprofit status, and then use the money you collect to go commit crimes in a foreign country, don't expect the federal government to come running to help you. I hope the feds send these idiots a bill for the MREs if they ever get sprung from jail.

I just read something from an Idaho source that the church in Meridian has clammed up tight, along with family members of the jailed "missionaries". Looks like they're finally starting to catch on.
<i>"I'm at the airport [in Santo Domingo] and we're getting the plane ready. We're just waiting for the green light," Puello said. "I spoke to a source inside the jail — a government official — who said nine would be released but one would be held for further investigation."</i>

I guess things didn't go as planned?

I think Puello expected that the standard palm-greasing method would work, but found out otherwise. Not in this case. Too high profile.

I do expect the two teenagers will get out fairly soon, though.
Would someone please tell Laura and her girlfriends to stop smiling. My Lord, it reminds me of one of the Mohler brothers, the one Texas Mist calls Roland the Grinner. Is anybody on board who can read body language? What is the sick smile about?

I feel like yelling at this woman, "Laura, this is the big're not in Boise anymore!!"

And i.b.nora--ITA about Sainvil. I think he's changing his stripes just as quickly as Laura has. Don't these people realize that every word they're saying is being recorded and reported. Don't they realize how inane it seems to have the story change by the hour. Talk about a tall tale!!
Don't these people realize that every word they're saying is being recorded and reported. Don't they realize how inane it seems to have the story change by the hour. Talk about a tall tale!!

And by contrast, isn't it amazing how the desperately poor, uneducated villagers from the village where 20 children were taken, can all manage to keep their stories consistent?
When I first quickly scanned this article, I got the impression it was a cobbled together rehash of other reports. I was wrong, it is a MUST READ!!!

It's much more flattering than the facts support, IMO. Like this: "A picture is emerging of a woman on a long-standing drive to help orphaned children". Really? This is the first I've heard of this "long-standing drive". She was buying a nice house she couldn't afford at the same time she was behind on wages to her Personal Shopper employees and proposing her Idaho scheme to build some sort of huge wonderland for "runaway children". Doesn't sound to me like she had much drive to sacrifice her own habit of living beyond her means, to help orphans, runaways, or anybody else. And the writers cite no actual evidence of such a "drive" -- they sound like they've been sipping a bit of Silsby's Kool-Aid. The evidence indicates that she has made lots of *claims* to have big *plans* for projects to help orphans/runaways (all involving lots of *other* people's money). I have yet to see a single report that she's ever lifted a finger to help a parentless child, prior to the mass abduction attempt a few days ago.

And the stuff about her interest stemming from her father's travels to Haiti sure is brand new. I haven't read her website claims directly (the main site has been taken down, not sure about the secondary stuff on the church websites), but none of the many articles or blogs that have quoted material from her website or church website pages have mentioned anything about this. And we haven't heard a peep from her father, who one might think would be interested in defending his daughter if she was defensible, especially if she'd gotten into this escapade because Haitian orphans were a longstanding concern of his.

And then there's the "consider the source" factor. Apparently Mel Coulter is the sole source for this claim. In an earlier interview where Mel was aggressively defending Silsby in the face of information about her financial troubles, including the recent foreclosure of her home, he said he *thought* she lived somewhere in South Boise -- a bit vague for a guy whose daughter has apparently been her live-in nanny in the recent past, and who'd been personally helping Silsby and his daughter prepare for this trip, loading up supplies, etc. The stuff about her father may just be some tale she made up when people asked her how she got interested in this.

Another viewpoint on Ms. Silsby:

"......Many of us have been watching this story with great interest. But, Carol&#8217;s perspective is different as she has been observing Silsby for years, from the inside &#8211; Carol is a former employee of Silsby&#8217;s online company

Carol went on, &#8220;Laura Silsby is incredibly good at getting enormous sums of money from people. 10 years good at it. She has probably smooth talked these poor people and now they&#8217;re stuck in jail with her......"
I knew it!!! We were all confused and the reporting has been sloppy. She was "only missing one document". That's the only thing that caused them to be arrested, detained, and charged.

In Ms. Silsby's own words, "But for God, we wouldn't be getting through this tough time."

Ummm, I've got a suggestion. Take the word, "God", out of the comment above and replace it with the word, "me". That's the truth.
Another viewpoint on Ms. Silsby:

"......Many of us have been watching this story with great interest. But, Carol’s perspective is different as she has been observing Silsby for years, from the inside – Carol is a former employee of Silsby’s online company

Carol went on, “Laura Silsby is incredibly good at getting enormous sums of money from people. 10 years good at it. She has probably smooth talked these poor people and now they’re stuck in jail with her......"

I guess since Carol is a "former" employee, she didn't get the memo: :)

An e-mail circulated Wednesday at urged employees not to speak to the press or post any information on Web sites. "Given the aggressive nature of the press and the fabrications already being invented, we need to make sure nothing in writing is published that can be misconstrued in any way," the e-mail says. Employees also were given the option to work from home to avoid reporters.

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