I might believe them except....

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But he was there, to do all that was required he would have had to have been gone all night.

I don't buy into the Tapas 9 involvement theory.

Not necessarily.

First, an accidental death would not involve a massive clean up requiring time. A child that aspirates on vomit or has a head injury (closed wound) would not create a labor-intensive "crime scene" clean up. Small traces of blood, vomit, or other body fluids might be overlooked simply because the room was fairly clean at time of death, to begin with.

Secondly, to bundle a small body into some kind of container or simply carry a child who appeared to be sleeping out of a room would not involve lengthy any time whatsoever. Numerous reports are that the resort town had multiple places where a body could be hidden in minutes--the beach, the excavated area around the church, the reservoir.

We are not talking about a densely populated area here, but a rural part of the country with small resort towns dotting the coast.

Half hour, maybe a full hour, but under an hour certainly possible to dispose of a body. Less if a body is simply put into the trunk of a car that is not going to be searched.

Remember--doctors are used to making split second decisions. (It's what saves our lives most of the time.) To think of a plan and carry out in the most limited time possible is entirely probable with people used to acting immediately on a planned course of action.

Possible? Absolutely. Probably? That's up to personal opinion.
Good job Colomom - here's a couple more:

1. Kate called Skynews before the police were called.
2. Very early in the game, Kate said the media was the hardest thing for her - this just stunned me.
3. Ocean Club staff advised the McCann's not to leave their children alone.
4. Maddie cried and cried a night or two before May 3rd for her father when she was left alone and yet they left her alone again.
5. O'Brien's child was vomiting - and they left her alone.
6. They are desperately sorry they were not with Maddie the "moment she was taken."
7. Kate is confident that "Maddie was satisfied with her life."
8. K&G were ever so upset over the search caused by the Dutch psychic.
9. Gerry has said "find the body and prove we did it." (Only guilty people say things like this, IMO).
7. Maddie's website is more about making money then finding Maddie. If you want a good poster of her, you must buy a wristband and pay a little extra for the poster. Who does this???????

I'm sure there is more, but I'm out of time for the moment, not to mention that all of these things make my blood boil. I just want to shake those two!


Awesome Salem...it appears this list will keep growing.

One of the main problems I have with the picture painted by the McCanns involves the work of those fine, professional and expertly trained DOGS! It amazes me how their findings have been overlooked, discounted or just not mentioned (even I did it in the list). IMO, their "findings" are the glue, if you will.
Again, the theories thread has many scenarios that are entirely possible. All that R O'B would need to be involved for would be to move a body, from say, 5A to the second apartment that the cadaver dogs alerted to (we still don't know who's apartment that was). I have never thought that anyone else was involved other than Kate and Gerry (search my posts for my scenarios) but, it is possible that one or more of the Tapas 7 helped.

Anythings possible but for any of the Tapas 9 to be involved one or more of them must have been involved in Maddies death or disappearence and I don't believe that to be the case.
That they all sat there drinking wine and laughing (and acting perfectly normal according to eye witness accounts) after something went down is too much for me to believe, same goes for K and G.
Not necessarily.

First, an accidental death would not involve a massive clean up requiring time. A child that aspirates on vomit or has a head injury (closed wound) would not create a labor-intensive "crime scene" clean up. Small traces of blood, vomit, or other body fluids might be overlooked simply because the room was fairly clean at time of death, to begin with.

Secondly, to bundle a small body into some kind of container or simply carry a child who appeared to be sleeping out of a room would not involve lengthy any time whatsoever. Numerous reports are that the resort town had multiple places where a body could be hidden in minutes--the beach, the excavated area around the church, the reservoir.

We are not talking about a densely populated area here, but a rural part of the country with small resort towns dotting the coast.

Half hour, maybe a full hour, but under an hour certainly possible to dispose of a body. Less if a body is simply put into the trunk of a car that is not going to be searched.

Remember--doctors are used to making split second decisions. (It's what saves our lives most of the time.) To think of a plan and carry out in the most limited time possible is entirely probable with people used to acting immediately on a planned course of action.

Possible? Absolutely. Probably? That's up to personal opinion.

Doctors of course have to be able to think on their feet but that's what they are trained to do they are trained to act quickly in any number of situations.
But I think you give this group more credit than what is due, they were all half sloshed and I'm sure covering up a murder is not part of their job description, something they are 'trained' to do.
They would have had to do more than think quick.

And just how do you know that " accidental death would not involve a massive clean up"??
We don't have a body to say how she died, so how do you know what mess needed cleaning up and what didnt?
This mirror board is a wealth of information isn't it ;)

I didn't know Philamena was Gerrys sister, I am so not up on this case :doh:


Perhaps reading some of the articles of Philomena's interviews and comments would be enlightening.

At the very least, I found it interesting to contrast the feelings and emotions expressed by "Auntie Phil" with those of Kate and Gerry.

Perhaps reading some of the articles of Philomena's interviews and comments would be enlightening.

At the very least, I found it interesting to contrast the feelings and emotions expressed by "Auntie Phil" with those of Kate and Gerry.

At the very least.

Found some, she sounds like a normal sister to me, defending her brother and sister in law.

So are you saying when Philamena says stuff like "They love Maddie so much. She is the centre of their universe" that that's not how you percieve K and G really felt?
Good job Colomom - here's a couple more:

1. Kate called Skynews before the police were called.
2. Very early in the game, Kate said the media was the hardest thing for her - this just stunned me.
3. Ocean Club staff advised the McCann's not to leave their children alone.
4. Maddie cried and cried a night or two before May 3rd for her father when she was left alone and yet they left her alone again.
5. O'Brien's child was vomiting - and they left her alone.
6. They are desperately sorry they were not with Maddie the "moment she was taken."
7. Kate is confident that "Maddie was satisfied with her life."
8. K&G were ever so upset over the search caused by the Dutch psychic.
9. Gerry has said "find the body and prove we did it." (Only guilty people say things like this, IMO).
7. Maddie's website is more about making money then finding Maddie. If you want a good poster of her, you must buy a wristband and pay a little extra for the poster. Who does this???????

I'm sure there is more, but I'm out of time for the moment, not to mention that all of these things make my blood boil. I just want to shake those two!


Number one on your list is another thing I missed. Kate called a news channel before calling police after discovering that Madeline was missing?
Man, reading colomom's and Salem's lists, makes me feel like I'm reading about Scott Peterson or the Ramsey's all over again. Their actions are virtually the same, just insert the proper names! It's amazing!:eek:
Number one on your list is another thing I missed. Kate called a news channel before calling police after discovering that Madeline was missing?

it is absolute rubbish as well - Kate did not call Sky before the police were called - thats the thing now you can make anything you want up about the Mccanns - they are fair game
Thanks Texana, I remember now.

It did seem trusting but I guess they did what they thought they had to do.

It's not what I would have done but then I would have never left those kids alone to start with but one would have to assume the opportunity wouldn't be there for anyone to take the twins after Madeleine went missing.

Entertaining those twins in the days immediately afterwards must have been very hard for K and G.

Except it didn't happen like that. The twins were not left in the care of resort employees.


While the couple are in Rome their twins are being looked after by Mr McCann’s sister, Trish Campbell, and her husband, Sandy. Mrs McCann said: “Leaving them is really hard, I have never left them before. From a selfish point of view we would have liked to have had them here as a comfort. But I am sure it is not the best thing for them. This trip is about Madeleine.”
Except it didn't happen like that. The twins were not left in the care of resort employees.


Thank you Blaize, I remembered they went to see the Pope but hadn't got round to trying to sift through pages of articles to see if the twins were in fact left at the creche.
I didn't think that would have been the case otherwise the McCanns would have left all three kids there all night every night.
it is all just forum rumour - it makes a good story and fits well with the they did it scenariio.

I just dont believe it for a second
I agree gord. All this is just the usual rumors and smears.
Its not the McCanns who are spinning....Not by a long shot. IMO
it is absolute rubbish as well - Kate did not call Sky before the police were called - thats the thing now you can make anything you want up about the Mccanns - they are fair game

The call was made by Gerry's friend from University days, the one who works with the Prime Minister.

We don't know if the call to Sky News was instigated by the friend (name's in the articles and timeline, I believe) or by Gerry.
So can now someone please tell me what was said :cool: :blushing:
So, I suppose when I saw Kate and Gerry talking that they admitted ringing Skye first :eek:
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