ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #2

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~~Unless it was somebody else with Deorr in a black truck??

I remember in the interview re: that, dad saying something like "Here's the problem"...which sounds a bit weird.....
I agree and I know most don't trust statements by LE. The sheriff has made several that Deorr is not on that land, not in that water.
The dad has said the same. [to clarify he said he has been convinced/assured]
But there has been no official report of an abduction either, iirc.
Latest report from sheriff yesterday said no foul play, (which mean kidnapping also).
Mom FB page...she has poster up of baby with different colored hair and urging people to imagine him dressed as a little girl because "kidnappers" could possibly do that as disguise

I used to be leaning towards him not being with us anymore but
after rethinking about the alleged 6PM sighting at the store and rethinking about a lot of different angles, I am leaning towards somebody may actually have him and maybe took him NOT to do any harm to him but maybe thought themselves more of a rescuer of the boy.

If we assume the lady in the store at 6PM really did see someone with the boy , he bought the boy candy. That is a good thing IMO because it means the person may have cared about the boy.

Since the clerk said the boy was dirty, maybe someone saw the boy and thought he wasnt being taken care of well enough and decided to "save" him. I dont think an abductor wanting to do harm to him would risk going in the store and be seen by witnesses. But an ill minded "rescuer" maybe.

If something like that happened, then the only good thing about it is that it means the boy could still be alive and being taken care of.

It could just be wishful thinking on my part because a lot of other options dont end well for the boy.

Its either that OR fell in creek and downstream OR Cougar are my other options.
25 fatal attacks since June of 1890, that is a very low # IMO. Bear attacks are far more frequent than mountain lion attacks, How often do people go hiking or camping and NOT get attacked by a mountain lion? We don't usually hear about mountain lion sightings unless somebody or a pet has been attacked, not to mention mountain lions are frequently aware of your presence even if your unaware of theirs. I still think it's possible DeOrr was attacked by a mountain lion, I don't however believe they are as predatory on humans as many others do. They prefer deer and other small mammals...and really try to avoid people. If DeOrr was attacked by a mountain lion, I think it happened after he wandered away from the campsite; I don't think the Cougar would have come up to camp and snatched him IMOO.

Off topic: I do live in mountain lion country and have been fortunate enough to see a mountain lion in my front yard from inside my house AND catch it on video! We have found half eaten deer carcasses 'buried' around our property (we border BLM) and we continue to hike enjoy the outdoors....just safely ;-)

Informative article,
In addition, don’t hike in wild areas alone; never run past or from a cougar, as this may trigger their instinct to chase; never bend down or crouch down–this will make humans look like four-legged prey to some mountain lions and also makes the neck and back of the head vulnerable; during an encounter with a mountain lion, make yourself look larger by opening your jacket, raising your arms and throwing branches and stones without turning away; and try to remain standing to protect your head and neck, if attacked, but fight back with whatever is at hand.

I hate to rain on anyone's parade but Wikipedia is almost as good as a "news article" from the Enquirer.
I want the local news to interview the clerk to confirm if he/she saw Deorr that day with his father and got the time wrong and she can confirmed it was them.



I hope LE and the clerk have already thought about the receipts if they dont have video.

The candy store receipt should help confirm day and time. Although lots of people probably buy small items so it may be hard to tell from the receipts. If a specific type of candy then maybe it could help.
I hate to rain on anyone's parade but Wikipedia is almost as good as a "news article" from the Enquirer.

I agree we have to take Wiki with a "grain of salt" but for general knowledge about certain things I have actually been quite surprised how good the information is.

I hope LE and the clerk have already thought about the receipts if they dont have video.

The candy store receipt should help confirm day and time. Although lots of people probably buy small items so it may be hard to tell from the receipts. If a specific type of candy then maybe it could help.

I contacted them and told them that as well. <modsnip>
Okay, I have to admit first that I am horrible with maps (can't read them) and I am not familiar with Idaho or the campsite or near locations. I live in the Caribbean so just to let everyone know why I ask. Deorr's father said:

"As his father I believe, and a lot of people agree with me, that he is no longer up the mountain anymore".

What he means by he is no longer up the mountain? Was he ever? How does a toddler climbs a mountain? I'm confused!!

Was this mountain checked? (the one Deorr's father mentions)

IMO I think the dad is referring to where they were camping. Around here that's what people say when they refer to the entire area in the mountain range. (ie. Friday we went up the mountain for a picnic.) When they didn't climb a mountain, they drove up to picnic area. The way the dad says it, I think he's using it the same way, they were planning to spend the weekend "up the mountain".

For geographical reference we are in WY, so "up the mountain" might be a regional thing.
I am unable to link and article from but the reporter states that a wolf was seen chasing a deer while searching using the drone. Probably will cause a PETA uproar but.. Wolves are pack animals. If they had a "kill" the pack would all be eating the same food source. Maybe shoot one of the wolves and see what it has been eating. This may provide a lot of info if indeed it is a positive result for Deorr's remains.
I got a reply from one of the places I emailed with information about the store clerk. Waiting for them to tell me if it is okay for me to post here what they said.
I agree the candy bar story needs to be laid to rest by checking the register receipts. Either the clerk sold a candy bar around 6 p.m., or she didn't. I'm leaning VERY VERY heavily to "she didn't". The odds of a kidnapper taking a toddler into the nearest store about 4 hours after the child was kidnapped, and searchers were looking for him, in order to buy the child a candy bar - and driving a truck identical to the dad's who DID buy him a candy bar at that same store earlier that day, as they say, approach zero. The odds are zero. The odds are zero that there were two men in black trucks that day with that same little boy buying him a candy bar to quiet him down. And the register receipts would tell the tale.
Okay, I got his okay to post here:

Thanks for your message. We have spoken with the store clerk two times in person and she has declined our requests for an interview. She has cooperated with police and she told us they have interviewed her.

We also requested surveillance footage. It is a remote little convenience store and she told us they do not have cameras installed.

We will continue to investigate the story. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

Thanks for writing, and visiting,

News Director
If you guys can please post MORE suggestions I could email them to him. Thanks a lot!!
I agree we have to take Wiki with a "grain of salt" but for general knowledge about certain things I have actually been quite surprised how good the information is.

I've found this also. But, let me add that I take ANYTHING I read with a grain of salt. Just because it's in print does not make it true, unless the source is unimpeachable.
If you guys can please post MORE suggestions I could email them to <modsnip>. Thanks a lot!!

I am curious why the identities of the great grandpa and friend are secret. Why are they taking photos for a possible future criminal investigation while maintaining that no criminal activity occurred? Why did the sheriff advertise the parents' willingness to take polygraphs as proof that they're "solid" but now won't discuss the results of the actual polygraphs? Have they looked at the Idaho Repository for any relevant history? Are there any relationships between any investigators and family members that would represent a conflict of interest?
Okay, I got his okay to post here:

Thanks for your message. We have spoken with the store clerk two times in person and she has declined our requests for an interview. She has cooperated with police and she told us they have interviewed her.

We also requested surveillance footage. It is a remote little convenience store and she told us they do not have cameras installed.

We will continue to investigate the story. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

Thanks for writing, and visiting,

So glad you got a response, SleuthMom. And now we know that there is not security footage from the store. Please ask him about the EMT bag comment from somebody off-camera during the long interview.
Okay, I got his okay to post here:

Thanks for your message. We have spoken with the store clerk two times in person and she has declined our requests for an interview. She has cooperated with police and she told us they have interviewed her.

We also requested surveillance footage. It is a remote little convenience store and she told us they do not have cameras installed.

We will continue to investigate the story. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

Thanks for writing, and visiting,


WOW - someone who DOESN'T want their 15 minutes of fame. Good Job Sleuthmom
I am curious why the identities of the great grandpa and friend are secret. Why are they taking photos for a possible future criminal investigation while maintaining that no criminal activity occurred? Why did the sheriff advertise the parents' willingness to take polygraphs as proof that they're "solid" but now won't discuss the results of the actual polygraphs? Have they looked at the Idaho Repository for any relevant history? Are there any relationships between any investigators and family members that would represent a conflict of interest?

Great suggestions, IDTater!
According to this article there have been 10 deaths by mountain lions in the years in between 1991 and 2003, with 75 attacks. I don't have a clue as to what happened, a wolf attack is pretty unlikely. A wolf will shy away from people. Just because you haven't seen a mountain lion that doesn't indicate that there aren't any. You might not see them but they'll see you.
I've found this also. But, let me add that I take ANYTHING I read with a grain of salt. Just because it's in print does not make it true, unless the source is unimpeachable.

Thats a great point.

Even reputable news outlets just make honest mistakes sometimes.
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