ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 62

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Okay, first we always need to remember that ‘premeditation’ does not require proof of ‘preplanning.’ Say to yourself quickly and silently: “She saw me so I have to kill her.” That establishes legal premeditation

Courts do look to planning. They look at length of time during which a defendant may have ruminated over the killing, as well as the nature and number of acts committed toward the goal. I doubt a court is at all likely to consider the quoted words as evidence of premeditation. The words are, however, evidence of intent to kill. Those are two different crimes.
Why would the survivors be responsible for household window coverings and while I'm sure you don't mean to, you comment feels like your blaming the victims.
In no way do I mean to be blaming the victims. I made a statement regarding what I believe that the defense will do to the surviving roommates if and when this case goes to trial. Not victim blaming.
But for what purpose? Because they might have been up in the middle of the night? The police were looking for witnesses who could be torn apart by the defense related to their lack of sobriety at the time?

As I see it, the police were looking for witnesses. Realistically, those witnesses may have been participating in illegal activities. The police wanted them anyway.

Thanks for this video. It illustrates what a perfect target this house was. It's pitch dark outside with great visibility through the uncovered windows. A great place to stalk and watch from a distance. It also contains the DNA, footprints and fingerprints of literally dozens and dozens of people to confuse the issue. Vulnerable occupants. I understand perfectly why this house would have been selected.

I also think it's possible it was not the #1 favored target. I suspect there was another house east of Moscow that was the preferred target. That is why Kohberger went there first that night and why he initially popped up on the 700 block of Indian Hills Dr. I think he was watching another house there, but it didn't work out that night so he diverted to the secondary target on King Rd, drove past several times and concluded the circumstances/risks were acceptable to take action on the King Rd house.

I believe it's likely he was surveilling several locations in the Moscow area narrowing down the targets as he went. The King Rd house is pretty darn perfect. Pitch dark, excellent visibility to the interior, female residents who are much easier targets than a house full of young male residents, huge game on Saturday followed by lots of drinking and partying, striking at 4 am when many people are likely to be asleep and/or inebriated following the festivities.

I also think if his full cell records are ever released we are going to find other gaps in time when his cell phone was turned off. The PCA wouldn't mention this because they wanted to focus only on the 3-5 am period of Nov 13th, but I would not be surprised if there were prior dates that Kohberger's cell was off grid in anticipation of a crime that did not work out.

Interesting case. My opinions only.

And he may have gotten away with it if he had not failed to clean all of his knife sheath and then accidentally drop it.
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Courts do look to planning. They look at length of time during which a defendant may have ruminated over the killing, as well as the nature and number of acts committed toward the goal. I doubt a court is at all likely to consider the quoted words as evidence of premeditation. The words are, however, evidence of intent to kill. Those are two different crimes.
Premeditation can be seconds. It is a misconception that is has to be lengthy planning. Of course, lengthy planning does make it a very solid case of premeditation. But, any amount of premeditation, even seconds, if proven, is enough.

Bryan Kohberger hearing set to start here at 8am local time / 11am eastern time. Video recording is allowed in the courtroom — but we are not allowed to live stream it, so we will have the recording for you on
@NewsNation right after the hearing.

It is a status hearing and we are told it will be short and mainly focused on scheduling.

About to go through security and into the Kohberger hearing. Live tweeting not allowed… but I will update when it’s over and be live on @NewsNation

Bryan Kohberger’s preliminary hearing has been set for June 26th at 9am. He was in court today in an orange t shirt and told the court he waived his right to a speedy preliminary hearing. No bail.
I don't think the defense will play hardball with the survivors but the outward appearance of the house may very well end up being a theory for the prosecution. BK may be a killer who is attracted to a house and not the victims individually.
I don't think so either, and IMO you'd turn the jury against you immediately when you make the 2 survivors anything but victims.
So you’re saying that the license plate issue raised their suspicion to the extent they thought he was the one? I think I believed that (and it was excellent work by LE to find and trace him back to a PA registration), but now I’m thinking, really? You’re going to put that much resource into tracking him back to PA based on his license plate data? (And did they have his cell pings prior to his drive home on December 14th? I can’t keep everything straight.)
The key thing to remember about the car is that it had no front plate in the videos, so it stood out from Elantras registered in WA and ID. But in a college town, there might have been dozens of Elantra's with no front plate. I notice they didn't point that out at all. They just kept asking about Elantras until his finally rose to the top. They probably didn't want to tip anyone off so that they re-registered their car.

We may be surprised how many matching cars they ran down and eliminated one way or another. Then they got to his and couldn't eliminate him. And one thing after another, the pieces started falling into place. But they apparently couldn't get his DNA. Without a match to that DNA they had, they were stuck. I think that's when they took some of his parents' trash back in PA and proved the familial match. I could be very wrong, but I think that was done before he left school to drive back home with Dad.

Working backward on DNA is an investigative nightmare. In my hometown, a young girl scout disappeared and was murdered in 1975. A semen sample was found on her body. They had one suspect, a young man from her neighborhood, but the case went cold. Forensics were not good in 1975 but miraculously, that semen sample was preserved properly. 20+ years later, still working the case, the police asked everyone they could find of a certain age range that lived in the area of her home for a DNA sample to try and find or eliminate suspects. It didn't give them a suspect, but it did give them a long list of people NOT involved, including that young man who spent 20 years under a cloud of suspicion. Several years after the DNA sweep, they arrested a transient for a different rape and murder, and when they ran his DNA looking for other possible crimes, his DNA matched the sample from her case. When confronted with the evidence, he confessed. Because all they had was the DNA, finding him at all was pure dumb luck.
This is a good point. I would guess they were and are still trying to piece together exactly how BK crossed paths with the victims to begin with, and why that night in particular.
Replying to myself with additional thoughts. I was originally replying to @Mad Hettie about LE statement that they are interested in context but not background activities

Basically the whole time they were saying this , they already had their eye on BK. They also have surveillance footage confirming MM and KG activities, roommate testimony that XK and EC were at the fraternity all evening, and I presume cell phone info from at least XK which could independently verify her whereabouts (since they had her tiktok usage data, I assume they have all her phone info). The info on BK's whereabouts that evening begins around 2:30 am if I am not mistaken, which is after everyone was already home. Do they think any of the victims had any interactions with BK that evening before they came home? MOO
I think he almost had to go upstairs first. He entered at 4:05 but X was on TikTok until 4:12. That is the time frame when M and K were killed upstairs. I think he entered and X was in bed in the dark with Ethan sleeping while eating her DD and watching TikTok with headphones on, so she didn't hear him walk by, but probably heard something going on upstairs (a thud or something, although the thud D heard was actually X) and went out to investigate as BK was coming down, and then gets into a confrontation with him (where he says "I'm here to help you" before killing her and then Ethan in their bedroom). After that, D sees him as he is running out. That's pretty much the only way the whole timeline fits together.
Yes....I am on the same page...I think possibly X went to the kitchen to throw her DD bag in the trash and heard something upstairs or on the stairs. Maybe BK saw her run back to her room as he was walking down the stairs and followed her into the room. Possibly as she was telling E there was someone in the house, he stabs her and throws her against the wall and kills E before he even gets out of bed. Then he turns back to finish her off. All speculation and MOO.
OK, that is def a possibility. If that is what happened, I'd think he also would have had to, for lack of a better word, dealt with both X & E at that time. Unless one of those two were his intended targets from the start, it would mean that his plan had gone sideways almost immediately. And if that is the case, it makes me doubtful that he then would have continued on to go after K & M. I mean, he'd have been, imo, in some distress about his plan going off the rails so quickly and disastrously, and likely at that point would just be beating a hasty retreat, rather than heading upstairs to target K and/or M knowing first-hand the unpredictability of what he'd run into there. Just pure speculation on my part, of course, and trying to make sense of the illogical is almost certainly a fool's errand. Paint me guilty, in that regard.
I had those same thoughts, and yes I think his plan went sideways from the start. But I’m thinking that after X and E were gone, would he not stop, look, listen, be aware of current surroundings? At that point, he would hear - nothing. One might imagine people screaming, calling the police, etc. But there was nothing. And nothing obstructing his plan.
Well, a list of patients' names posted is very different from staff coming out into the waiting area and calling out a patient's name. Two very different things. Offices can also have their own privacy rules.
Just to point out, staff uses first names only when calling for you. At least that is my experience. Imo.

What I'm wondering is, can a Drs. Office acknowledge that someone is a patient of theirs at all? If they can, I'm personally disturbed by that. Imo.
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