"I don't talk to Casey about, um, about the case"

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"I don't talk to Casey about the case" is the boldest faced lie we heard out of Cindy. If she was willing to go after her and physically choke her the night of June 15th about money, the boys, the not working ....can you reconcile that with her not asking about her beloved grand-daughter? Cindy got the truth out of Casey alright. It may not have been in front or Tracey or Rob , but when mom and Casey were behind closed doors those nights Casey was out on bail.....there was no peace in that room. IMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nt7AQJcDKk

Picture the Cindy you saw at the ZFG depo....times ten. Not the Cindy who sits like the shy church lady with Maggie for a softball interview in a low, calm, quiet voice.......the other Cindy. If it weren't for Leonard and company being in the house with them, I betcha the neighbors would have needed to call the police and ambulance to put an end to Cindy "talking to her daughter about the case".

To answer your question, no, I do not believe that LE or the SA office update the Anthonys, not since the baby was found. Casey is charged with murder one. They are adversaries. I imagine they will need to be deemed hostile witnesses, because I do fully expect their testimony at trial to vary widely from their various and sundry accounts and it is going to get brutal.

I actually believe that of CA. First of all, I think that the attorney would be quick to advise CA and GA that whatever KC told them, they could be forced to testify about. To be honest, if in her shoes, I don't know that I would ask. I would cooperate with the investigation, but I don't think I would be able to bear answers to any questions I had, but at the same time I wouldn't want to be forced to testify against my child. So I too probably wouldn't ask. Esp. after Caylee was found. And second, denial seems to come naturally.
I actually believe that of CA. First of all, I think that the attorney would be quick to advise CA and GA that whatever KC told them, they could be forced to testify about. To be honest, if in her shoes, I don't know that I would ask. I would cooperate with the investigation, but I don't think I would be able to bear answers to any questions I had, but at the same time I wouldn't want to be forced to testify against my child. So I too probably wouldn't ask. Esp. after Caylee was found. And second, denial seems to come naturally.

But when KC was home, she was charged with child endangerment, not murder and CA supposedly believed her. So what's not to talk about? I'd be calling her out on every lie (which is everytime she opened her mouth).
What I wouldn't give to be in that house with Cindy and Casey after Cindy came in from cussing and hammering :doh:

Tracy describes it all pretty well. (Even though my opinion is, she's a weirdo too. :truce:)
I do not believe LE shared any info with the A's that would have put their investigation in jeopardy. I am sure that they have "seen it all" and don't rule out any family members involvement, giving them time to fully investigate the crime. Also, I am sure that they know that even though CA called 911 and reported Caylee missing and GA made certain incriminating statements to them regarding KC's recent behavior, they knew that at some point parental protection was going to kick in. And they probably also knew from the beginning they'd have to include CA/GA in the list of suspects, without letting them know that of course. And they didn't have to wait long for the parental protection to kick in ....within days CA had done a 180 and was on every show that would have her proclaiming LE had rushed to judgement on her poor wonderful daughter and if only she was out of jail KC would tell her what she needed to know to find Caylee. DELUSIONAL!

CA has made so many conflicting statements that when I see her I think of those old toys--the spinning top. I do not think KC told CA the truth(at any time)....KC is delusional and as Judge SS said, KC and the truth are strangers. I do think that CA questioned KC in the beginning...when she first got released by LP's crew, while she and KC were in the bathroom. I think KC told CA lies in there but may have mixed in bits of truth. IMO CA figured out the moment she had KC's car alone after GA drove back from the tow yard and CA sent him to work!--that KC was guilty. Questioning her in the BR after her 1st release from jail, and what she remembered KC saying back on the 15/16 only reinforced what the car told her. However, CA lives by how she and her family are perceived by others and she went straight into denial and delusion right along with KC from that point on...with the public, who she inflamed with her denial, and with LE(although with them at times she did slip up simply b/c she loves to move her lips).

From then on........she has blocked out all evidence that points to KC, at any cost she will continue down this road. I'd venture to say that even the risk of jail/prison will not bring her out of her denial. The only confirmation we have IMO that CA knows the truth deep down is when she cannot stop her loose lips from talking and inevitably she gives away what she tries hard to keep from even herself: that KC is guilty. (Loose lips sink ships--I pray this analogy will pertain to the A's testimony, and in particular CA's at trial)

Funny thing that is.... that CA's mouth betrays her, the fact that she loves to hear herself talk. Her gift of gab may be what opens her own self up to possible charges. We've all heard the message she left for JA where she says KC must have had help. And I know there are other examples of her slipping up without meaning to. I'm sure those of us who have followed the case from July 08 know this to be the truth, there is no need to list them here.

So what is that? Is it a sickness of the mind or a conscious decision to deny, or a conscious decision to live and convince yourself and those around you that the truth is what you say it is no matter what evidence to the contrary exists? To lie, to implicate innocent people, to stomp on innocent people's reputations, to have a fact staring you in the face but not be able to acknowledge it. To twist the truth and worse. If you are an Anthony it somehow doesn't register the same way it does to the rest of the world. So is it all a game, a farce to try and get their daughter off or are they so far gone from years of conditioning from living with each other.....that the way they deal with things has become such a habit that they are only able to see things through rose colored glasses when they are clearly not rose colored circumstances!!??

IDK.....it will take the world's leading psychiatrist's years to study them and to explain what is going on in the mind of each member of this family, and to explain how the "group" dynamic as a family has contributed to the unraveling of each members ability to see the truth. They are one for the record books, that much is for sure. I pray they are studied and diagnosed as I am so curious how this family has come to be as they are.


On a different note.....while painting a piece of furniture the other day I listened to AD's interview again. I really had trouble settling in my mind what her goal was in her interview with LE/ SA. To me it seemed like she knew what she had to admit to but I think she also knows much more that she isn't going to tell. She said that KC said she couldn't talk because she believed the house was bugged. There are ways to get around that to communicate(I mean they could have gone to the backyard or written on paper, etc.). Even if KC didn't confess to her (and I don't think she did), I do think KC said things to her that probably made AD realize that KC isn't right in the head and that she was the hand by which Caylee died. I think she told herself when she left that house.....just forget what you heard or saw or read.....as you don't want to have a part in giving testimony that could put your " best friend" to death". I can to a point understand how difficult that would be for her, esp being in her young/mid 20's, but at the same time don't you think that once you found out your best friend was the murderer of their own baby that you would give all testimony you could? Not only b/c it is the right thing to do but just to live with yourself, to know you are right with God, and to have a part in seeking justice for an innocent child that you yourself spent days, months, years, watching grow? So ....my question is, do you think that AD is keeping what she knows to herself for selfish reasons or has CA really convinced her that JG or AL or someone else was the real perpetrator of the crime? Or is AD afraid for some other reason to tell all she knows? Since this question involves CA I am hoping it is not too off topic. I think it does pertain to the topic of the thread myself but????

**The above post is my opinion and my opinion only.**

In thinking of CA, do you know who just came into my mind? Do you all remember the B. Broderick case? That's who CA reminds me of. If she is charged down the line after trial....and if she goes to jail/prison for some criminal involvement.....I can just see her behaving the same way the BB did. Shouting and stomping and basically acting like a crazy person proclaiming her innocence in all things she's charged/accused of. I can't believe I never saw the resemblance in behavior before---but really that's who she totally reminds me of. Esp. in the early days of the case where she would pick a fight with anyone interviewing her. Anyone else see a connection b/t the two or is it just me? MOO
I do think she's tried to convince her family that it was an accident, and I think that's the only reason why they're clinging onto some sort of hope that their daughter isn't a monster, even though deep down they know what happened to Caylee... which is probably why they stormed out of the latest court hearing. They can't handle the truth.
Even LE, when questioning her, gave her the benefit of the doubt and kept pressing her if it was an accident. If it was, i think she would have caved by now. She is going to take this to her grave.

To paraphrase what Jeff Ashton said in the most recent hearing..."It is obvious why the death penalty exists in this case".

The duct tape.

Add that along with the 31 days of not reporting, and still your mom has to report it, the lack of remorse, the fact that she said the nanny had her to countless people (Sorry Jose, no matter how much you want to pin this on RK, and have us completely forget the nanny, it just isn't gonna work)... the tattoo, the lies lies lies.

People who accidentally kill their children don't behave this way. The A's do know the truth deep down...especially GA, who says he doesn't want to believe he raised someone who could do something so horrific.
In thinking of CA, do you know who just came into my mind? Do you all remember the B. Broderick case? That's who CA reminds me of. If she is charged down the line after trial....and if she goes to jail/prison for some criminal involvement.....I can just see her behaving the same way the BB did. Shouting and stomping and basically acting like a crazy person proclaiming her innocence in all things she's charged/accused of. I can't believe I never saw the resemblance in behavior before---but really that's who she totally reminds me of. Esp. in the early days of the case where she would pick a fight with anyone interviewing her. Anyone else see a connection b/t the two or is it just me? MOO

ITA! In fact, they remind me so much of each other, that I picture Meredith Baxter playing CA in the movie (they'll make one sooner or later) as she did Betty Broderick. A psychiatrist testified to BB's narcissism and IMO, CA suffers from the same personality disorder.
So what is that? Is it a sickness of the mind or a conscious decision to deny, or a conscious decision to live and convince yourself and those around you that the truth is what you say it is no matter what evidence to the contrary exists? To lie, to implicate innocent people, to stomp on innocent people's reputations, to have a fact staring you in the face but not be able to acknowledge it. To twist the truth and worse. If you are an Anthony it somehow doesn't register the same way it does to the rest of the world. So is it all a game, a farce to try and get their daughter off or are they so far gone from years of conditioning from living with each other.....that the way they deal with things has become such a habit that they are only able to see things through rose colored glasses when they are clearly not rose colored circumstances!!??

What is it? I don't know--but I can tell you that it feels familiar to me. I have told this story before--but indulge me..I have to tell it again!

When I was in high school..I stopped going. I had mono at one point and missed a lot of school. My Mother was always at work, so I just stopped going because no one was home to know the difference. I look back now and realize I had some sort of full blown "school phobia". I had recovered from the illness, but the more I did not go to school the more I "couldn't" seem to go back. It was weird.

Well, naturally at some point the school got ahold of my Mother and MADE her come in (with me) for a meeting. I was a lot like KC and simply lied to my Mother, telling her--oh, I *am* going to school. So there we were in this meeting--all my teachers were there (like 7 of them!) plus the principal and my Mother and me. They sat there and calmly told her that I had not been attending school. They showed her attendance records and my spiraling grades. I was sweating bullets. My Mother listened and acted put out (well, for one thing she had to take time off work for this). When we reached the car she began b*tching........about the teachers and the principal! Seriously! I remember vividly her saying something like "if you say you've been going to school..you've been going to school!" She had just listened to 8 people telling her I wasn't going to school and they also showed her evidence! All ignored! Is that Cindy-esque or what??? My Mother, like Cindy, opted to "kill the messenger"!

In trying to understand my Mother I realize that she endured some sort of major disconnect in her own young life. Something happened to both my Mother and Cindy to make them who they became. What was it?? We'll probably never ever know.

As for AD--I can't offer any opinion (I need to listen to that interview). I do recall her saying somewhere along the line something like "I did not want to know". These people are all so young. Maybe you and I can put ourselves in their place and say what we think we might do. But, what if you were in your 20's? Maturity makes us think we would always do the right thing....but it's hard to know how we might really handle it at their age.
I think Baez passes things on to Conway, and then Conway passes thing on to the A's. Despite the recent friendliness between Baez and A's, I still think they don't like him and are only pretending. Plus, I'm sure they're so into themselves that of course everything has to go through their lawyer first (gag me). I can also see Cindy trying to get info from the authorities and being totally pissed when they won't give her what she wants because she's that arrogant (remember her canceling on Oprah anyone?). I'm sure she tried that at one point and then stopped when she realized that wasn't an avenue she could pursue for the information she wants.

I have to say, I have never seen a family in my life that plays the games these people play. It's like they can't fathom sitting down and just talking with each other like normal people. Everything is some sort of game, which is just ridiculous. Why add more stress in playing endless games than just straight out ask a question and get an answer? Maybe they learned to do this is a way to get information out of Casey in the past? You know, like parents of little kids will play games with them to help them learn or say something in particular that the parent wants to hear them say or watch them do. Maybe they played a version of that type of game with Casey. You know, we'll play this game with you until say what we want you to say even if it's halftruths and half hopes?

And maybe Casey caught on to it and says just enough to partially satisfy her parents while always keeping something back to hang over them? IMO, it makes the games endless. It's Casey's way of stringing her parents along and giving them hope that turns out to be false, but her parents get just enough truth to cling to the games because to them, that's the only way to get any information out of Casey at all. And maybe Casey was so good at this, she thought she could do it with anyone. What a crock that turned out to be, but if it worked so well with the only authority in her life before the police, her parents, she probably thought it work on other authorities too.

Who knows. It's entirely possible that CA really doesn't talk to Casey about this case because she doesn't know HOW to talk to Casey and get real information. Everytime they talk, it's not straight talk, it's games. She's been playing the same games for so long that asking a direct question and getting an straight answer is not even considered an option anymore.

And you'd think after playing so many games and losing every single time, you'd come up with a different strategy to get a win rather than just keep losing! These people just make no sense whatsoever to me and it hurts my brain to attempt to figure them out.

Well, what goes around........COMES AROUND in BIGGGGGGGGG WAYS!!! :dance:
Who knows. It's entirely possible that CA really doesn't talk to Casey about this case because she doesn't know HOW to talk to Casey and get real information. Everytime they talk, it's not straight talk, it's games. She's been playing the same games for so long that asking a direct question and getting an straight answer is not even considered an option anymore.

Respectfully snipped & bolded . . .

This sums up their entire relationship so well . . . IMO.
ITA! In fact, they remind me so much of each other, that I picture Meredith Baxter playing CA in the movie (they'll make one sooner or later) as she did Betty Broderick. A psychiatrist testified to BB's narcissism and IMO, CA suffers from the same personality disorder.

OMG you are so right--MB even resembles CA(at least the hairdo) doesn't she? ha ha ha Too Funny.
What is it? I don't know--but I can tell you that it feels familiar to me. I have told this story before--but indulge me..I have to tell it again!

When I was in high school..I stopped going. I had mono at one point and missed a lot of school. My Mother was always at work, so I just stopped going because no one was home to know the difference. I look back now and realize I had some sort of full blown "school phobia". I had recovered from the illness, but the more I did not go to school the more I "couldn't" seem to go back. It was weird.

Well, naturally at some point the school got ahold of my Mother and MADE her come in (with me) for a meeting. I was a lot like KC and simply lied to my Mother, telling her--oh, I *am* going to school. So there we were in this meeting--all my teachers were there (like 7 of them!) plus the principal and my Mother and me. They sat there and calmly told her that I had not been attending school. They showed her attendance records and my spiraling grades. I was sweating bullets. My Mother listened and acted put out (well, for one thing she had to take time off work for this). When we reached the car she began b*tching........about the teachers and the principal! Seriously! I remember vividly her saying something like "if you say you've been going to school..you've been going to school!" She had just listened to 8 people telling her I wasn't going to school and they also showed her evidence! All ignored! Is that Cindy-esque or what??? My Mother, like Cindy, opted to "kill the messenger"!

In trying to understand my Mother I realize that she endured some sort of major disconnect in her own young life. Something happened to both my Mother and Cindy to make them who they became. What was it?? We'll probably never ever know.

As for AD--I can't offer any opinion (I need to listen to that interview). I do recall her saying somewhere along the line something like "I did not want to know". These people are all so young. Maybe you and I can put ourselves in their place and say what we think we might do. But, what if you were in your 20's? Maturity makes us think we would always do the right thing....but it's hard to know how we might really handle it at their age.

Can I ask you a question about this? If not...I understand.

Was this a one time thing or did it go on continually? Was your mother a single working mother? (Coz I have a lot of understanding and empathy for young single working mothers). Just curious.

Can I ask you a question about this? If not...I understand.

Was this a one time thing or did it go on continually? Was your mother a single working mother? (Coz I have a lot of understanding and empathy for young single working mothers). Just curious.


Ask me anything you'd like. No, it wasn't a one time thing..although, (like KC) my biggest problems began in high school. I did not graduate with my class (ala KC!). Not graduating in time screwed up my life considerably. I feel at times still very "diminished" by my high school record (and I am nearly 60). My screen name is affinity ---because I feel affinity----for KC! (....I know....I know).

I was raised by a single working Mother, alright. Not particularly young. She was 31 when I was born. She was a very, um....unusual person given to histrionics and I finally armchair diagnosed her as Borderline. I have similar tendencies. I think it would also be fair to say that I have been and still exhibit narcissistic tendencies. For example, I wrote that long thing about my high school meeting. I tend to make things "about me". I try to fight this..but I seldom win the fight. It comes from having a Mother like CA. I have empathy, however, because I am aware that something major happened to my Mother, likely long before I came along that made her "disordered". I'm also happy to report, even though I was a lot like KC at KC's age...I couldn't hurt a child. That's where the similarity ends.
Listen to Cindy carefully here. This is the only time I know of she says that she does not believe Casey was the one who left the car at Amcot, or the last one who had access to the car. Women do not leave their purses, she explains.

Do you remember in one of the jailhouse visits, Cindy asks Casey, why didn't she ( someone else) not go back to get the car? "It doesn't make any sense," Cindy told her. Casey told her just to leave it alone.

What I am getting at..is yes..Cindy questioned Casey about everything. Absolutely.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZvEhnzlobA[/ame]
Listen to Cindy carefully here. This is the only time I know of she says that she does not believe Casey was the one who left the car at Amcot, or the last one who had access to the car. Women do not leave their purses, she explains.

Do you remember in one of the jailhouse visits, Cindy asks Casey, why didn't she ( someone else) not go back to get the car? "It doesn't make any sense," Cindy told her. Casey told her just to leave it alone.

What I am getting at..is yes..Cindy questioned Casey about everything. Absolutely.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZvEhnzlobA

Wow, TWA, I was just trying to find this exact clip and had posted about it on the work bag thread, but couldn't find the clip. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that! :dance: I knew I had remembered her saying something like that. I will try to put that clip to the work bag thread. And I do completely agree with you - Cindy questions Casey about every tiny little detail and has her "mitts" in everything. Absolutely everything!
I do believe Lee talked to her too. Absolutely. I do not see Lee just visiting withe her like nothing ever happened.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJSelSDYgRg[/ame]

Who in the world makes Cindy believe this silly stuff, Casey? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=975vgaVILPE[/ame]
Wow, TWA, I was just trying to find this exact clip and had posted about it on the work bag thread, but couldn't find the clip. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that! :dance: I knew I had remembered her saying something like that. I will try to put that clip to the work bag thread. And I do completely agree with you - Cindy questions Casey about every tiny little detail and has her "mitts" in everything. Absolutely everything!

What a friggin joke. Cindy having her "mitts" in everything. Oh yeah right....that explains why she DIDN"T have the "nanny's" home phone number and address.....!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

CA was NEVER in line to be voted "Grandma of the Year". JMHO
What a friggin joke. Cindy having her "mitts" in everything. Oh yeah right....that explains why she DIDN"T have the "nanny's" home phone number and address.....!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

CA was NEVER in line to be voted "Grandma of the Year". JMHO

True dat. I agree that is a huge issue, but I was referring to events post Caylee's disappearance.
Ask me anything you'd like. No, it wasn't a one time thing..although, (like KC) my biggest problems began in high school. I did not graduate with my class (ala KC!). Not graduating in time screwed up my life considerably. I feel at times still very "diminished" by my high school record (and I am nearly 60). My screen name is affinity ---because I feel affinity----for KC! (....I know....I know).

I was raised by a single working Mother, alright. Not particularly young. She was 31 when I was born. She was a very, um....unusual person given to histrionics and I finally armchair diagnosed her as Borderline. I have similar tendencies. I think it would also be fair to say that I have been and still exhibit narcissistic tendencies. For example, I wrote that long thing about my high school meeting. I tend to make things "about me". I try to fight this..but I seldom win the fight. It comes from having a Mother like CA. I have empathy, however, because I am aware that something major happened to my Mother, likely long before I came along that made her "disordered". I'm also happy to report, even though I was a lot like KC at KC's age...I couldn't hurt a child. That's where the similarity ends.

I know what you mean by an affinity with KC---You are not the mother you would be at say 27 or up, that you are at 20. Still she is guilty and must pay. However, having said that......
I was so young when I had my first child---it feels now like I was a child myself. I can't say I only see my son's strengths as some mothers do, as I see his weaknesses also BUT when I was younger esp., I think I felt like I had to protect him from everything and everyone. I was so messed up in the head back then due to being raised by a mother who constantly criticized me while making anyone pay (including my father/siblings) who stuck up for me. I come from a large family and they all knew you do not cross mother or you will pay so that lead to a lot of making me feel like an outsider at family gatherings but if I didn't show she unleased her tongue on me. And believe me her tongue could slice and dice you into shreads, not to mention the temper that went along with it to frighten a child. It finally got a the point when I was old enough that I couldn't be around her for awhile. Only b/c of the love of my husband and as my son grew older (he took up for me), and the new people in my life treating me kindly and moving away from home---I began to heal. It took years and the healing isn't finished yet. My mother changed when my adult son confronted her about her behavior toward me and she now takes meds which have helped tremendously. Now we are able to spend time together without it breaking me psychologically(it took me nearing 50 for that to happen). I finally realized that HER mother had messed her up, and like they say the cycle continued with me. I'm sure I've hurt my children but I made a point of trying to never say things that would carve them up inside. My mothering mistakes will be other ones at least.

And no as I've said before I would never want to be judged by the person I was in my 20's. Like almost everyone.....that girl that I was in my 20's feels like another lifetime.

Sometimes still....I will see a family and think "my gosh...they seem so perfect, so wonderful".....then I remember that all families have their issues and problems and what we present to others is not always what the everyday behind closed doors is.

What's funny is that SP, CA's mother seems like such a nice lady, so reasonable and level headed. Do you think CA is a victim of her mother's mothering or are some people just born with there own issues? Even though SP seems normal now, like I said, we all change with age, maybe she was different too as a younger woman, when she had children to mother. Maybe she did this thing of CA can do no wrong in their family? Now that would be interesting to know. I do remember someone (was it RP? saying that CA was the "princess" of the family and received things the boys didn't). Maybe it's cyclical in this situation also?
I am not shocked that CA wanted others to see her family in a positive light...or that she even glossed over serious issues w/i her family unit to the outside world. What is the shocker is that she continued on publicly proclaiming what a perfect family they are, what a wonderful daughter KC is, once the truth could be seen by all. And that she refuses to even consider that her daughter may have been Caylee's killer. If she is trying to save KC from the needle then why not plead her case in a different way? That's what has inflamed the public so.....it's not that she wants to save her daughter's life.....it's that she wants her daughter, who the public believes is Caylee's killer, to get off scott free! That she still loves her daughter is not what we mothers/fathers/public can't get past, it's that she refuses to face any fact that points to KC and wants her back at home with her again.....no punishment for Caylee's death....just to go on like before, with the exception of "we'll make some money off this when you're home KC". That's a sick woman in my book. And until I see GA tell the truth on the stand , he is just like a piece of furniture in CA's home. Just something for her to move around or stand/sit on.

You know what is the d@mnedest kicker of this whole thing? I honestly believe there was a time when KC was in jail early on or possibly right after YM and JA brought her back home from Universal, that if CA GA LA had said the right things to KC......maybe--"look we know that you've killed Caylee, we know b/c she isn't here and b/c your car trunk smells like death, as hard as it will be....we will continue to love you, and will forgive you (even if they didn't know if they could at the time---they should have said it to get the truth), just tell us what happened and we will be with you all the way through this". But they didn't.....CA gave her an out to blame others and told her she would never forgive her. Mothers have incredible powers over their children....CA could have mothered at her best in that moment, but instead...she mothered at her worst. It's all just so sad. CA knows the truth but I don't believe KC ever confessed it to her....how could she when CA's lips are always moving and CA's ears are always closed. Caylee didn't have a chance......KC, without removing the guilt she must own, probably had a tough road too. Just sayin......

And I can honestly see CA not asking KC to tell her the truth. I can see CA leading KC into a theory....working it as they go....b/c in her heart, she knew Caylee was dead....so she had to NOT hear the truth from KC but lead her into thinking up a story to go with. GA---if left alone with KC in those first few days----yeah, I think he would have beat it out of her to tell you the truth. But he wasn't left alone with her...he was told to leave when he confronted her......that tells us all we need to know IMO.


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