ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 20

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And I am afraid that is exactly what is happening here. Imo.
LE are the only ones with the capacity and resources to put it out.
They are clearly not devoting enough time to this particular family.
Sort it! Get a highly trained liaison officer with full knowledge of the case to sit with them for a day or a half day, establish a better relationship than what currently exists!
It's not rocket science.
Once a bond has been established they will understand not to disclose certain information and they are likely to comply, IMO

Invest more than they have, stop treating them like pests if that is what is happening.
It's not going to stop the anger, it's not supposed to.
It will stop making it worse.

They wont have to tell them much at all, they won't have to compromise their investigation in any way.
This is a win/win scenario.
Torso wounds versus upper body wounds perhaps.
Wounds placed on different parts of the bodies. ie.,non target= stab wounds on back and torso/Target= stab wounds on private areas- don’t need to spell that out
My theory and opinion too. If Xana had locks on her door and it was closed, makes sense that Ethan opened it to investigate and confronted the killer coming down the steps. Ethan is attacked and falls back on the bed. Xana is attacked but puts up a fight. Killer then fleas out the sliding glass door after peering outside to make sure the coast is clear. MOO.
I’ve never heard LE mention a confrontation…
I would be too busy with my flamethrower to talk to LE.

My opinion.
I sort of agree. Coming from an LE standpoint, I thankfully never had to work on something like this, plus, they wouldn’t have given me a lot, if any investigative details as a VA. I generally worked at crime scenes and other VA’s followed up as the investigation progressed and then the court VA’s pick them up from there.

I met people on their worst possible days and gave them the worst possible news.

I always knew and was conscious of the fact that their lives were going to change from the moment I was let in their door, or hospital room, or wherever I was requested to go and I was sad and cognizant of the fact I was going to be the bearer of awful news and change the course of their lives forever.

I was charged with many death notifications and I was given very few details, but after the notification, I was happy to sit as long as they wished me to.

I also was requested on scene at an unattended death, or any death, suspicious or not to talk with family members, friends, roommates, etc…, whomever found the body.

I also spoke to many live victims and survivors and even witnesses to terrible things could request our presence.

I felt like the grim reaper at times, but I also think my job was important because yes, I was meeting people on the worst days of their lives, but I was also there and trained to comfort them and hold space for them for however long they needed… and I was happy to do that. It became too hard and because I did it around where I grew up, I became paranoid I would come on scene to someone I knew and it started to really bother me.

I chose the job because I’d want someone to be there if I needed on my worst day and someone had to do it, so, if not me, then who?

I completely understand as much as I can, Kaylee’s family public grief. What he said about it basically being bad press for the town and college and that “they” (not sure who they are but I have an idea and I don’t think it’s really LE at all) don’t want him hanging up posters because the entirety of the case could scare prospective students away… — As a human, knowing what he said is probably right, I can understand why he thinks maybe some people are trying to suppress the case is not out of the realm of possibilities. It makes a lot of sense logically.

I can’t say I wouldn’t do what he’s doing and start screaming from the rooftops. I mean, what does one do when something like that happens? I’ve been around a lot of victims, but never a crime like this. I cannot imagine there’s a good answer or solution to this, either.

I think the PD needs to offer him some kind of compromise and trauma/grief counseling. He could really say something’s that could hurt the integrity of the investigation. IMO, he needs to be heard more by them and I understand that maybe it’s a sort of nuisance because I also believe that LE 100% cares and are absolutely doing their best… I mean, if they’ve done their due diligence so far and have come up with nothing, then, unfortunately right now, they have nothing… You can’t get blood out of a turnip. You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s just a fact but I’m sure they know a lot more than they did and it’s not for a lack of trying.

It’s a very difficult situation for both sides. I believe her father when he said maybe some people (and I personally don’t think it’s LE, it’s sounds to me more political pressure) don’t want to keep the media spotlight on the town. It tracks it with my sensibilities especially if that’s their economic backbone. I don’t know how to reconcile those two juxtapositions and make both sides better trust the other but I think someone has to try with SG because he’s not going to stop. So someone, somehow needs to come up with a solution.

IMO, this idea about not wanting to have the media spotlight and the previous comments by some like the Mayor stating it was a “Crime of Passion” invariably makes people believe they’re not in danger of it happening to them. And maybe that’s why we have all this back and forth with target or not targeted messaging. IMO, it does seem a little like LE is getting pressure to ease the public tension and fright when maybe the public might have every reason to be at least alarmed.

IMO, this is not a crime of passion. A killer doesn’t bring his own weapon to an unmediated stabbing spree.

I don’t know. This of course are all just thoughts I have after really thinking about what he said and my own work with previously helping victims.
Go into a Big 5 Sporting Goods and you'll see a section of all kinds of of knifes like this. I hope they are indeed checking knife sales.

Maybe a rare ornamental knife too
Let me throw you all in a tizzy. Many investigations have been solved years later by re interviewing the first 6 suspects interviewed in the beginning of an investigation. But be mindful of TOS. We can't sleuths anyone not named a POI. Imo.
LE are the only ones with the capacity and resources to put it out.
They are clearly not devoting enough time to this particular family.
Sort it! Get a highly trained liaison officer with full knowledge of the case to sit with them for a day or a half day, establish a better relationship than what currently exists!
It's not rocket science.
Once a bond has been established they will understand not to disclose certain information and they are likely to comply, IMO

Invest more than they have, stop treating them like pests if that is what is happening.
It's not going to stop the anger, it's not supposed to.
It will stop making it worse.

They wont have to tell them much at all, they won't have to compromise their investigation in any way.
This is a win/win scenario.
I agree. Imo.
I had that feeling, too, tonight.

The killer is watching every time Steve speaks. He is sitting there gloating, sadistically, enjoying the father's grief.

He is a coward, harming innocent unarmed kids in their sleep. He is a sneak, a thief, and a liar, and has been like that his whole life.

His sins will find him out.
Hopefully, WE FIND HIM OUT too.
Sorry if this has been asked already, but can anyone provide any insight on what device this might be and what its used for?


Caption: "A member of the Idaho State Police forensics team works at a house in Moscow, Idaho, last Friday. Four University of Idaho students were found dead in the home on Nov. 13. (Ted S. Warren / Special to The Seattle Times)"

Thanks in advance!
I’ve zoomed in on the picture to try to figure it out.
This is what I can see-
- The guy is obviously wearing a clean suit, mask, gloves so he is collecting forensic evidence.
- The machine has these parts that I can see…
-it has an electric cord
-A white plastic tank on the bottom with a screw cap at the front for fill/empty
-A long black thin hose that is in the guys hand that gets smaller with filters

I think it is a forensic trace evidence vacuum used to collect fibers and hair.
They are single use setups, and some may be used to clean the drains of bathroom sinks, sometimes they also turn the water off and take out the p trap.

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Interesting, thanks for sharing. So if the power was switched off temporarily to disable the bedroom doors, in theory some technology which was on/on standby would possibly have data of an exact time it was switched off, which would give a more exact time of the attacks. I guess the public will never be told this information but I find the fact that each bedroom had a lock adds another dilemma to this case.
Turning the power off on a home does not make coded door locks unlock, or stop working.
Coded door locks have a battery, they are independent of main power.

The reason a rental would use such locks is it is easier to change the code than it is to rekey locks between each renter.

I sort of agree. Coming from an LE standpoint, I thankfully never had to work on something like this, plus, they wouldn’t have given me a lot, if any investigative details as a VA. I generally worked at crime scenes and other VA’s followed up as the investigation progressed and then the court VA’s pick them up from there.

I met people on their worst possible days and gave them the worst possible news.

I always knew and was conscious of the fact that their lives were going to change from the moment I was let in their door, or hospital room, or wherever I was requested to go and I was sad and cognizant of the fact I was going to be the bearer of awful news and change the course of their lives forever.

I was charged with many death notifications and I was given very few details, but after the notification, I was happy to sit as long as they wished me to.

I also was requested on scene at an unattended death, or any death, suspicious or not to talk with family members, friends, roommates, etc…, whomever found the body.

I also spoke to many live victims and survivors and even witnesses to terrible things could request our presence.

I felt like the grim reaper at times, but I also think my job was important because yes, I was meeting people on the worst days of their lives, but I was also there and trained to comfort them and hold space for them for however long they needed… and I was happy to do that. It became too hard and because I did it around where I grew up, I became paranoid I would come on scene to someone I knew and it started to really bother me.

I chose the job because I’d want someone to be there if I needed on my worst day and someone had to do it, so, if not me, then who?

I completely understand as much as I can, Kaylee’s family public grief. What he said about it basically being bad press for the town and college and that “they” (not sure who they are but I have an idea and I don’t think it’s really LE at all) don’t want him hanging up posters because the entirety of the case could scare prospective students away… — As a human, knowing what he said is probably right, I can understand why he thinks maybe some people are trying to suppress the case is not out of the realm of possibilities. It makes a lot of sense logically.

I can’t say I wouldn’t do what he’s doing and start screaming from the rooftops. I mean, what does one do when something like that happens? I’ve been around a lot of victims, but never a crime like this. I cannot imagine there’s a good answer or solution to this, either.

I think the PD needs to offer him some kind of compromise and trauma/grief counseling. He could really say something’s that could hurt the integrity of the investigation. IMO, he needs to be heard more by them and I understand that maybe it’s a sort of nuisance because I also believe that LE 100% cares and are absolutely doing their best… I mean, if they’ve done their due diligence so far and have come up with nothing, then, unfortunately right now, they have nothing… You can’t get blood out of a turnip. You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s just a fact but I’m sure they know a lot more than they did and it’s not for a lack of trying.

It’s a very difficult situation for both sides. I believe her father when he said maybe some people (and I personally don’t think it’s LE, it’s sounds to me more political pressure) don’t want to keep the media spotlight on the town. It tracks it with my sensibilities especially if that’s their economic backbone. I don’t know how to reconcile those two juxtapositions and make both sides better trust the other but I think someone has to try with SG because he’s not going to stop. So someone, somehow needs to come up with a solution.

IMO, this idea about not wanting to have the media spotlight and the previous comments by some like the Mayor stating it was a “Crime of Passion” invariably makes people believe they’re not in danger of it happening to them. And maybe that’s why we have all this back and forth with target or not targeted messaging. IMO, it does seem a little like LE is getting pressure to ease the public tension and fright when maybe the public might have every reason to be at least alarmed.

IMO, this is not a crime of passion. A killer doesn’t bring his own weapon to an unmediated stabbing spree.

I don’t know. This of course are all just thoughts I have after really thinking about what he said and my own work with previously helping victims.
Thank you for this post. I’m drowning in sadness for Kayless family and the rest of them of course. You speak of being the front person and the deliverer of bad news. Not “sure” of your role but I feel what you are speaking of. I was a in a role where I was wholly unpopular and gave good news and bad. Mostly bad. Certainly not of this magnitude. I just don’t understand why there hasn’t been a support system set up for the families with updates and the like , ensuring the that they are being heard. So much can be levied by this simple remedy. ?? It must be bc they are at wits end and unaccustomed to such crime In their community. Ugh.
Let me throw you all in a tizzy. Many investigations have been solved years later by re interviewing the first 6 suspects interviewed in the beginning of an investigation. But be mindful of TOS. We can't sleuths anyone not named a POI. Imo.
Even on WS when cases get stuck and we're all clean out of ideas, it,s helpful to go back to the first few pages of the first thread, early media reports etc.
Let me throw you all in a tizzy. Many investigations have been solved years later by re interviewing the first 6 suspects interviewed in the beginning of an investigation. But be mindful of TOS. We can't sleuths anyone not named a POI. Imo.
I think this may have happened in Zodiac case.
Thank you for this post. I’m drowning in sadness for Kayless family and the rest of them of course. You speak of being the front person and the deliverer of bad news. Not “sure” of your role but I feel what you are speaking of. I was a in a role where I was wholly unpopular and gave good news and bad. Mostly bad. Certainly not of this magnitude. I just don’t understand why there hasn’t been a support system set up for the families with updates and the like , ensuring the that they are being heard. So much can be levied by this simple remedy. ?? It must be bc they are at wits end and unaccustomed to such crime In their community. Ugh.
I’m sorry you had to do that as well. It’s not easy hurting people, even though it’s not your fault. :(

And, you’re welcome. I was a victim’s advocate.

I agree with everything you say… LE, whether at fault or not, really needs to repair the relationship and begin building trust with him. And I think he actually has a legitimate grievance with the bad publicity and differing messaging— I think he’s probably correct about this and I can’t imagine how infuriating that would be to deal with. And I really don’t think LE wants it to be that way, either — and that’s maybe why he publicly called out for someone to just “say it like it is” … What I mean by that is say what type of person this killer is and how potentially dangerous he may be regardless if it scares of students or potential students away, it’s more important in his mind to catch him…

I can see how that’s very difficult and frustrating for a family to deal with. That interview made me look it it completely different and 99.9999% of the time I’d have the opinion he needs to really stop talking or he’s really going to hurt the investigation badly, but he may be right: if he stops talking, there won’t be a spotlight there any more and maybe people will still come if the investigation overall gets suppressed a little bit… It makes sense and I believe him. And I believe LE is also doing their best with their hands maybe tied up a bit from political pressure because all their money probably is generated by the college.

I don’t know how to alleviate this current issue but it absolutely needs immediate attention, IMO.
Let me throw you all in a tizzy. Many investigations have been solved years later by re interviewing the first 6 suspects interviewed in the beginning of an investigation. But be mindful of TOS. We can't sleuths anyone not named a POI. Imo.
A good reminder but can I ask this?

With this high profile case, what's the likelihood of LE ever naming a PoI before an arrest etc? or maybe you just meant that - until there's an arrest in this case? ( I wouldn't be surprised if there was no arrest until Xmas) Because of the intense media, is it likely LE will ever say ' we have person of interest but we are not naming him/her at this time' if that person hasn't been arrested?

Also it's very difficult at the moment when almost every TV clip posted ( and many interviews w parents) is referring to likely perpetrators ( like Steve G's last interview)
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