Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #28

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There would be a record of their communications somewhere on her phone or computer. And she would possibly discuss it with a close friend. I could see her being casual friends with some older guy, and him possibly misinterpreting her intentions. Her brother said Mollie was nice to everyone. But I don't get that "secret affair" kind of vibe from Mollie's lifestyle. She is in college and seems to be focused,busy, happy and in love with DJ. She doesn't appear to have any real loose ends anywhere.
If it was a secretive affair they would probably not want to get caught through communicating by electronic devices. Neighbors, those on her jogging route, or people she encounters at work would be those she could talk to/ make plans with on a daily basis without leaving a trail. It could be a male who she thought was only a friend but kept it secretive so that her boyfriend wouldn't get jealous, possibly?
please do. I think your statement is taken out of context all together or you didn't understand? to make that direct of a statement please be sure and provide a link. thank you. moo
Can I ask what this is referring to ? I’ve seen a few comments between you both obviously referring to a fact and about links and sources of information but to what is it you are both referring? Not being sarky but it’s hard to follow the thread when this happens . Not sure if it’s to do with the whole new setup but I see this on a lot of posts, so not just directed at you . Thanks in anticipation.Lets hope today Mollie comes home
I had visited years before Brooklyn, Iowa. Visited to see the different flags have flying from flagpole. Helpfully that will find Mollie Tibbetts. I think any searchers to stay cautious positive in finding alive that can also be other possibilities. Hopefully in finding Mollie can bring closure or learn why and how went missing.
Can I ask what this is referring to ? I’ve seen a few comments between you both obviously referring to a fact and about links and sources of information but to what is it you are both referring? Not being sarky but it’s hard to follow the thread when this happens . Not sure if it’s to do with the whole new setup but I see this on a lot of posts, so not just directed at you . Thanks in anticipation.Lets hope today Mollie comes home

I checked back and this was also about the claim she was last seen at the car wash.
This is aimed at no one in particular, and honestly curious, but if you really are afraid that whoever is responsible for MT's disappearance is reading every word here, (I have seen nothing that makes me feel that is the case) I guess my question is "why and what do you think they are getting here?" We aren't LE, sitting here discussing our investigation plans. We are just a group of people discussing what we believe may have happened. The perp already knows what happened, and us figuring it out isn't going to affect his freedom. Sometimes I think we give perps too much credit. Sometimes they aren't the geniuses we often think they are. Sometimes they are just damned lucky to do their crime and go undetected. Sometimes they may come here, or to sites like this, but I don't really believe that the majority do. I think, more likely than not, they just slink back into whatever existence they came from, until the urge to strike hits again. JMO
Great post
Once in his vehicle, maybe he knocks her out with one punch, ties her up. Or uses a taser. Taser/stun gun would be more dependable. Or just keeps a gun pointed at her, or even makes her drive. He just wants to get clear of the town outskirts to do what he plans, and then leaving her behind, return to town or wherever he might be expected to be.
I still don't understand how LE can basically tell the public there is nothing to worry about. They must feel it was someone she knew in some capacity.

And Mollie was specifically targeted and thus the public need not worry for their safety

If they thought this was random you would think they would put out a statement warning the community to be careful etc....

IMO The Fitbit gave data maybe several days post abduction ( some fitbits can go 5 days in a full charge ) this has led LE speculating someone's keeping her alive and captive.

MT's phone would also need to be powered on and functional and in close (Bluetooth) proximity and syncing to Fitbit servers.... unlikely. If that were the case LE could have long ago tracked a (at least an approximate) location.
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Once in his vehicle, maybe he knocks her out with one punch, ties her up. Or uses a taser. Taser/stun gun would be more dependable. Or just keeps a gun pointed at her, or even makes her drive. He just wants to get clear of the town outskirts to do what he plans, and then leaving her behind, return to town or wherever he might be expected to be.

Would've made it easier to get her into a vehicle if he was supposed to be a trusted authority figure in the community. Perhaps he was even marked as such. Also wouldn't have aroused much suspicion if he was seen out and about.

I've moved on from trying to map her run route. I think that she was take at an isolated part of the route - somewhere near the cut-through to Moms. There's a lot of isolated gravel roads in the area off Rt 385; an isolated route out of town with low traffic. What happened after she was taken?

First off, I think the perp gets down to the main business at hand - why the abduction in the first place? Even if the phone and fit bit are active, he has a goal. I don't have an answer for this, just yet.

If the need is quick-and-to-the-point with seclusion, one could go Rt 385 to a right on 185 down a dirt road that dead ends at Little Bear Creek. I think she may have been put in the water here, or a site like this. I think LE knows this, but haven't found her (and is holding this info back). View attachment 142391

After this, he goes on an evidence dump. Back up 185 to Rt 385, then left to v21. Left on v21 to the bridge at Big Bear Creek, where he dumps the phone. View attachment 142392

The next part, going so far South on v21 to dump other evidence (fit bit?) I'm not sure about unless he knew in advance about WC. All these back roads, on grave surfaces, to me indicates some sort of pick-up truck and knowledge of these roads as being an avid hunter.
View attachment 142394

I think it might be someone that both DJ (his age) and MT went to HS with, and had a crush on MT. He didn't go off to college, and stayed local working in Brooklyn. He supplements via B&E or drug distribution. I think he knows how digital footprints work. Maybe Mollie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So much for my novel. As a father of kids this age, it pained me to type each and every sentence of the above. I'm admitting defeat, as in she's not coming back alive. I deeply sympathies with RT and his stoic interview hoping she would be OK. After 4 weeks I only want closure for the family.

Thank you for posting thoughts about routes! I agree with Mollie being taken out of Brooklyn via 385 Ave. It's the only route that looks distinctly like a backroad out of Brooklyn. I think she was taken South on 185 Str as well. That route seems most likely, and I agree with you all the way to dumping digital evidence. I don't think he knew anything about WC. I agree with "avid hunter" or rural farm resident who knows the backroads.

Age is interesting, but I'm thinking someone closer to late 20s early 30s, but that's because I think this is related to the 2012 Evansdale murders. I think he practiced on younger victims before tackling an adult. I agree that this predator understands technology well enough to know that it needs to be managed during an abduction.

I don't think the perpetrator has any connection to Mollie beyond the possibility that he saw her perhaps the night before. I don't see this as drug related - too clean for a drugged up mind.

As for body location, I'm thinking miles from Brooklyn in what may be a seasonal hunting or fishing spot, definitely expecting her body to be found near a slow or shallow river.
She's 5'2", 120lbs... Only easier would be a child or infant... No matter how "healthy" the smaller victim, when surprised, loses... Shoot, I'll bet I could take on Ronda Rouse in the right environment
I believe that a female who ran a 4-5 minute mile, wasn't surprised, and wasn't cornered in a home or inside a vehicle could easily flee from the majority of the male population. However, it has been eluded to that Mollie was not a fast runner and may have stopped to fumble with her phone. If she jogged 12 minute miles, there are some walkers that can keep up.
Not to upset any truckers, but, one of the 5 points of interest is the truck stop... not sure the extent of the facility, but, wondered if the site has video and has been reviewed. The proximity to the 80 makes me wonder. In a small town you would think someone noticed something off.
This is a raw emotion post.

We're given nothing truly useful. Nothing that could enable us to foster a conclusive theory. We've crossed toward a bleak boundary. The sun is setting; the temperature, lowering. Eyewitness accounts fuel a mystery and lack of evidence cement it. An uneven timeline makes us stumble in pursuit and LE awaits for someone to tell what happened. The clock is tiring, but still ticks on and on, its hands marking time in endless circle. A metaphor.

Chill is in the air... and I believe it will become colder at an alarming rate.
I disagree. We are up to thread #28 here at WS. LE has formed a task force. Mollie has a new webpage for anonymous tips launched Monday that generated so many leads that they had to add a new server. And the VPOTUS met and prayed with Mollie's family yesterday. This is a very high profile case, and LE has their brightest minds working on it. That is not my definition of a cold case. They are just getting warmed up.
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