"I already gave you a month!"

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Goalier than thou!!
Sep 21, 2008
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From the very beginning, this is the one statement that has bothered me the most from CA.

During one of the 911 calls, KC tells CA to give her "one more day" to look for Caylee. CA tells her "I already gave you a month!"

If CA hadn't KNOWN that Caylee was missing already (or that something was wrong in some way), how could she have given her a month?? Something stinks with this comment, and it has really stuck in my head. I just feel like CA knew something more than she has let on for all this time, and she's not being held accountable for it.

Am I missing something?
From the very beginning, this is the one statement that has bothered me the most from CA.

During one of the 911 calls, KC tells CA to give her "one more day" to look for Caylee. CA tells her "I already gave you a month!"

If CA hadn't KNOWN that Caylee was missing already (or that something was wrong in some way), how could she have given her a month?? Something stinks with this comment, and it has really stuck in my head. I just feel like CA knew something more than she has let on for all this time, and she's not being held accountable for it.

Am I missing something?
No...you're not missing anything...we discussed this a lot in the beginning. I personally thought there was a fight and Casey left on not such good terms. Cindy was waiting her out...but it didn't work. I'd love to see those early text messages.
No...you're not missing anything...we discussed this a lot in the beginning. I personally thought there was a fight and Casey left on not such good terms. Cindy was waiting her out...but it didn't work. I'd love to see those early text messages.

Oh, soooooooo would I!!
My thoughts are along the lines of RR0004.

Cindy had swallowed a months worth of excuses. Not seeing the grand daughter she'd practically raised because her daughter was such a dead beat and she such a control freak. She probably felt at this point Casey was still using Caylee against her, not allowing her to be around her (in my opinion, because of the fight the 15th).

Cindy wanted Casey to produce Caylee, like yesterday. Phone call to LE was last resort.

Who knows what Casey was planning on doing with another day :waitasec:
No...you're not missing anything...we discussed this a lot in the beginning. I personally thought there was a fight and Casey left on not such good terms. Cindy was waiting her out...but it didn't work. I'd love to see those early text messages.

I believe the text messages we've seen (such as those involving AH) were collected directly from cell phones. Have we seen any text messages retrieved via the cell providers?
I believe the text messages we've seen (such as those involving AH) were collected directly from cell phones. Have we seen any text messages retrieved via the cell providers?
Check out the resource link...tons of info. HTH

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=233"]Anthony Case Resource Links, Case Calendar and Time Line Analysis Forum - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
My thoughts are along the lines of RR0004.

Cindy had swallowed a months worth of excuses. Not seeing the grand daughter she'd practically raised because her daughter was such a dead beat and she such a control freak. She probably felt at this point Casey was still using Caylee against her, not allowing her to be around her (in my opinion, because of the fight the 15th).

Cindy wanted Casey to produce Caylee, like yesterday. Phone call to LE was last resort.

Who knows what Casey was planning on doing with another day :waitasec:[/quote

1. Planning to flee....but she had no Plan B set up for it because she unwisely spent all the stolen money.

2. Planning to pronounce Zenaida as the culprit and garner sympathy from everyone because now that Cindy called the police she has put Caylee in jeopardy. It is going fast the Scott Peterson way so she has to play the tearless, childless mother for the cameras. Have more face time in Nancy Grace (now that would have been fun and telling) Play out the Z story for a few more days and then somehow get a call from Z the kidnapper telling her the "bad news." Unfortunately for Casey, no matter how she used that extra day it will all come back to her being incarerated and all of us hashing it out here how she spent the 31 days, the money she stole, and those parties and guys she did. That is why she is guilty as there is no other scenario to play out. It all ends with Casey.

Glad that Cindy went with her instinct in that moment rather than give her one more day. Those calls to 911 are a glimpse of a Cindy before she decided to support her daughter in all this lunacy.
I have a feeling that Cindy saw some type of evidence indicating that Caylee was hurt or dead from the beginning. I am sure something had to be left over in the house. This is why Cindy was on such a manhunt for KC, to demand some answers. She knew something was wrong. She just needed more proof and then when she finally got her hands on KC, there was no Caylee and then the smelly car, etc... Maybe at first she was in denial, but when she finally let everything sink in after KC's arrest, she was in cleanup mode and cleaning all evidence possible. I will never understand why it took LE to take so long to take the car. In Jersey, that car would of been taken 5 minutes after that 911 call indicating there was a smell of a dead body.
KC hadnt spent it all Cindy took approx $200 in front of the female officer that was at
the house as they were going through KC wallet . Money Cindy knew was stolen from Amy . It was also when there was another card behind KC drivers license and was held onto by the officer. We have never learned what that was - a fake id - another credit card .
I have a feeling that Cindy saw some type of evidence indicating that Caylee was hurt or dead from the beginning. I am sure something had to be left over in the house. This is why Cindy was on such a manhunt for KC, to demand some answers. She knew something was wrong. She just needed more proof and then when she finally got her hands on KC, there was no Caylee and then the smelly car, etc... Maybe at first she was in denial, but when she finally let everything sink in after KC's arrest, she was in cleanup mode and cleaning all evidence possible. I will never understand why it took LE to take so long to take the car. In Jersey, that car would of been taken 5 minutes after that 911 call indicating there was a smell of a dead body.

You know, you are absolutely correct. Casey is a notorious slob, just look at the inside of her car. There are many people who theorize that Caylee died in that house. Setting aside George's jolly kissing b'bye to Caylee and Casey that last day.....d'ya suppose there was something left behind that Cindy had to clean up and only later determined the impact of what it meant?
From the very beginning, this is the one statement that has bothered me the most from CA.

During one of the 911 calls, KC tells CA to give her "one more day" to look for Caylee. CA tells her "I already gave you a month!"

If CA hadn't KNOWN that Caylee was missing already (or that something was wrong in some way), how could she have given her a month?? Something stinks with this comment, and it has really stuck in my head. I just feel like CA knew something more than she has let on for all this time, and she's not being held accountable for it.

Am I missing something?

I think the comment, "I've already given you a month" alludes to the fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th. Although we don't know exactly what was said and done during that fight, it would appear that the result was Casey storming out of the house with Caylee.

During that month between June 15 and July 15, Casey avoided any physical contact with Cindy, although there were brief conversations on the phone. Whenever Cindy asked to speak with Caylee, there was always some excuse why Caylee couldn't come to the phone. At that time, Cindy thought Casey was keeping Caylee from her, denying Cindy access to Caylee to punish Cindy for whatever Cindy said or did during the fight on June 15th. Cindy expressed these thoughts in her July 3 comments on her MySpace page.

When Cindy said, "I've already given you a month", she was done playing Casey's game and demanding to see Caylee right away.

Of course we know now that Caylee was deceased and had been deceased for almost a month. It wasn't a matter of Casey withholding Caylee from Cindy on a temporary basis to punish Cindy. Casey had taken Caylee away from Cindy permanently.
I think the comment, "I've already given you a month" alludes to the fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th. Although we don't know exactly what was said and done during that fight, it would appear that the result was Casey storming out of the house with Caylee.

During that month between June 15 and July 15, Casey avoided any physical contact with Cindy, although there were brief conversations on the phone. Whenever Cindy asked to speak with Caylee, there was always some excuse why Caylee couldn't come to the phone. At that time, Cindy thought Casey was keeping Caylee from her, denying Cindy access to Caylee to punish Cindy for whatever Cindy said or did during the fight on June 15th. Cindy expressed these thoughts in her July 3 comments on her MySpace page.

When Cindy said, "I've already given you a month", she was done playing Casey's game and demanding to see Caylee right away.

Of course we know now that Caylee was deceased and had been deceased for almost a month. It wasn't a matter of Casey withholding Caylee from Cindy on a temporary basis to punish Cindy. Casey had taken Caylee away from Cindy permanently.

KC hadnt spent it all Cindy took approx $200 in front of the female officer that was at
the house as they were going through KC wallet . Money Cindy knew was stolen from Amy . It was also when there was another card behind KC drivers license and was held onto by the officer. We have never learned what that was - a fake id - another credit card .

When the theft/fraud case goes to trial, I hope we learn more about what that card was in Casey's wallet. It's too bad Cindy got her hands on that $200, but at that time, in the wee hours of July 16th, Casey wasn't a suspect yet.
I think she just meant she had already spent a month demanding to see caylee and being brushed off.
You know, you are absolutely correct. Casey is a notorious slob, just look at the inside of her car. There are many people who theorize that Caylee died in that house. Setting aside George's jolly kissing b'bye to Caylee and Casey that last day.....d'ya suppose there was something left behind that Cindy had to clean up and only later determined the impact of what it meant?

Like decomp? Maybe, but I think even without any physical evidence being found at the house, Cindy knew something was very wrong.

I don't think Cindy believed for a second that there was a nanny. Casey left (supposedly with Caylee) but didn't take supplies for the baby. No shoes, extra clothes, pullups, nothing. She stayed gone for a month, without coming back to get any more things of Caylee's. Cindy was checking, because she made a statement to that.

She knew in her heart that there was no nanny that had duplicates of all of Caylee's things at her house. She knew something was very wrong. That's why she called the police.
Honestly, that entire exchange reminds me of any number of interactions with my 7 year old: "time for bed, put the game away . . ." "just five more minutes! PLEASE!" It's not like five minutes would get him any further ahead, and giving him the five means that he'll only beg for five more minutes as soon as I tell him "time's up." It's a control issue.

It just sounded like a juvenille reaction from KC; always needing another minute, another five minutes, another day, another week . . . . stallling techniques and no more. What would she have done with another day? My guess is either run away, or spend another night "getting it on" with her boyfriend, and then begging for "just one more day mom, one more day!"
I think Çindy and Casey had established a behavior pattern that ran along very well worn paths. Cindy blew up, Casey blew up and it took a couple of days for cool down, then life went on as before. "Before", Casey was constantly trying to pawn Caylee off on Cindy so she could go out and play. Suddenly, after the BIG fight on the 15th, not only has Casey not fallen back in line as before, she won't even make Caylee available for Cindy to speak to - and certainly hasn't brought her "home" to her grandparents. To Cindy this was a huge red flag - she wasn't in control, had no idea what would happen next, and was completely different than Casey had ever behaved before. The worry wasn't that something happened to Caylee - it was fear of the unknown. IMO of course.
Honestly, that entire exchange reminds me of any number of interactions with my 7 year old: "time for bed, put the game away . . ." "just five more minutes! PLEASE!" It's not like five minutes would get him any further ahead, and giving him the five means that he'll only beg for five more minutes as soon as I tell him "time's up." It's a control issue.

It just sounded like a juvenille reaction from KC; always needing another minute, another five minutes, another day, another week . . . . stallling techniques and no more. What would she have done with another day? My guess is either run away, or spend another night "getting it on" with her boyfriend, and then begging for "just one more day mom, one more day!"

I have always wanted someone to ask KC that question,and be able to hear her explanation,especially since she told LE that day that she talked to Caylee that day on the phone and claims Caylee was fine. So how would KC spin that statement with all her other far fetched lies? I tend to think she would say something like "I don't know what I was thinking or saying at that time,don't you realize I was crazy desperate thinking crazy thoughts just to save my daughter!'But just the same I would still like to hear from her,why she felt she needed one more day.
This whole 31 days thing- I think is a while lot of nothing- It's too scripted-

First CA starts the I gave you a month ( as in 30-31 days)
KC uses it in haven't seen my daughter in 31 days (as in a month)
Nanny gave KC a script to use for 31 days

I think CA created that pink elephant- just as she created /6/8th for last seeing Caylee-

Problem was not everyone was on board with her right away-
How can 5 people all pick the same wrong time period?
LA said last saw Caylee 6/5,
GA said 6/7,
CA said 6/8,
SP was possitive it was 6/8.
KC said 6/9
So it wasn't like CA gave one date and everyone followed suit..
She and KC were trying to avoid 6/15th at all cost- it appears-anyway- because of the alleged argument?
KC is the only one who stuck with 6/9.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people think if they don't talk about something- it doesn't exist- like the rest of the world is deaf, dumb, and blind. The more they try to hide it, the more attention they bring to it.
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