ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #14

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I think it can be risky for LE to give information to the public during an investigation when that info could jeopardize the investigation in any way. It is very hard, as an emotionally (and mildly financially-invested) member of the public to be patient and my heart absolutely breaks for the extended family members. But LE/FBI want to get it right. They can't say everything they know right now. But IMO, JMO I am hoping they will very, very soon. We just have to hold tight!

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I so hope you are right! I know, I need to be patient... I'm thinking that LE's silence on this case must mean either they have something or they have nothing. I sincerely hope it's the former.... if it was the latter, wouldn't they be asking the public for help? Turning down search teams and the like - that leads me to believe they have other ideas. Hoping for something to be released soon, at any rate. And hoping that time will tell, but sometimes I wonder if we'll ever know what happened to him and that makes me so sad for little DeOrr. :-(
I sense that someone other than the parents signed the contract with Klein - could have been one of the grandparents or an aunt, something like that. (That's my opinion only and is based on my observations). I think the family wants to know what happened to DeOrr no matter what and I find that admirable. I think that Klein's statement saying they were starting cold and they were going to allow the evidence to lead them where it leads them (paraphrasing) could indicate that the contract allows Klein to go in any direction (in other words, whoever signed the contract had to agree that if the investigation starting leading to a member of the family, that that alone was not cause to terminate the contract or withhold payment, something along those lines). Just a guess but it makes sense to me. If I was a PI, I'd want something like that in my contract, given that three of the POI's are family members. MOO.
Anyone know if there is a up to date time line and where I would find it?
I sense that someone other than the parents signed the contract with Klein - could have been one of the grandparents or an aunt, something like that. (That's my opinion only and is based on my observations). I think the family wants to know what happened to DeOrr no matter what and I find that admirable. I think that Klein's statement saying they were starting cold and they were going to allow the evidence to lead them where it leads them (paraphrasing) could indicate that the contract allows Klein to go in any direction (in other words, whoever signed the contract had to agree that if the investigation starting leading to a member of the family, that that alone was not cause to terminate the contract or withhold payment, something along those lines). Just a guess but it makes sense to me. If I was a PI, I'd want something like that in my contract, given that three of the POI's are family members. MOO.

The entire extended family seems to be in total agreement with the three family members who are POI so I doubt there would be such a specific clause in the contract. There would be no reason for it. The simpler the contract the broader the scope of the investigation. When a contract begins to get too specific it actually limits itself and would prevent the PI from going wherever the investigation takes him.
The entire extended family seems to be in total agreement with the three family members who are POI so I doubt there would be such a specific clause in the contract. There would be no reason for it. The simpler the contract the broader the scope of the investigation. When a contract begins to get too specific it actually limits itself and would prevent the PI from going wherever the investigation takes him.

Really? Do we know that? "The entire extended family seems to be in total agreement with the three family members who are POI."
Wow....We have over 14,000 posts and we still know next to nothing.
Really? Do we know that? "The entire extended family seems to be in total agreement with the three family members who are POI."

Are you aware of anything that would indicate otherwise?
Wow....We have over 14,000 posts and we still know next to nothing.

I know and it's so sad, but this case has progressed / advanced from the beginning as LE ruled out different things and made designations in other parts of the case, suggested reputable search groups not to come into search and to save their resources for other cases IIRC. Even if we are not privy to info., I have faith LE does have a good handles on this case, because they have not asked for the public's help and lack of press on their part. If they really needed the public's help they would have released the sketch they showed around town as an example. I do believe they know. JMO from following these cases.
IF he's there. IF. Or, he could be in a shallow grave at the camp site, in which case, items may not be easily visible, and some other form of technology would have to be used. But if he was indeed abducted . . . or something else occurred . .. time is of the essence.
A shallow grave? Doubt they'd miss a shallow grave in the searching. And the dogs....don't ya think they'd hit on that?
There's no way they missed a small camo boot but they might have missed a shallow grave?
A shallow grave? Doubt they'd miss a shallow grave in the searching. And the dogs....don't ya think they'd hit on that?
There's no way they missed a small camo boot but they might have missed a shallow grave?

If a hypothetical shallow grave was outside the area a toddler could go in the time span of searching inc. dogs, it could have been missed IMO. If that were the case it would take someone to remove the child from the area Deorr could have walked. It's a possibility even the parents suggest he was kidnapped so he may be out of the search area IMO.
If a hypothetical shallow grave was outside the area a toddler could go in the time span of searching inc. dogs, it could have been missed IMO. If that were the case it would take someone to remove the child from the area Deorr could have walked. It's a possibility even the parents suggest he was kidnapped so he may be out of the search area IMO.
The hypothetical shallow grave was at the campsite....not outside the search area.

Just kinda funny its a big old IF DeOrr was there....and IF he was then its a shallow grave that was missed not little tiny camo boots. Its sad. This thread is just depressing.
Are you aware of anything that would indicate otherwise?

What exactly are you saying they all seem to be in total agreement about? And where are you getting this sense from?
It's a thread about a missing two-year-old boy whose parents are being investigated for his disappearance. Depressing is an understatement.

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They are POI along with two other people that were there. Not suspects. We have all heard the interview with SB. Sure any thread on this site about a child being neglected, abused, murdered are all depressing. That just comes with the territory.

I've seen cases such as Kelly Nolan's murder where a composit sketch was done and never released to the public. And the case is still unsolved. And that isnt the only case I've seen that happen in but for some reason only in this case it makes the parents monsters.

I've seen parents who have actually lost their child in the woods get bashed for years only to find out they were not involved. I seen a case on here at WS where a baby was kidnapped and FBI was brought in and the parents got dragged threw the mud only to have their child returned and the kidnapper aressted. You'd think some would of learned from that one.

I've seen it all and the biggest shame is when parents who are real living breathing people with feelings lose a child and the whole world is there ready to bash them with out any real evidence. The first to say "IF" Deorr was there they would of found him so there is doubt he was even there UNLESS if he's buried in a shallow grave cause ya know that's so much easier to miss then little tiny camo boots. That isn't wanting answers that's WANTING THE PARENTS TO BURN EITHER WAY.

The fact is none of us know anything. Its all a two way street. Instead of believing SB and what he has said everyone wants to believe there are hidden messages in what he's saying.
And pick it apart till they find a way to find guilt in the parents and that's very sad to watch. Especially when you see the mother crying saying she misses her son. Out of respect for DeOrr maybe just maybe we should have a little respect for his mother till the truth is 100% out there.

My sister in-law is an FBI agent. Not that makes me an expert or more knowledgeable. Nor can I provide links so its kind of pointless to even bring it up. But over the past four years of getting to know her I've learned a few things. And everybody seems to forget that the FBI is on this case. Why? Because if SB had anything on them parents he wouldn't need them. He called them in because he doesn't have a clue. What he has said is probably the truth. And if the FBI hasn't made a move yet then I am pretty sure at this point innocent parents are being wrongfully accused. Its wrong on so many levels. Just because a child is missing doesn't mean people get to stalk, harass, and further the hurt in all who actually loved and new DeOrr.

Now that the FBI hasn't made a move. LE has made no arrest and family hired a PI its turned into maybe it wasn't the parents who signed for the PI....maybe the PI will find the parents guilty and not turn in the info. And sleuthing the PI. What a joke.

I could be wrong no doubt about that. But I'd rather be wrong about parents being involved then be assume guilt only to find out later I was wrong and took part in victimizing innocent parents.

You can twist it and you can turn it anyway you want. But we all know the parents are not fully being investigated for the murder of their child. The whole situation of a missing child is being investigated and at this point the ONLY thing we have heard from LE about the parents has been more or less in their favor. I have a hard time believing any more that some just want to know what really happen to DeOrr as much as they want to watch the parents burn with out any real evidence.
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