ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 52

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I'm sure everyone's read the affidavit by now (or is planning to), but the description of the techniques used to identify and track the suspect's vehicle through various cameras is absolutely fascinating to me. The amount of manpower and detective work that must have gone into obtaining and reviewing all of that footage, extrapolating the vehicle's path, and determining its owner, is staggering to contemplate, and to me, pretty impressive. (MOO.)
I watch 'See No Evil' and it's about how they compile evidence from surveillance cameras to piece together crimes, and 100% assumed they did that for this one. Check out the show if you haven't :)
No preliminary hearing date set? Just the status update Jan. 12 at 10:00 am? Will the preliminary hearing date be set then? Can it be waived? I heard judge state 14 days from today for preliminary hearing is the law.
Kohberger intended to be caught, perhaps without making it blatantly obvious that he was doing so. The knife sheath placed next to the bodies of his victims was literally a purposeful calling card, along with Kohberger having had to know his DNA was on it. Cell phone pings? A 12 year old would've known better than to take a phone along on a crime spree on this magnitude, along with keeping the phone on your person while staking out intended the victims' residence on multiple occasions

Whatever Kohberger's ultimate goal here is, he absolutely planned to be captured eventually (maybe not quite as soon as he realized), but this was his intention from the get-go. Perhaps reveling in the world-wide attention he has already garnered was one goal, but Kohberger might also harbor some wild delusion that he is somehow far more capable as an individual than Rome's finest legions already arrayed against him.

Yet there can no other explanation for the fundamental mistakes he's made committing this crime, especially considering his academic background.
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Maybe she was scared he was gonna come back. We really can't predict how people will act in those situations
It disturbs me so much (SO MUCH!) that he returned to the house at ~9am. Was he confident that LE would not have been contacted yet, despite knowing that D saw him? If so, what was the reason for his confidence?
If BK left the knife sheath in Maddie's room, it's possible that Maddie and/or Kaylee were the first victims.
I agree... and XK was up (possibly eating) and that is why it is believed that she was heard crying, voice talking to her, and she was found on the floor (not in bed)
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If BK left the knife sheath in Maddie's room, it's possible that Maddie and/or Kaylee were the first victims.
But why would SG state in one of his interviews that the killer didn’t need to go upstairs? I think we had mixed ideas of what that meant when that video came out. Did it mean K and M were targeted so he’s pointed out the killer didn’t HAVE to, as in, he chose to since those girls or one of them was the target? Or was he thinking/implying that the target was on the 2nd floor, so the killer truly didn’t have to since he’d gotten his target. I’m confused now
Could be that the release of the "911 call" was to intentionally throw off BK. If he saw DM see him, he maybe thought she could recognise it. So they changed the time and circumstance of the 911 call to throw BK off. Does that make any sense?
But it seems like there would have been witnesses saying they saw LE on scene earlier than 11 or whenever they say they received the call to debunk that. Plus, there would be open records saying at what time they received the call. If BK knew that he was seen by DM, that might explain the circuitous route he drove home, assuming LE would be responding immediately and he wanted to get out of town. The route could also have been to dispose of the knife.
This is another example of how bad MSM behaved in this case. Their sources, their sources, their sources. To me sources = made up c**p. Facts be d"mned. I hope the next time people complain about the DM, they remember what the rest of the MSM did. They need to go back to journalism school and learn ethics and source verification. IMO.

Sorry for jumping off your post with a rant. I am seriously disturbed over the state of the media right now.
I feel the same, taking most everything MSM reports as bunk!
One thing that stood out to me in the PCA is that DM indicated she heard Kaylee say 'there's someone here." If that was truly Kaylee she heard, that means at least two of the victims were awake.

As far as DM not calling 911, I think she may have been intoxicated, confused about what she had heard, and not necessarily freaked out by BK, assuming he was a friend of a roommate. She had no idea anyone was dead until she woke up later that day - IMO, this is when she put everything together.
So, this document doesn't say it explicitly, but it seems to imply that K and M were killed first, then he came down to the first floor, killed Xana and Ethan, walked by DM and out of the house. Right?
This is what I understand as well. I think the "there's someone here" was Xana (who was awake, just received Door Dash and was on TikTok) and the "It's ok, I am going to help you" was Ethan. It is too bad he didn't just leave after being upstairs. It makes me wonder if E or X confronted him? Unless his plan was to come to them as well. He could have taken DM as well, but he didn't. She was frozen with fear. Perhaps he left her because he was exhausted, or she was never a target.
Is it possible the rumor about the door being open at 8am is true, and it scared him off when he circled back?

For all we know, he went into the house again. Chickened out when he couldn't immediately find the sheath and was freaked out by seeing his own crimes in the cold light of day.

Left his phone in the car that time. Affidavit doesn't mention if he parked that time, though. But it doesn't have to.

It's something that interrogators will want to know from him and something they can use as their own hypothesis at trial if he doesn't deny it.
Okay, but all they can prove is that the knife was his and his car was in the area often, and D claims to have seen him in the house with a mask on. He can claim the knife was stolen and that he liked to drive around a lot and that D saw someone else, someone who is 5'10, not 6 feet tall like he is. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I'm sure he'll say a lot of things, but this evidence is pretty solid, JMO. There's probably more details. Prosecutors don't usually reveal all the details and evidence in these preliminary documents, only the minimum necessary to justify the charges and deny bail.

He's toast, rightfully so. JMO
One thing that stood out to me in the PCA is that DM indicated she heard Kaylee say 'there's someone here." If that was truly Kaylee she heard, that means at least two of the victims were awake.

As far as DM not calling 911, I think she may have been intoxicated, confused about what she had heard, and not necessarily freaked out by BK, assuming he was a friend of a roommate. She had no idea anyone was dead until she woke up later that day - IMO, this is when she put everything together.
especially with it being so cold, the mask could've been perceived as just something to keep warm. IMO
Is it possible the rumor about the door being open at 8am is true, and it scared him off when he circled back?
Wouldn’t that mean the door had been left open overnight then? He left through the sliding door on 2nd floor. Or wait, is the door that’s open the 2nd or ground floor? We don’t know how he got in for sure, I don’t think?
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