ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 20

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Lets assume the killer was unaware of the first floor roommates and that is why they were not targeted. That means he must not be familiar with the house.
This is still my main theory but I am also considering that two bedroom doors were unlocked (4 victims, two in each room) and two were locked (two survivors, one in each room)
Sorry if this has been asked already, but can anyone provide any insight on what device this might be and what its used for?


Caption: "A member of the Idaho State Police forensics team works at a house in Moscow, Idaho, last Friday. Four University of Idaho students were found dead in the home on Nov. 13. (Ted S. Warren / Special to The Seattle Times)"

Thanks in advance!
I saw this question posted the other day and have been thinking ever since that it kind of reminds me of a device used by workers in confined spaces referred to as a "sniffer". It has some technical name, but that's what they call it in the field. It's used to detect the presence of toxic gasses.

I know next to nothing about the tools modern forensics techs use, aside from spray bottles of luminol and black lights. But I'm wondering if there is any aplication of this technology being used in cutting edge forensics.

So I’m listening to Brian Entin’s live Twitter Spaces right now (no video, it’s just audio). He’s outside the house and per the previous tweets posted, 3 LE entered and turned on lights. He said about 5 or 10 minutes ago the lights turned off but no one left. He just walked around and said he can see someone (at least one of the LE that went in) in one of the first floor bedrooms through the blinds (still no lights on). He can’t tell what they’re doing.
He can see someone inside of a first floor room but there aren’t any lights on? How can he see them? I’m not questioning you or Brian, just wanted to verify because there would not be very many reasons for LE to be in a dark room that was part of a crime scene.

So I’m listening to Brian Entin’s live Twitter Spaces right now (no video, it’s just audio). He’s outside the house and per the previous tweets posted, 3 LE entered and turned on lights. He said about 5 or 10 minutes ago the lights turned off but no one left. He just walked around and said he can see someone (at least one of the LE that went in) in one of the first floor bedrooms through the blinds (still no lights on). He can’t tell what they’re doing.
So they’re seeing what it looks like in the dark… yikes. not sure I could go in there.
He can see someone inside of a first floor room but there aren’t any lights on? How can he see them? I’m not questioning you or Brian, just wanted to verify because there would not be very many reasons for LE to be in a dark room that was part of a crime scene.

Could be using torches, blacklights?
Lets assume the killer was unaware of the first floor roommates and that is why they were not targeted. That means he must not be familiar with the house. It also means he came from the back and left from the back, never knowing there was another level. If that is the case then it would have to be someone who was either new in town and happened to approach from that direction or he is somewhat familiar with the house but only from the rear. If he was aware of the other roomates on the first floor but decided they live then that is an area to focus. I can’t believe we have not heard much from the student population. Are they under some sort of gag order from the university?
I’m local & see a fair number of student interviews. No gag order from UI!
He can see someone inside of a first floor room but there aren’t any lights on? How can he see them? I’m not questioning you or Brian, just wanted to verify because there would not be very many reasons for LE to be in a dark room that was part of a crime scene.

I think the security guard company has a vehicle in the driveway and it’s headlights are on and pointed toward the house so maybe that illuminated it a bit?
View attachment 384771The image flipped but you get the idea. These are from my bedroom to my bathroom and then to my closet. A safe room, if you will. They have a battery pack so the electrical being off doesn’t hinder their performance. But, they make beeps (and not quiet beeps) when entering each digit. And the actual unlock (or lock) isn’t quiet at all.

Interesting. Wonder if there are silent ones. If the house did have these types of locks on the bedroom doors, I wonder why they were changed. Looks like a lot safer setup back then. By the way, I'm intrigued and frightened by your screen name both at the same time. lol. Welcome to WS!
This is Banfield's typical MO.

She is a sensationalist, not a respected journalist.
I was very disappointed with Banfield here which was billed as a "get" for her show. However, now that the name of the mother of X is out, stay tuned to Twitter. I really hate seeing families of victims exploited on their worst days. MOO
If there was an obvious person(s) of interest and/or suspect, such as someone the victims knew or within 2-3 degrees of their inner circle, or a person seen and identified in some video, that person would likely be in custody by now. Because I'm virtually certain any DNA has been retrieved from the scene, swabbed from anyone fitting that bill, and expedited/compared by now. It doesn't take 3 weeks to process DNA anymore, particularly for high visibility violent crimes and with State and Federal authorities intimately involved.

That's why the more days that go by I lean towards a random serial psychopath.

My opinion.
I have not watched the video. Hunter is also the name of Ethan’s brother, I believe.
I watched the video-very tragic for the families. Terrific parents and siblings. I noticed that JK spoke, but kept his head down the whole time and wouldn’t look up or at anybody. JD didn’t speak at all. I guess it came down to who wanted to speak. I would have thought it to be the other way around and that JD would speak at the service. Odd.
I’m not sure if anyone has brought her this up but it seems that locals know about the Grub Truck live streaming on a regular basis.

Could the perpetrator(s) have been watching the Twitch live close by to choose an ideal target and then follow them home somehow?
potentially, but then how do they get in, kill four people, and get out without leaving lots of evidence and blood everywhere? Based on what we know, it doesn't seem like this is a spur-of-the-moment crime. This seems like a pretty brazen calling card and the killer must have been pretty confident.
Towards the end she told the reporter she didn't which lock and thinks he "fixed a lock".
Yes. We have a big old sliding door I am seriously side-eyeing. Going to try to make that a bit safer and beef up the locking mechanism.

In the meantime I am locking all the doors at night, which I didn't always do before (another low-crime area). And I am also closing all the blinds as soon as it gets dark, which I often didn't bother with.

I am nowhere near Idaho but it made me think. I have been pretty careless in the past. Not sure how much all that helps if someone is seriously determined though...
I have four dogs and never lock my door. Now I do!! Had my husband load rifle for me, as well, because he travels for business very often and I’m alone. This case has definitely rattled me.
Respectfully, every news release, Update, and/or Summary by Moscow PD, and/or answer to FAQ is addressed at the King Road Homicide weblink in their own words -- direct source. IMO, I trust this site over any embellished information by MSM.

At approximately 5:5o time marker 'specifically wearing a white hoodie'
I was very disappointed with Banfield here which was billed as a "get" for her show. However, now that the name of the mother of X is out, stay tuned to Twitter. I really hate seeing families of victims exploited on their worst days. MOO
Watched the full clip today & just bawled even harder than the shorter clip last night. That poor desperate mother thinking NASA has the answers. Just heartbreaking beyond words to me.
Interesting but I think it’s a typo, police say that the four “suspects” were in different places in Moscow that night. Link included plus screenshot from article. Click on the attachment to see that sentence.




Mr Kernodle also said that his daughter’s injuries showed how she desperately tried to fight off the person who killed her, as well as her boyfriend and two friends in the horror attack.

“Bruises, torn by the knife. She’s a tough kid,” he told CBS.

He added that he couldn’t understand how the killer gained access to the home.

”Every time you go, you have to go around the house because of the number code so they either knew that or went around and maybe found the slider door open,” Mr Kernodle said. “I think midnight was the last time we heard from her, and she was fine.”

Autopsy findings, released on Thursday, revealed that all four had suffered multiple stab wounds from a large knife.
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