ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 70

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Sure. All things are possible. We would generally find the murder of four people illogical, so the motive could be as well.

I keep going back to the theory that he lacked emotions and just wanted to feel ... anything

Exactly. Crazy people don't do things for NO reason, they do things for CRAZY reasons!

I think your hypothesis is well put and applies to serial killers and many of those who murder strangers for no apparent reason.
Been OWE otherwise engaged for some time & NC-U not caught-up so AIA apologies in advance if this is OBE overtaken by events.
Whew o_O

I read in several msm pieces
early on after this potential conflict of interest kerfoffel came up, that our public defender had disclosed summary details wrt her then existing representation of one of the victim's parents, and in the same breath had tendered to the court her notice of withdrawal from the aforesaid representation.

Now IANALALSIRFTJAGC I am not a lawyer any longer since I retired from the JAG Corps, but I seem to recall that any 'post-it' you may vector over to the court with the object of ceasing to represent a client for/with whom you've already participated in any judicial circumstance...well... and I invite elucidation on the point ... whether you get what you want is up to the judge.

Mick touched upon - tangentially anyway - this very matter.
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He looks darn guilty to me too. However, I realize I've only heard one side of the evidence, and what seems damning to me may not be the full story. Heck, there was that one story of a guy whose DNA was at the scene, under the fingernails of the victim, and he was like, "Well, I drink a lot, *advertiser censored*, maybe I did do it and blocked it out?" Only it turns out that it was a matter of DNA transfer, where the same paramedics who showed up to what turned out to be a murder victim had also dealt with the suspect a few hours earlier. It was the paramedics who transferred the suspect's DNA to the victim, and it turns out the suspect was innocent. So in short: stranger things have happened.

That is freaking fascinating. Never ever thought about an EMT transferring because they always use (new) gloves.. but now I know it can happen. Very interesting....
I think BK wanted to become famous. MOO

I think he wanted ONE murder to be UNSOLVED and be a FAMOUS UNSOLVED MURDER... definitely not him getting caught.. I think he was planning on killing the one girl upstairs and two in the bed made him kill 2, and then the noise from this second victim made victims 3 and 4 wake up and this all escalated into 4 murders.
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Thank you! This article is a perfect example of what I was referring to in my original post. It states that AT was listed as a "member" of the defense team (BM) and "part" of the legal counsel (KH). The article does not state whether AT was an active or inactive member of the defense (Idaho court records list both the active PD attorneys and inactive PD attorneys). Later in the article it says AT was "actively" representing CN. JMO

I think he wanted ONE murder to be UNSOLVED and be a FAMOUS UNSOLVED MURDER... definitely not him getting caught.. I think he was planning on killing the one girl upstairs and two in the bed made him kill 2, and then the noise from this second victim made victims 3 and 4 wake up and this all escalated into 4 murders.
Could possibly be that.
how do you go in a house, when it's dark, and know your getting to the victim you want ?
And not falling over something or tripping over, maybe he was watching the proposed victim, and new which room. Was there any light do we know , say street lights, forgive me if this has already been discussed, because it must be very difficult to do all that in the dark
Could possibly be that.
how do you go in a house, when it's dark, and know your getting to the victim you want ?
And not falling over something or tripping over, maybe he was watching the proposed victim, and new which room. Was there any light do we know , say street lights, forgive me if this has already been discussed, because it must be very difficult to do all that in the dark

This has kind of been my hesitation from the start. Yes, there was some moonlight and I believe an earlier article mentioned Maddie had twinkle lights or something above her bed (MOO; can't find the link now). There's the added information about a Door Dash order around that time, so I assume Xana may have turned on lights to meet the driver and then return upstairs? But you're right, that going into an unfamiliar home with 3 stories, navigating stairs and killing 4 people in 15 minutes is quite a feat.

I do wonder if the killer had been in the home before, maybe even if the occupants didn't know it. Perhaps he had broken in before, scoped the place out when they weren't home or when they were asleep.

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Was there any light do we know , say street lights,
Granted there may be differences based on the moonlight, etc, but I was surprised how dark the property was in the footage of police visits to the house over noise complaints a couple of months earlier. It is pitch black around the house in the bodycam footage. I'd expected there to be more exterior lighting nearby.

I really do suspect he targeted the house rather an individual, and if he did, the relative darkness of the house at night may have been a factor in his choice.

How that impacted the visibility interior and what lighting they had on is less clear to me, but it seems pretty on brand for this guy to miss the tree for the forest, i.e. choose a house because it's dark and seems easier to approach without thinking through the logistics of moving around in it once he was inside. MOO
But you're right, that going into an unfamiliar home with 3 stories, navigating stairs and killing 4 people in 15 minutes is quite a feat.

I do wonder if the killer had been in the home before, maybe even if the occupants didn't know it. Perhaps he had broken in before, scoped the place out when they weren't home or when they were asleep.

Regarding the fact his house was known as a party house, and there has been at least 1 time a party was going on with none of the residents in attendance... that has made me question for a while now whether or not BK ever entered the house pretending to be a partier and got a good feel for the layout. It wasn't the most straightforward layout like a ranch-style house would have (1 hallway, rooms on either side and possibly 1 at the end). So I'm very curious if he's been inside before that night. And if he had, he had other opportunities to get dog hair on him that could have been brought back home.

"None of the occupants who live at this address are here right now. So now you have a house full of random people. You need to let them know that the noise needs to come down."

RBBM re:

What drug-related motive would the PD use?

I have only seen mention of KG possibly having a stalker, not XK. Do you have a source re: XK?

TIA for your responses. And thanks for the Article III info.

Noted with thanks.

Motive is unclear at this point to me.

"Bryan Kohberger wants prosecutors to hand over the results of any drug tests performed by Idaho state officials investigating the brutal murders of the four University of Idaho students."

One of the topics MSM has not explored is the Public Defense Commission's policy on appointment of counsel in death cases.

It is contained in the Idaho Administrative Code at IDAPA 61.01.02. We should talk about this regulation and any county level regs as well.

Please note that it would be unlawful under the state regulations for a county to appoint an attorney with a conflict of interest. Also, for those who are interested, note that appointment decisions seem to be made at the County level. No surprise then, that AT was initially appointed as she's the only qualified attorney in Kootenai County. Courts may not appoint an attorney with a conflict of interest.


"03. Conflicts of Interest. A Court shall not appoint a Defending Attorney to any case with a conflict of interest in that case.

04. Eligibility. Except as provided in Subsection 050.01.a. of these rules, attorneys who are not approved for inclusion on the applicable Roster are not eligible to represent Indigent Persons at public expense.

051. – 059. (RESERVED)


Defending Attorneys shall meet the following minimum requirements for providing effective representation to Indigent Persons as provided in Sections 19-855, 19-860(2), 19-850(1)(a)(vi) and 19-850(1)(a)(v)(ii)5 and 8, Idaho Code....

c. Ensure Vertical Representation from the time a Defending Attorney is appointed in each Case. Nothing in this rule is intended to prohibit a different Defending Attorney from representing the client at Initial Appearance. Defending Attorneys who are unable to comply with this rule will notify their supervisor, Board of Idaho State License, Defending Attorney Roster, and County Employment or Contract Administrator."
This has kind of been my hesitation from the start. Yes, there was some moonlight and I believe an earlier article mentioned Maddie had twinkle lights or something above her bed (MOO; can't find the link now). There's the added information about a Door Dash order around that time, so I assume Xana may have turned on lights to meet the driver and then return upstairs? But you're right, that going into an unfamiliar home with 3 stories, navigating stairs and killing 4 people in 15 minutes is quite a feat.

I do wonder if the killer had been in the home before, maybe even if the occupants didn't know it. Perhaps he had broken in before, scoped the place out when they weren't home or when they were asleep.

Some people always leave lights on in certain places. I have for years, because we live in a rural area and there are no street lights anywhere near our house. So you either need strategic ambient light, or I would have to turn on a lamp and wake up Hubby for any night time pit stop.

I also looked it up and the moon was 81% size the night of the murder. Not sure about the weather, whether it might have been cloudy, etc., but it seems like there was plenty of moon to offer some light.

I think he wanted ONE murder to be UNSOLVED and be a FAMOUS UNSOLVED MURDER... definitely not him getting caught.. I think he was planning on killing the one girl upstairs and two in the bed made him kill 2, and then the noise from this second victim made victims 3 and 4 wake up and this all escalated into 4 murders.
I agree. The one murder would be so heinous, the whole community would be on edge, lots of publicity, etc. Everyone would comment on how the murder could have been done with so many other people in the house, much as has been speculated on this case with 2 survivors. And BK would be smug, knowing his superior intellect caused a famous murder. MOO. And could have written papers on the psychological aspects of a murderer, since he would have (secret) intimate knowledge. And maybe become as famous as his instructor is at DeSales U, for her work with Dennis Rader.
Could possibly be that.
how do you go in a house, when it's dark, and know your getting to the victim you want ?
And not falling over something or tripping over, maybe he was watching the proposed victim, and new which room. Was there any light do we know , say street lights, forgive me if this has already been discussed, because it must be very difficult to do all that in the dark
He might have had a small torch, I suppose. I've speculated, that for some time prior to Nov 13 he studied the interior and exterior of the house carefully via various online sources and then supplemented by stalking. Parked at the front of the house he would have been able to see the living room windows and XK's bedroom window on the second floor. On the third floor a bathroom window and KG's master bedroom windows would have been visible. Hiding behind the house in wooded area, or even possibly sitting in a car at the far dead end section of Queen street where it curves to the south, he would have had at least a partial view (if not more depending on position) of the kitchen window and the window of the south-east bedroom on the second floor. On the third floor, MM's bedroom window and maybe some of the balcony slider leading into KG's master bedroom could have been visible. He may have used binoculars or similar and seen the residents moving between rooms. If it is recoverable, I believe investigators will find evidence of both online (internet searches, insta trolling related to house and occupanta) and offline activities (possibly photos, binocs, detailed google location data from phone etc). MOO

ETA: I tend towards thinking he initially intended to kill more than one, possibly all three of the girls.

Link to house layout over three floors

Some people always leave lights on in certain places. I have for years, because we live in a rural area and there are no street lights anywhere near our house. So you either need strategic ambient light, or I would have to turn on a lamp and wake up Hubby for any night time pit stop.

I also looked it up and the moon was 81% size the night of the murder. Not sure about the weather, whether it might have been cloudy, etc., but it seems like there was plenty of moon to offer some light.

Could be. I still think it's hard to believe. For him to have done this alone in that amount of time, everything had to have aligned just right. And maybe that's what happened, I don't know. He does look guilty. But I don't know.

If Hollywood had written this script, I'd find all kinds of holes in it. Just weird that this is real life.
I have been thinking that the killer must've been familiar with that house; maybe went to a party there (but that seems outside of character for BK, JMO). It's a large, rather strange house with an unusual floor plan, which got me thinking about real estate listings, so I looked it up and BAM! there is and was a floor plan in the original listing for the house rental! I'm wondering if the killer scouted out the listing to see the house and plan his crime. It's a long shot, but I wonder if BK has the MLS listing for 1122 King in his computer search history....
Thank you! This article is a perfect example of what I was referring to in my original post. It states that AT was listed as a "member" of the defense team (BM) and "part" of the legal counsel (KH). The article does not state whether AT was an active or inactive member of the defense (Idaho court records list both the active PD attorneys and inactive PD attorneys). Later in the article it says AT was "actively" representing CN. JMO

Your welcome.

This whole thing is ridiculous. They should move the trial to a larger city that can handle it and that can access a normal attorney for him.

This Moscow DA won't even make up their minds about pursuing the DP. If they don't pursue it then they won't need AT as an attorney.
I have been thinking that the killer must've been familiar with that house; maybe went to a party there (but that seems outside of character for BK, JMO). It's a large, rather strange house with an unusual floor plan, which got me thinking about real estate listings, so I looked it up and BAM! there is and was a floor plan in the original listing for the house rental! I'm wondering if the killer scouted out the listing to see the house and plan his crime. It's a long shot, but I wonder if BK has the MLS listing for 1122 King in his computer search history....
Yeah, I've thought about that too. Forensics will hopefully be able to recover his internet searches in the months/weeks prior to NOv 13th. There's a bunch of photos, including real estate ones, in a link at the beginning of the thread. I was blown away by how much info there was online that detailed the rooms and house layout. If he supplmented studying that stuff with stalking... MOO
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