IA IA - Eugene Wade Martin, 14, Des Moines, 12 Aug 1984

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What sort of things about the Gosch family were you told? There is some speculation that the father was involved in his disappearance.
She told me they were weird, for one. Not eccentric weird, but creepy weird. She didn't have children at the time but when she knew me she had two boys, and she said if she still lived in the area she wouldn't allow John Gosch, Sr. to have contact with her sons. My friend grew up in an abusive household and was married for a while to an abusive man -- she says she is highly attuned to abusers/sex offenders, can "feel" when a situation is potentially bad. I don't know.

She said that many people who knew the Gosches, including my friend, believed that "Johnny never made it out of that town alive." Again, this is just what my friend said, not any first hand knowledge I have.

In the book Why Johnny Can't Come Home, Noreen claims that shortly before Johnny disappeared John, Sr. took him to visit a military base called Offutt (sp?). I don't have the book with me at the moment as I am at work, but she thinks this is when John, Sr. began arranging to have Johnny abducted into this government-type sex ring. Noreen claims it was all arranged by John, Sr.

One odd thing about the mention of Offutt. Johnny's case isn't the only one where that place is mentioned. I believe there have been other missing cases where that military base is mentioned somehow.

Like I said, I don't know what to believe. Noreen's ideas sound crazy and unbelievable, but there were a lot of sightings of Johnny Gosch in the years following his abduction. Maybe the dad did have something to do with it, and that's why they divorced. Or maybe both parents had something to do with it, and Noreen went over the edge afterward.
beakiebean, I also grew up in Des MOines and have always been haunted by these cases like you. (small world:) ). As awful as it sounds, I often think, when I am running errands around town, that Johnny and Eugene are probably both burried in some sex offender's yard in Des Moines area. I have on occasion seen Noreen around town ( she is easy to recognize by appearance) and feel so sad for her. I hope someday both families have an answer.
Where is John Sr. today? Is he still in Des Moines area? Is he at all involved in the search for his son?
Just wanted to bump this thread as it is really quite interesting...
Was a DNA test ever done on Jeff Gannon? And where is he now?
bykerladi said:
Was a DNA test ever done on Jeff Gannon? And where is he now?
I don't have any additional info on Jeff Gannon...I'll keep searching. I know this is not part of the thread, Bykerladi, I sent you a PM re: the UID from Mendocino, CA, the brother and sister case.
OMG, I just about fainted when I watched the news. They could have a small break in the Johnny Gosch case. Johnny's mom received pictures in the mail of what appears to be her son bound and gagged. IMHO, it does look like him. The news stated he was wearing sweat pants when taken and he does have these on in the pic.

She also received another pic of two other boys tied up in the same fashion and is asking for help in trying to identify the other boys in the photo.

See http://www.johnnygosch.com/ for photos and details.

It really makes me wonder about the pedophile ring...

Even though these two boys were abducted 2 and 4 years after Johnny, I wonder if they could be linked to the photograph. I'm sure Johnny would have aged in 4 years but I wonder how much under undesirable circumstances?
inquiringmindz said:
OMG, I just about fainted when I watched the news. They could have a small break in the Johnny Gosch case. Johnny's mom received pictures in the mail of what appears to be her son bound and gagged. IMHO, it does look like him. The news stated he was wearing sweat pants when taken and he does have these on in the pic.

She also received another pic of two other boys tied up in the same fashion and is asking for help in trying to identify the other boys in the photo.

See http://www.johnnygosch.com/ for photos and details.

It really makes me wonder about the pedophile ring...

Even though these two boys were abducted 2 and 4 years after Johnny, I wonder if they could be linked to the photograph. I'm sure Johnny would have aged in 4 years but I wonder how much under undesirable circumstances?

I know! I about had a heart attack last night when they had this on the news, too! I am going to start a new thread (if noone else has), becasue even if one is Johnny or Eugene, there were three boys in on e photo so could be anyone. A new thread may get more people to see it, also. I wonder, though, if it was a prank (a horribel one).
She told me they were weird, for one. Not eccentric weird, but creepy weird. She didn't have children at the time but when she knew me she had two boys, and she said if she still lived in the area she wouldn't allow John Gosch, Sr. to have contact with her sons. My friend grew up in an abusive household and was married for a while to an abusive man -- she says she is highly attuned to abusers/sex offenders, can "feel" when a situation is potentially bad. I don't know.

She said that many people who knew the Gosches, including my friend, believed that "Johnny never made it out of that town alive." Again, this is just what my friend said, not any first hand knowledge I have.

In the book Why Johnny Can't Come Home, Noreen claims that shortly before Johnny disappeared John, Sr. took him to visit a military base called Offutt (sp?). I don't have the book with me at the moment as I am at work, but she thinks this is when John, Sr. began arranging to have Johnny abducted into this government-type sex ring. Noreen claims it was all arranged by John, Sr.

One odd thing about the mention of Offutt. Johnny's case isn't the only one where that place is mentioned. I believe there have been other missing cases where that military base is mentioned somehow.

Like I said, I don't know what to believe. Noreen's ideas sound crazy and unbelievable, but there were a lot of sightings of Johnny Gosch in the years following his abduction. Maybe the dad did have something to do with it, and that's why they divorced. Or maybe both parents had something to do with it, and Noreen went over the edge afterward.

As info, this is Offutt Airforce Base is the Strategic Air Command (SAC) base for the entire US due to its central position in the United States. This is a very famous military base in Nebraska - it has been depicted in many movies and TV shows and as such would be of particular interest to civilians who are interested in the US Air Force. Watching flight training from the ground would be interesting for civillians - athough I'm not sure that civilians are allowed on base, it is possible to park outside the base and watch. There may have even been an airshow such as The Blue Angels visiting. I seriously doubt the visit to the base had anything to do with Johnny's abduction.
It's quite a shame that many areas around military bases are killing grounds. It seems to be a common theme. And I'm a military supporter...I guess they don't have an entry test to cull serial killers. :(
As info, this is Offutt Airforce Base is the Strategic Air Command (SAC) base for the entire US due to its central position in the United States. This is a very famous military base in Nebraska - it has been depicted in many movies and TV shows and as such would be of particular interest to civilians who are interested in the US Air Force. Watching flight training from the ground would be interesting for civillians - athough I'm not sure that civilians are allowed on base, it is possible to park outside the base and watch. There may have even been an airshow such as The Blue Angels visiting. I seriously doubt the visit to the base had anything to do with Johnny's abduction.

The internet burped and I just lost a long post. :( To summarize:
One of my cousins was stationed at Offut. He took my dad on a tour of the base and they were permitted into some areas that I never would have imagined a civilian could go. (Two years ago, I think?) While my dad is former Navy, it's been a long time and he never had clearances like my cousin's. Maybe it depends on the clearances of the person you're with, IDK. Dad did have to surrender all of his ID and his camera before going on base.
I need clarification help here,

There is a You Tube video with Noreen Gosch who says a few weeks before her son Johnny was kidnapped, she got a tip that there was going to be a second kidnapping in August 1984 from a private investigator. (Knowing her son was going to be kidnapped before the second kidnapping. Something does not seem to make sense.) Yet, other sources say that she knew of this information a few weeks before Eugene's kidnapping, so what appears to be correct?

I need clarification help here,

There is a You Tube video with Noreen Gosch who says a few weeks before her son Johnny was kidnapped, she got a tip that there was going to be a second kidnapping in August 1984 from a private investigator. (Knowing her son was going to be kidnapped before the second kidnapping. Something does not seem to make sense.) Yet, other sources say that she knew of this information a few weeks before Eugene's kidnapping, so what appears to be correct?


From the way I understand it, Noreen supposedly received info that another boy was going to be kidnapped just prior to Eugene being taken. However, this is just my own opinion, I would take whatever Noreen says with a grain of salt. Because in my way of thinking, if she knew that another boy was going to be taken, and if I recall it even future, it was suppose to be another paper boy, why did she not report it to the DMPD. If this is true then she knew about the crime prior to it being committed and did not report what she knew, can't she be charged with something??

On a more personal note, I grew up in a small town about 30 mins outside of Des Moines. One of my good friends growing up was Eugene's cousin. It was very rough on the family and I know that they did everything within their power to search for their son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend. I hope that someday Eugene's family will find out what happened to him.

M ~
mnegri1973, Noreen DID go to the police. From her book, p. 63, she states that after she received the information from Sam Soda about the second kidnapping, "I did go to the Des Moines Police Dept., asking if I could play the tape of the meeting with Mr. Soda for them. The person at the desk would not allow me to talk to a Detective, he kept saying if they "felt my information was of importance they would call me". Repeatedly, I told them that I had a tape recording and in a couple of months there would be another paperboy kidnapped. They treated me as though I had lost my mind and they didn't want to be bothered with me." (All grammatical errors are Noreen's, not mine.)
Until today, I've never read anything about any of these abductions. After reading the posts in this thread, I have to say this all sounds a bit bizarre to me.

Personally, I don't see why these cases might not be related to one another given the cirumstances, time frames, location, etc. I can more readily believe that there is a single predator, or maybe a pair of predators, than I can buy into a government conspiracy. Of course, in all fairness I know little about these cases and have not read the book written by Noreen (I think I got her name correct?).

Regarding the last few posts, given the outlandishness of her claims I can see why the DMPD would disregard anything she had to say. That does not make it right, but she wouldn't be the first parent of a missing child to lose a bit of sanity or start making bizarre claims.
OMG, I just about fainted when I watched the news. They could have a small break in the Johnny Gosch case. Johnny's mom received pictures in the mail of what appears to be her son bound and gagged. IMHO, it does look like him. The news stated he was wearing sweat pants when taken and he does have these on in the pic.

She also received another pic of two other boys tied up in the same fashion and is asking for help in trying to identify the other boys in the photo.

See http://www.johnnygosch.com/ for photos and details.

It really makes me wonder about the pedophile ring...

Even though these two boys were abducted 2 and 4 years after Johnny, I wonder if they could be linked to the photograph. I'm sure Johnny would have aged in 4 years but I wonder how much under undesirable circumstances?

What, if anything, ever resulted from this?
What, if anything, ever resulted from this?

Same old, same old. Some people think it's him, and I'm sure some think it is not. Who knows what's happening investigation-wise. I have read that all of the photos have been given to the authorities (FBI? Although that seems unlikely given Noreen's feelings for them...) and have (or have not, depending on where you look) been verified.

Milopedes, crazy or not, LE should look into Noreen's claims; they should have done it then, and they should do it now. There was a movie (based on the book by Beth Gutcheon, but I can't remember the title) about a boy named Alex Selky who disappeared while walking to the school bus. All kinds of things happened with the investigation, and in the end people thought that the homosexual house cleaner had done away with the boy. The mother was not so sure, and she told the detective in charge, and he investigated every lead. One crazy woman kept calling him and asking him to come get the boy, that Jesus told her it was the boy, etc. She was nuts, there was no doubt about it. But he investigated...he drove all the way out to where the woman was. And there was the boy. She was a nutburger, but she recognized the missing boy and saved him by calling the police.

I'm not sure that Noreen is still playing with a full deck -- I know I wouldn't be after what she's been through -- but I don't think her information (pictures, leads, whatever) should be discounted because of it.

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