ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 62

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I find it interesting when I hear the statements about how this was meticulously planned. I don’t think it was at all.

There is no way a careful plan for a hands on murder lands a calculated killer in a house full of people.

I get the impression he had been itching to do it and was scoping for a good time to do it. That’s it. Any “good time” and he’d try it. I also think he had his gear with him on multiple other trips to Idaho and decided against it . I would guess he’s travelled to the house at other times with his phone off with plans of doing the deed (that LE hasn’t detected yet or told us about).

There were just too many tenants there for him to find an opportune time to do it. And this was almost always the case. The night he did it was the best he could do and it failed because again, any planning exercise would have told him to try somewhere less populated.
You make a good point here. My thought is that he always wanted to do a mass murder of college girls but didn't calculate on how bloody and difficult it would be and how hard it would be to predict the whereabouts of victims. I doubt that he expected Ethan to be there, which might be a failure of imagination or a failure to get "intelligence" on the target house. MOO.
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Well, one reason could be to keep him in jail (rather than in prison) for longer?

I think we're going to see the overall defense strategy will be delay, parry, delay.

Also, this gives the defense time to organize some expert analysis of some evidence (there's likely more than just one DNA sample to reanalyze) and by then, public interest will have waned quite a bit.

And, the only other I can think of is that Ms. Taylor wants him to see the totality of the evidence (GPS, Google searches, any other digital evidence; more video than has been referenced so far, etc) and influence his plea. IOW, to soften him up a bit for a plea bargain. Her best advice to him might not be what he wants to hear right now.

He certainly looked wan and those shaving scratches say maybe he's not use to the dull blades of a small county jail.
These reasons for waiving BK's right to a speedy trial sound plausible to me.

However, I the Public Defender's lack of resources is a very significant factor. Specifically, they have no death penalty-qualified trial attorneys, and all their staff attorneys including Ms. Taylor have full caseloads. I suspect the local prosecutor faces the same challenge. This case will consume the full time attention of two senior attorneys on each side for months, and I don't believe the DA or his staff have tried a death penalty case either.

Plus, delay will allow the investigators for both sides to complete their investigations, including (probably) whether BK's mental state could affect the outcome.

It seems to me the DA can only make a decision to pursue the death penalty if he has all the information that both investigations can produce.

With what we know so far, BK's best interests would be served by a plea of guilty and a sentence of life in prison - if such a deal is offered. I've heard all the quibbles offered to the press by noted defense attorneys, but I think a hard headed Idaho jury would find them as weighty as pocket lint.
Wonder if he intentionally scheduled the doctor’s appt ahead of time so as not to seem suspicious - perhaps anticipating he may incur a few bruises/cuts and could have them looked at.

Why would he want to attract attention to cuts and bruises after killing people? This would further prove a case for premeditation.
I suspect the defense strategy will be to suppress as much evidence as possible and create reasonable doubt. It will take a while for LE to process the evidence from the recent searches, and then the defense will have its experts take a shot.

If BK had an alibi, I suspect he would have made a push for bail.

I doubt the defense will try to bully the two surviving roommates. One is not mentioned at all in the probable cause documents. The other, for the most part, can only place a man 5'10" or taller with bushy eyebrows at the scene and, as far as we know, cannot definitively identify the suspect. The optics for the jury of a defense lawyer grilling a likable traumatized victim would probably not have a positive effect towards the defendant in the jury's eyes.

For better or worse, likability can influence the way in which jury members view witnesses.
Even if BK did clean it as any lay person would, I think a police forensics crew going over his Elantra after the murders, would find a wealth of evidence tying him to the killings.
Good point. There is a big difference between "detailer" level clean and forensically clean. In fact, absolute forensic cleanliness might well be impossible given today's technology.

Speaking of wealth of evidence....

I wonder if he was seen fervently cleaning his car at an auto clean and wash type place? Not everyone who owns those places empties out the vacuam machine bins regularly- especially if customer flow is light.

Spraying water around and cold winter days dont mix. So, I am thinking a chance of reduced customers in the winter. It might be worthwhile to talk to the owner about when the bin used by BK was emptied. BK might of just relatively cleaned evidence out of his car- and deposited into a locked container.
Try this.
I'm him.
'I saw that sheath or one very similar at a market , in the past, I even considered purchasing it, I actually even put it on my belt, using the button.
I decided against it though.
And that was about a year ago'
(for good measure)
But someone else bought it and didn't leave DNA. Some lawyer may sell this but I'm not buying.
I guess BK is in no hurry to be exonerated.

Isn't that interesting? No hurry at all. Waives speedy trial, wants a delayed preliminary hearing.

I think we've seen this pattern before. And the evidence continues to pile up, as high as mountains, all around him. I wonder if his attorney will attempt to get him some access to a digital device (so he can read it), or whether she will be bringing/sending him paper documents, a few at a time. He is constitutionally guaranteed the right to fully cooperate in his own defense, but not necessarily the right to have just any information beyond what's available to the attorneys and the Courts (he probably does not have access to a library of research on DNA or a law library).

I really doubt they would leave him alone with a razor blade JMOO
At most jails, well-behaved prisoners not on suicide watch get a safety razor. The jails where I work have no privacy though, someone is always watching. That safety razor needs to last them quite a while. I wonder if he only gets one when he's about to appear in court (at this point in time). I would guess he's being treated like a regular prisoner who has yet to be bound over for trial.

If he's scratching his own face (and some think he has a bruise as well), nothing much to be done about that.
If X ( or any of the 4) was stabbed in the lungs, heart, liver or neck, she would have been incapacitated immediately. She would not be able to fight back.
why the liver? The others make sense though.
This doesn't have any bearing on the case though. So I guess I am a bit confused
This doesn't have any bearing on the case though. So I guess I am a bit confused.
Only if there is a purpose that generally aids the patient. And even then there must be reasonable safeguards. This site lays out the issue quite well, hopefully ending the debate here: HIPAA Waiting Rooms
Maybe there's something in the water in or near Moscow, ID, that makes killers go whacky and start breaking into homes at night and stabbing people as they sleep.


That's interesting. I have a medical condition that has had me going to to 6 different doctors & specialists over the last year (many many many appointments in total) in the Chicago area, some of them at major hospitals--and every single time I've been summoned in the waiting room it has been by a nurse coming to the waiting room door and calling either my first, last, or first and last names. And that's even with 3 of those places having you check in online before you enter the building.
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out of curiosity- we know that BK hasn't had any contact (that we know of for now) with the four victims.

do we know if he knew or had any contact in any way with the two survivors? i know its a bit far fetched, but i am just wondering if perhaps that could have had played a part in his actions. either to impress, to frighten, to intimidate, etc.
I think you are correct that there isn't known contact. It appears the press keeps posting the possibility for clicks.

I think that BK might have scouted one or more of the victims on social media. I am wondering if in the mind of this type of alleged killer that the social media stalking is like knowing a person.
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