I Don't Like This Thought!!!

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I immediately thought that she would be contacting them arrange for her to get the ashes.

Remember the jewelry the A's reportedly had made of some of the cremains? I am positive that CA would have had something made for FCA and will get it to her through Baez. I have no doubt in my mind about it.
If this has already been discussed, I missed it, sorry. I had a very disturbing thought. Jean Kesauras (sp?) was in the DT's "party" after the verdict was read. She said they wouldn't allow cameras in there but she was on the phone with HLN while talking to CM in person. She asked him if they knew where Casey was going after her release and he told her yes. Of course, he wouldn't tell her where. So then JK asked him if it was safe to say she wouldn't be going to G&CA home to live. Basically he laughed and said no, she won't be going there. Ok, now to my disturbing thought...it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she went to their home or sent someone there to get Caylee's remains (since she was cremated), if for no other reason but to hurt and torture her parents once again. My guess is, considering she is her mother and has been found not guilty, she would have every legal right to do so. It truly disturbs me to think she might get her hands on Caylee again. I can see her throwing her away for the second time like she's nothing but trash. I hope she remains the selfish ***** that she is and doesn't even think about Caylee's remains.

I can see her selling the ashes, maybe even on ebay, and of course she will be allowed to do that to
I believe that that the Anthonys had Caylee's remains placed into jewelry that they can wear (those special bracelets and necklaces), and that they made one FOR Casey to have, but haven't been able to give it to her while she is in jail. I believe they will be giving her Caylee jewelry upon her release.

All pure speculation on my part.

if you heard the roommates talk about the things LA and CA said about Casey, then you know CA knows she is less then wonderful....so my guess is that CA has had this thought and being the person she is has already purchased a decoy urn.....or at least I hope so....just sayin'!
I feel so bad for all the parents out there who have REALLY lost a child to drowning . What a slap in the face Casey Anthony has given them .
In a perfect world (mine) KC will get out of jail, go home and try to steal Caylee's ashes. CA will get so furious she will try to choke her again but this time she succeeds!
In a perfect world (mine) KC will get out of jail, go home and try to steal Caylee's ashes. CA will get so furious she will try to choke her again but this time she succeeds!

I think the inmate would relish wearing Caylee's remains somewhere on her person.

Like a trophy.
Now a days it would not surpise me at all if Casey doesn't get her own reality show and the first episode is the burial of Caylee's remains. The saddest thing about all of this is that this woman will probably end up getting very rich off of the death of her daughter by writing a book and movie deals. Her version of course anything she has to say will never,never be the truth.

Justice was not served today..

i pray it does not happen but I can see many people switching into forgiving casey because it was al GA's fault. I was surprised by the number of people on my FB who were just fine with the verdict. I hope the remaining public stays strong in their boycott but people tend to be weak and willing to hitch their cart to "celebrity".
i was surprised to read lillian glass' post about how the world will be watching casey..what she wears, how she fixes her hair, who she dates, where she goes..saying she will be a hot topic and people will want to know everything she does. is she really going to be that sucessful? i for one just want her to go away and i will be devestated if she starts popping up in star magazine on a weekly basis and everywhere on tv. this whole thing is sad. if they would have just charged her with abuse then none of this would be happening. dont think she could have profitted from her crime.. she would be out of jail after 15 years and would be long forgotten by the public. she wouldnt even have had the DP poster child celeb. i would have been just fine with a 15-20 yr sentence at this point. im so upset
Maybe she'll get the ashes and go through with a burial, and her own funeral with the media invited of course.

for the right price, of course...

but i wouldn't put it past her to dump the ashes down the toilet... then put the urn up on ebay
So maybe, a la OJ, she could break in to "steal them back".

And, I can SO see Cindy filing charges against her for doing so, and then want to add on a big $$ at the end of it for emotional damages!!

911: Hello - what's your emergency?
CA : I have someone here that needs to be arrested.
911: Arrested for what Ma'am?
CA : For stealing. For stealing ashes, lots of ashes.
911: For stealing "cash" did you say?
CA : NO! Well, maybe, I haven't looked that far in the house yet, but that was the LAST time anyway. I said ASHES. She stole Caylee's ASHES!!!!
911: Okay Ma'am, settle down, we'll have someone out there as soon as possible.

15 minutes later:

911: Hello - what's your emergency?
CA: YES!! I called a few minutes ago about having my daughter arrested for stealing ashes!!
911: For stealing "cash"??
CA: YES!! How'd you know?? She stole my stash of cash too! GEORGE!! GEORGE!!!! Casey was here, she stole our stash of cash and Caylee's ashes.
911: What??? Ma'am, ma'am, settle down, who are you talking to? What's the problem??
CA: I TOLD YOU!!! I just got home and found my daughter has been here and she stole my grand-daughter's ashes, and she took our cash!
911: Ok....your daughter was there and she stole what??
CA: Our CASH!!! Our stash of cash. OMG, we have to find that stash of cash! You don't understand! We are booked for a cruise next week and we need that CASH!!
911: I thought you said "ashes"??
CA: OMG....calling you guys, a complete WASTE. I said my daughter was here and I just found out she stole our grand-daughter's ashes, and she also took our cash. Lot's of cash - lots of cash.
911: Is this Cindy Anthony???
CA: OHHHHH MYYYY GAWWWWDD!!!! George!! George, 911 is in on this with Casey! She must have had help, and 911 already KNOWS ALL about this!!!

CLICK...........fade out to silence........:floorlaugh:
I think KC is so beyond caring for Caylee, her cloths, ashes, whatever. I doubt she will ever go back to that house or speak to her parents again.
I never thought that anyone would end up being more hated than Kate Gosselin, but here ya go!
And, I can SO see Cindy filing charges against her for doing so, and then want to add on a big $$ at the end of it for emotional damages!!

911: Hello - what's your emergency?
CA : I have someone here that needs to be arrested.
911: Arrested for what Ma'am?
CA : For stealing. For stealing ashes, lots of ashes.
911: For stealing "cash" did you say?
CA : NO! Well, maybe, I haven't looked that far in the house yet, but that was the LAST time anyway. I said ASHES. She stole Caylee's ASHES!!!!
!!!! George!! George, 911 is in on this with Casey! She must have had help, and 911 already KNOWS ALL about this!!!

CLICK...........fade out to silence........:floorlaugh:

..too funny... maybe you should write the muscial version of this comedic docu-drama... lead can be shannon doherty... or maybe lindsay lohan with her jail house experience...
If this has already been discussed, I missed it, sorry. I had a very disturbing thought. Jean Kesauras (sp?) was in the DT's "party" after the verdict was read. She said they wouldn't allow cameras in there but she was on the phone with HLN while talking to CM in person. She asked him if they knew where Casey was going after her release and he told her yes. Of course, he wouldn't tell her where. So then JK asked him if it was safe to say she wouldn't be going to G&CA home to live. Basically he laughed and said no, she won't be going there. Ok, now to my disturbing thought...it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she went to their home or sent someone there to get Caylee's remains (since she was cremated), if for no other reason but to hurt and torture her parents once again. My guess is, considering she is her mother and has been found not guilty, she would have every legal right to do so. It truly disturbs me to think she might get her hands on Caylee again. I can see her throwing her away for the second time like she's nothing but trash. I hope she remains the selfish ***** that she is and doesn't even think about Caylee's remains.
She cannot do this legally. She legally signed over rights/custody of Caylee's remains to Cindy...so not only does Cindy own Caylee's name, and the foundation in honor of her, she also own whatever is left of her-including her ashes (or the jewelry that was made from them).
Well, how about this thought. Casey is going to get pregnant immediately, imo. How does that sound? She is going to sell the film rights, buy a big house, and have another baby.
And she is the same narcissistic sociopath she was when she put Caylee in the garbage bags.

That is a scary thought. Can you imagine how that childs life would be? Who is going to let their child go over to that house to play? I think the child would pay a high price just for being her child.

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