ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 52

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Clearly (and thank goodness), BK is not nearly half as brilliant as his former professor at DeSales thought he was
  • He seemed unaware that images/video of his vehicle would likely be found on surrounding surveillance.
  • He returned to the scene later that morning (in the same vehicle).
  • He apparently cased the area several times with his cellphone turned on and in the same vehicle he used the night of the murders. So, he seemed unaware that LE would be looking at cellphone patterns in that area and at surveillance on nights other than the night of the murders.
  • He did not leave his cellphone home the night of the murders.
  • He left his knife sheath at the scene with his DNA on it.
  • He left a surviving witness (thank God).
No way he had an accomplice because this is definitely not "two heads are better than one" thinking.
That was my first thought reading the affidavit. He made so many mistakes that would guarantee he would be caught. It's like he was testing LE to see how good they would be in solving the case. Almost like he thinks they were too stupid to solve it
Long time lurker, first time poster. This case is what brought me to Websleuths in the first place so I’ve been following every day (woo - you guys are fast today!). Have to say how refreshing this forum is and the level of respect shown for one another seems rare these days.

Anyways, I did want to provide some perspective on DM and her potential thinking that night. During my last two years of college, I lived with a group of my sorority sisters. Very similar in that we were the “party house”. It would not at all have been shocking or surprising to hear loud noises, voices, and see random people coming and going at various times through the night. I also think people underestimate how much college students do/can drink on a regular basis. Without knowing the horror that had taken place, my guess is she just thought BK was a guest that one of the roommates brought home and the combination of her being likely very intoxicated, plus exhausted and wanting to go to sleep helped her convince herself of this. She may have woken up late and been hungover and not even thought twice about the encounter with BK until she realized the other roommates weren’t up/responding as they usually might. In any case, I can’t imagine the guilt she is living with and I hope the public/media gives her some grace.

All MOO.
Two things DM needs to constantly hear:

1) There is nothing you could have done to prevent the murders.
2) Your precise description of BK greatly helps to bring justice for your friends.

Just my thoughts.

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I never really put much stock into the Door Dash order being relevant (you can see a Jack in the Box bag with Xana's name on it, as if delivered, in one of the crime scene photos) -- however, there were a number of sleuthers who wondered about its relevance when the photos were released. I still can't believe the delivery missed the suspect's arrival by only minutes, and moreover, that Xana was likely awake and eating / looking at her phone when ambushed. :(
Agreed. I *never* thought that JITB was going to be relevant!
No but In some pictures i saw a delivery food bag with a name on it through the window on a table or desk. I can’t remember which name though. It was one of the girls. It was an article with random pics of the house. I’ll try to find
The food bag with Xana’s name on it has been posted a few times in previous threads. I would check the media link as well.
Will be interesting to see if we ever get the "Why?" part of this.
The house is off the beaten path, in a town that seems to be filled with students all living together with open doors and windows. What led him to that exact house, and those exact students? There had to have been some form of contact prior to him staking them out.
But, then again, life often has no logical reason for anything.
The young women he killed were all exceptionally attractive. I can't help but wonder if incel-style resentment wasn't part of the reason he targeted them. MOO.
If there's no indication of him washing up anywhere (in the PCA), the car has to be FULL of DNA, right?

I would sure think so. Sounds like he was wearing ordinary dark clothing and there *were* footprints in blood around the house (although the one outside D's door had to be found with forensic techniques). Nevertheless, there's victim DNA on the pedals of his car, IMO. It cannot be destroyed with regular cleaning, only reduced and getting it out of the upholstery would be even more difficult (or the carpet). Presumably, his mask and his knife were discarded somewhere on that long route that he took back to Pullman, but they too were in the car (the trunk?) and the mask would almost certainly be bloody (maybe not blood soaked, but bloody).

Maybe he put plastic down in his car, but I don't see how he could have avoided his foot touching the pedals. It has a manual transmission. He left so quickly after the crime, I don't think he tried at all to clean off his feet (wearing Van's, apparently, no mention of him wearing a bootie)
Trying to catch up! From the affidavit I am curious about this:

Page 16:
Further analysis of the cellular data provided showed the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13, 2022 consistent with the Phone travelling from Pullman, Washington to Lewiston, Idaho via US Highway 195. At approximately 12:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to Kate's Cup of Joe coffee stand located at 8 l0L6
Page 17:
Further analysis of the cellular data provided showed the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13, 2022 consistent with the Phone travelling from Pullman, Washington to Lewiston, Idaho via US Highway 195. At approximately 12:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to Kate's Cup of Joe coffee stand located at 8 l0L6
Page 18:Additional analysis of records for the 8458 Phone indicated that between approximately5:32 p.m. and 5:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to Johnson, ID. The 8458 Phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.

What was he doing and where was he??
It’s hard to keep up so sorry if this has already been discussed.

It seems strange to me that X got her food delivery at 4, so was probably still up, and likely E too unless she was just randomly eating alone, when the murders happened. With both X and E awake, I’m surprised there wasn’t more of a scuffle and BK killed them both so quickly (and relatively easily). Back when i thought they were both sleeping and he got one of them first while they were asleep made it make more sense to me…
I just imagine their surprise - noone would expect a violent attack by a stranger in their home, and they would not have been prepared to defend or fight.
I feel terrible for Dylan. We have to remember she’s a young human being and humans react differently in different situations. Sone people will freeze in fear or disbelieve what they are seeing, hearing, witnessing. She also may have been too intoxicated to process that this was a dangerous and dire situation. I’m the type of person who calls 911 immediately and have had to recently when I thought my neighbor was being broken into and attacked when I heard glass breaking and blood curdling screams in the middle of the night. Turns out it she was having a mental breakdown and was not being harmed, but I didn’t know it at the time and called 911. I couldn’t sleep the rest of the evening. But I am also old and have seen things and have life experience and know bad things do happen. We’re all different and react different. We can’t judge her on the basis of what we’d think we’d do in a situation.
The young women he killed were all exceptionally attractive. I can't help but wonder if incel-style resentment wasn't part of the reason he targeted them. MOO.

I think the victimology in this case is worthy of discussion, for sure. But right now, I'm too absorbed in the facts of the case as we now know it to go there.
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