"I don't talk to Casey about, um, about the case"

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Dec 19, 2008
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I know that we all know that the Anthony's are apparently "different" than most families in how they have handled this from the very beginning. We have hashed over (many times) how it is a family that seemingly operates in fear of one another and often skirts around huge issues to avoid unpleasantness.

This is the infamous "hammering video" while Casey was out on bond.


Here is the specific statement (at 6 minutes, 08 seconds) that is worthy of discussion:

If a Mother does not/ can not talk to her own daughter about the disappearance of her grandaughter...who does she talk to? CA has stated (fairly recently) in appearances that she doesn't know what happened, and that she wants to know.

Do you think any authorities have met with the Anthony family to advise them about details and what the official investigation indicates? OR is the family still involved in an elaborate guessing game about how Caylee wound up where she wound up?

Your thoughts?
Wow, Affinity - what a topic for a thread. I read this little phrase on another site, and since the blogger is a member here, I feel alright if I use it.
Trying to understand the Anthony family is like trying to pick up a piece of poop by the clean end - it can't be done.
( that's not a direct quote but close - still makes me laugh)

Is it possible that in your face Cindy really doesn't talk to Casey about umm the case? Those two have a reputation for really going at each other, so do I believe this little tomato Cindy lobbed at us?

I don't think so, I think this was part of her "perfect Anthony world" coverup she began almost at the beginning of this case. Reminds me of dysfunctional co-dependents families - "Does your father beat you? No? What are these bruises from? Deny, deny, deny - Cindy Deny Anthony.
thanks, logical--I no longer try to "understand" the family...but I do wonder if
any authorities have met with the Anthony family to advise them about specific findings and details and what the official investigation indicates (to enlighten them about the truth).

Should my query be moved to the Q&A thread? It seems a large question worthy of it's own thread..but of course, whatever the mods think is great by me.
Tracy (forget her last name) from LP's group confirmed that noone talked about it while KC was out on bail. LP tried to, got kicked out by KC. George tried to and was literally subdued. I can't wrap my mind around it. It is exactly this head-in-the-sand mentality that helpmed make KC who she is today IMO.
thanks, logical--I no longer try to "understand" the family...but I do wonder if
any authorities have met with the Anthony family to advise them about specific findings and details and what the official investigation indicates (to enlighten them about the truth).

Should my query be moved to the Q&A thread?

There is no doubt in my mind that investigators have kept Cindy updated on everything they can keep her updated on. Problem is, Cindy made up her mind a long time ago that everyone is out to get Casey. Early on, she said they were only focusing on Casey and not on Caylee... oh, but it was Cindy who made everything about Casey and tried to take the focus off of Caylee.

No, I don't understand the Anthony's. I don't want to understand them. To understand them I would have to be them or just like them. No thanks!
There is no doubt in my mind that investigators have kept Cindy updated on everything they can keep her updated on.
But, of course, they can't tell CA & GA everything they "have"--totally, can they? because, if they did, they would be giving them discovery like lawyers give the other side. Therefore, I guess a bigger question would be if JB has shared everything (the truth) cooperatively with the family.... And if JB has been reticent about sharing the truth...where would the family get the truth from?
"I don't talk to Casey about the case" is the boldest faced lie we heard out of Cindy. If she was willing to go after her and physically choke her the night of June 15th about money, the boys, the not working ....can you reconcile that with her not asking about her beloved grand-daughter? Cindy got the truth out of Casey alright. It may not have been in front or Tracey or Rob , but when mom and Casey were behind closed doors those nights Casey was out on bail.....there was no peace in that room. IMO [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nt7AQJcDKk[/ame]

Picture the Cindy you saw at the ZFG depo....times ten. Not the Cindy who sits like the shy church lady with Maggie for a softball interview in a low, calm, quiet voice.......the other Cindy. If it weren't for Leonard and company being in the house with them, I betcha the neighbors would have needed to call the police and ambulance to put an end to Cindy "talking to her daughter about the case".

To answer your question, no, I do not believe that LE or the SA office update the Anthonys, not since the baby was found. Casey is charged with murder one. They are adversaries. I imagine they will need to be deemed hostile witnesses, because I do fully expect their testimony at trial to vary widely from their various and sundry accounts and it is going to get brutal.
But, of course, they can't tell CA & GA everything they "have"--totally, can they? because, if they did, they would be giving them discovery like lawyers give the other side. Therefore, I guess a bigger question would be if JB has shared everything (the truth) cooperatively with the family.... And if JB has been reticent about sharing the truth...where would the family get the truth from?[/QUOTE]


Same place they always get their truth from! Cindy!

She doesn't talk to her about the case NOW - meaning after she thought the house was bugged. She sure raked her over the coals once she picked her up from Tony's. At some point after the first day she figured KC had something to do with it. I don't think she actually wants to know what that might be.
I see this as the "unspoken truth".

Sadly it is a similar response to KC having / not having a job and all of the other many KC lies. I think once CA got enough from KC to know or suspect the 'truth' -- CA did not pursue it further so as not to chase around in frustrating circles or pi$$ KC off.

I see life in the Anthony home as ignoring the 'elephant in the room' all of the time. GA got into trouble for pursuing some of KC's lies. However, CA - either consciously or subconsciously - would later punish KC (retaliation?) for the lie or action through berating her and going after her in other ways.

The damage done to KC was that she was never confronted over anything when her actions escalated and, the damage done to the parents was that they never really confronted anything and resolved it within the family -- it was swept under the carpet but fed the families dysfunction, never healing and always retaliating later.
She doesn't talk to her about the case NOW - meaning after she thought the house was bugged. She sure raked her over the coals once she picked her up from Tony's. At some point after the first day she figured KC had something to do with it. I don't think she actually wants to know what that might be.

You mean sort of like the military motto: "Don't ask,don't tell"?
CA has stated (fairly recently) in appearances that she doesn't know what happened, and that she wants to know.

I think that is the only position CA can take today, since there is no plausible SODDI theory out there without libel and, by professing she doesn't know and wants to know is a subtle way to loudly protest KC's innocence but remain neutral.

I think this technique came from BC. Defuse the audience with this neutral statement but then -- from that safer stance throw out a LOT of questions and mis-statements.
But, of course, they can't tell CA & GA everything they "have"--totally, can they? because, if they did, they would be giving them discovery like lawyers give the other side. Therefore, I guess a bigger question would be if JB has shared everything (the truth) cooperatively with the family.... And if JB has been reticent about sharing the truth...where would the family get the truth from?

That is an excellent question. I do see since Andrea has been on the case, she and Baez make a very public display of greeting the Anthonys in court, but I do think that is staged. It seems to me that Brad and he have fundamental disagreements, about if the parents should visit Casey and most recently about if the Anthonys were claiming confidentiality regarding Dominic. It wasn't that long ago when we were all in shock at how Casey wouldn't even glance at her parents and they stood there so sad hoping for just one tiny smile from her. It was painful to watch.

I know that Andrea and the mitigation specialist have to have had several very long and serious talks with mom and pop about anything and everything the defense could possibly use for the penalty phase. I am sure that has been very uncomfortable. Perhaps George said Cindy was too controlling over Casey, and in return Cindy said...no...George since you are a liar and a cheat and a thief she learned all her deception from you. That is just to get started. They need their cooperation at the trial, big time. So feigned compassion or real, I do think the defense spends time going over things in a general way with the Anthonys and of course they have Brad to help them. I am so thankful to Slueutherontheside for turning us on to Andreas lectures. Having heard them, I see every move she makes as her standard operating procedure, right down to having Mort jump up and babysit Casey when the judge calls all the lawyers up for a side bar conference. She tells how important it is to have the supportive family right up front and center for the jury to see, and if you don't have any....rent some.( I am paraphrasing )

I understand what everyone is saying about the Anthonys just going about their normal delusions while Casey was home. I see two very distinct Cindys. The nutty one, out of control and then the other one drinking the koolaide and pretending she believes in her daughter. If she DOES believe her....there is a name for that condition. I have to call my husband and ask him what it is called, I wish Brini were here.There is a condition where one person is delusional and a compulsive liar and the other person very close to them is so codependent in the drama that they too start to believe the lies. Once the two are separated the first party remains the same, but the second party can return to normal. Is that what we have here with Casey and Cindy?

I found it: Folie a deux is an idiomatic French expression meaning "craziness of two." This fascinating syndrome is referred to diagnostically in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV-TR as Shared Psychotic Disorder, one of several types of psychosis.

www.psychologytoday.com/.../truth-lies-and-self-deception - Cached -
Truth, Lies and Self-Deception | Psychology Today

I can't get the link to work properly...once you are on this site, in the search box, type in
Truth, Lies and Self-Deception

It is a fascinating study of Casey and Cindy.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggq5_yQeq-8[/ame]
Why is it, after almost 2 years, this case, this FAMILY still makes me ABSOLUTELY APE CRAZY????
Why is it, after almost 2 years, this case, this FAMILY still makes me ABSOLUTELY APE CRAZY????

I think because we were all holding out hope that it had been an accident, or that she was mentally ill. In the absence of one of those, we are left with...just plain evil. No one ever taught us how to accept that. I think we are the normal ones, I'm with you. I too am outraged....... at them all. I don't like the idea of anyone getting any deals. If they perjure themselves on the stand, I want them charged. I don't want Dom offered any deals if he obstructed justice in any way. I want them held accountable, to be punished as they deserve and to deter the next crew that gets any big ideas about collusion and cover up. I want the next family to say....no way, Jose. I am calling the police!!! I will get you a good lawyer, but first, I AM calling the police! We know they likely wont be charged and it is frustrating, knowing what they have put that community through for over a year if they knew the truth, all along. LE and TES, for example, could have spent the considerable resources on other missing children. Yeah...I am pretty pi--ed. Still!

I dont think I have ever seen this (cindy is hard for me to listen to :biglaugh:)

interesting she says at 1:51 "...convince people she is a missing child..."

now why would people need to be "convinced", strange choice of words if you genuinely believe the child is missing?
The Anthonys should play games with the Cummings, Croslins, TPS and EJ...................see who convinces who of what................no one is in tune with reality.
The damage done to KC was that she was never confronted over anything when her actions escalated and, the damage done to the parents was that they never really confronted anything and resolved it within the family -- it was swept under the carpet but fed the families dysfunction, never healing and always retaliating later.

CA: “She made a comment to Lee when he said, Why are you going to allow Mom to get the police involved in this? If you can take Mom and I to Caylee tomorrow, let’s just do it tonight. Why do we want to get the police involved?

And Casey said “Look” (CA said: “I’m not sure how she said it but she said”) “I don’t want to disrupt her life because from here on out Caylee’s life will never be the same.”

CA: “And I never understood what she meant by that and I didn’t even ask her that. Cuz I wasn’t sure” (HUH?????:banghead:)

At 4:54 [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7P7bqcJ0W8&NR=1[/ame]
The Anthonys should play games with the Cummings, Croslins, TPS and EJ...................see who convinces who of what................no one is in tune with reality.

I totally agree..... it is like they have an alternate reality

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