Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #2

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It concerns me that Mollie may have had her earbuds in listening to music while running. If that's the case, she would have been totally oblivious to anyone approaching or following her. Someone could have quickly grabbed her from behind and put her in a vehicle. Man, I hope I'm wrong! It's heartbreaking to think about.

I see women/girls running alone with earbuds Every.Single.Day! It makes me crazy to see it, because I KNOW it is negatively affecting any realm of situational awareness.

I recommend the book The Gift of Fear.
The Gift of Fear - Wikipedia
Remember the Sheri Papini case? Police said pretty much the same thing. Never did find out the truth abt what happened, but she did reappear as we know.

If you follow her twitter feed, it was a fairly depressing and sad narrative. IMO only, this lovely young lady wasn't hiding her dismay with life or her relationship. ...You have to read between the lines though.

On another note, why does it seem that more often than not that the significant other happens to be out of town when these things happen (missy beavers).


I know, right!?

Also, Dr. Teresa Sievers
A week in and no description of even a POI or vehicle. No hard timeline or geo-locations released to help the public maybe refresh its collective memory. Just getting an odd feeling about all of it.

They have a solid timeline though but stated they won't release it so they can protect the investigation.

FBI is heavily involved. It seems like the investigation is going really well.
She took care of the "home sitting" duties, decided her run would be to her moms, where she would have dinner, stay the night, use the car to quickly swing back by "home sitting" early in the morning to pick up vitals, take care of dogs, then head to work? Backup glasses at moms, no need to worry about a car as she would be with it, and no need for her vitals during the night. Answers everything except what happened between point A and B. A Walmart in a nearby town is reported to have had an "incident" earlier that same evening.

I am confused, and also WS barely working on my end so maybe I missed something. But, is this your opinion? A theory? Was it in a link? Please tell me where from this info derives?
On the off chance that she was hit by a. Vehicle on purpose or not it would be more likely to be a local then someone just passing through I would think hopefully LE is also looking for cars in the area that might be damaged

The area where Tibbets had gone jogging is surrounded by vast expanses of farmland and fields. Poweshiek County Sheriff Thomas Kriegel said that landscape poses particular challenges:

“We’re surrounded by farm ground — corn and soy beans. Right now the corn is probably eight, nine feet tall. The only way you can search it is basically walk down every other row. It’s difficult. Even the planes flying over have a difficulty looking down in the corn rows.”
Mid September through October.

Thank you for this information.


harvesters are huge machines, they would destroy evidence. hope they hold out on harvesting. not sure when it is though

It would be horrendous if this happened. The farmer wouldn’t know till it was too late.
I feel she went missing Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.
LE does not know what happened after 7:45 p.m. while on a jog.
She never showed up at her moms for dinner as she was expected.
She was taken imo Wednesday night right around 7:45. I hope she's alive and somehow get word to someone. She could be anywhere by now.

Im kind of leaning to something happening the evening before too.

Lots of people think she got disappeared during the jog but I really dont think so because of the texts to her mom and the 10pm Snapchat. I am kind of leaning that she really made those. Because if a person abducted her from her home that evening would they really want to setup any kind of ruse with the snapchat. I have a feeling they wouldnt even bother to do anything like that.

I now wonder if someone saw her on the jog and maybe followed in their car at a distance to find out where she lived and may have went back to her house after she got home from jog.

Its all so scary. The longer this goes on the scarier it becomes. I was really hoping she just ran off to get a break from her busy life. Maybe that is still a possibility. I hope so because most other options dont end well.
I see women/girls running alone with earbuds Every.Single.Day! It makes me crazy to see it, because I KNOW it is negatively affecting any realm of situational awareness.

I recommend the book The Gift of Fear.
The Gift of Fear - Wikipedia

I agree. If I'm out walking and want to hear a bit of music I turn it way down so as to still hear what's going on around me. The one time I didn't do this I was followed by some very shady characters who lived on my street. Thankfully another neighbor stepped in and stopped them from following me (I didn't even find out this all happened until sometime later when the good neighbor told me). It was a very scary feeling! Fortunately, not long after that their house caught fire and they were forced to move!
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The area where Tibbets had gone jogging is surrounded by vast expanses of farmland and fields. Poweshiek County Sheriff Thomas Kriegel said that landscape poses particular challenges:

“We’re surrounded by farm ground — corn and soy beans. Right now the corn is probably eight, nine feet tall. The only way you can search it is basically walk down every other row. It’s difficult. Even the planes flying over have a difficulty looking down in the corn rows.”
I hate to say this but farmers need to watch for scavenger type birds.
If it was random abduction then I keep going back to the police not issuing a warning?? Since they have not, it leads me to think it is someone she knew and they have their eye on them... or else why not say be aware and keep your eyes open.. lock doors, etc. If they believed it was random don't you think they would at least alert the public that they have someone on the loose like that? So many things just don't add up.
Every theory seems to have pieces that contradict or just don't fit. Does it make sense that after running she left with somebody intending to spend the night elsewhere? She brought her red shirt with her and thought this person could just drop her off at her mom's house in the early morning and she'd take her car from there. There's nothing there that doesn't fit.
I feel she went missing Wednesday night, not Thursday morning.
LE does not know what happened after 7:45 p.m. while on a jog.
She never showed up at her moms for dinner as she was expected.
She was taken imo Wednesday night right around 7:45. I hope she's alive and somehow get word to someone. She could be anywhere by now.
I agree with your timeline. I will be amazed if it was Thursday morning.
Every theory seems to have pieces that contradict or just don't fit. Does it make sense that after running she left with somebody intending to spend the night elsewhere? She brought her red shirt with her and thought this person could just drop her off at her mom's house in the early morning and she'd take her car from there. There's nothing there that doesn't fit.

Interesting theory because I think you are right that most things fit. Even the 10pm snapchat if she sent it and didnt want to converse much with BF.
Let's say, based on the new timeline information, that she was jogging to her mom's house for dinner. Based on a map in an earlier post, I don't believe the route(s) to her mom's were very rural. They would take her through neighborhoods. It is currently 7:42 pm, and I live in the neighboring state of Wisconsin. It is still very light out, and it would seem very brazen for someone to take her from a populated neighborhood in this light.

I just don't know what to think...

Edit: Looking at the map again, there is a rural route she could have taken down 170th Street and through the high school parking lot. Lots of corn on that route...:(
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