ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 6

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I rarely say this but good on the journalists. They seem to have got more information than was released in the prepared remarks. However, in earlier back-and-forths from LE make me trust off-the-cuff remarks way less than their official "press releases" that have been reviewed by multiple agencies surely.
Captain Lanier had the best summary.

I'm still perplexed why they have multiple people giving reports on the crime. Thought this was all supposed to be handled by the state police PIO. At least the coroner wasn't there.

Moo, is they don't have any suspects, which is very concerning.

I think this is going to be a relationship issue, ex, exx or unrequited. JMO
Wow! IMO a very open PC.
From what I gathered and just on my memory
- housemates are not considered persons of interest
- the J that was called is not considered persons of interest
- still considered a targeted attack
Now here is where there are a few question marks
- they will not say that the call to 911 was placed by a housemate (only that it was made using one of their phones)
- reports of the victims being bound and gagged are false
And the big one that was never mentioned before and that I don't think they meant to mention but did

- There were other 'friends' present at the house

Also the fact that they are requesting video surveillance from key areas suggests to me that they might think that there was a 'fifth' person (IE someone other than the victims) that may have been seen with them prior to them arriving home.

Other friends showed up at the residence as stated in the presser. So the call was made on one of the surviving roommates’phone but he would not say if it was a roommate or one of the visitors that made the 911 call.
I am thinking maybe one of the victims' friends came over to check on them and when they saw what happened, they used one of the roommates' phones to call 911.

The roommates may have been in shock. If they were out partying, passed out, and woke up at noon to other friends freaking out they might have been just out of it and asked someone else to call.
My thought on the "other friends" who were there at the time of the 911 call - it's possible the surviving roommates were still asleep. Maybe these other friends had plans with one or more of the deceased or were trying to contact them for awhile, couldn't reach them, so came over. They may have either knocked on the door/let themselves in and woke up the surviving roommates that way or came downstairs to wake them when they discovered the murder scene. MOO
LE kinda sorta sounded like they could be withholding info that is sensitive (surviving roommates could have had guests over for the night) to protect the personal private lives of those surviving victims.
No, the two roommates that survived bedrooms were on the same floor as the kitchen. So they would have no reason to ever go upstairs. It’s a three story home.
i don't think that's correct. The kitchen is on the second floor, accessible thru sliding doors to the outside, woodsy area. The 2 survivors were on the first floor, ie basement, remodeled garage whatever you call it. The big question in my mind is if they have a kitchenette on that ground floor level.

I will give them this - they have shared more information in 1 week than the Delphi investigators have after 5+ years and with a suspect charged and in custody. For example: Cause Of Death.
So that means the 2 survivors 1) called friends to come over 2) gave those friends enough time to arrive — and in that time, never called 911 themselves?!? Like what?!
It could be that the friends arrived at the house, maybe because they couldn't get in touch with the victims or maybe they had plans to meet up. At the same time the surviving roommates woke up, the victims were discovered and then 911 was called. This is all pure speculation of course.
Two things that stood out for me in that presser: firstly, police officer was talking about bringing the investigation to a close and said bringing 'these'....then stopped and changed tack, perhaps catching himself. The natural, anticipated end to where he was going in that statement was 'these killers/these people'' to justice. Anyone else pick up on that? Just a thought. Think I'll need the transcript to elucidate that properly.

There was also a contradiction; the information stated was that the 911 call was made from a roommate's phone. Later, police officer said they aren't saying it wasn't a roommate who made the call. Deciphering this double negative: it could have been one of the roommate's who made the 911 call.

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What a sad and horrific thing, these murders, to happen to four young people and the sorrow brought to their friends and family. God bless them all.
A few things:
- The person who made the 911 call...was it established the person is male? If so, is it possible he spent the night with one of the surviving girls?
- The perp or perps, if they were smart, would not have brought their cell phone with them, thus being able to establish an alibi where they were. Additionally, not bring a wallet or anything that might accidentally fall out of a pocket to identify them.
- I feel this is a thrill killing. Possibly a targeted thrill killing.No sexual assault.
- There are a lot of combinations here as to who the intended victim was.
- Since Ethan was not a tenant of the house, it's likely he wasn't targeted just by the fact it wasn't guaranteed he'd be there at the time of the attack.
- Kaylee was rumored to have had a stalker bothering her in September. The rumor didn't give a timeline if there was an end to the stalking. Also not mentioned, is there a police report confirming a stalking of her.
- I haven't read anything about Madison concerning an ex-boyfriend problem, etc.
- There was something written about Xana having an ex-boyfriend who was visiting or on campus, maybe at the frat party, but nothing written about problems between the two.
- If any one of the three women were a target, and there was such rage against the woman, why wouldn't the perp get them alone and away from the house? This way the perp could personally vent their rage and take their time dispatching the victim.
- If the perp decided against this, willing to risk capture, then why not kill the person of his rage and just leave afterwards? If one person was targeted, would it make sense to start with that person first? If the target was Xana, then Ethan was in the wrong place at that time. But say it was Kaylee. The perp could have killed her and left, but as some have suggested, she may have been staying in Madison's room if Kaylee's furniture had been removed due to having moved out.
- If one person was the intended target, why murder all four?
- If the perp was familiar with the house, the perp would have known about the two surviving roommates on the lower level.Though their doors were locked, that wouldn't stop them.
- The stabbings....the perp knew what they were doing. I've seen prison stabbings where the perp stabbed another prisoner 90 plus times and the victim lived. The Idaho killer wasn't lucky four times with his stabbing. It's been reported each victim had a kill stab, upper torso or lower torso. Upper probably heart, lower most likely liver. I believe this wasn't the first killings for the perp.
- It was mentioned it was a football weekend and a lot of out of towners visiting. I'd rule them out for this.
- It's possible someone from the restaurant/bar where two of the women were employed. Lots of different characters coming thru those places. A regular who could have become obsessed with one or both. In their dark mind, realized they were out of the social reach. It could have been a co-worker. Man or woman. Women can become obsessed with another woman.
- if it was targeted, the perp(s) planned it. Premeditated. A kabar type weapon brought to do the job. Not a weapon for everyday carry.
- The time was right... a weekend night/morning. Students partying and bar hopping.
- Early Sunday morning... victims most likely in bed and maybe under the influence.Less resistance.
- Due to weekend drinking, police answering other calls and drunk driving incidents and bookings. Less manpower patrolling.
- Sneak into room, hand over mouth and stab. Then on to the next victim.
Quiet assassination.
- I doubt the perp(s) lived in the neighborhood. More likely to get looked at by the police.
- Stash the car in a dark area away from the neighborhood so as to avoid cameras. Approach the house from the woods. And escape the same way.
- Wear dark clothes, a dark raincoat that blood can be easily washed off. Have a change of clothes, shoes, cleaning material and trash bags waiting in the car for cleanup before driving off. Trash disposed of out in the boonies.
- Might have another person to help in case you run into resistance in the house. Also to be a lookout.
- If this was an acquaintance, I'm sure they would have broke by now.

Just my thoughts.

News conference coming on soon. Hope the police have a suspect(s). The manner of killing is chilling and if this is a thrill killer, it will happen again. Maybe not in Moscow. But somewhere.
I don’t know why but my mind is going to 2 perpetrators now. If one entered each bedroom things could have been over fast enough for the roommates not to hear anything. Or both entered one bedroom etc.
My track record lately with being accurate about these things isn’t good though!
That and you would need two people who were sick enough to do this which I would hope is unlikely. But food for thought.
I don't really doubt that the other roommates didn't hear anything if what LE says that EACH victim was asleep when they were killed is true. The killer may have quietly gone room by room putting a pillow over the victim's face and stabbing them.

Because of this, I am having a hard time thinking about who the killer could be. If it were truly "targeted" and "personal," they could have stopped after their target. It makes no sense for the murder to be targeted AND kill 2-3 other people in their sleep. That's like dedicated thrill kill or serial killer behavior - where the goal is the killing, not the elimination of a person out of an emotional reasons (love, hate, anger, betrayal).
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