ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 41 *ARREST*

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No idea why they’d emphasize that he’s a Libertarian. But in my opinion, it’s extremely significant that he was an ultra-vegan—for six weeks we’ve been hearing non-stop speculation that he was a hunter, because, you know, they kill animals. And they have knives!

So, there’s great irony there, and great opportunity for us to learn.


Yeah I feel the opposite. I think him being a Libertarian, given that he was also a doctoral candidate in criminology, is far more relevant than the fact that he's a vegan that doesn't like using pans that have had meat cooked in them...
For PhD programs people often choose a certain school bc they want to work with a particular Professor or specialty of that particular program.
True of Tier 1 programs. WSU?! Curious how the admissions process rolled for him. It usually includes a heavy interview component. Has his PhD advisor spoken publicly yet?
Don't know if already mentioned, but there is a reasonable possibility that with his age (late 20s), reported affect, and abrupt behavioral changes (OCD, etc) that he had a psychotic (schizophrenic) break. Tends to manifest in the mid to late 20s in young men.

My opinion.
That's a possibility. A relation has said he was OCD about his vegan eating, which might be a sign of paranoia. And I don't see any prior convictions, which you might expect to find with a sociopath. As I said before, the most interesting part of this case is beginning to develop. I take nothing for granted.
Unless you were, uh, thinking it might be a good moment to get your Elantra out of Moscow???!!!
I hear your point though and I agree, if I lived in NE PA and had chosen to go to grad school in Western Washington, I’d fly for sure, though it is a beast of a flight/drive. Hour and a half drive to Spokane, at least six hours to Newark NJ (EWR) if you hit the connection perfectly and that’s rare, and then at least two hours drive to Effort, PA, best case. This is more likely a 12-24H undertaking even flying. In an underlying way this brings up something I don’t know if we’ve talked about, which is - why WSU? Desales isn’t blow-the-lights-out academically (source link:, but he was Dean’s List there (source link: Dean’s List for Spring 2019: Traditional Undergraduate Students). Why WSU for PhD track? Unconventional choice, geographically.

Its difficult to get into PHD programs so he probably had limited choice.
I wonder how they got his DNA to compare to DNA at crime scene? Follow him around until he threw away a cup he was drinking out of?
That’s what I’m guessing, based on the 4 day surveillance and then, all of a sudden, an arrest warrant. Was he home for Christmas, someone provided a tip (family member?), they got surreptitious DNA and got a match?
I'm sure there are people who would be amazed at how ignorant I was of current-day sports events or current-day entertainment news. My friend was astounded I hadn't near about the Amanda Heard stuff before when it was happening. I just am not interested in entertainment news. Other people were astounded I didn't realize when our city's team was going to the Super Bowl, but I just tune out sports talk.

This is how there are people who are unaware of news, especially news on the other side of the country.
I wonder how many other crimes he has committed (not saying other murders, but more like a variety pack) to gather data for his survey. Really BIG MOO

My guess a lot of petty crimes when young and became bolder with time, maybe he was never caught...most likely started young, maybe arson, theft, peeping, and then moved on to other crimes torture animals, etc...addicted to drugs as a young teen?
I think he was saying it is significant here on WS because so many posters were so sure that the killer had to be a hunter.
Right….but people making incorrect assumptions doesn’t mean there’s any connection or significance bw veganism and murder.

And….unfortunately, there are some vegans who have great compassion for non-human animals - but not so much for humans. :( As a vegan activist I’ve never understood that.

It‘ll be interesting to see when he purchased the knife.
Random, but he looks like his nose has been broken in the past and a significant break. I've broken mine a few times and it's mostly still straight. His looks like it should have been surgically repaired and wasn't. Wonder what happened?
I’ve been thinking about the 911 call for a few days. Officer Snell, ISP, states in 11/18, five days after the murders that the room mates were potentially witnesses, potentially victims.
Due to the withholding of that call and the hermetically sealed off survivors and family members, friends, who arrived before LE, we haven’t been able to explore that important piece of the puzzle. We have accepted as fact that the roommates did not hear or see anything. I’m not convinced that is in fact, true. No point in speculating at this point.
With the now pending release of the call, I believe we are in for a few new shocks and greater insight into the series of events. MOO
Brian K is a real piece of psychopathic work. IMO
KUDOS to the FBI and Idaho State Police!!
True of Tier 1 programs. WSU?! Curious how the admissions process rolled for him. It usually includes a heavy interview component. Has his PhD advisor spoken publicly yet?
Yes, I don’t know if he was a teaching assistant or not…
When I look at the known facts of the crime and the possible motivations that fit those facts such as misogyny, revenge (probably for a narcissistic injury), or enjoyment, all of the motives point to a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath.

Also, someone already posted a tweet from someone in MSM that included a portion of this quote:

"Roberts started the program in August — along with Kohberger, he said — and had several courses with him. He described Kohberger as wanting to appear academic.

'One thing he would always do, almost without fail, was find the most complicated way to explain something,' he said. 'He had to make sure you knew that he knew it.'"

Source: What We Know About Bryan Kohberger, Suspect in University of Idaho Murders

As averred by the other poster—sorry, I don't recall who it was—that is classic narcissistic behavior.
It's also the behavior of about half the posters here. In my opinion (I'm not in the position to diagnose personality disorders) we don't have enough info to diagnose him with one, let alone 3, issues. JMO
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