Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #48

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I imagine Mollie put up a strong fight roadside and may have been injured then. Perhaps HE hit HER in the face. That might account for the blood in the trunk. Likewise she may have been injured by the debris in the trunk when she was thrown in or she may have cut herself trying to break out.

HE really doesn't want to acknowledge the depravity of his actions. I saw her, she waved at me, she threatened to call the police... then I was in a cornfield. Well, whatever ugly secrets he thinks he can keep, the evidence will tell the full story.

He stalked her. He managed to overpower her. He threw her in the trunk and drove her to at least one other location. What we don't know is what happened in that field. Was Mollie able to break free? Did he first tackle her in the area where her clothes were found? Did he chase her again to where her body was found? The terror she faced, unfathomable.

The data from her Fitbit will speak loudly.

My heart breaks for Mollie's family, to lose that bright light and in such a horrific way, but now to have to relive her horror -- layers and layers of devastation. So terribly painful... ripples of loss that reach out even to us here, following her story, never having known her in life....

She, such a beautiful, strong, loved woman with what should have been a long and rich and wonderful life ahead of her...

We're all so sorry, Mollie. You should've been safe.


This presents another even more horrific senario than I even thought previously. If she was able to break free in the corn field, that could explain why she was so far in. She might have felt safer and like he would just leave if she ran in since they are so dense and easy to hide in. :( The thought of him chasing her and her literally running for her life is terrifying. Of course he doesn't want to give any details of the ugly things he did.. he just wants to say he was rejected, felt angry she was calling police after all she waved and smiled and he just wanted to stop and talk to her.. how dare she.. he had to hit her to get her to stop.. then conveniently he just blacks out, doesn't remember any of the horrific things he did, but oh wait he remembers a body is in the trunk so he has to go carry her to the corn field and then cover her up (I'm sure in his mind this makes him look better somehow because he took care to cover her). ugh just unthinkable!
Now a law question. I know the defense seems like their arguments are reaching and haphazard, but maybe they are going somewhere with it all, in a way we can't see right now. But if, in the end, there is no cohesive reasoning, could there be a legal argument that he didn't receive proper representation? Could he get off on something like that?

I’m not sure if the incompetent counsel route is where they’re going since that would only mean he would be re-tried with the same pile of evidence as this one, but I do think they are more interested in the appeals after the trial than the trial itself. The physical evidence is overwhelming in my opinion. Add in his confession(even if some of it is not admitted), and his leading LE to her body. Their only hope is to get him off on a technicality in appeals, which would be one of the greatest miscarriages of justice since the OJ trial in my opinion.
A better route, I think, would have been to try a plea deal. Serve your client and serve justice.
I imagine Mollie put up a strong fight roadside and may have been injured then. Perhaps HE hit HER in the face. That might account for the blood in the trunk. Likewise she may have been injured by the debris in the trunk when she was thrown in or she may have cut herself trying to break out.

HE really doesn't want to acknowledge the depravity of his actions. I saw her, she waved at me, she threatened to call the police... then I was in a cornfield. Well, whatever ugly secrets he thinks he can keep, the evidence will tell the full story.

He stalked her. He managed to overpower her. He threw her in the trunk and drove her to at least one other location. What we don't know is what happened in that field. Was Mollie able to break free? Did he first tackle her in the area where her clothes were found? Did he chase her again to where her body was found? The terror she faced, unfathomable.

The data from her Fitbit will speak loudly.

My heart breaks for Mollie's family, to lose that bright light and in such a horrific way, but now to have to relive her horror -- layers and layers of devastation. So terribly painful... ripples of loss that reach out even to us here, following her story, never having known her in life....

She, such a beautiful, strong, loved woman with what should have been a long and rich and wonderful life ahead of her...

We're all so sorry, Mollie. You should've been safe.


Edited: double post
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I can believe Mollie smiled/waved at him for a couple reasons which I'll outline below. Of course no matter what she did or didn't do, NOTHING condones the atrocity this man brought upon her.

1) I am a solo female hiker/walker/biker. I've been taught if you pass someone, especially if they give you the heebie jeebies, look them straight in the eye. This shows them "I know you are there, I am not afraid of you, I know what you look like if you try to do anything to me." So if I pass someone on the trail while I'm alone, I stare them right in the eye and say "Hello."

2) Living in a small town, waving as people pass by - even those you may not know - is super common. I live in a much bigger town than Brooklyn, and whenever I'm out walking the neighborhood streets, most drivers who pass by me wave and I, in turn, wave back. It's just a small, friendly gesture. I could easily see Mollie waving to any car that passes her by. It literally means nothing and is just something you do sometimes.

I also agree that I think he threatened/injured her somehow at the initial confrontation site to get her in the trunk, but I think he actually killed her in the cornfield.

I was absolutely sick hearing about the state her body was found in, her clothes not being on her. I cannot even imagine the end of this poor woman's life. Just going out for a routine evening run - your whole life ahead of you, feeling safe in your own town (as you should be able to feel). I have no words for this :(
I don't believe for a minute that Mollie was smiling and waving at CBR. Most serious runners fall into a 'zone', especially if you are using earbuds and listening to music. Yes, you are aware of your surroundings, but you're not likely focused on random people driving by.

CBR saw her, he stalked her, then he attacked and murdered her. IMO

Yep! I mentioned previously also that as a female runner I am very aware of how vulnerable I am when out running and I don't try to stir up unwanted attention either. I don't look toward cars to see if I know people or try to engage with anyone unless someone is passing me running and we exchange a good morning or hello and keep going. I have gotten yelled out, honked at, and just been in many situations where I felt uncomfortable with unwanted attention from passerbys.. most friends of mine are the same.. we are friendly, we are courteous.. we don't look for people to wave to or smile at. This is not to say if she did smile and wave that she did anything wrong. Not at all. I just think many (especially female) runners who are solo are extra aware of personal safety and unfortunately we can and do get unwanted attention from some.
Mollie wanted to do two things that day: Run. And live.

CBR wanted IMO to do ONE thing.

In his fabrication, he's describing a RELATIONSHIP. Guy drives by girl. Girl notices. Guy smiles. Girl waves. Guy stops. They chat.... they meet for coffee later. Hallmark movie.

Preposterous, delusional....

If his motives were friendly, he'd have backed off when she threatened to call the police...

He is simply a liar. His saying she waved at him IMO is HIS way of blaming her for his crime. Grossest justification as if she invited or encouraged him to stop.

No way did it happen like that. That's his sick fantasy. Watching him in court yesterday confirmed it for me, no remorse, almost enjoying it. Twisted.

Mollie wanted to run. And live.

I do think he injured her, to gain control of her.

Then he took her to the secondary location.

Already wounded Mollie HAD to be thinking run, live....

I don't know her fitness level but he had the advantage-- she was bleeding (evidenced by blood in the trunk), he had a weapon. Even so, she may have had the presence of mind to calculate her chances, then choosing to run for her life.... that's IMO what made him mad. A mad, violent predator incapable of compassion or remorse with a goal and a weapon.

Impossible to fathom that he's a father....

He's where he belongs. Until hell has an opening.

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I missed the part about the cemetery. Was something said during the trial that wasn't tweeted?

I was listening to the trial and cemetery was mentioned, but I missed the context. Found this:

"Riessen agreed with prosecutors that the video was “significant.”

“The vehicle passed through numerous times after seeing the runner pass through the video,” Riessen testified. “From the time the runner went through until 8:07, there was 14 vehicles seen on those cameras. Six of those were the Malibu.”

In other words, the Malibu’s movements were suspicious.

The defense disagreed with some of Riessen’s characterizations. They pointed to another person “suspected of being on the video at 7:31 p.m.” driving a dark pickup truck. That person turned out to be a high school friend who knew Tibbetts, though she was a few years older than he was.

“You saw him, or a vehicle suspected to be his, following the same route that the jogger was on, correct?” asked defense attorney Chad Frese.

“It was preceding the jogger,” Riessen corrected him. But Riessen otherwise agreed it was the “same route.”

Riessen said he suspected the pickup truck drove into a nearby cemetery on the east end of East Des Moines Street. He said the cemetery was later checked by authorities and that corn in nearby fields made it hard to see anything else from the cemetery. Frese did not probe further.

Frese noted that the Malibu was driving “away from” Tibbetts’ presumed path of travel in several of the various videos. He further said Tibbetts was believed to have been abducted at about 8:20 p.m."
Prosecutors Play Videos Believed to Show Mollie Tibbetts Jogging, Car Allegedly Used in Abduction and Killing
The cemetery was brought up by the defense cross-examining about the security tape. They mentioned some former school mate of Mollie’s whose truck was also seen...once....on the security video. They asked the police officer if that truck might have been heading to the cemetery(a ridiculous and speculative question), and he responded he didn’t know. They asked if the cemetery had been checked out at any time during the investigation and he stated he had driven there to see what could be seen from there, like, I guess, if someone could have been lurking there looking for victims. He said he determined you couldn’t really see anything from there.
Just the defense stirring things up. I don’t think there is any relevance to the cemetery.

Thank you!
Now a law question. I know the defense seems like their arguments are reaching and haphazard, but maybe they are going somewhere with it all, in a way we can't see right now. But if, in the end, there is no cohesive reasoning, could there be a legal argument that he didn't receive proper representation? Could he get off on something like that?

I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that the counter argument is that there is no good defense for him.
I can believe Mollie smiled/waved at him for a couple reasons which I'll outline below. Of course no matter what she did or didn't do, NOTHING condones the atrocity this man brought upon her.

1) I am a solo female hiker/walker/biker. I've been taught if you pass someone, especially if they give you the heebie jeebies, look them straight in the eye. This shows them "I know you are there, I am not afraid of you, I know what you look like if you try to do anything to me." So if I pass someone on the trail while I'm alone, I stare them right in the eye and say "Hello."

2) Living in a small town, waving as people pass by - even those you may not know - is super common. I live in a much bigger town than Brooklyn, and whenever I'm out walking the neighborhood streets, most drivers who pass by me wave and I, in turn, wave back. It's just a small, friendly gesture. I could easily see Mollie waving to any car that passes her by. It literally means nothing and is just something you do sometimes.

I also agree that I think he threatened/injured her somehow at the initial confrontation site to get her in the trunk, but I think he actually killed her in the cornfield.

I was absolutely sick hearing about the state her body was found in, her clothes not being on her. I cannot even imagine the end of this poor woman's life. Just going out for a routine evening run - your whole life ahead of you, feeling safe in your own town (as you should be able to feel). I have no words for this :(

ITA- when I was a freshman in college, returning from Christmas break, LE & campus security held mandatory safety sessions for all students because a grad student was murdered on campus during the break at a time several other women had disappeared. What you said in #1 was EXACTLY what LE instructed:
“if you pass someone, look them straight in the eye. This shows them ‘I know you are there, I am not afraid of you, I know what you look like if you try to do anything to me.’” They also said to move briskly & confidently- look as though you have somewhere to be and soon- as if someone is expecting you & will notice if you are late.

Also agree with small community greeting- small town/small neighborhood- no dif. And no big deal.

SA was discussed much early on in this case- with CB inferring it never happened -blackout blah blah. Imo, he’s fine being called a murderer but has a big issue being called a rapist. I wish I could be a fly on the wall with some of the conversations that those who know him best must be having this weekend from facts brought to light in Friday’s testimony. Imo
Investigators created a spreadsheet to record everything seen on the Collins video - vehicles, pedestrians, etc. 14 Vehicles were identified and 6 of those were CR's Chevy Malibu. One of the vehicles was a pickup truck driven by someone who knew Mollie. LE thought the truck drove into the cemetery and they searched the cemetery. Eventually, all vehicles except the Malibu were ruled out. Surveillance Video Shows Mollie Tibbetts, Suspected Killer's Car

Regarding the point of abduction, see Deputy Kivi's testimony from Day 2 of the trial.

'I brought you to here, didn't I?': Officer recounts 11-hour interview with Bahena Rivera (
During testimony, Kivi stated that FBI cell phone analysis helped authorities narrow down where Tibbetts may have disappeared.

“There was some kind of what (the FBI) called an ‘event’ at a certain point along 385th Ave., and all of the sudden (Tibbetts’) phone is traveling, like, 55 to 60 mph down south down a gravel road,” Kivi said. “And then it just shuts off.”
So what's the gravel road? The cemetary?
Do we know what her running route was? Boundary > 385th...?
So what's the gravel road? The cemetary?
Do we know what her running route was? Boundary > 385th...?
I'm thinking it was the road he picked her up on. The "event" was likely the information from the Fitbit data, when her pulse suddenly increased.

I think the road to the cornfield was described as a gravel road that turned into a dirt road. Or at least one of them was. It's been so long I don't remember. Imo
I'm thinking it was the road he picked her up on. The "event" was likely the information from the Fitbit data, when her pulse suddenly increased.

I think the road to the cornfield was described as a gravel road that turned into a dirt road. Or at least one of them was. It's been so long I don't remember. Imo
Well, if I remember correctly, they had a basic area they were searching. Like they knew to look around where the pig farmer guy was. I don't remember where that was though.

EDIT: Well I just answered my own question...I remember now they were searching around the pig farmer guy...and ultimately she was found within 3-4 miles of him. So that was about where her phone shut off.
So sad :/
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For those of you who don't live in Iowa, this is how it works...

There are US, state, and county highways that are paved. Then counties maintain gravel roads that are laid out in a grid pattern as much as the local topography allows. There is a gravel road usually every mile. Counties can maintain dirt roads, but they are far more likely in my experience to be privately maintained roads and paths for farmers to get back into their land.

So yes, there are a lot of gravel roads in Iowa. :)
Well, if I remember correctly, they had a basic area they were searching. Like they knew to look around where the pig farmer guy was. I don't remember where that was though.
I'm not sure how far his property was to the cornfield where she was found, but I know that LE said they had searched the location the body was found in several times. I'm amazed nobody ever noticed a bad smell. Imo
I'm not sure how far his property was to the cornfield where she was found, but I know that LE said they had searched the location the body was found in several times. I'm amazed nobody ever noticed a bad smell. Imo
3-4 miles-ish
What I recall was they just did not go far enough back...they were almost right there.
So sounds like idiot forgot about the phone being on for the most part.
Too bad he didn't leave it on til he got back home.
Either way that was too late for Mollie.
MAY 21, 2021
Suppressed Confession In Killing of Mollie Tibbetts Trial | COURT TV
KILLING OF MOLLIE TIBBETTS: "I brought you here, didn't I?"

The "confession" of #CristhianBahenaRivera was deemed inadmissible in court due to a botched reading of his rights by investigators during his interrogation.

What do YOU think? Were his statements about the killing of #MollieTibbets legally obtained?

I was not familiar with Chanley Painter prior to the Vallow/Daybell case. I wondered what on earth Chanley was doing in Iowa the week before last when Court TV reported that a grand jury was being convened in that case (the only news outlet to this day to report this).

Well, mystery solved. Chanley was in Iowa to cover the trial of Cristhian Bahena Rivera.
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