ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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Snipped by me:

It is unclear why the surviving roommates did not call 911 until around noon. Goncalves' father described to TODAY the roommates' emotional state during the 911 call.

"You got to remember these two girls were so upset that when they went outside after seeing this ... one passed out," he said. "And the other one was so hyperventilating that the message wasn’t clear enough for the operator."

Link: Father of Idaho slayings victim says Bryan Kohberger wouldn’t look at him in court

Apologies if this was said already, was it revealed that DM didn't realize a murder had occurred until later? I don't blame her for not calling 911 either way (trauma will do that to you), but I'm wondering if maybe she didn't even realize her friends were murdered until BF woke up?
IMO only but why couldn't the investigators have hired a box truck to move those mattresses?! Instead they drive them away in open pickup truck beds with the bloody side up. Seems like an insensitive choice. And while people might not have known what they were I suspect they could have guessed. Especially a group of white trucks in a convoy hauling mattresses. I'd hate to have been next to one at a stoplight.
Recall: LE DID hire box trucks and was trying to be very sensitive and discreet. They even put visual barriers between the house and truck so nothing would be seen. Defense (or someone) stopped that. This removal must have been the defense, and not as well done.
no. it clearly says she was in the bedroom. You can say it says she was kitchen or hallway or on stairs or outside, but that is is not supported whatsoever by the facts and statements in affidavit which put her in bedroom. In fact it says it twice.
You're correct. The focal point of this entire section is the room. Six references to the room in a span of five sentences. Had X been located anywhere but "the room," the witness IMO would've made it clear. And "also in the room..." clinches it.
What was the note?
The brewery sometimes had "unusual characters," which was not out of the ordinary, Serulneck said, but he remembered Kohberger from some interactions he had with female patrons and staff.

Serulneck said Kohberger didn't do anything in front of him or management, but he said he would make comments under his breath or if only one person was working at the bar.

In the bar's system, staff had added notes that would pop up when his ID was scanned, Serulneck said.

“Staff put in there, ‘Hey, this guy makes creepy comments, keep an eye on him. He’ll have two or three beers and then just get a little too comfortable,'" he said.

Apologies if this was said already, was it revealed that DM didn't realize a murder had occurred until later? I don't blame her for not calling 911 either way (trauma will do that to you), but I'm wondering if maybe she didn't even realize her friends were murdered until BF woke up?
Implied, perhaps, but not confirmed.
Apologies if this was said already, was it revealed that DM didn't realize a murder had occurred until later? I don't blame her for not calling 911 either way (trauma will do that to you), but I'm wondering if maybe she didn't even realize her friends were murdered until BF woke up?
That hasn’t been officially “revealed” that I know of, but I do think its the case that she didn’t know they were dead until waking up later.
Apologies if this was said already, was it revealed that DM didn't realize a murder had occurred until later? I don't blame her for not calling 911 either way (trauma will do that to you), but I'm wondering if maybe she didn't even realize her friends were murdered until BF woke up?
I'm pretty sure that she had no clue anybody had been killed. She just knew that she was scared and she was seeing and hearing strange things. It wouldn't surprise me if she was also doubting her own perceptions and wondering if she was dreaming.

Also what she's recorded seeing and hearing is chilling with 20/20 hindsight, but she didn't see or hear anything that was clearly violent, as she understood it in the moment. I am pretty sure what she thought was K playing with her dog was actually a murder, but that's not what it sounded like to her.

I also wonder if the house being such a popular destination for parties skewed how she interpreted it. If you're used to strangers being there, she may have convinced herself he was someone's guest who had been rowdy who was leaving since she didn't seem to see a knife.

I see. So, he's monitoring police calls? Doesn't hear a call for his crime scene and realizes he might have an opportunity to cruise back to the scene and grab that knife sheath? Does this guy own a police call scanner? Might he have believed he'd left no witnesses? Was he in a funk when he was spotted by the young lady and didn't realize he'd left a living witness?
You don't need a scanner to listen in to police calls. I listen to my city's police calls live over the internet. :)
i agree with @RAISINISBACK and @NCTeacher - MM being the target and KG having initially been in her room. Earlier though I speculated about the affidavit saying found ‘in the single bed’ rather than ‘on’, since in this scenario KG wouldn’t have actually been in bed.
It’s slightly ambiguous. I pondered over this far too long today. He prefaced the bedroom part talking about the bathroom as he approached. That could lead one to believe this was where X was found. Because why else mention the bathroom and the approach?

However, I agree that “also in the room…” infers that X was in the bedroom.

If there’s a trial, or maybe before, the facts will come out.

But it’s not completely clear.

Want me to make it even more confusing? Here's what the whole passage says:

"OFC Smith and I entered the King Road Residence through the bottom floor door on the north side of the building. OFC Smith and I then walked upstairs to the second floor. OFC Smith directed me down the hallway to the west bedroom on the second floor, which I later learned (through Xana's driver's license and other personal belongings found in the room)was Xana Kernodle's, hereafter "Kernodle" room. Just before this room there was a bathroom door on the south wall of the hallway. As I approached the room, I could see a body, later identified as Kernodle's,laying on the floor. Kernodle was deceased with wounds which appeared to have been caused by an edged weapon. Also in the room was a male, later identified as Ethan Chapin, hereafter, "Chapin". Chapin was also deceased with wounds later determined"

The officer could have been using "also" to piggyback off the belongings found in the room rather than implying X was found in the room. A grammatically awkward sentence, but I could interpret it either way.
Recall: LE DID hire box trucks and was trying to be very sensitive and discreet. They even put visual barriers between the house and truck so nothing would be seen. Defense (or someone) stopped that. This removal must have been the defense, and not as well done.
Lack of sensitivity aside, all it would have taken was a rain squall or a fender bender and the evidence could easily have been compromised. Eeeeesh.
i agree with @RAISINISBACK and @NCTeacher - MM being the target and KG having initially been in her room. Earlier though I speculated about the affidavit saying found ‘in the single bed’ rather than ‘on’, since in this scenario KG wouldn’t have actually been in bed.
The fact they were in the bed together makes me think they were in the same room and were both probably asleep when he came in. I found it really interesting that D thought she heard K talking right before the murders, but the affidavit seemed to think she was mistaken due to X's phone records. That suggests to me that K's phone hadn't been used in a while--maybe not since she stopped calling the ex about an hour earlier--and that she was likely sound asleep. MOO
There are stylistic issues throughout the affidavit that are common in legal writing, IMO.

It's the word ALSO at the beginning of the paragraph that organizes the floor plan and the information being conveyed. Doesn't need a comma and would mean the same if it had one.

It appears as if he is describing the scene as he walks through it walking down the hall, noting the bathroom to the left and then a body on the floor then a new paragraph with ALSO which could mean she was just outside the door to the room. At this point it could go either way. DM would not see her that far down the hall to see a body and they were photographing and collecting swabs from the floor in the corner of the living room, I'm just curious as to what evidence may have been there.
That's a good example of inductive reasoning, and a perfectly valid way of doing research - when you can test your hypothesis and prove it.

But we can't run tests to find out what was in someone's mind when they decided to do a, b, or c, or not do x, y or z. There is the big question of why someone would kill 4 people, IMO that's a reasonable question to ask why, but of course that's purely personal opinion and conjecture, and based on personal views about good and evil, etc.
Totally agree with your response. I wasn't going with a "prove the hypothesis" or even suggesting that. It was in reply to a poster asking why and what is the value of people on SM and Forums posting and speculating about this.

Just citing the merits of crowd sourcing as it were, to show valuable ideas can be gleaned from the outpouring of ideas from all factions of the public.

The doctor wasn't doing research, she was "crowd sourcing" the patients' symptoms and asking anyone, anywhere, if they had any ideas as to what "the diagnosis" could be.
I'm pretty sure that she had no clue anybody had been killed. She just knew that she was scared and she was seeing and hearing strange things. It wouldn't surprise me if she was also doubting her own perceptions and wondering if she was dreaming.

Also what she's recorded seeing and hearing is chilling with 20/20 hindsight, but she didn't see or hear anything that was clearly violent, as she understood it in the moment. I am pretty sure what she thought was K playing with her dog was actually a murder, but that's not what it sounded like to her.

I also wonder if the house being such a popular destination for parties skewed how she interpreted it. If you're used to strangers being there, she may have convinced herself he was someone's guest who had been rowdy who was leaving since she didn't seem to see a knife.

Totally agree. If the roommates never had anyone over and the place was quiet as a mouse each night, I’m sure any one of the things she heard may have concerned her more. But I think there was an enough of a possibly reasonable explanation for everything she heard/saw that made her think the situation wasn’t as dire.
My apologies if this has been brought up before, but I'm trying to catch up on the threads. Does anyone know or seen any mention of BK's family having any tracking apps on their phones like Life360? Or an iphone sharing with his parents or siblings? With him living so far from home the parents may have wanted to be assured he was ok living across the country and potentially driving back & forth? Does anyone know if he drove out there at the start of the school year by himself or if his parents helped him move?
To my knowledge, the only info from BK's family was a statement made via his attorney at his arrest but no information about his phone, shared apps, or if he had family assistance relocating to WA State last August 2022.

From the AA, we know that BK's phone carrier beginning in June 2022 was AT&T. Given the precise date of service, one might speculate that BK either switched providers and established service with the new provider, or he was already using AT&T and just set up service in his own name effective June 2022.

Also, I don't know about WSU but AT&T offers students, faculty, and employees of UW service discounts for phone, computers, and electronic services.
There was a post in the last thread asking if any of the victims sold used items online. Yes, Maddie did, at least a jacket from what I’ve seen. Also Kaylee listed her used car online also.
This is exactly how I envisioned things unfolding just based on what we know. The “there’s someone here” throws me off a bit because I do think it must have been X to say it, but then I’m not sure what made her think that if up to that point there hadn’t been *that much* noise (other than the sounds that D said sounded like K playing with the dog). And if I heard creaking of stairs or rustling in a house I lived in with 4 other people, I’d probably first assume it was a roommate and be like, “Kaylee? Maddie? What are you doing up?” Rather than say “there’s someone here”

Ugh. I’m desperate for more info as you can see lol.
X may have been talking to E. They heard some commotion on the third floor and wondered what it was. X listens for a few moments and tells him, "There's someone here." Is that possibly what happened?
This is what I am really curious about too

Only one living person knows what it means for sure, IMO.

Plastic on the seats is probably not enough. The pedals, under knobs, some nook or cranny of that car... all it takes is a tiny speck of DNA anyplace within that car. JMO, but I think there's a chance.​

Me too. Very very hopeful. So many specific techniques designed to detect forensic DNA. It'll be there, in the car. No way he stripped naked in the parking lot of 1122 King Rd and stuffed things into plastic bags properly (so as not to contaminate the outside of those bags, worrying about the sheath, and the speed of his escape. He likely was still wearing his killer costume when he got into the car. IMO.

I can’t figure this piece out. I agree the thud was likely E or X falling to the floor.

I am not sure. 50 feet away? With walls in between? Maybe. That's a pretty good thud. Most people who pass out (dying or not) do not make a big thud. A thump instead.

I wonder if something else happened in those few minutes, something not expected by BCK. But maybe a body could make that much noise in the "fishbowl" where sound is amplified (said the noise complaint officer).
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