Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

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Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..

EXACTLY!!! The pundits all say that a loving grandfather would call 911 if he found his grandbaby floating in the pool. So I wish they would explain how a loving grandfather could drive that car home and go to work after smelling decomp in his daughter's car, especially after not seeing either one of them for a month, and not call LE. Then Cindy set to work trying to clean the smell out of the car.

The only questions I have are, why did Casey leave Caylee's body in the car long enough to cause the very strong decomp odor? That odor doesn't happen in just a short while, it takes hours for it to build up. Why didn't she try to get rid of the body right away? Did she come back at some point and try to bury Caylee in the back yard, George caught her and then they disposed of the body together? Or did George "discover" the body in the back yard and dispose of it himself, and Casey didn't know where it was?

It was obvious to me when George was on the stand that he was lying at certain points, especially during questioning about the affair with River. His body language and his hesitation, not wanting to answer till the judge told him to answer the question... it was very telling to me. While OTOH, River seemed very sincere, her body language and facial expressions did not show any deception... I think she was telling the truth.
Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..

You go to work because you feel like you're being overdramatic, overreacting, paranoid, crazy to believe that your daughter would kill her child. You go to work thinking "Stop thinking crazy things, I'm sure there's a completely normal explanation for everything."
Casey Anthony acted alone when she murdered her own daughter and George Anthony had nothing to do with it. It really is as simple as that.

EXACTLY!!! The pundits all say that a loving grandfather would call 911 if he found his grandbaby floating in the pool. So I wish they would explain how a loving grandfather could drive that car home and go to work after smelling decomp in his daughter's car, especially after not seeing either one of them for a month, and not call LE. Then Cindy set to work trying to clean the smell out of the car.

The only questions I have are, why did Casey leave Caylee's body in the car long enough to cause the very strong decomp odor? That odor doesn't happen in just a short while, it takes hours for it to build up. Why didn't she try to get rid of the body right away? Did she come back at some point and try to bury Caylee in the back yard, George caught her and then they disposed of the body together? Or did George "discover" the body in the back yard and dispose of it himself, and Casey didn't know where it was?

It was obvious to me when George was on the stand that he was lying at certain points, especially during questioning about the affair with River. His body language and his hesitation, not wanting to answer till the judge told him to answer the question... it was very telling to me. While OTOH, River seemed very sincere, her body language and facial expressions did not show any deception... I think she was telling the truth.
I've always wondered why, when he smelled the decomposition and did not know the whereabouts of his daughter and granddaughter, he didn't immediately call the police from Amscot. Doesn't make sense to me.

George may not have known the true whereabouts of his daughter and granddaughter, but he thought he did. Casey was in almost daily contact with Cindy, assuring her that everything was fine and that she and Caylee were doing this or that in other towns. If you had just spoken to your daughter the night before, and she said everything was great with her and daughter, and then you found that her car had been in a tow lot for some time, smelling like death, would you suspect she'd killed her child or would you suspect that somebody you don't know has been killed, and your daughter is probably involved in some way.
I think it makes sense (considering the family dynamic) that the Anthonys would take the car home, Cindy would wash the evidence and try to get out the smell and George would go to work as if nothing had happened.
I think this is what was going through their minds and why Cindy initially thought calling LE was a good way to force Casey into letting her see Caylee. Then, when she found out Caylee could not be produced, all h*ll broke loose.
Remember his outburst to protesters? "The body in the trunk was not my granddaughter!!"
It couldn't be pinned on George - unless his wife ordered him to plead guilty to Caylee's murder. George does as he is told. As we have heard, when he angrily began questioning Casey after she came home from jail, he was told to leave the house.

I have the feeling that Casey bossed George around. She felt entitled to do so. I think she may run into a very different kind of man when she is "out there". No Mama around to be the buffer for her "mistruths" and stealing. Casey cannot be protected forever. She has bad judgement and she craves attention. This will be fun to watch. I have no pity. None.

Caylee is out of that mess, and for that, I will count her lucky.
You go to work because you feel like you're being overdramatic, overreacting, paranoid, crazy to believe that your daughter would kill her child. You go to work thinking "Stop thinking crazy things, I'm sure there's a completely normal explanation for everything."
And because Cindy told him to! Let's not give Baez & Casey anything else to go on here! George Anthony had nothing to do with Caylee's death or her disposal......did he use bad judgement when he drove the car off? Yes, but think about it, could he have left it at the tow yard? parked it on the street and call the police? don't think so, nowhere else to go with it but the house. as for cindy cleaning the car, that was all on her, george had already left to go to work and she told george as usual that she'd "handle it". you wanna blame somebody for what casey has gotten away with, look at her mother!
Something that always bothered me...

George said: He knew the car smelled of death..Decomposing body etc.. He said He hoped Caylee and or Casey wasn't in the trunk.. He opened the trunk and found out that there was no one back there, but was positive of the smell.. He said: It was the smell of a decomposing body..
Now.. I don't have any doubts Casey did this to Caylee intentionally, but this has always bugged me..

How could a father and or grandfather go to work, after picking up your daughters car from the tow yard, knowing it has the odor he knows so well?

New job or not.. You havn't seen your grand daughter in about 30 days.. and your daughter has not been letting you see her, making up excuses of why the family can't see Caylee. How did he just go to work that night, after smelling a decomposing body in Casey's trunk????

A question that will always bother me..

That is the easiest part for me to understand.

I think it has everything to do with a father/grandfather desperately hoping that what he smelled was really not what he thought it was.

For if he let himself go there right then and there... he would know he would have to call the police on the daughter he loved and still loves even though. imo, she is unworthy. He couldn't turn Casey in. He couldn't make that phone call. It was all so surreal and happening at lightning speed. Too much for any father and grandfather to grasp. He couldnt consider at that time the brutal truth that his precious granddaughter was never coming home alive again.

So, I think he prayed he was wrong and he tried to convince himself it WAS the trash in the trunk and he held onto hope that Cindy would locate Casey and Caylee and it would all turnout to be just a bad dream.

This post absolutely gives me chills. And now it's been confirmed that the DT has a staff of people perusing the message boards. Ultimately, the boards just may be reason for her aquittal. How sad is that?

So true....and I imagine by now the Pinellas #12 have heard about this, which now makes them honorary members of the "Duped Club". We counted on them to do one simple thing.....pull out the BS from the obvious truth. They didn't even throw all the cards on the table!
IMO, the same story, same witnesses and the same jury. Heck, they already convicted him. Maybe ex-ICA will sue GA for wrongful death. I despise this woman, gggrrrrrr.......

My house has went to he77 in the last couple months. I could have murdered somone, it looks like a struggle took place in every room, lol. If they don't find the body for a while then i'm homefree, right?
EXACTLY!!! The pundits all say that a loving grandfather would call 911 if he found his grandbaby floating in the pool. So I wish they would explain how a loving grandfather could drive that car home and go to work after smelling decomp in his daughter's car, especially after not seeing either one of them for a month, and not call LE. Then Cindy set to work trying to clean the smell out of the car.

The only questions I have are, why did Casey leave Caylee's body in the car long enough to cause the very strong decomp odor? That odor doesn't happen in just a short while, it takes hours for it to build up. Why didn't she try to get rid of the body right away? Did she come back at some point and try to bury Caylee in the back yard, George caught her and then they disposed of the body together? Or did George "discover" the body in the back yard and dispose of it himself, and Casey didn't know where it was?

It was obvious to me when George was on the stand that he was lying at certain points, especially during questioning about the affair with River. His body language and his hesitation, not wanting to answer till the judge told him to answer the question... it was very telling to me. While OTOH, River seemed very sincere, her body language and facial expressions did not show any deception... I think she was telling the truth.

It's funny you should say that because I supported Ms. Cruz in the beginning when she came forward with an interview, told her story and CLAIMED she did not have an affair with GA. At the time she seemed very credible. I also saw the same thing you did on the stand the other day as she seemed very credible. She could not possibly have been telling the truth both times. RC either did or did not have an affair. She was tripped up on the accident testimony depending on who was asking the question. Whether or not they had an affair has nothing to do with him telling her it was an accident versus he believes it was an accident. Even in her original statement to police RC could not keep it straight. Usually when it's the truth you are consistent.

Putting that aside RC now claims there was an affair and reports so in NE and is paid for the interview. She plays up being the victum, he took my money but I have no bank withdrawal slips to prove this happened that we have seen. hummm And here she is admitting to sleeping with GA at night and then beelines it over to CA's house the very next day to bring her flowers. Sooooo, what's with the flowers. Does it make RC feel less guilty for sleeping with another woman's husband because she brings her flowers the next day. Affairs happen all the time but it takes a real "special person" to bring the wife flowers the next day. I can't believe the jury missed that.

RC's twin sister (who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ZFG description) was in jail the same time as KC. They met because the sister delivers books. Around this time RC stops by the tent and strikes up a conversation with GA and ends up down there every day or so after that.

So what if: GA gets into a "relationship", physical or not, does not matter at this point. Then all of a sudden LE gets GA's phone records from another phone and contacts RC. If RC's intention was to set GA up so she could testify for the defense in court about the "accident" GA revealed to her I bet she was ready to toss some serious cookies when LE showed up at her door. And she was upset, really upset. Upset enough to get her story wrong.

I think at some point GA realized what was happening and that is when he tried to commit suicide. He could see where defense was headed. RC's intention was to insert herself for whatever reason and that is perfectly clear. So what was the point of bringing CA flowers, giving her jewelry??? Ironically RC's sister was serving time in jail for stealing jewelry from a neighbor and pawning it using RC's ID. You would think RC would want to stay as far away from her sister as she could possibly get...Nope...they are the best of friends. Just another defense witness we should have a lot of questions about. jmo
IMO, the same story, same witnesses and the same jury. Heck, they already convicted him. Maybe ex-ICA will sue GA for wrongful death. I despise this woman, gggrrrrrr.......

My house has went to he77 in the last couple months. I could have murdered somone, it looks like a struggle took place in every room, lol. If they don't find the body for a while then i'm homefree, right?

LOL. As long as it's still in the house.
And because Cindy told him to! Let's not give Baez & Casey anything else to go on here! George Anthony had nothing to do with Caylee's death or her disposal......did he use bad judgement when he drove the car off? Yes, but think about it, could he have left it at the tow yard? parked it on the street and call the police? don't think so, nowhere else to go with it but the house. as for cindy cleaning the car, that was all on her, george had already left to go to work and she told george as usual that she'd "handle it". you wanna blame somebody for what casey has gotten away with, look at her mother!

He brought the car home because CA told him to. CA had been in contact with KC and she knew it was not KC. KC is telling CA she has Caylee with her in Jacksonville so CA easily can say to GA..."It's pizza, right GA?" They now know KC's not in Jacksonville but they wonder what the h*ll was in the trunk that it smells like a dead body. Did she loan her car to someone and is off in Jacksonville and did not want to tell us? GA and CA could have been thinking a thousand things and this is what you do when you are desperate. You mind is all over the place. GA did not find a dead body in the car. CA said (as usual) she would handle it and she did. Found KC, cleaned the car, aired it out and went back to work. It's denial and CA has never come out of it. jmo
That is the easiest part for me to understand.

I think it has everything to do with a father/grandfather desperately hoping that what he smelled was really not what he thought it was.

For if he let himself go there right then and there... he would know he would have to call the police on the daughter he loved and still loves even though. imo, she is unworthy. He couldn't turn Casey in. He couldn't make that phone call. It was all so surreal and happening at lightning speed. Too much for any father and grandfather to grasp. He couldnt consider at that time the brutal truth that his precious granddaughter was never coming home alive again.

So, I think he prayed he was wrong and he tried to convince himself it WAS the trash in the trunk and he held onto hope that Cindy would locate Casey and Caylee and it would all turnout to be just a bad dream.


That's exactly what happened!! I only wish the jury could have thought this through as logically as you did. If they did FCA would be doing LWOP or at least 30 years. George had nothing to do with Caylee's death PERIOD.
Death smell+Caylee's car seat + mama doll was in the back- G & C Anthony said they hadnt seen their granddaughter in a month; their daughter was lying to them and would not let them speak with the child.
IF Casey was in Jax, how did her car end up so close to home the 30th when towed. Who dropped it in Orlando? Casey called them before he went to the lot or while there.
12:58 p.m. Casey calls Cindys cell phone = 213 secs.
1:11 p.m. Cindy calls Caseys cell phone = 89 secs.
1:55 p.m. Caseys vehicle was released to George and he drove it to the Anthony home
Why did he report he was surprised when CA told him Caylee was missing?
He knew it 10 hours earlier! At the tow yard.

he's x-LE they took his word as gold and never looked back
That worked for Drew Peterson for a few years too!
(I'm not saying GA did it just that he had knowledge)
I think it is blatantly clear that no-one other than FCA is guilty. Speculation and hearsay was the ploy of the defense and to destroy this mans character with no evidence to back it up is a total disgrace.
Reading the posts, I've seen several of you theorize that the defense MIGHT find a way to pin the murder on GA. As SHOCKING as that might seem, they have shown in the past that there is no line they will not cross. (I'm not saying that's all bad either! If you were on trial for murder, wouldn't you want a team that will fight until the bitter end for you?) I think the point is that they show a certain lack of scrupples.

The second I read KC's jailhouse letters to her "muffin" about the sexual abuse, the thought crossed my mind that it might be leverage that could be used by the defense.

If we were to study the history and actions of GA what has he said & done that could support a murder theory? I'm quite sure he's innocent of this crime, but it took MUCH LESS for them to point a finger at RK. What has GA done that could make him look guilty?

Well, since I do not believe GA saw either Casey or Caylee on the morning of the 16th, let alone remembering EXACTLY what Caylee was wearing at the time GA "last saw his granddaughter" don'tcha know, 'course he didn't know it would be the last time he saw her, if he is to be believed - I believe he started lying very early on. I further believe he knows a LOT more than he ever said, about everything.

My opinion only
Well, since I do not believe GA saw either Casey or Caylee on the morning of the 16th, let alone remembering EXACTLY what Caylee was wearing at the time GA "last saw his granddaughter" don'tcha know, 'course he didn't know it would be the last time he saw her, if he is to be believed - I believe he started lying very early on. I further believe he knows a LOT more than he ever said, about everything.

My opinion only

What was it that the investigator said to GA during one of his interviews? "We think your a man that knows alot of things George" So as I stated throughout the trial, no one trusted GA, CA, LA , not even LE for going on 3 yrs then lo and behold come trial day we are to snap for the SAO and start believing poor GA the grieving grandfather. GMAB All MOO
It's funny you should say that because I supported Ms. Cruz in the beginning when she came forward with an interview, told her story and CLAIMED she did not have an affair with GA. At the time she seemed very credible. I also saw the same thing you did on the stand the other day as she seemed very credible. She could not possibly have been telling the truth both times. RC either did or did not have an affair. She was tripped up on the accident testimony depending on who was asking the question. Whether or not they had an affair has nothing to do with him telling her it was an accident versus he believes it was an accident. Even in her original statement to police RC could not keep it straight. Usually when it's the truth you are consistent.

Putting that aside RC now claims there was an affair and reports so in NE and is paid for the interview. She plays up being the victum, he took my money but I have no bank withdrawal slips to prove this happened that we have seen. hummm And here she is admitting to sleeping with GA at night and then beelines it over to CA's house the very next day to bring her flowers. Sooooo, what's with the flowers. Does it make RC feel less guilty for sleeping with another woman's husband because she brings her flowers the next day. Affairs happen all the time but it takes a real "special person" to bring the wife flowers the next day. I can't believe the jury missed that.

RC's twin sister (who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ZFG description) was in jail the same time as KC. They met because the sister delivers books. Around this time RC stops by the tent and strikes up a conversation with GA and ends up down there every day or so after that.

So what if: GA gets into a "relationship", physical or not, does not matter at this point. Then all of a sudden LE gets GA's phone records from another phone and contacts RC. If RC's intention was to set GA up so she could testify for the defense in court about the "accident" GA revealed to her I bet she was ready to toss some serious cookies when LE showed up at her door. And she was upset, really upset. Upset enough to get her story wrong.

I think at some point GA realized what was happening and that is when he tried to commit suicide. He could see where defense was headed. RC's intention was to insert herself for whatever reason and that is perfectly clear. So what was the point of bringing CA flowers, giving her jewelry??? Ironically RC's sister was serving time in jail for stealing jewelry from a neighbor and pawning it using RC's ID. You would think RC would want to stay as far away from her sister as she could possibly get...Nope...they are the best of friends. Just another defense witness we should have a lot of questions about. jmo

RC probably got really nervous after the remains were found. There is no way in heck I'll ever believe that this was all a coincidence or that there was an affair. A twin inmate delivering books at the jail at the same time the other shows up at search center then the conflicting stories about snowballing accidents and the slurring of George with lying, cheating, and taking money. There's just now it wasn't a set up IMO. This really is one thing that the truth should come out. Everyone lies though, so we wouldn't know unless a bribe could be proven.
EXACTLY!!! The pundits all say that a loving grandfather would call 911 if he found his grandbaby floating in the pool. So I wish they would explain how a loving grandfather could drive that car home and go to work after smelling decomp in his daughter's car, especially after not seeing either one of them for a month, and not call LE. Then Cindy set to work trying to clean the smell out of the car.

I explain that as CA chirping in GA's ear at the tow yard, imploring him not to call 911 until they had a chance to go home and get a hold of FCA. Definitely makes sense as CA cleaned the car ...

The only questions I have are, why did Casey leave Caylee's body in the car long enough to cause the very strong decomp odor? That odor doesn't happen in just a short while, it takes hours for it to build up. Why didn't she try to get rid of the body right away? Did she come back at some point and try to bury Caylee in the back yard, George caught her and then they disposed of the body together? Or did George "discover" the body in the back yard and dispose of it himself, and Casey didn't know where it was?

The body didn't start to smell for a few days and Casey was torn as to where to put the body, eventually settling on a place close to home.

It was obvious to me when George was on the stand that he was lying at certain points, especially during questioning about the affair with River. His body language and his hesitation, not wanting to answer till the judge told him to answer the question... it was very telling to me. While OTOH, River seemed very sincere, her body language and facial expressions did not show any deception... I think she was telling the truth.

I'm not so sure he was lying, as RC originally told the police that they did not have an affair. And didn't RC & her sister make money off of the story ? Also, why didn't GA come clean about the alleged affair in his suicide note ?

Just my opinions ...
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