Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #34

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I don’t know

My fear is that this case is being used and that someone will post that 5 million and we will never see him again

He already has a private attorney who is running for a Supreme Court seat

That is $5 million CASH!I do not think that will be so easy---Ihope
It’s all about choices. He is scared. And I think this ain’t his first rodeo.

And I bet he or someone else will either try to claim racism or because he is illegal that he is being railroaded. I think he's guilty and needs to life in prison but I fear that is gonna happen
Or for an appeal that could take 10 years. I’m still confident this guy has done something very bad before. Perhaps not caught or charged.
You may be right, and I'm scared to know. :(

There was another case where the defendant claimed to not speak English but it was BS. Can’t remember which case that was either. Gosh foggy today...brain overload. Must be all the legal jibberish between today and yesterday (Christopher Watts).)
Didn't they say CR had a 7th grade-equivalent education though, or did I imagine that? In that case, I believe he would have a court interpreter, anyway. Where are the lawyers?! Lol
Exactly! He chose it for a reason. And I know I sound like a broken record but that 'seasonal' job - I have never heard of a seasonal job that lasts 12 months of the year. So what ELSE was he up to? And where?

Maybe it had something to do with his brother being in the area first? His brother works construction out there.
Will there be a jury involved in this case?? Do we know that yet?
Here is what I am wondering:
How many other crimes he has forgotten

How he did not know what he just did when "his statement" arrest warrant pg 4
Was after he harassed Mollie the Next thing he remembered was being at a intersection where he promptly made a U turn and headed for the corn--not the earbud first then corn.

He admitted to harassing Mollie because he was on vid. How it went down I am not sure but I do not think Mollie would allow a 5'3" punk like to sweep her off her feet without a Major fight.

I have heard so many answers to this question: When did LE first receive the tape. I have heard a few days after her abduction to Friday of last week.
Just to be clear IMOO IF the tape was only given to LE last week --I sure as hell hope they do not qualify for the reward money--after all that is probably why the waited THAT LONG--guess the $400,000 wasn't good enough and this would not look good for them How do you sit on a tape that could have solved this case a month ago?

…...and yes this will be a star making case for an attorney ….but I do not think it be the case if you want a Supreme Court seat in Iowa.

Maybe the family was on summer vacation.
Your entitled to your opinion; it's not ridiculous at all; it's only ridiculous because you don't agree with it.
I don't think he killed her because he was afraid of deportation. But, her threatening to call the cops might have enraged him all the more because he thought he could be deported.

BUT....this was a crime of rage from start to finish - and he didn't really need a rational reason to be enraged. He was primed and ready to be enraged. If the thought of deportation enraged him, that was just one aspect of the crime, imo.

I don't think he thought - I'm going to be deported so I'll kill her. I think he was acting more primal than that. He was going to hurt her no matter what she said.

Hi All !! I am posting this beautiful tribute to Mollie that was written by one of her friends. ***( I have author's Approval AND Approval from the MODS here on WS to post this)****
The Author's words are their personal thoughts and feelings but written with the hopes of sharing the message so that those that didn't know Mollie personally could see her how her friends saw her.

***The world we live in is unjust. There are no certainties other than that it’s unfair. It harbors dark places in which evil lies. It is a cruel place that can break you down moment after moment. It is one of great sorrow. The world we live in is also wonderful. It brings us to people that care about you and you can care about in return. It has hearts full of nothing but joy and kindness. It’s a place that you find support no matter the situation. It is one of much love.

I know Mollie because I had the inexplicably lucky opportunity to work along side her for a day camp in which she devoted her heart to. My journey of friendship with Mollie began specifically on Thursday, June 14th when I was attempting to draw a couple of coworkers (not very well I might add) and she sat beside me and initiated a conversation of what details I had lacked in adding or what was spot on. Needless to say the drawings amounted to little more than hilariously drawn people that were supposed to be coworkers. More importantly, something else had happened. A spark of new friendship with someone I’d never met before had begun.

The next day I wanted to make an impression on my newfound friend so I bought her a McDonalds caramel frappe because she had made a comment the day before that she would “looooove it” if someone went and got her coffee. This act surprised her as a kid who she just met had bought her this as essentially a sign of wanting a friendship.

The next few weeks continued and I began to connect with her through our love of theatre and avid enjoyment of running. Her involvement and care for the kids at the day camp was heartfelt and compassionate. I hoped one day I’d be able to connect to the kids as well as she had.

My next big bonding moment with Mollie came when I was casually singing Whitney Houston to myself and she heard me and began to sign along as well. I remember vividly walking into work one morning after a fairly difficult swim practice, not ready for the day whatsoever, and as soon as I opened the door she shouted from down the hall “DON’T YOU WANNA DANCE, SAY YOU WANNA DANCE!” to which I appropriately replied with the response of “DANCE! WITH ME BOY!”. This became a common ritual as we both loved the song and we loved the way the children looked at us like we were weirdos.

All of us at the day camp are comedic legends in my eyes. A common phrase that was used between us was “She is beauty. She is grace. She is Miss United States” This phrase never made sense whenever it was used but we all loved it. One time, a photo was posted on our group chat and someone began the saying with “She is beauty. She is grace” to which I immediately chimed in “Mollie is shorter than cinco seis”. I found this immensely funny and laughed for days at my own clever wittiness. Mollie’s height was a thing that always got pointed out, usually by myself, and it became a running gag of how I could point it out each day. We’re both very huggy people and our heights complimented each other.

On the last day I saw Mollie, Wednesday, July 18th, she brought me a caramel frappe. She was so excited. She was like “HEY! I finally bought you one!”

Thursday, July 19th had a rainy morning. Swim practice got canceled and I went out to breakfast with my cousin and I remember thinking it was odd that I hadn’t received one of Mollie’s usual morning “Fact of the day” snapchats yet. The day went on and she never showed up and our concern level had gotten high. Mollie was announced a missing person and thus began the longest month. I remember that weekend I did not want to go back to the day camp because all I had were memories of her there and the pain of not seeing her would be to great. We did go back and we pushed through together. I realized that I didn’t want to be anywhere but the day camp because when there, I was surrounded by warm and happy memories of you. A new sense of hope was in our hearts and we weren’t giving up on you no matter what.

Eventually one week became two. Two became three and so on, until we reached today. Today, Tuesday, August 21st, I woke up to the most utterly gut wrenching news I could imagine. Mollie was gone. I received an absolute massive amounts of messages about condolence and sympathies. I didn’t open them because I knew once I read those messages and responded to my friends, it would all become real for me. I felt as if the air we’d all had to hold our breath all of this time had just been sucked out, leaving nothing but pain. I didn’t know what to do as no details had yet been released, so I did the one thing I could. I went to McDonald’s, bought a caramel Frappe, went to the location of the day camp where we worked, and listened to the silence as I let every memory come likes waves in the ocean. I went through the motions of the rest of the day until I went and stargazed. There, I felt close to your soul.

As I draw closer to the end of this writing I want to talk about Wonder Woman, more specifically a quote from it. In the Film’s climactic end battle, Wonder Woman is faced with the reality that evil things in the world are not, in fact, as a result of an evil force that, once defeated, will cause all evil in the world to go away. She realizes that a choice between doing good and evil resides in each and every one of us and it’s how we make that choice of choosing that determines how our world continues. Mollie saw the good in everyone and encouraged them to be the best possible “them” they could. With that, I believe it’s up to us to choose to do good and see the good in people as Mollie did.

I’ll be honest, I wish I could keep writing this forever because I know once I stop, I’ll have to continue in a world that doesn’t get to make more memories with you. A friendship like the one I experienced with you is something I never expected to have or know I needed. This pain will never disappear, but I know it too will get better and life will continue. I’ll think of you often as you’ve shaped the way I view the world in my eyes. To quote the Golden Girls, “It’s been an experience that I’ll hold very close to my heart, and these are memories that I’ll wrap myself in when the world gets cold and I forget that there are people who are warm and kind.”

I love you Mollie
The client was talking to the lawyer and you hear the lawyer tell the interpreter,”tell him no, it gets the ball rolling quicker,” in reference to client waiving right to prelim trial. With this many interpreters, I can’t imagine client lawyer privilege can be maintained if media is allowed.
I'm surprised at the defense acceptance to get things rolling faster. Usually the defense does everything it can to drag a case out.

What's the strategy here??
May be something the Prosecution can use to debunk his story?

Well I hope not. His story is that he killed Mollie in a fit of rage. He knew where her body was. His story is true. Why would you want the prosecution to prove the opposite?
Yes you are absolutely correct. It is not a medical condition. It is a mental health disorder. But even if he is diagnosed as a raging psychopath, that doesn't mean he can get off on insanity charges. If , however, he is claiming he blacked out and can't remember a thing he probably thinks this story will help get him a lighter sentence. It is very common excuse. There is no medical or psychological disorder that will excuse him from this crime, in my opinion.They have to prove he was "temporarily insane", which is much different and hard to prove, I believe. Maybe our lawyer expert can provide the definition.
Just so it's clear, I'm referring to the issue of the DSM being founded on a medical model of illness, referred to as "disorders", and given diagnostic codes through a medical lens. I don't view lack of empathy or lack of conscience as a medical condition or disorder. I view it as behavior in a social predator who hunts other humans for sport and self-gratification. There is absolutely nothing in his crime that would ever lead me to view him as anything but a predator who needs to be caged for the rest of his life. Nothing. I find it unfortunate that the state of Iowa can't take his life upon conviction.
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