GUILTY IA - Tracy Tribble, 35, Council Bluffs, 3 May 2006

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What does the defense plan to say..."Tracy hit herself on the head three times which caused blunt forced trauma?" I hope that none of the things that they want dropped are dropped. The jury should know that he was abusive.

I seem to remember that quite a number was done on her head. Suicide...give me a break! Metro/Region Section

A judge will allow testimony about Stan Tribble's history of violence toward his slain wife during his first-degree murder trial, scheduled to begin today...

... evidence indicating Tracy Tribble attempted suicide more than one month before her death or used illegal drugs will not be allowed at the trial.
here is the latest article regarding Stan Tribbles trial. It has a lot of new information not previously released.

During the fall of 2003, Gostomski said her daughter called her to ask her to pick her up at a gas station in Yutan, Neb. -- about 30 miles west of Omaha. Gostomski-Tribble told her mother she had hitchhiked there after her husband took her cell phone and threw it into a cornfield.

Gostomski said her daughter confided in her about several fights she had with Tribble over the years. In January 2006, Gostomski said her daughter arrived at her house with dried pizza on her face. She said Gostomski-Tribble was angry and upset. The prosecutor asked Gostomski if she knew how her daughter got pizza on her face.

"Stan had her down on the floor, holding her down. He chewed the pizza and spit at her," Gostomski said.

Her daughter stayed at her house that night, she testified, and Tribble called throughout the night.
Victim's Mother Runs Sobbing From Courtroom - News Story - KCCI Des Moines

The prosecution's case in a Pottawattamie County murder trial became too much for the victim's mother to bear Friday morning, and she ran from the courtroom in tears ... as prosecutors called police to the stand to talk about the day they found a body in the river.

Earlier, the victim's father, John Gostomski, said Friday morning in court that he objected to the marriage between Tribble and his daughter. He said Tribble had gotten another woman pregnant a year before...

"I (Tracy's father) asked him, what is he doing at work when his wife is missing. 'Well, someone has to make some money around here,'" Gostomski said Tribble replied...

... she had severe blunt-force trauma to her head, and explained how serious those injuries were.

"If she had survived and gone to a hospital, she would have needed major reconstructive surgery and probably would have resulted in disfigurement," Klein said...

The article ends with an ex-boyfriend stating that Tracy had called him a couple of times upset including on May 2nd. He also states that he got a call from Stan Tribble thereafter telling him to stop lying on television.
SW Iowa News - Testimony in Tribble trial gets personal

... John Gostomski told the courtroom Friday that his daughter was an outgoing, gregarious, fun-loving and positive woman. He testified he did not know his daughter was going to marry Stan Tribble until shortly before their 2003 marriage, and he made it clear under questioning that he did not like the man his daughter married.

"I told her she could do better," Gostomski testified. His testimony drew objections from the defense team at several points, and he said his son-in-law seemed calm and unconcerned after Tracy Tribble's disappearance.

"I told Stan it sounded to me like Scott Peterson," Gostomski said...
WOWT - News

On Thursday, an upstairs neighbor of the Tribbles testified that she could hear them arguing at least once a week and she often heard things being knocked over.

A co-worker of Stan Tribble testified that Stan had told her Tracy had said she hated Stan and that he was the biggest mistake she had ever made...

...on May 2, 2006, Tracy was so upset that she couldn't come to work. She said Tracy was scared...

Tracy Tribble's mother, Mary Gostomski, was also on the stand and she said Tracy told her that Stan might be seeing another woman...

(When Stan was asked) if he would be helping to look for Tracy the next day he said that he was going to work. Metro/Region Section

Alcohol often fueled the fighting between Stan Tribble and his wife, Tracy, Stan Tribble's sister testified today at her brother's first-degree murder trial...

During an argument in the days before Tracy's death, she reportedly told him he was the worst mistake she ever made.

"That statement placed the seed of hate in Stan's heart," Jacobmeier, the chief deputy Pottawattamie County attorney, told the jury.

The first public mention of physical evidence was made Wednesday: a drop of blood found on a pillowcase in the couple's bedroom...

In the last phone call Tracy is known to have made, to (Stan's sister) Marion, on the night of May 2, Tracy sounded drunk, Marion said. Tracy wanted to talk about a fight she had had with Stan.

An autopsy determined Tracy Tribble had almost three times the legal amount of alcohol in her bloodstream when she was killed.

Tracy talked to Marion about the couple's fight over Tracy's new job. He threatened to call her office and tell them she was drinking.

Marion said she told Tracy, " 'Stan cares about you. He's just mad right now, and he's messing with you.'"

After the conversation, Marion said, she called her brother, trying to keep the peace.

Marion said the two knew how to push each other's buttons. But a friend of Tracy's told the jury how scared Tracy Tribble was after that fight: Scared of losing her job. Frightened of Stan...

(More at link ...)
WOWT - News

Prosecutors rested their case against Stan Tribble on Monday as witnesses heard from two inmates who said they discussed the death of Tracy Tribble with the defendant behind bars...

One of the inmates told the jury Monday that Stan Tribble told him he had killed Tracy.

He said the conversation came up as the two men watched a news report about Chris Edwards who was convicted of killing Jessica O'Grady. Ms. O'Grady's body has never been found.

The witness told the jury, "Tribble had said he wished he was thinking how Chris Edwards was thinking when he hid the body.

"It was a shock 'cause I ain't heard anybody tell me that they killed someone before."

A second inmate told the jury a similar story.

The testimony of the inmates came under review during cross-examination when the defense exposed potential motives... Metro/Region Section

Stan Tribble, Tracy's husband, had called John Gostomski to tell him Tracy was missing, and Gostomski wanted to know what had happened.

Gostomski, testifying today in Stan Tribble's first-degree murder trial, said Stan told him "they had a tiff. I said it sounded like it was more than a tiff.

"He said, 'Well, I pushed her.'"

Continued at link ...
Defense Rests In Tribble Case - News Story - KETV Omaha

A new tip that could have vindicated a Council Bluffs man accused in his wife's slaying led nowhere on Tuesday...

The jury never heard from the woman who said she had seen Gostomski Tribble after she had disappeared...

... the same woman who sued Council Bluffs Public Schools on behalf of her son. She lost that case. The county attorney had earlier challenged the credibility of the tip.

Burger did not say why he chose not to call Gray to the stand... Metro/Region Section

A comment Tracy Tribble made in the midst of an argument with her husband, a prosecutor told jurors Thursday, ultimately led to her death:

"You are the worst mistake of my life."

Her husband, Stan Tribble, never forgot those words...

For days, Wilber said, Tracy Tribble's "worst mistake" comment grated on Tribble. He repeated it in a police interview on May 9, 2006, days after Tracy Tribble had disappeared.

He mentioned it to Tracy's mother, Mary Gostomski. Again and again, Wilber said, Tribble brought it up with friends and co-workers and, later, with a fellow inmate.

"He was obsessed with that comment," Wilber said...

Prosecutors also told the jury that on May 2, the day before Tracy Tribble disappeared, Stan and Tracy Tribble exchanged 54 phone calls. Stan Tribble later told police that he had not talked with Tracy Tribble on May 2. On May 3, phone records showed that Stan didn't try to call his wife at all.

"Why would you call home if you know no one is there?" Wilber said to jurors... Metro/Region Section

One inmate said he talked to Tribble about their pending cases. He said Tribble told him, "None of this would have happened if she would have kept her mouth shut."

One minute Tribble was wishing Tracy would shut up, the next minute he was thinking about what to do with her body, the inmate said Tribble told him.

"He said after the first blow there wasn't no turning back. He had to keep going," the man said in court Monday afternoon...

The jury also heard more Monday about Tribble's demeanor from the lead detective on the case, R.G. Miller.

When detectives met with Tribble to tell him that the body found in the Missouri River had been identified as that of his wife, he didn't show any emotion, Miller testified.

Tribble's sister Joan Marion cried, but he didn't, Miller said.

"Did he ask any questions?" prosecutor Jon Jacobmeier asked.

"None. Not 'How did she die?' or anything," Miller said...
A little more information about the story given by the woman who claimed to see Tracy after she disappeared:

WOWT - News

... "Jolene Gray reported seeing Tracy Tribble in the street, bleeding from mouth and head."

Brinkman testified that Gray said she saw a white male get out of a white van and slap her across the face and try to pick her up.

In her tip, Gray said she turned around and then only saw the white van leaving.

Brinkman testified that Gray said two white males were inside and that she followed them for quite a while until her husband, who was talking to her on a cell phone, told her to stop...

Tribble found guilty of first-degree murder

Stan Tribble was found guilty today of first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Tracy Gostomski Tribble.

Tribble, 40, faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison.

Prosecutors had presented a circumstantial case based on Tribble's unusual behavior after his wife disappeared in May 2006. They also discussed a history of domestic violence in the couple's relationship .

a little more at the link........ Metro/Region Section

Verdict day:

Four years ago to the day, (Stan) and Tracy were married in Las Vegas...

Missing from the courtroom was Stan Tribble's family. Stan Tribble's mother and sister showed up just as spectators began filing out. With Tribble and his attorneys gone, his relatives and supporters were left to learn about the verdict from a reporter.

Stan Tribble's sister, Joan Marion, uttered a profanity. The women continued walking into the empty courtroom and sat alone.

Tribble's attorney, James Burger, said the family was called before the verdict was announced and he didn't know why they missed it.

Though Burger did not want to comment on the verdict Friday, he said he will file an appeal.

Stan Tribble declined a request for an interview...

The phone records also led prosecutors to pick what Wilber called an unusual jury.

Several of the jurors were young men, including the 19-year-old foreman. Prosecutors generally shun picking young men as jurors, Wilber said, because they tend not to trust law enforcement.

But Wilber said he wanted jurors who were tech savvy and understood how cell phones and text messaging worked...

(Apparently the prosecutor was surprised by the verdict. About the verdict, he said: )

"Honestly, I would have been satisfied with second-degree murder," he said.
WOWT - News

... Family members of Tracy Tribble addressed the court before Thursday's sentencing. Her aunt, Betty Thomas, said at one point that all Tracy ever wanted was "to be loved". Thomas told the court that life in prison was too good for Stan Tribble. In a very brief statement to the court, Tracy's mother simply stated that Stan Tribble was the "worst mistake" her daughter ever made.

I think that it's GREAT that the mother stated that and nothing but that. From a lot that we've read, that was what Tracy had said to Stan and it ate away at him. Some articles have even implied that that one statement was the reason that this escalated into her murder. I think that it's perfect that her mother reiterated that for him to sit and stew over in prison - with nothing he can do about it this time. And that one comment was the perfect way for the mom to speak for Tracy on that day. Perfect.

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