I-70 SERIAL KILLER profile, MO/IN/KS/TX, 1990's

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There is definitely anger, possibly a "revenge" motive in his mind, theres also a muted sexual component to it , if it were just global, anger , you'd see more of a random class of victims,for ex McVeigh, Bin Laden, Columbine , but even those victims were representative of something or someone .

In this case, even when he was in his killing spree phase, (6 murders in just over a month) he was very specific about the type of victim/situation he acted in

This is often the result of fantasy, misplaced anger ,and usually a triggering event prior to .

These women arent just easy targets, he commits these killings usually in broad daylight, with a lot of potential witnesses, around, they represent something to him.

When you see a killer (Ted Bundy for ex) who is specific about physical characteristics on his victims, we almost always find someone in their background whom these victims are representative of .

But the victim type alone is usually enough to give us a clue to what their motives are, shooting lone, petite women in the back of the head doesn't scream "macho" even the selection of such victims, betrays insecurity about a possible physical encounter with a male.

When a male walked in on one of his crimes, even though he was armed, and had just killed 2 victims, when the male refused to follow his orders , he simply told the male to leave .

Small petite brunettes represent something to him, maybe he was spurned by a similar female, the lack of sexual assault is interesting , perhaps thats what it is or he may have contracted a STD from someone similar (We've seen that many times before) but often is the result of some form of sexual dysfunction, though i would be willing to bet he masturbates to his recollection of them .

He will almost certainly follow his crimes, keep clippings, nowadays hell read about it on the internet, maybe even here .

However if indeed the Terre Haute murder of a male clerk was the work of the same killer , were looking at a shift in behavior , and that could possibly be due to several reasons .

Injustice collectors are consumed by thoughts of revenge and have deep seated anger and resentment. They often have sexual issues, which is recurring. Something seen in the likes of Lori Drew, Gertrude Baniszewski, Eric Harris, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Stephen Paddock, Anders Breivik, and Osama bin Laden.

Drew and Baniszewski were more targeted as they targeted children (Megan Meier and Sylvia Likens) because of slighting that happened to their daughters and on top of their own self-hatred and frustrations in life. They were consumed by intense jealousy and envy. That can be said of Angela Lynn Marinucci or Laurie Tackett.

They had sexual frustrations. Drew thought Megan was calling Sarah a "Lesbian". Baniszewski thought Sylvia was spreading rumors that Stephanie and Paula Baniszewski were prostitutes. It is unclear if Baniszewski was vicarious through her children. Drew was vicarious through Sarah.

Drew and Baniszewski had extreme anger and resentment like seen with Columbine, UCSB, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Las Vegas, and 9/11.

It is interesting the I 70 killer does it in broad daylight. He often strikes when there is one women alone at the business.

There are many things that come to play. Some many factors to consider.
Injustice collectors are consumed by thoughts of revenge and have deep seated anger and resentment. They often have sexual issues, which is recurring. Something seen in the likes of Lori Drew, Gertrude Baniszewski, Eric Harris, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Stephen Paddock, Anders Breivik, and Osama bin Laden.

Drew and Baniszewski were more targeted as they targeted children (Megan Meier and Sylvia Likens) because of slighting that happened to their daughters and on top of their own self-hatred and frustrations in life. They were consumed by intense jealousy and envy. That can be said of Angela Lynn Marinucci or Laurie Tackett.

They had sexual frustrations. Drew thought Megan was calling Sarah a "Lesbian". Baniszewski thought Sylvia was spreading rumors that Stephanie and Paula Baniszewski were prostitutes. It is unclear if Baniszewski was vicarious through her children. Drew was vicarious through Sarah.

Drew and Baniszewski had extreme anger and resentment like seen with Columbine, UCSB, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Las Vegas, and 9/11.

It is interesting the I 70 killer does it in broad daylight. He often strikes when there is one women alone at the business.

There are many things that come to play. Some many factors to consider.

That is a very psychiatric view of it, and in general not incorrect, but it Casts an extremely wide net.

Psychiatrist are rarely asked to profile crimes however because of how they are trained from a treatment standpoint , in that they take personalities and they infer behaviors outward from that standpoint. In a clinical setting the purpose of that is to prevent any further problems with the patient, and to adequately treat all of the possible psychological issues they are having.

Psychiatrist tend to try to predict potential

And though they may be correct in some aspects it leaves a very large disparity between what is actually occurring and what potential the offender has and can be way off in terms of true offender behavior

when David Berkowitz told prison psychiatrist that he received orders to kill all those victims from a talking dog they labeled him as a schizophrenic….. when confronted by Douglas and Ressler from the FBI Berkeowitz admitted he made it all up and that the prison psychiatrist bought it fully

The way a profiler would look at it is to analyze the behavior at the crime scenes itself including, Autopsy findings autopsy protocols police reports witness account then infer personality from there retrospectively, It’s sometimes referred to as retro classification

Im not saying you’re incorrect, i’m just saying theres most likely a lot more to it than grudge holding

And though all those people you listed certainly had issues with anger, Each and everyone of them had separate motives that were equally as motivating

When you’re dealing with a single individual responsible for multiple murders you need to zero in on those separate motives as well it’s the combination of behaviors you’re looking for that are unique to this individual and represent a “signature “
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That is a very psychiatric view of it, and in general not incorrect, but it Casts an extremely wide net.

Psychiatrist are rarely asked to profile crimes however because of how they are trained from a treatment standpoint , in that they take personalities and they infer behaviors outward from that standpoint. In a clinical setting the purpose of that is to prevent any further problems with the patient, and to adequately treat all of the possible psychological issues they are having.

Psychiatrist tend to try to predict potential

And though they may be correct in some aspects it leaves a very large disparity between what is actually occurring and what potential the offender has and can be way off in terms of true offender behavior

when David Berkowitz told prison psychiatrist that he received orders to kill all those victims from a talking dog they labeled him as a schizophrenic….. when confronted by Douglas and Ressler from the FBI Berkeowitz admitted he made it all up and that the prison psychiatrist bought it fully

The way a profiler would look at it is to analyze the behavior at the crime scenes itself including, Autopsy findings autopsy protocols police reports witness account then infer personality from there retrospectively, It’s sometimes referred to as retro classification

Im not saying you’re incorrect, i’m just saying theres most likely a lot more to it than grudge holding

And though all those people you listed certainly had issues with anger, Each and everyone of them had separate motives that were equally as motivating

When you’re dealing with a single individual responsible for multiple murders you need to zero in on those separate motives as well it’s the combination of behaviors you’re looking for that are unique to this individual and represent a “signature “

Grudge holding is just a piece of the puzzle. I notice many non-mass killers are grudge holders.

There are so many other things that come to play. It is not the sole reason, but it does play a role.

Not every criminal is a grudge holder, like I have seen with Jerry Sandusky, Jeffrey Epstein, Larry Nassar, and Jimmy Savile. Motives are always multifaceted. There is no one factor.

Anyways about the I 70 killers, so many things that drive him to kill.

It is probable he could be in prison or even died.
Grudge holding is just a piece of the puzzle. I notice many non-mass killers are grudge holders.

There are so many other things that come to play. It is not the sole reason, but it does play a role.

Not every criminal is a grudge holder, like I have seen with Jerry Sandusky, Jeffrey Epstein, Larry Nassar, and Jimmy Savile. Motives are always multifaceted. There is no one factor.

Anyways about the I 70 killers, so many things that drive him to kill.

It is probable he could be in prison or even died.
Grudge holding is just a piece of the puzzle. I notice many non-mass killers are grudge holders.

There are so many other things that come to play. It is not the sole reason, but it does play a role.

Not every criminal is a grudge holder, like I have seen with Jerry Sandusky, Jeffrey Epstein, Larry Nassar, and Jimmy Savile. Motives are always multifaceted. There is no one factor.

Anyways about the I 70 killers, so many things that drive him to kill.

It is probable he could be in prison or even died.

We've found that not to be true .

Sometimes, they just stop, there are numerous cases, where serial killers stopped for a periods of time, for any variety of reasons, some completely.

Theres usually a governing psychological need, that is often fed, by and supported by others , it becomes a unique blend for each killer, even copycats are usually different motive wise.

Saville , Epstein and Sandusky were pedophiles , their motive is easy, Pedophiles are adults sexually attracted to children the way adults are attracted to adults.

In General there are 3 types of pedophiles (Seduction/Introverted/Sadistic)

All 3 are what is referred to as a "Seductive" Pedophiles.

The Seduction Pedophile desires a loving sexual relationship with their victim(s) as would a consenting adult couple, except his desires partner is illegal.

AS with almost all pedophiles, he has a preferred age range, but its solely based, on appearance, in other words, if he likes 10 year old boys, he will molest an older victim if he physically appears similar to his preferred victim

Because they operate covertly , usually show their victims a lot of attention and affection, shower then with gifts , and theres often a double edged sword of shame associated with being raped by a grown adult male, and causing trouble for this individual who shows them love and affection, many victims keep it to themselves, this allows the seductive pedophile to molest large numbers of victims, usually between 50 and 300 before they are caught.

The Seductive pedophile is the least likely to be violent and dangerous, as their motive is "loving", there have been cases, however where a Seduction type pedophiles have turned sadistic.

The motive there is easy to discern.
So they just used genetic genealogy to identify the I-65 Killer shouldn’t they try to do with for the I-70 killer? I think it’s the only way it gets solved.

If they have DNA, none of the victims were sexually assaulted
Wondering if there is any significance to the killer targeting specialty stores?
Is it because such stores are likely to have fewer staff and customers, or is it something about whatever is the store's specialty?
Does he make the victim open the cash drawer before attacking , if so- is that part of the thrill- opening something of value, taking little, then shutting it? Like pulling off the victims pants, ''taking'' nothing, but ''inserting'' a bullet?
A psychiatrist, a late friend of mine, once had to go to court in support of a patient accused of stealing a woman's handbag.
His patient was not a thief, rather- he was obsessed with tampons inside of purses and he thought he saw one and desperately wanted a peek at it!
Could the opening/closing of a cash register drawer by a petite, dark haired female have a similar effect on the 1-70 killer?
fwiw, imo, speculation.

This Is Who The I-70 Killer Specifically Targeted (grunge.com)
BY AARON HOMER/JUNE 10, 2021 rbbm.

''The first murder associated with the I-70 Killer took place in Indianapolis, Indiana on April 8, 1992, according to KMOV. The Payless ShoeSource clerk was shot dead when she was alone in the store, the cash register emptied of a trifling amount of money.''

''The next five murders, with one exception, would all follow a similar pattern: A woman, working at a specialty store within a few hundred feet of the highway, would be killed, at times when there were likely to be few customers. In one case, two women were killed while working together, but that may not have been the killer's intention. The one exception to this profile was an Indiana man working in his mother's ceramics store, according to a 2012 Associated Press story published by The DuBois County Herald. He was shot from behind, and because he was wearing a ponytail at the time, the murderer may have mistaken him for a woman.

Cumulatively, the evidence in this case seems to suggest that the I-70 Killer targeted women whom he expected to be working alone — specifically, petite, young women with dark hair. And though he did rob the victims' stores, it was always a trifling amount, and robbery doesn't appear to have been his motive. "[The killer's motive] has always simply seemed to be the thrill of killing," said St. Charles, Missouri Police Detective Donald Stepp (via KMOV). Police sketches (above) are as close as authorities have come to catching the killer.''
Anger, frustration, retribution for real or perceived wrongs, when you have a common victim type, particularly a physical similarity between victims, its often a representation of someone in their life .
Considering I-70 stretches from Maryland to Utah i think it possible that the killer was likely from a state that he didn’t kill anybody in where he wouldn’t be recognized

I get this odd feeling that he is either from Maryland or Ohio and just chose Kansas, Indiana and Missouri because he wouldn’t be recognized in those states and could get out quickly i also believe the guy was self-employed was able to work from home but he wasn’t wealthy but certainly had an income of $70K plus and enjoyed traveling but had a house or a condo somewhere in his home state and kept to himself.

He also had a hate for young brunette Petite Woman probably because he was raised by a mother who was one either that or he had a sister, cousin or even a girl he was rejected by in high school or college that made him have a big dislike towards these types of woman and that partly was the reason he killed them he clearly had a lot of anger inside of him but was able to maintain it to a certain degree.
Considering I-70 stretches from Maryland to Utah i think it possible that the killer was likely from a state that he didn’t kill anybody in where he wouldn’t be recognized

I get this odd feeling that he is either from Maryland or Ohio and just chose Kansas, Indiana and Missouri because he wouldn’t be recognized in those states and could get out quickly i also believe the guy was self-employed was able to work from home but he wasn’t wealthy but certainly had an income of $70K plus and enjoyed traveling but had a house or a condo somewhere in his home state and kept to himself.

He also had a hate for young brunette Petite Woman probably because he was raised by a mother who was one either that or he had a sister, cousin or even a girl he was rejected by in high school or college that made him have a big dislike towards these types of woman and that partly was the reason he killed them he clearly had a lot of anger inside of him but was able to maintain it to a certain degree.

Their earlier crimes, are usually in a "safe zone" which is often near their home, many feel he was originally from the Indianapolis area
Touch DNA from the beer bottles that did not contain enough fingerprint?

Touch DNA still has a long way to go, as we saw in the Jon Benet Ramsey case , touch DNA can come from anyone or almost anywhere

Technically if you sneeze in a crime scene you have touch DNA they still have years to go with developing that
Watched the mini documentary KMOV in St Louis did last year interesting in the Nancy Kitzmiller murder this is the sketch of the man witnesses said they saw Kitzmiller helping a few minutes before her murder. To me this guy looks completely different then the description the guy in Wichita made when he was confronted by the I-70 Killer. Nancy murder would’ve happened after Wichita so either this guy is a master of disguise who was good at changing his appearance or he had a identical twin brother who was using the same gun and ammo he was during the murders.


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Watched the mini documentary KMOV in St Louis did last year interesting in the Nancy Kitzmiller murder this is the sketch of the man witnesses said they saw Kitzmiller helping a few minutes before her murder. To me this guy looks completely different then the description the guy in Wichita made when he was confronted by the I-70 Killer. Nancy murder would’ve happened after Wichita so either this guy is a master of disguise who was good at changing his appearance or he had a identical twin brother who was using the same gun and ammo he was during the murders.


or, just handed the firearm & ammo off to another scoundrel?

Vicki Webb is interviewed for a documentary about the I-70 Serial Killer. She owned Alternative Gift Shop in Houston and was shot in 1994.
Thank you, from link.. rbbm.
By Stephanie Nolasco
People Magazine Investigates" airs Monday at 9 p.m.

"He looked different – not anything you would consider extraordinary," Webb recalled to Fox News Digital. "He was just a small man who walked into the store, looking around. He was asking a lot of questions about the traffic patterns, like if the store had business, things like that. I just thought he was a scout for a retailer."

''Webb said the short Caucasian man, who appeared around 5’8", was gaunt and "slender," reminiscent of a jockey. His "very tanned" skin was "ruddy" and "leathery." He was bow-legged with sandy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore Ropers, a type of cowboy boot. He appeared older than what he could have been. She guessed he was in his mid-30s. His features seemed to imply he worked outdoors.''

''The seemingly unsuspecting shopper left. Soon after, he came back.''

"He talked about his niece coming," Webb recalled. "He was meeting his niece. He kept looking out the windows. He pointed to a frame that he wanted."

Webb turned her back when she suddenly heard a loud bang. She fell to the ground.''


''He turned Webb over and her arm flopped to the floor. He dragged her behind the counter and pulled down her pants. He then forcefully pressed his gun against her forehead.

The man pulled the trigger. It clicked. He chuckled.
"[His laughter] was vicious, maniacal, evil," said Webb. "Just pure evil."

Anyone with information is being urged to call St. Charles Police at 800-800-3510. A $25,000 reward is being offered. (St. Charles Police Department)
Hi, I follow the I-70 Killer case and last night Investigation Discovery did a 2 hour show revisiting the crimes. I must say I wasn't expecting a whole lot other then rehashing the same victim crime scenes over and over ext. but I was very impressed as to how far along it is today. They have been getting new great leads after the new task force was made in 2022 to solve it. The pale faced young man with droopy eyes and blondish/reddish hair who did this used a very old rare antique of a gun used in the 1940s which was helpful in identifying the owner. They even had a very strong suspect who has very solid evidence against him. Its amazing just how much is going on behind the scenes that we don't know about yet. They mentioned its a 50/50 chance he left his DNA on the recovered bullets which are being tested now. One item he used to muffle the gunshot was a wedding dress that they couldnt get a DNA profile from which was frustrating. Considering the eyewitnesses who said he looked young he may very well be alive today. What are your thoughts? This is a solvable case and I suspect it will be and it wont be very much longer stay tuned!
IMHO I think People Magazine Investigates does a good job on cases. They were one of the first to investigate LISK/Gilgo beach killings. I too have followed this case. As technology advances (which we have seen with several cases) crimes have a better chance of getting solved. I feel for the family and friends who have waited for the killer to be found and brought to justice. I find it particularly sad when the parents pass without knowing who killed their love one.
The Erma Werke Model ET22 was apparently produced only in the late 1960s, and had an unusually long barrel, 11-3/4"

From the ST Charles City Police (MO) Facebook page:
It was a .22 caliber reproduction of a German Navy Luger pistol with a zinc alloy frame instead of the original steel. It looks like it would be difficult to hide due to its size. It would probably have to be concealed under a coat or in a bag. According to some sources, there were less than 400 made.

I see this was posted earlier in the thread. The firearm is so unusual, though. The poster indicated that the barrel was treated with an abrasive meant to fire-lap or smooth the interior for high performance. This is also an unusual touch for a pistol.
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