Hurricane Irma

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If you don't have flood insurance, FEMA will help you out and get you back on your feet and find you housing somewhere else.

During Sandy, we stayed in the house and lived upstairs while we tore the main house downstairs apart. We had no power for two weeks and were in mandatory evacuation area, only primary residents allowed, only if you stayed during the storm. The Salvation Army came by once daily with hot food in containers, a few volunteers were allowed in and provided peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hot coffee and bottled water which was nice.

We didn't received anything like food or housing vouchers or any kind of funds from FEMA. We did have to register with FEMA in order to file a claim with the insurance companies. Once FEMA came and gave us a number, all of our future discussions and checks were then handled by the insurance companies.

Jersey- I'm so sorry....what a scary thing to live through. You gave me courage while reading this.

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My sense from your writing style is that you are naturally inclined to be good with details. By that i mean it is not difficult for you remember details.

I am the opposite -I am big picture and I need to have a why about things.

Then I can remember -- but I must have an explaination for why something is!

I can not do rote memorization. Too concrete.

The only time I cheated was in the 11th grade when we had to regurgitate the capitals (she was a dingbat!)

This is just not fair!

Cariis--you make me laugh [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38].
I am very analytical, data driven. I need comparisons to understand why it's happening. I like order and predictability...both NOT found with hurricanes.

Thanks for starting this thread. It's gives me a place to store this data...LOL....and get all of your opinions before I have an anxiety attack. [emoji30] [emoji3]

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Totally off topic - this post will not be organized!!

Levity break

Some examples of "why" dilemmas!

Why do people fold towels and linen! The only way to utilize them is to unfold them. I do not do this. I place them in a nice heap on a shelf and have experienced no problems!!

There is a very similar strategy with socks -- why complicate your life? When working I never had any difficuty determining the difference between black or another color.

As far as white goes buy a bunch that are identical problem solved!

Why do people sort silverware? I dont - I open the drawer and if seeking a spoon I dart my eyes around, see the wanted item and dive in for recovery!

Why do dishwashers have labeled locations for placement of dishwashing detergent? Where does this product end up? IN the dishwasher. If it is gonna end up there anyhow - why not place it right there from beginning and all is well!

Has anyone accidently placed honey in the container? Do we really need the all the signage in the dishwasher telling us that this is where "detergent" belongs-- where else would dishwashing detergent belong?

Hey maybe I am lucky and have never been confused about where dishwashing detergent goes !

Why do people arrange their pots ? (am single so maybe if someone was a family of 9 ) I have alway had the ability to know what size pot I was wanting! I employ the same survival strategy as I do with silverware!

I spin my eyes about , locate needed item and poof it is in my hand!

Why do people use opaque tupperware like items. It is my argument that see thro containers are really the winner here! WTH!

Same kinda hypothesis, generally speaking, with refrigerator organization! I know what I am in the mood for and do not need chicken here beef here !

Same strategy is utilized with spray cleaning products! I know the colors and shapes. No I do not have a "place" for Windex and another for ZaBoom bathroom cleaner!!

How many of you arrange canned food face forward? This makes much sense to me, but I often forget! I also must confess that I do feel the same way for spices! You guys are correct in this domain- it would be easier if they were facing the way you can tell what is in all the similar looking containers!

Why do smokers clean their ashtrays every two hours? In the days when many smoked ( me heavy now ) I never noticed anyone saying oh my that ashtray has ciggs in it!

If one can put garbage in a garbage can that has garbage in it - it certainly makes a whole bunch of that a smoker can use an ashtray that has some butts in it!!

I am neurotic with clean windows. Matt drove me insane with his glasses - so does my neighbor ! I certainly hope the theme of "why" is emerging.

If I cant see someone , who wears glasses , eyes because they have not cleaned their glasses I am very eager to recommend a cleaning!

The same theory applies for me with all of you with cell phones. Watching folks struggle to see their phone when it look as if someone gave their cell phone a Vaseline pet jelly rub just makes no sense to me!

WHy is important!!

Although my general personality traits have been problematic in organizing things that ought to be organized - bills etc - in most instances , as outlined here - it feels to me as if a lot of organizing is going on that could be passed on!!

If you arrange your canned good alphabetically I would drive you nuts !

I drove my father insane! UGh he is insane with this stuff. And the step witch is as bad .
EURO noon version: they just want to remind us not to rush to judgement. This version doesn't hit land at all.

So 3 vastly different models today...YAY!! [emoji4]

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18z (6:00) GFS model.....shifted south to Charleston, home. [emoji30]

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Totally off topic - this post will not be organized!!

Levity break

Some examples of "why" dilemmas!

Why do people fold towels and linen! The only way to utilize them is to unfold them. I do not do this. I place them in a nice heap on a shelf and have experienced no problems!!

There is a very similar strategy with socks -- why complicate your life? When working I never had any difficuty determining the difference between black or another color.

As far as white goes buy a bunch that are identical problem solved!

Why do people sort silverware? I dont - I open the drawer and if seeking a spoon I dart my eyes around, see the wanted item and dive in for recovery!

Why do dishwashers have labeled locations for placement of dishwashing detergent? Where does this product end up? IN the dishwasher. If it is gonna end up there anyhow - why not place it right there from beginning and all is well!

Has anyone accidently placed honey in the container? Do we really need the all the signage in the dishwasher telling us that this is where "detergent" belongs-- where else would dishwashing detergent belong?

Hey maybe I am lucky and have never been confused about where dishwashing detergent goes !

Why do people arrange their pots ? (am single so maybe if someone was a family of 9 ) I have alway had the ability to know what size pot I was wanting! I employ the same survival strategy as I do with silverware!

I spin my eyes about , locate needed item and poof it is in my hand!

Why do people use opaque tupperware like items. It is my argument that see thro containers are really the winner here! WTH!

Same kinda hypothesis, generally speaking, with refrigerator organization! I know what I am in the mood for and do not need chicken here beef here !

Same strategy is utilized with spray cleaning products! I know the colors and shapes. No I do not have a "place" for Windex and another for ZaBoom bathroom cleaner!!

How many of you arrange canned food face forward? This makes much sense to me, but I often forget! I also must confess that I do feel the same way for spices! You guys are correct in this domain- it would be easier if they were facing the way you can tell what is in all the similar looking containers!

Why do smokers clean their ashtrays every two hours? In the days when many smoked ( me heavy now ) I never noticed anyone saying oh my that ashtray has ciggs in it!

If one can put garbage in a garbage can that has garbage in it - it certainly makes a whole bunch of that a smoker can use an ashtray that has some butts in it!!

I am neurotic with clean windows. Matt drove me insane with his glasses - so does my neighbor ! I certainly hope the theme of "why" is emerging.

If I cant see someone , who wears glasses , eyes because they have not cleaned their glasses I am very eager to recommend a cleaning!

The same theory applies for me with all of you with cell phones. Watching folks struggle to see their phone when it look as if someone gave their cell phone a Vaseline pet jelly rub just makes no sense to me!

WHy is important!!

Although my general personality traits have been problematic in organizing things that ought to be organized - bills etc - in most instances , as outlined here - it feels to me as if a lot of organizing is going on that could be passed on!!

If you arrange your canned good alphabetically I would drive you nuts !

I drove my father insane! UGh he is insane with this stuff. And the step witch is as bad .

CARIIS, you crack me up!

Have you thought about compiling these little gems? They are hilarious.

I love the mental imagery too that comes to mind with each of your scenarios listed above.

Your linen closet. Your sock drawer.

I can just see you navigating your kitchen. Checking your refrigerator.

Sliding your silverware drawer, grabbing a spoon from the pile.

Opening up your dishwasher, gazing at the dispenser.

Checking your cupboards, especially your canned goods, which are likely NOT facing forward, and definitely NOT in alphabetical order.

But I also can see you on a mission to keep your windows sparkling clean! There you are, I see you now, vigorously scrubbing away.

And here I am. Saying thank you, through my laughter. This made my day...
If you don't have flood insurance, FEMA will help you out and get you back on your feet and find you housing somewhere else.

During Sandy, we stayed in the house and lived upstairs while we tore the main house downstairs apart. We had no power for two weeks and were in mandatory evacuation area, only primary residents allowed, only if you stayed during the storm. The Salvation Army came by once daily with hot food in containers, a few volunteers were allowed in and provided peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hot coffee and bottled water which was nice.

My sister, a renter, received FEMA assistance. She did not have flood insurance. We own our home, I have flood insurance, which is required if you own a mortgage.

Since we live in a waterfront tourist area, a lot of homes did not have flood insurance, as they had no mortgage and the little bungalows were passed down a few generations. Those were hit hardest.

We used the insurance funds to rehabilitate the first floor. (which were a hot debate since the insurance company barely paid much).

A few years later, the State announced grant money to life homes to those who quality. We applied and were approved. We moved out and are awaiting the lift next week. If we don't lift, FEMA/Insurance companies have announced insurance rates will go up from about $1,000 to $15,000 a year depending on your base elevation sea level.

So now, no one is buying a home in this area that has not been raised, overwise they have to factor in $100,000 in the cost to raise it, which would be required, again, only if you are mortgaging the property.

We didn't received anything like food or housing vouchers or any kind of funds from FEMA. We did have to register with FEMA in order to file a claim with the insurance companies. Once FEMA came and gave us a number, all of our future discussions and checks were then handled by the insurance companies.

Thanks JerseyGirl for all the information about FEMA, the insurance companies, and some of the red tape involved. Hopefully, that won't be needed by anyone here, but it's helpful to know, just in case.

I'm so sorry though to hear of what you went through. Sounds like every day was a major struggle and hassle.

Now I understand better too what a house lift is. You had written about that in an earlier post, and I was clueless.

You must be so eager to get the show on the road. Don't need Irma raining on your parade.

Hopefully soon, we will all be celebrating Irma heading off in a harmless direction...
We live in Lumberton, NC, about a mile from the Lumber River. Last October Hurricane Matthew tore threw here and left us under water for nearly two weeks. Here are some images of the area:

It was described as a Katrina-like situation, but a lot of people never heard about it, because the city only has about 22,000 people. Watching scenes from Texas and Harvey has been bringing back flashbacks and now Irma has me very scared.
That's quite a situation in Lumberton from Hurricane Matthew, ClaireNC!
Thank you for sharing those pics with us.
We live in Lumberton, NC, about a mile from the Lumber River. Last October Hurricane Matthew tore threw here and left us under water for nearly two weeks. Here are some images of the area:

It was described as a Katrina-like situation, but a lot of people never heard about it, because the city only has about 22,000 people. Watching scenes from Texas and Harvey has been bringing back flashbacks and now Irma has me very scared.
Claire- so sorry to hear. It took everyone by surprise too. Here in SC, we had Matthew on a small scale and then 1000 year flood on gigantic scale. Hope Irma leaves us all intact.

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18z (6:00) GFS model.....shifted south to Charleston, home. [emoji30]

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I'm right here with you Henry!
Charleston locals who remember Hugo are watching this closely.
I just finished looking back at Hugo's track and some old video footage on youtube. It appears a very similar track but it is very early and no one is out of the path, IMO yet. I wasn't living here in CHS back then, but do remember watching the news coverage from afar.

Thanks for keeping a close eye on this storm and posting for us all.
If you don't have flood insurance, FEMA will help you out and get you back on your feet and find you housing somewhere else.

During Sandy, we stayed in the house and lived upstairs while we tore the main house downstairs apart. We had no power for two weeks and were in mandatory evacuation area, only primary residents allowed, only if you stayed during the storm. The Salvation Army came by once daily with hot food in containers, a few volunteers were allowed in and provided peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hot coffee and bottled water which was nice.

My sister, a renter, received FEMA assistance. She did not have flood insurance. We own our home, I have flood insurance, which is required if you own a mortgage.

Since we live in a waterfront tourist area, a lot of homes did not have flood insurance, as they had no mortgage and the little bungalows were passed down a few generations. Those were hit hardest.

We used the insurance funds to rehabilitate the first floor. (which were a hot debate since the insurance company barely paid much).

A few years later, the State announced grant money to life homes to those who quality. We applied and were approved. We moved out and are awaiting the lift next week. If we don't lift, FEMA/Insurance companies have announced insurance rates will go up from about $1,000 to $15,000 a year depending on your base elevation sea level.

So now, no one is buying a home in this area that has not been raised, overwise they have to factor in $100,000 in the cost to raise it, which would be required, again, only if you are mortgaging the property.

We didn't received anything like food or housing vouchers or any kind of funds from FEMA. We did have to register with FEMA in order to file a claim with the insurance companies. Once FEMA came and gave us a number, all of our future discussions and checks were then handled by the insurance companies.

Man what a drag

Will they tell you how many inches it will rise in a day?

Do you live in it while they are jacking it up?

Could the house break and will they be responsible?

If you do I insist on NO driinking - that could be a scary event!!
Man what a drag

Will they tell you how many inches it will rise in a day?

Do you live in it while they are jacking it up?

Could the house break and will they be responsible?

If you do I insist on NO driinking - that could be a scary event!!

We are lifting it high enough so we can put garages underneath, so the house is going up about 9 feet, I believe they said they can lift it in 2 days.

Here is a time lapse video of a house lift with concrete block. We are also required to have helical piles installed since we are in a "velocity" zone, meaning that a storm surge could produce wave action.


In the above video, you'll see the house to the left is in the process of being raised and the house on the right is already raised.

You cannot stay in the house. We've been out since last year because all utilities need to be shut off in order to lift.

More info on flood insurance:

BFE: flood-insurancejpg-672bc7a696701fa2.jpg
How she crosses land masses in the next couple of days might impact strength if the whole eye goes over land it might weaken her a bit but then she is back in hot water again

I have not checked in with local stations -- since Charley they are insane!! Jose development is up 10 percent to 70% chance of development

The models are shifting West because of the movement of a low trough that will be interacting with a huge high over the upper Atlantic. Thi shift brings the cane over Florida.

The Canadian models were the first to make the shift on midnight of 9/3. American models slowly moved West over each model reiteration yesterday. The EURO is slowly making the same shift.

My NC And SC peeps, don't put away your batteries and plywood yet. With a storm this large, you never know.

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You can see the drop in these two National Hurricane models. The first is current and the second is from 24 hours ago. The southern drop pushes the hurricane further West into Florida.

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We are lifting it high enough so we can put garages underneath, so the house is going up about 9 feet, I believe they said they can lift it in 2 days.

Here is a time lapse video of a house lift with concrete block. We are also required to have helical piles installed since we are in a "velocity" zone, meaning that a storm surge could produce wave action.


In the above video, you'll see the house to the left is in the process of being raised and the house on the right is already raised.

You cannot stay in the house. We've been out since last year because all utilities need to be shut off in order to lift.

More info on flood insurance:

BFE: View attachment 122666

Thanks for sharing & being a Jersey Shore gal, I know that area well.
Where I live now on a barrier island in beautiful Florida, I can say they build the houses down here better; because they have to!
Examples are:

PGT extra thick windows which are crazy expensive BUT you can get storm shutters which are much cheaper!

Poured concrete homes

**Roofs that are strapped down into the floor--please spend the money and get this!**even if the contractors in NJ think it's overkill....just get this done!

I have 3 reservation evacuation plans for FL right now.....

1). one is in a local hotel a bit more inland from my home.

2). The other is in a lovely hotel in Sarasota.....west coast....stayed there for Matthew

3). And last, a very $$$ hotel in the Disney complex in Orlando.

Have to watch the spaghetti models to know which ones & when to cancel without getting charged.

Praying that the low grows some strength and pushes this thing out to the Atlantic.

Barrier Island living is beautiful until it's not.
Oh please don't be one of those Wilma zig-zaggers! :banghead::banghead:
By the way, thank you to CARIIS for the idea of making my ice bags with zip-lock bags! I've made quite a few to put into my $3.99 styrophoam cooler! Yay!
Expectations that Irma will be a CAT4 in the next 12 hours.
130 - 156 mph
13 - 18 feet storm surge

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