I Don't Like This Thought!!!

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I hope the real zanny takes all of her future earnings at the civil trial!

That would be soooooo sweet! And that the other possible grandmother gets DNA testing that shows Caylee was her son's child and then goes for a civil wrongful death!!
If this has already been discussed, I missed it, sorry. I had a very disturbing thought. Jean Kesauras (sp?) was in the DT's "party" after the verdict was read. She said they wouldn't allow cameras in there but she was on the phone with HLN while talking to CM in person. She asked him if they knew where Casey was going after her release and he told her yes. Of course, he wouldn't tell her where. So then JK asked him if it was safe to say she wouldn't be going to G&CA home to live. Basically he laughed and said no, she won't be going there. Ok, now to my disturbing thought...it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she went to their home or sent someone there to get Caylee's remains (since she was cremated), if for no other reason but to hurt and torture her parents once again. My guess is, considering she is her mother and has been found not guilty, she would have every legal right to do so. It truly disturbs me to think she might get her hands on Caylee again. I can see her throwing her away for the second time like she's nothing but trash. I hope she remains the selfish ***** that she is and doesn't even think about Caylee's remains.

If you look back in the archives here somewhere you'll find something about the cremation and the ashes that her parents hung on to. They specifically stated that they were not keeping them at their home but in a safe place for future burial. And I do believe that media caught wind of them being placed in a memorial type of cemetery. Casey did sign over her rights on that issue to her parents way back when as well. That also was a big stink in the news over that issue. What was said. Who said it. Etc etc etc..
I hope the real zanny takes all of her future earnings at the civil trial!

Excellent thought!!! I wonder if we can file a massive group civil lawsuit against ICA for wrongful death and claw back any and all monies she may earn now or in the future. Hmmmmmm.
KC will do what KC does-- cause pain and anguish.

Be careful what you ask for, and all that. jmo
That would be soooooo sweet! And that the other possible grandmother gets DNA testing that shows Caylee was her son's child and then goes for a civil wrongful death!!

Can only relatives file for wrongful death?
Whatever happens, Cindy and George get no sympathy from me. They are a big reason that Caylee got no justice on this earth.
If this has already been discussed, I missed it, sorry. I had a very disturbing thought. Jean Kesauras (sp?) was in the DT's "party" after the verdict was read. She said they wouldn't allow cameras in there but she was on the phone with HLN while talking to CM in person. She asked him if they knew where Casey was going after her release and he told her yes. Of course, he wouldn't tell her where. So then JK asked him if it was safe to say she wouldn't be going to G&CA home to live. Basically he laughed and said no, she won't be going there. Ok, now to my disturbing thought...it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she went to their home or sent someone there to get Caylee's remains (since she was cremated), if for no other reason but to hurt and torture her parents once again. My guess is, considering she is her mother and has been found not guilty, she would have every legal right to do so. It truly disturbs me to think she might get her hands on Caylee again. I can see her throwing her away for the second time like she's nothing but trash. I hope she remains the selfish ***** that she is and doesn't even think about Caylee's remains.

I believe that that the Anthonys had Caylee's remains placed into jewelry that they can wear (those special bracelets and necklaces), and that they made one FOR Casey to have, but haven't been able to give it to her while she is in jail. I believe they will be giving her Caylee jewelry upon her release.

All pure speculation on my part.
If you look back in the archives here somewhere you'll find something about the cremation and the ashes that her parents hung on to. They specifically stated that they were not keeping them at their home but in a safe place for future burial. And I do believe that media caught wind of them being placed in a memorial type of cemetery. Casey did sign over her rights on that issue to her parents way back when as well. That also was a big stink in the news over that issue. What was said. Who said it. Etc etc etc..

I believe they said they weren't in their home to deter people who would try to steal them. At the memorial, Cindy, George, and Lee all had special Caylee related jewelry, so I formed the conclusion that it was that special kind of jewelry made to hold ashes from cremation.

Again, pure speculation on my part.
That would be soooooo sweet! And that the other possible grandmother gets DNA testing that shows Caylee was her son's child and then goes for a civil wrongful death!!

Good point about the "other possible grandmother". I have been posting about the father, but the grandmother/grandfather could, too, I suppose. However, I think the chances are much slimmer that the other grandparents know who they are than that the father does.
I can't remember because it's been so long ago. But didn't Casey sign a release or waiver of Caylee's remains over to her Parents?

If that's legally binding paperwork then I would imagine that it would take a court order to return the remains to her if she wants. KWIM?


So maybe, a la OJ, she could break in to "steal them back".
Excellent thought!!! I wonder if we can file a massive group civil lawsuit against ICA for wrongful death and claw back any and all monies she may earn now or in the future. Hmmmmmm.
IMO: To many cell doors have been left open for Casey, I believe the next shocking news we will here from Casey will be She is sueing the State of Florida for wrongful inprisonment and she will win.
Another thought, Will Casey get her Car back now that she has been found not guilty? She will be ridding around in it after she gets out
IMO: To many cell doors have been left open for Casey, I believe the next shocking news we will here from Casey will be She is sueing the State of Florida for wrongful inprisonment and she will win.

Ms. Anthony remained in the Florida Prison system because she never said Caylee drowned in the pool. (Not saying I believe this).

Her lawyer from day 1 kept her there until the story was concocted, her family kept her there until the story was concocted and the jury bought the concoction after drinking the kool-aid.

The state of FL should sue Ms. Anthony for the costs they incurred for her
'stay' and all other costs regarding this case. JMO
IMO: To many cell doors have been left open for Casey, I believe the next shocking news we will here from Casey will be She is sueing the State of Florida for wrongful inprisonment and she will win.

Don't worry, she can't sue them for wrongful imprisonment. The time she's been serving has been applied to her sentence for lying to the police, so there are no grounds for a lawsuit.
Oh I suppose it is inevitable that we'll see Caylee's items sold on ebay. How sad. The white pontiac, the laundry bag, the baby doll. Oh yeah, how very very sad. I sincerely hope the baby's father's family knows who they are and they can DNA prove it and file a wrongful death to keep the money from flowing to the A's. How very sad that not one in 12 could hold out, hang that jury and have a retrial.
Ummm, just a hunch, but I think KC has something else she wants to pursue upon release, which is far more important to her than Caylee's remains, if you know what I mean!!!

But that's just imo of course.
I remember ICA saying "I'm spiteful beach" to brother Lee.........
I do think she is a saddist that loves to watch people hurt.
ICA will do something to someone someday again..............
theft from parents? why not, they never say 'NO' to the "PRINCESS"

How much is the cremation jewelry worth ......... at a pawn shop/ebay?
Sell CAYLEE for cash???
I think the only thing FCA will be in Hot Pursuit of is Tony's Number
If Casey gave a rat a$$ about the remains,then she wouldn't have disposed of them in swampy woods to begin with. The American justice system is the laughing stock of the whole world. I fear for children across this nation....children will always fear being abused or killed, because after today, the justice system has shown them that they should be silent about it. After today, children across america will know that bad people can bring harm to them without any penalty. Love their little hearts....

Hardly. Children are not exposed to ( nor could understand) complicated legal cases. Unless they have really bad parents they won't hear of this case until they are an adult.

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