ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

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Why do you think he walked past D?

I don’t know how to word this, but a single female in a bedroom on her own would have been much easier for him, than say Ethan, and xana in the same room. And K and M in another. I’m surprised he was able to kill one while the other wasn’t screaming.
For him to walk straight past D is so creepy. I’m thinking he didn’t see her?

I wonder how light it would have been, light enough for her to see his bushy brows.

God I am baffled by this case. What was he thinking? Just why? ?
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Or possibly:

1. The LE said the flatmates rang it in the next day at noon but that was a ploy to deceive BK and put him into a false sense of security.
2. DM may have been the unconscious one due to shock and it was BF that rang LE. I did find it surprising when LE said they were called to reports of an unconscious person - I’m sure you would be able to tell if the person was unconscious or had been stabbed (due to blood).


Either way the flatmates are victims. They will be scarred for life.
Unconsciousness is a term used, also not responsive.
Because only a medic can declare somebody dead
As he was able to kill 4 in such a small timeframe, he has to have had some "experience" in using a Knife in such a manner.
Disagree. Now sure he may have committed prior crimes, but an emotionally committed military's age male, who was an amateurs' at using a kabar could certainly kill four sleeping people with one very quickly
Regarding the sheath. I think the most likely scenario was that it got pulled off of something. The sheath broke, or whatever it was fastened to did. It would be interesting to know if there’s any indication of this. Then, he must have cleaned up / wrapped up his stuff inside or just outside and had everything in a bundle. Otherwise, it’s hard not to notice that the sheath to your large knife is missing when you are done with it. I doubt he was walking around outside with a knife in hand. Something similar goes for when he was outside and first approaching. I doubt he was carrying a large sheathed knife in his hand.

I guess he could have brought the sheathed knife stuffed in a waistband or inside a shirt. Still he must have cleaned up close by, or the missing sheath would have been noticed. Maybe he did notice and could find it, or didn't want to look, the timeline as we have it is pretty tight, so odds are he didn't notice.
His neighbor said he usually wore a backpack. He could have been using that to conceal.

Everyone deals with shock differently. When I was 20, I lived with an odd roommate. She told me she would be gone “for a few days until Tuesday”. On Monday, I came home after school and spent 8 hours seemingly alone at home. She never left her room once to use the bathroom or kitchen. When I went to my room around midnight and locked my door, I heard her bedroom door open. I was so paralyzed with shock and curled up like a baby in bed. I didn’t hear anyone in distress but was so scared to check that I just went to sleep. The next morning, I missed my first class because I was too scared to go outside. I know most people think the obvious thing is to call 911 but fear makes people act in not so logical ways.

Thank you for this very helpful addition to the discussion. First of all, yes, that was an odd roommate, but there are definitely lots of odd people in the world. We should really amend fight/flight to fight/flight/freeze because many people *do* freeze. And not only that, the same responses are seen in other mammals, including other primates. We're each wired a bit differently and your experience was in the night, your brain thought it should get rest and downtime, and then you're scared out of your mind by something that you really want to believe is just your imagination.

I think a lot of us have ignored unusual sounds and circumstances, and without dire consequences (but we still did it).
How frightened afterward D must have been, knowing that she saw him, and he saw her. Afraid he'd come after her. Must have really shook her up when the info came out that there were roommates who survived and her name came out. Something she will live with for the rest of her life.
For those thinking that she might have thought it was a house guest, then why would the PCA say she was in a "frozen shock phase". IMO this either means inebriated and confused type of shock or she knew that something bad had happened. The first situation would make sense if she laid down and passed out. The latter is why everyone questions why there was no 911 call.
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As to why he left D alive, maybe he'd run out of steam and/or didn't see her? Or maybe, if he saw her, he wanted to inflict a different type of torture on her? All speculation on my part, of course.
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Why do you think he walked past D?

I don’t know how to word this, but a single female in a bedroom on her own would have been much easier for him, than say Ethan, and xana in the same room. And K and M in another. I’m surprised he was able to kill one while the other wasn’t screaming.
For him to walk straight past D is so creepy. I’m thinking he didn’t see her?

I wonder how light it would have been, light enough for her to see his bushy brows.

God I am baffled by this case. What was he thinking? Just why? ?
I don't k now why he didn't kill her too.
Maybe his intention was to kill 4 people, not 5, not because he couldn't but because it was not part of his grand plan.
He was well disguised, dressed in black, masked.
He may have been imitating a specific killer he had studied..
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IMO, he wanted to kill "the gang of 4" long time friends/pairs of close friends (all students & friends for a few years or longer who hung out together), whom he targeted specifically, and he didn't care about the other 2 housemates. The other 2 housemates were much younger (freshmen) and new to the scene (just arrived in September), and were "little sisters" of theirs in the sororities, but didn't have the same status/closeness as the 4 did socially.

Posted in more detail about this "hypothesis" in a previous thread (as to why all/just the 4 of them could have been his targets).

Known facts:
X & M worked at a restaurant that served vegan cuisine (the Mad Greek in Moscow: Mad Greek - Menu: their menu says "Ask your server about our Vegetarian and Vegan options")
BK is a vegan
BK has a history of harassing female waitstaff (the brewery in PA: Bryan Kohberger harassed women at Pennsylvania brewery: report)

BK could have gone to the Mad Greek on one or more occasion to eat the vegan cuisine they serve
M &/or X were working when he came in and he did it again (sexual harassment of female waitstaff) with one or both of them
One or both of them &/or their manager/shift supervisor confronted him about his behavior &/or told their "besties" (E & K) about it
BK was "triggered" (for lack of a better word) by being called on his behavior & not being allowed to pursue a relationship with one of the attractive females working there
BK started following/stalking X &/or M and saw the 4 of them together after that (X, her boyfriend E, M, her bestfriend K), and came to see them as a "unit" he needed to go after (for whatever his sick reasons were, we may never know or understand)
BK bought a deadly knife with the purpose of doing 1 or all 4 of them harm

After reading the affidavit, I’m right there with you that Maddie and Xena were the targets from some encounter at the restaurant. Perhaps they spurned advances or he perceived being slighted by them and he felt humiliated and his creepy self became obsessed. I’m just speculating, but I do think Kaylee and Ethan were unexpected and collateral damage. JMO
I agree with the rest of your post, but the other roommates are both 21 and seniors. They were close friends but not childhood friends like the other three. They all very often posted together on instagram so I think the more natural association would be the 5 roommates, not the 4 he chose to kill. I do wonder why he left DM unscathed though.
I think DM's guardian angel keeps late hours, or at least did that night. And thank goodness.
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