IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #2

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Let me guess Noreen said Johnny told her all of this When did he tell her? She is a kook!! You can't believe her AND yes I know this to be a fact. Who are the witnesses that saw Johnny?? That's all here-say it goes right back to the old "he said she said" If this was true then there would have been people already arrested for Johnny's kidnapping. It's NOT a sad thing because we don't believe a bunch of idiots I can't wait to see these pictures lol What underground circle did you hear all this garbage from? All I can say is some people sure have good imaginations lol
Let me guess Noreen said Johnny told her all of this When did he tell her?
Answer: March of 1997
Who are the witnesses that saw Johnny??
Answer: Paul Bonacci,Troy Boner(deceased),Rusty Nelson, Jimmy Gibson, Linda Blood(Col.Aquino's ex girlfriend)
That's all here-say it goes right back to the old "he said she said"
It is also documented sworn testimony in federal court ill email a transcript if you want no problem
If this was true then there would have been people already arrested for Johnny's kidnapping.
It doesnt work that way when the Police and FBI are trying to cover it up now does it?
It's NOT a sad thing because we don't believe a bunch of idiots
Who are these "bunch of idiots" you so eloquintly describe?
I can't wait to see these pictures lol
Whats so funny? people have been killed because of these photos Gary Caradori and his 10 year old child to name a few.show some respect
What underground circle did you hear all this garbage from?
Actually Rusty hinted at this to radio talk show host Michael Corbin and off air to a clear channel director after his interview. I forgot the mans name its been 2 years since i emailed him last ill try to find it in my sent items folder and its a rumor that has been floating around with people in the know since mid 2005

Any more questions Teresa?
Teresa, ummmmm....you protesteth too much. If you didn't believe in this I don't think you'd take time to post and I certainly don't think you'd be so hostile.
Teresa, ummmmm....you protesteth too much. If you didn't believe in this I don't think you'd take time to post and I certainly don't think you'd be so hostile.

I am not hostile at all I am just stating what I think. If anything I get a big kick out of all the crap that people believe or invent about this whole story. It's amazing what people come up with. Rbeck I am always a respectful person. I never said anything disrespectful to you or anybody else. I just don't buy all your BS about this that's all but then I have heard it all from my PI friend who worked on this case for a long time.
So, Teresa, you don't believe that the Franklin Credit Union and Larry King were involved in child prostitution? Even after Paul Bonacci was awarded a million dollars in his suit against Larry King?
So, Teresa, you don't believe that the Franklin Credit Union and Larry King were involved in child prostitution? Even after Paul Bonacci was awarded a million dollars in his suit against Larry King?[/quote

Yes I believe that but I do not believe they kidnapped Johnny. If that was the case then where is Johnny now?
Yes I believe that but I do not believe they kidnapped Johnny. If that was the case then where is Johnny now?

OMG you are right off................

Do you know anything about this case.... Have you even bother to read Noreens page...(The kook as you so nicely put it)...

You asked were Johnny is . Well he's in hiding were most of these children are......
You have stated so much crap that I dont think you know what you believe..
I think your just here to every one off.. Cause I for one am just stunned at your opinion.. Its people like you that let these animals get away with what they do because its just easier to DENY DENY DENY......
So what, did Johnny tie himself up and take the photo's ????????? Or was that his Kooky mother????????? and the pic with Johnny and the other 2 boys tied and gaged,, was that Johnny's doing also????
OMG . What rock did you crawl from under?? or are you an ostrage with your head stuck in the sand??????????????:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
I guess I am under the same Rock as Theresa Larson because I don't believe that the answer to what happened to Johnny lies with some political pedo ring. I have read Noreen's book and her website and followed this case from the 80's. I see no connection between Johnny and any pedo ring other then a theory presented by a devestated mother who seems to have series and understandable mental health issues. Are there politicians and other people of authority involved in pedofiliia? Absolutly. Are there huge organized rings that are deeply interwoven into the top ranks of the US government and protected by our hightest athorities? I do not believe this. The alledged visit from Johnny is unsubstantiated as far as I am concerned. The photos posted by Noreen inconclusive at best and most likley not Johnny being victimized by a pedo ring. Just because one may be mentally ill dose not mean what they believe is false. However, there is nothing to substantiate Noreens extremly detailed theory. What happened to Johnny I don't know!! However, I don't think the answer lies within the files of any governmental agency.

I guess I am under the same Rock as Theresa Larson because I don't believe that the answer to what happened to Johnny lies with some political pedo ring. I have read Noreen's book and her website and followed this case from the 80's. I see no connection between Johnny and any pedo ring other then a theory presented by a devestated mother who seems to have series and understandable mental health issues. Are there politicians and other people of authority involved in pedofiliia? Absolutly. Are there huge organized rings that are deeply interwoven into the top ranks of the US government and protected by our hightest athorities? I do not believe this. The alledged visit from Johnny is unsubstantiated as far as I am concerned. The photos posted by Noreen inconclusive at best and most likley not Johnny being victimized by a pedo ring. Just because one may be mentally ill dose not mean what they believe is false. However, there is nothing to substantiate Noreens extremly detailed theory. What happened to Johnny I don't know!! However, I don't think the answer lies within the files of any governmental agency.


Must be a damn big rock because I'm right under there with both of you. If you'd both kindly scoot over a bit, I'll just get comfy.

I don't even know why I bother posting in this thread since I really think the rudeness of a few who love to sling insults at people who don't agree with them is getting out of hand. There is a difference between disagreeing with somebody and going out of ones way to play keyboard cowboy. I see several keyboard cowboys and that isn't going to solve a case. That's why so many people won't come near this case. I can't blame them.

Edited to add, it's people like us who work very had to try and solve missing and UID cases. It's people like us who want the monsters where they belong, locked up. This site is way more than just a thread about Johnny Gosch. While this thread is just as important as any other, it's not the be all end all. Take a look at what Teresa contributes around here before you come of with "It's people like you....." That is rude, unnecessary, uncalled for and frankly not a character judgment anyone can make. I may not agree with Teresa 100%, but damn it, I respect her. Sorry, for that rant folks. The whole "it's people like you" comment never fails to set me off.
Do you know anything about this case.... Have you even bother to read Noreens page...(The kook as you so nicely put it)...
Go back and read her posts and you will have your answer. Have you even bothered to read this thread?
Must be a damn big rock because I'm right under there with both of you. If you'd both kindly scoot over a bit, I'll just get comfy.

I don't even know why I bother posting in this thread since I really think the rudeness of a few who love to sling insults at people who don't agree with them is getting out of hand. There is a difference between disagreeing with somebody and going out of ones way to play keyboard cowboy. I see several keyboard cowboys and that isn't going to solve a case. That's why so many people won't come near this case. I can't blame them.

Edited to add, it's people like us who work very had to try and solve missing and UID cases. It's people like us who want the monsters where they belong, locked up. This site is way more than just a thread about Johnny Gosch. While this thread is just as important as any other, it's not the be all end all. Take a look at what Teresa contributes around here before you come of with "It's people like you....." That is rude, unnecessary, uncalled for and frankly not a character judgment anyone can make. I may not agree with Teresa 100%, but damn it, I respect her. Sorry, for that rant folks. The whole "it's people like you" comment never fails to set me off.
The conspiracy thoerist who think everyone is out to get them and that the sky is falling are very hard to sway and convince, don't be offended by them. The know everything and we are dummies who know nothing. The ignore button is an excellent feature I found out, by the way :)
Hey thanks for that tip. :) Care to share space under the rock with us? We'll have us a party. :rolleyes:
Hey thanks for that tip. :) Care to share space under the rock with us? We'll have us a party. :rolleyes:
I have a feeling it is pretty crowded under that rock, lol if there is room I'll get under it!
The conspiracy thoerist who think everyone is out to get them and that the sky is falling are very hard to sway and convince, don't be offended by them. The know everything and we are dummies who know nothing. The ignore button is an excellent feature I found out, by the way :)
Whatcha going to talk about if you ignore everyone and don't believe, won't except, and won't open your mind to the conspiracy theory?? I don't see the point of even reading here. There is never any "breaking news" reported by those of you under that party rock. Seems like some are only here to slam the ones interested in finding the truth. I've brought up a few plausable idea that have nothing to do with the Paedophiles, and they are all ignored...so what is it that you guys are looking for?:confused: I don't get it.
There's never been any breaking news posted by the conspiracy theorists either. Just conjecture, and a whole lot of name calling. Lots of people have posted highly plausible situations that have nothing to do with pedo rings and they've been told to shut up and that they're just not open minded. Now, I'm a very open minded person, I looked and researched for years and I don't believe for one second that there is a huge pedo ring comprised not only of high ranking officials in our government but also of high ranking officials in other country and that the ring had something to do with young boy's abduction. I don't believe for a second that some of the outlandish things I've read concerning people like Hunter S. Thompson, both Bush presidents and other well-known people are true. Do I believe it is possible, not just possible but probable that he was taken by a pedophile? I certainly do. That's where my belief ends. If that was the case, I believe he did not live very long after his abduction. There can not be reasonable discussion of this case and that's sad. I don't consider myself close minded because I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I'm sorry, I just don't see things that way.

I was talking about several newer posters who only come here to visit this thread and yell at those of us who don't believe them. Time and again, we're told we haven't researched anything and we don't know our collective a$ses from our elbows. They don't know that at all. None of my comments were addressed to you. Not saying you felt they were, just saying is all. I may not agree with you on this, but at the very least you've show those of us who don't agree more respect than a few others. Frankly, if they can't present themselves without being rude, then they really should be ignored. There's nothing wrong with that at all. That's why the ignore button exists.

I apologize, I have read through the thread entirely once. Perhaps I missed your plausible ideas, I'd like to see them. Normally, I'd go back and look, but right now I'm sidetracking myself when I should be writing a paper. If you'd be so kind as to repost them, I'd love to give them a read. :)
I also thought i'd come out of under the "Rock." I'm not sure where all of the Johnny Come Lately's get their info, but i've just about had all i can stand of the rude posts by them (hence i climbed out from the aforementioned rock).

I've posted here on and off for quite a while and followed the case for years. That does not mean that my opinion is worth more than anyone else's, but hopefully i am at least informed!

First for "Shefner" (thank you for joining this month by the way, and welcome to the site), I will tell you how Paul won the $1mm award...Larry King was not able to attend the trial (prison) and offered no legal response to the suit. Thus, everything that Decamp entered into evidence was "assumed" to be true as a matter of law since there was no rebuttle (it may have been true, i have no idea). He could have said the sky was red and it would have been accepted by the court. The judgement was essentially a "summary" judgement since nobody showed up to defend against it....That's how he won the $1mm dollars...

And AussieLela, I don't know why you are so "shocked' at Teresa's opinion. Youre entitled to your's (and frankly i'm shocked that you think that is Johnny tied up in the pics! Looks nothing like him to my eyes!) but please lay off others that do not share in it. It is not people like her that let the animals get away with these things. Shame on you!

So, let me tell you what i think so that you can also attack me.....I think, very unfortunately, he was kidnapped, used for devious purposes, and killed probably shortly afterwards...no i can't explain all of the rumor and conjectur that has gone on over the years, but one thing i do know, he's never been found, or come forward to the public or police, or ever had a job (you now need a SS number for bank accounts, jobs), never had a driver's license (see SS number), etc...it would be very hard to function at all and either survive or not have to come "out" at some point....oh yes, of course unless you are living on an Indian reservation (wait, another rumor). No, unfortunately he was probably buried somewhere in Iowa many years ago....my opinion only!
Why would Johnny be hiding He is an adult now not a child IF he was alive he'd be in touch with his mother. I have my opinions I am sorry if you do not agree with them. I have said this a million times and I will say it again. I am good friends with one of the Private Investigators that worked on this case so I have heard lots and have talked about this case for years with him. Also why in the world do you think anybody from Franklin Credit Union would drive 140 miles that morning and kidnap Johnny? Did Omaha run out of little boys that day? Let's not forget about his Father always going with him. Don't you think it's a little strange that the one day he doesn't go Johnny disappears? The man in charge of the newspapers was aware that Johnny was alone that morning too so there are lots of possibilities in this case. I am not in denial about anything I happen to be a very realistic person I just do not believe all this hog wash about the government being involved. I am sure there are some pedophiles in the government but then they are all over the place. By the way have you ever met Noreen personally? My PI friend did and he spoke with her many times. He told me first hand that she has mental issues!!
I have nothing to gain by agreeing or disagreeing with anyone here. I posted for a while at the franklinfiles.org site, which was hacked last year and hasn't returned. It was an interesting place to be...and naturally there were many different opinions there!

I feel that there was a Franklin Credit Union Scandal and that Paul Bonacci was indeed molested and prostituted by Larry King. I believe politicians were involved on several levels, but especially by attending "after-parties," and having sex with minors. I believe the White House Tour happened just as Bonacci has described. I believe he's believable because he is able to accurately describe events and places that can be verified by others.

As for Johnny, Bonacci claims he helped to kidnap him....maybe he is remembering incorrectly or flat out lying but I tend to believe him since he has nothing to gain by lying about it. Others also saw Johnny during his "captivity," such as Jimmy Gibson. Jimmy is quite controversial himself, I know. But during a taping of "America's Most Wanted," Jimmy was able to show his branding and to describe Johnny in ways that proved he knew him.

I don't want to slam anyone's ideas....'cause I don't really like it when people slam mine! lol I'm not sure there is enough "proof" for anyone to change another person's mind on this subject, but I find the whole case involving Johnny and the Franklin Coverup to be interesting to consider.
I also wanted to add that there are people connected to this case that "give me the creeps." I'm not so sure about Gunderson, I admit he's strange. And I'm sure Noreen does have some "issues." I think I have some too and I haven't been through all that she has! ha

Still, after viewing video footage of MKUltra and other government "mind-bending" experiments, I really feel that some of these things, while "wild and unbelievable," are indeed true...

While I don't feel comfortable being labeled a "conspiracy theorist," (cause many are sorta kooky) I just feel there are lots of things going on that we can't see and wouldn't believe even if we did.
Okay point taken,,,,
So Im not allowed to state my opinion when Teresa can state IDIOTS, KOOK , the BS comment about what someone stated????????????
Like someone said we are all entitled to our own view on this story . So some things she said really itched my back... Isnt that the reaction some comments were after???????

SHAME ON ME????????????????
I would more say shame on you................. Freedom of speach more like it. Whats good for one is good for all..............

The kook comment for one............. I tell you what , if my son went missing of the street into thin air I think I would still need sedation........
Noreen has already had to fight the world for injustice and there are people calling her things like that............

If you read my post I did not call any names...
And for the Johnny come lately posters comment............... Just because we have only posted a few comments means nothing........... Im am always on this site and just because I prefer to read than post is my own choice............ GEES look what happens when you do try and have an opinion.................
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