ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 20

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I would imaging within that suspected time frame of the rage killing spree, the perp left a significant amount of DNA at the scene.

Even if the perp's DNA is not on LE's records, I love the advancements of the various genealogy family DNA companies, some reaching out and assisting with LE on cold cases.

I remember reading about 3-4 months ago a cold murder case in Pennsylvania where genealogy was called into assist with the unknown killers profile. As it turned out, the killer's DNA was narrowed down from a small group migrating families from Sicily Italy that settled in the small Pennsylvania town years earlier. LE matched coffee cup DNA with the unknown killers DNA 30yrs later with a successful conviction.
A lot considering it is 10%-11% here in the US.
I am wondering if the police on the first night followed any footsteps? How could someone kill 4 people with a huge hunting knife and and not have a considerable amount of blood on themself. And could they have changed their clothes in the house and or showered? I havent heard anything about checknig drains for blood. And if they changed their clothes did police go thru the garbage cans and dumpstsers to see if there were any blood clothes in them? It just doesnst seem like they were very proactive in the beginning. And I hope they havent ruled out that the person who commited this crime could be involved in law enforcement. I have watched enough ID shows to know this does happen and should be overlooked. And how do we know there wasnt another person? Not for certain but its only been revealed there was 1 weapon the knife and I believe they can tell if the knife wounds are consistent by depth, angle, which hand know it was done by 1 person.
Good question - hard to answer but I'd say there have been 2 memorial type services which may serve as partial closure and time/place for grieving with family and friends. Also although we all grieve differently it is really honestly very early in grieving process & they do have the urns.. My thinking it doesn't prolong grieving and is part of their shared family thinking and process
Appreciate your post - I think my bias is that I'm a private person, and would never want a huge public memorial service in lieu of a private funeral. I am also unsure if the family is just going along with the mom's wishes. Sad to consider that they may never actually be able to heal regardless.
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I just listened to the Ashley Banfield phone call with X's mother. During the conversation, different photos were on rotation, and one of the photos showed a lock on the outside of what I am guessing is a bedroom door. If this is correct, and there is a lock on the outside of the door, how was it breached? Who had the code? Was it a former boyfriend? Was the door left cracked open? Was it a locksmith? Just thinking out loud.
Perhaps they don't lock their bedrooms when they're inside them, only when they're out of the house.....or perhaps not even then. It depends on how much you trust your housemates.
If the perp went through the window because it was unlocked, then the door locks wouldn't matter though which i think is what happened IMO. There is a hand print on the window and if it is the perps they may also have his/her prints as well JMO I mean the outside doors to clarify
Sorry, I don’t have the link, but it was in Xana’s mother’s interview,posted in last thread #19, in which it sounded like mother was calling in to the show (versus being on screen or written media.) She stated that the dad had told her that he changed the locks. Honestly, her brain sounded hazy, and rightly so.
Towards the end she told the reporter she didn't which lock and thinks he "fixed a lock".
one of the photos showed a lock on the outside of what I am guessing is a bedroom door. If this is correct, and there is a lock on the outside of the door, how was it breached? Who had the code?

I think it's a possibility the bedroom locks weren't used because everyone in the house was friends with one another. However, I think the locks on the bedroom doors probably do explain why the roommates rang 911 to report someone unconscious because they could not see inside the bedroom. This had added benefit of delaying an early police response, if another room mate got up in the night and seen inside one of the bedrooms.

XK's mum said on the interview that XK's dad had visited to fix a lock in the house although she could not specify whether this was a bedroom or front door lock but it does show that they were perhaps more security aware than I has assumed at the beginning of this case.

What I would be interested in knowing is what sort of lock these were, were they mechanical or were they electronic. If the lock is mechanical then its hard to gain entry without making noise, unless you know the code which could suggest the perp is a close contact. Alternatively if the lock is electronic, the perp may have used a device which can emulate these digital access keys explained in the link & video below.

My understanding of these devices is that you need some tech knowhow and also would likely have had to test the device beforehand.

Link to YouTube
Is it a possibility based off the hand print picture that the perp put his hand on the window and moved his face closer to the window to get a better peek before entering the home??! I’d have a hard time believing it would be easy for anyone to get through a window quietly! Gosh knows what’s around you and that kitchen looks like a typical college household before you’ve woken up the next day and cleaned up your home.

''Retired FBI profiler Mary Ellen O'Toole said there's a 50% chance the killer could attend the Idaho student victims' funerals because of the brazenness of the attack''​

"Sometimes offenders show up," said Mary Ellen O'Toole, who once worked in the bureau's prestigious behavioral analysis unit.

"They may take a lot of pleasure in thinking that they got away with the crime, and so going to a service like this where they can walk around and people don't realize who they are, that can certainly feed into that kind of egotistical response," she said.''

"There’s an arrogance about this crime, there’s a high-risk nature," she said, noting that the offender entered a home occupied by six people "where there was every conceivable possibility he would have had his a-- kicked."
I was fortunate enough to have Dr. O’Toole guest lecture at one of my classes back in college. She is so good at what she does and I personally trust her profiles more than others.

Fun fact: She’s the one who was able to get the Green River Killer to confess to most of the 48 murders he was sentenced for despite them not having any physical evidence. She’s the GOAT.
The Zillow listing (now removed) just showed regular old door knob privacy locks on the bedroom doors. (The kind that everyone has on a bathroom door. The lock that is standard construction from the 1960's on up. I'm not versed with lock terminology)

We don't know how recent the Zillow listing was. The house looked very nice and upgraded in Zillow. The young man interviewed yesterday, however showed a different type of interior lock.

None of the pictures inside the house with K,M,E,X show any of the bedroom locks in the background.
One image looks like a jacket might be hanging.

X's mom said she hasn't been to the house.

ETA: The type of lock thing is something that could probably be cleared up fairly easily. MOO...
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Does anyone have the exact statement made by LE (transcribed or otherwise) when first clearing the “male in the Grub Truck surveillance video”?
Is it a possibility based off the hand print picture that the perp put his hand on the window and moved his face closer to the window to get a better peek before entering the home??! I’d have a hard time believing it would be easy for anyone to get through a window quietly! Gosh knows what’s around you and that kitchen looks like a typical college household before you’ve woken up the next day and cleaned up your home.
Is this window the same window that is to the left of the sliding door which opens into the kitchen or is it a different window?
Is it a possibility based off the hand print picture that the perp put his hand on the window and moved his face closer to the window to get a better peek before entering the home??! I’d have a hard time believing it would be easy for anyone to get through a window quietly! Gosh knows what’s around you and that kitchen looks like a typical college household before you’ve woken up the next day and cleaned up your home.
I think the image was taken shortly after the crime. However, it could be anyone's print and not necessarily the perps.
I believe that a brutal crime like this perpetrated against students by an unknown person or persons who generally targeted them in their home while they likely slept, according to official accounts, should come with substantial warnings to students and the immediate public, and that the school should have issued a strong warning while at the same time implementing either mandatory online coursework or at a minimum, imposed a curfew, until the suspect is caught or known.

Ambiguously sharing generic information with the public about a crime of this magnitude is not enough, and isn't conducive to cultivating public trust in community officials.

My opinion.

The university has increased its LE presence on campus, and taken other on-campus measures to increase security for those students who returned after the Thanksgiving break in order to complete the semester in-person. The students are aware of the situation, and have been advised to take precautions. They are adults, so I don't think the university should try to implement a curfew. The students (adults) are there by choice, they could have opted to complete their semester remotely. If the city or LE want to impose a curfew on the city of Moscow, that is their option, but I have never seen a city impose a curfew, even when it was known that one of the most heinous serial murderers was at-large.

Also, there are many students who need access to the labs on campus to continue working on their scientific research, many who need the resources of a university library to complete their research, and many would lose an entire semester of progress and lots of money from tuition and fees if they were banned from in-person study on campus. Also, many students have nowhere else to go, sadly this is a fact, they don't have familial homes to go to, their residence on-campus is their established home. In addition, international students are not allowed to take fully remote classes, this is a regulation of the U.S. Department of Education. This regulation was temporarily suspended in spring of 2022 during the height of the pandemic, but students who began their studies after spring of 2022 are not allowed to take fully remote classes, although they can take hybrid classes, which combines in-person and remote.

So it's complicated, but at least the university has shown it is willing to be as flexible as possible, given the choices that each student makes. I applaud them for that, they are being extremely flexible.
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