ID - DeOrr Kunz, Jr., 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #31

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I never did care for Klein , but thats just me . He always seemed to be mostly talking about himself and boasting about how good he is .

Now I see Vernal and his lawyer are before a judge trying to reinstate the lawsuit against Klein ..... this video also has the new PI (Mr. Marshburn) interviewed a bit.

Most interesting to me are the 2 comments at the bottom of the page , one from Kunz current lawyer plus one from a former client of Klein. wow.

Vernal Kunz asks judge to reconsider lawsuit against Klein; new P.I. talks about his search | East Idaho News
Interesting stuff. One thing I'll take issue with Browning is his insistence that Klein lied about the polygraphs. In 2016 then sheriff Bowerman clearly stated that both parents failed part of their polygraphs:
"They could not pass the section on 'do you know where DeOrr Kunz is at this time and do you know what happened to him?' They could not pass those two parts of the polygraph," Bowerman said.
Lemhi County sheriff: DeOrr's case 'has to be a homicide'
From your link:
“He’s in no position to say anything like that,” Browning says. “Klein is out there making false statements to the world and they’re absolutely fabrications about failing polygraph tests and about lying repeatedly and changing a story. None of that stuff is true.”
So is the dispute over the wording between failing part of the polygraph and failing all of the polygraph or is Browning calling Bowerman a liar too?

I'm not a big fan of Klein but Browning's statements shouldn't be taken at face value either. MOO.
Since we are up & posting on DeOrr's case - I thought I'd post the timeline that I have from back then.

Timeline for DeOrr Kunz, Jr. disappearance:Updated January 27, 2016

Please NOTE – these times are ”approximate” times – not set in stone! That’s why there is a “~” before each time, except the 911 call).

Monday, July 6, 2015 afternoon – Great-Grandfather Jimenez has fond memories of his great-grandson, who he last saw at a (family) barbeque just four days before the toddler disappeared. From link:

Thursday, July 9, 2015, ~9:30pm: – DeOrr Kunz, Jr., his father (DeOrr Kunz, Sr.), mother (Jessica Mitchell), great-grandfather (Robert Walton), and a GGP’s friend (Isaac Reinwand) travel 120 miles (takes around two and a half hours to drive) from Idaho Falls to Timber Creek Campground in Leadore. (DKJr, DKSr & JM in their black Dodge Cummins truck; GGP & Friend in GGP’s Suburban which pulled a camper). They stop for diesel on the way there (no cameras at gas station). When asked if the family was anywhere else during the trip, Bowerman said they stopped for diesel fuel traveling from Idaho Falls to Leadore, but the gas station doesn’t have surveillance video either. They arrive “late” (~9:30pm?) at the campsite.
Lemhi sheriff opens up about DeOrr Kunz case | East Idaho News
from this link: 3 months, still no sign of missing toddler "Thursday evening just right around dark time they arrived, set up camp,” said Sheriff Bowerman.

*Update from Tricia/Bessie/Bowerman interview of 1/27/16 (link below):
TG: Did the four adults arrive at the same time at the camping ground on Thursday? How many cars were used and what cars? Do you have …do you know the make and model of these cars?
SB: I know one was a Suburban and one was a pickup. The Suburban was pulling a camping trailer that was driven by Grandpa, and Isaac rode with Grandpa. The pickup truck belongs to Vernal—Vernal Deorr, and his wife & child rode with him, and those were the two vehicles at the scene and one camping trailer.

Also, it has been discovered that they (who they are ?) stopped at the Silver Dollar Thursday night. per Klein Investigations.

Friday, July 10, 2015:
– Get up and notice they need some groceries, etc.
~10:30am – 11am – leave for store – per Google maps it’s a 45 minutes drive (one way) on a gravel road – 8 miles away (TV Interview: Went down to the store (Stage Stop) as a family earlier in the day (DK)) (Per WS member fishing_idaho: I live in the area and worked up that drainage many times. You’re absolutely correct about the time it takes to drive on that road. It is very rough but if you have a truck that you don’t mind abusing a little (and good tires) you can make it up there in 20 to 25 minutes or possibly even quicker if you really pushed it. It's a bad road, but for anyone who has experience driving rocky dirt roads, it's not that bad. If you're good at avoiding the rock clusters you can maintain a pretty good pace driving up there and not even abuse your truck that much. The website estimates for travel time are way off. At ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #4 posts #747 & 741) Per link at July 9 above: Sheriff Bowerman: “we have a receipt that shows they purchased certain items,”

Update August 11, 2015: IDAHO FALLS – The family of missing Idaho Falls toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr. is working with a private investigator to help find their son. Frank Vilt, a retired U.S. Marshal with years of law enforcement experience, said he’s been conducting his own investigation into DeOrr’s disappearance and he believes the two-year-old was kidnapped. “When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived, they picked a few groceries up and bought some French fries for DeOrr Jr.,” Vilt said. “There was a man who was staring at DeOrr and this made Jessica feel kind of eerie. I’m looking into it.” Vilt says he has interviewed people registered on the sex offender list who live in Lemhi County and, according to him, all of them were cleared. (source: Kunz family investigator: Everything Points to an Abduction | East Idaho News) *Update – NO creep in a Jeep!*

~11:20 - ~11:40pm – arrive at store – depending upon the “rough” road to get there.

~12:38pm – leave store – back to campgrounds; (per JM’s mother, JM texts her at 12:38pm as they are leaving the store.)

~1:00pm - ~1:10pm – arrive at campgrounds / start setting up tents, etc. (TV Interview: Haven't left the campsite since 1 pm (DK) also see Nancy Grace interview above.) and per Tricia/Bessie/Bowerman interview of 1/27/16 – IR confirms seeing DeOrr alive and well at least at approx. 1:10pm – 1:30ishpm. Link: ID - Deorr Kunz Jr, 2 yr old -- Media and Maps **NO DISCUSSION" See discussion at 23:00

1:30pm - ~2:00pm – time for DeOrr’s nap – placed with G-GP by the campfire; parents go exploring (TV Interview: Went off to explore - close to 2 pm (DK)) And per July 9th link above: Sheriff Bowerman: “DeOrr’s parents said they left the child with Walton while they went exploring. “Isaac (Walton’s friend) was in the same general proximity. He’s downstream, they’re upstream and they’re all within probably 100 to 150 feet of each other.” and from Tricia’s True Crime Radio interview with Sheriff Bowerman (October 15, 2015 – Transcript link: ID - Deorr Kunz Jr, 2 yr old -- Media and Maps **NO DISCUSSION"
at 4:39: TG: So, from about 1 pm, and this is…I’m not going to get very specific here because I know you can’t go into detail, but from 1 pm till about to when the phone call was made about 45 minutes later, um what you have to go on is what the parents, the great grandfather and the grandfather’s friend has… have said, right? 04:59 SB: That’s correct! The family came back to the campground. Uh the friend said he was catching some fish and, and the parents said, “Well can you show us the fish?” They start down to the creek which is about 50 feet below the campground, and it’s not very well observed from the campground, in fact you actually can’t see the creek. You can hear it.
05:19 TG: Mmm hmm.
05:19 SB: And they turned and looked at their son and asked him if he wanted to stay with Grandpa or go with them, and he said, “Grandpa,” and started walking towards uh Grandpa. So, mom and dad go down over the creek with…with the friend. They start doing some fishing. Grandpa says he’s watching the child. He’s looking at him momentarily. He looks away, when he looks back the child is gone, and he assumes that the child has gone back down to mom and dad, because it’s just over…just over the hillside, just a little ways.
05: TG: Right! And boy that’s…you…you and I both know, Sheriff Bowerman, that’s all it takes is one second to look away and
05:57 SB: Exactly! Exactly!

~2:10pm – parents back – DeOrr missing… (Source: ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #1 post# 637) (TV Interview: Went 50 yards and 10 minutes from time last seen until realized missing (DK) and gone for about 10 minutes (JM))

~2:10pm to 2:27pm – search for DeOrr. (TV Interview: searched about 20 minutes before calling 911 (DK))

2:22pm – per Klein Investigations & Consulting – 911 call (Klein says this is Vernal’s call)

2:26pm – per Klein Investigations & Consulting – 911 call (Klein says this is Jessica’s call)

2:28 pm {Time-Stamped} - DeOrr’s mother, Jessica Mitchell, calls 911 and reports her son missing. Father goes ½ mile down road to get cell service, and calls 911, but mother has already reported in missing. (source: ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #1 post# 624 and see post# 1144 of “who” was camping) (TV Interview: 2:28 911 call - said he's been missing about an hour (JM) and hauled down the road to get better cell reception (DK)) (Klein says this is GGP call, but this is the only one that has been released with this time stamp as Jessica’s call).

~4:00pm – (approx. time: takes 1 ½ hours for Sheriff to arrive)
(3:45am, Sat. July 11th from interview with JM & DK say they stayed with SAR teams) - Search crews arrive and begin to look for the toddler. Lemhi County immediately initiated a search. Responders included the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office, Salmon Police Department, Salmon Search and Rescue, and Leadore EMTs. After a comprehensive search of the immediate area surrounding the campground, other resources were dispatched including divers from the Salmon Search and Rescue and Lemhi CSO, search dogs from Search and Rescue and Salmon PD, horseback resources from the Salmon and Leadore area and others. Other resources on scene include a helicopter, searchers on horseback, ATVs and many people on foot. *Update per Tricia/Bessie/Bowerman interview of 1/27/16 (see below for link): Bessie: Okay, Hi, Sheriff Bowerman, and thanks so much for coming back to talk with us. One of the questions – the timeline – you know, I’m sure you realize is important. Everybody is really curious, and you mentioned that 3-hour window. When would that have started and ended? Would that be from time they supposedly returned from the store to when they first responders showed up or…? Can you clarify that please?
SB: Sure. You know basically we’ve tried to narrow the timeline down from the time they actually realized he was missing or when they claim that he was missing and they didn’t find him, and from that time period of when they searched and then when they called 911. We’ve been trying to narrow that timeline down.
Bessie: Okay. So you think, you think perhaps then from the time that they say they saw or realized Deorr was missing and they searched and they actually called 911 that there’s been a 3-hour period in there?
SB: No, not exactly, but from the time that they’re saying he disappeared and until my office and Search & Rescue showed up, we have a 3-hour window, so there’s a lot of time in between to have something happen and when he possibly disappeared.
Bessie: I see. So…so, yeah! So theoretically something could have happened after they made the 911 call.

Saturday, July 11:
Searchers look on horseback, ATVs, foot, and in water for DeOrr. They focus on a two and a half mile radius around the campground. One area of concern is a creek about 40 meters away from the campsite. The area is searched numerous times.

Sunday. July 12:
The Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office reports nearly 200 volunteers show up to look for DeOrr. His grandmother (JM’s mother) tells EastIdahoNews it appears the two-year-old “just vanished.” Volunteer search efforts are suspended but deputies say trained professionals will continue to look for the boy.

Monday, July 13:
TV interview, Deorr’s parents explain what happened the previous Friday afternoon. They say they no longer believe he’s lost but think someone may have abducted their son and make a plea for his safe return.

That evening around 200 people gather in Idaho Falls for a candlelight vigil.

Sheriff Lynn Bowerman told the Lemhi County Commissioners Monday, July 13, that based on the intense and extensive search conducted near Leadore for two year old Deorr Kunz Jr., it doesn’t make sense that the boy was not found. Bowerman said the trained search dogs found nothing and kept coming back to the camp. Helicopters were used day and night to fly the area and fly over Stone Reservoir which is shallow enough to see to the bottom. He said divers explored the lake while approximately 150 volunteers on foot and on horseback conducted a thorough three mile grid-search of Timber Creek. The possibility of abduction by bear, wolf or mountain lion is not being ruled out although no trace of the boy or his apparel, which included oversized cowboy boots, was found.

Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 & 15:
Search efforts continue near the campground. Dive crews focus on the Stone Reservoir located about a quarter of a mile from where the family was camping. Deorr’s parents remain camped near the site as deputies search the creek once again and determine DeOrr is not there.

Thursday, July 16:
A representative from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children arrives in Leadore. Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn D. Bowerman posts an update on Facebook clarifying remarks on the search. National media are now covering the story. We have new information just released today from the Lemhi County Sheriff's Office. They say scent-tracking dogs led searchers to the banks of Stone Reservoir. This is the second time divers have searched the reservoir, which is shallow, small and clear.

Friday, July 17:
The Bonneville County Sheriff’s dive team is called in to help search the reservoir. Divers use a sonar robot to assist in foggy waters. Crews on horseback return to the hills near the campground.

Saturday, July 18:
It’s Deorr’s father’s birthday. He spends the day camped yards away from where his son disappeared. Sheriff searches continue.

Sunday, July 19:
It’s been 10 days since DeOrr was last seen and the campground has been searched a dozen times; still search the Stone Reservoir and the creek. No evidence has been found to “where” DeOrr may be.

Quotes from Monday, July 20th -
What happened during the 20 to 45 minutes the child was alone is a mystery to authorities, said Bowerman, who noted "all possibilities" are being investigated.

"I don't look at them as suspects at this point in time," the sheriff noted.

Bowerman, however, said he's not convinced of an abduction, noting that no other campers were seen or heard in the area at the time of the disappearance.

"We don't have any evidence that somebody kidnapped this child," he said.

"We've literally torn that country apart and found absolutely not one clue." - Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman, Lemhi County sheriff's officials said via their Facebook page, "After 10 days of searching, diving, and scouring the hillsides, the Sheriff's Office has decided to redirect the investigation."

Quotes from Tuesday, July 21st -
Sheriff Bowerman also confirmed that drones are being brought to the Timber Creek/Stone Reservoir area but doesn't believe they will be used in the search. Instead the drones will be used to document the area for evidence if a trial in connection to DeOrr's disappearance is ever convened.

The sheriff also stated that at this time he does not consider the parents to be suspects in the child's disappearance. He confirmed they did take a polygraph test but didn't know when or if the results of the test would be released to the public.

*Update: per Tricia/Bessie/Bowerman Interview 1/27/16: 19:41
TG: Exactly! One of our members said, “I noticed in your first comment this week, regarding the parents, you originally said they had been deceptive and then you changed that to less than truthful. Can you explain the reason for that change in wording?” Now, there could be absolutely no reason but that’s our Websleuths members, they get right down to the nitty gritty and really want the littlest details.
SB: Absolutely. I didn’t want them to think their whole polygraph was deceptive. It wasn’t. They passed portions of it, but the portions on whether they knew where Deorr was or knew what happened to him, they were not being…they were being less than truthful . So that’s why I changed it. I didn’t want them to think…normally you think when someone is deceptive everything they told you is a lie but that’s not the case. Link: ID - Deorr Kunz Jr, 2 yr old -- Media and Maps **NO DISCUSSION"

More Quotes from Tuesday, July 21st
Despite intense efforts by searchers with tracking dogs on the ground and divers in the water, investigators have found no trace of the toddler, who disappeared during a family camping trip on July 10.

After more than a week of searching Stone Reservoir, Penner said he feels confident that they will not find the boy there, but says they still plan to keep checking it daily.

Detectives have re-interviewed everyone who was in the Stone Reservoir and Timber Creek areas the day DeOrr went missing. In addition to Twin Falls County, the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office has also been asked to help with the investigation.

Friday. July 24th -
Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman says the department has not ruled out foul play.

Sunday, July 26th - Twin Falls County deputies are headed to Lemhi County to help in the search for a missing toddler. Deputies are helping to look for 2 year old toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr., who went missing while camping with family near Salmon, Idaho. Twin Falls County Sheriff Tom Carter sent Chief Deputy Don Newman, Lt. Daron Brown, Sgt. Dave Benefiel, and Deputy Jake Benson. They left last Wednesday, and took with them two drones, a Razor, and two 4-wheelers to use in the search. (source: Twin Falls Sheriff's Office)

Monday, July 27th - The Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office is assisting with our high tech drone technology as there is difficult terrain in this area that is virtually impossible to access by foot. The Lemhi County Sheriffs Office requested our assistance with their search efforts. We value the opportunity to serve the community where we live, and hope that we are able to provide the assistance that will help bring this search to an end. We like so many others pray for a positive outcome. We will keep you up to date. To answer a previous question, yes our guys left last Wednesday. We will let you all know how things turn out with regard to our involvement in this search. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! (source: Twin Falls Sheriff's Office)

Friday, July 31st - Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman says he's convinced an Idaho toddler missing for three weeks was not abducted. . . Bowerman said he's unable to rule out the possibility. The sheriff also said on Friday that the FBI is sending a team of investigators to assist the Lemhi County Sheriff's office who will be checking the sheriff's office interviews and may re-interview some people to make sure deputies didn't miss anything. (Source: DeOrr’s parents confirm they have been in contact with the FBI and, according to Kunz, investigators have searched their house and vehicles. But no date listed for this search (Source: DeOrr Kunz parents release statement: "We pray our lil' man will be found" | East Idaho News)

Sunday, August 2nd - SALMON, Idaho -- The FBI is now involved in the search for a missing eastern Idaho toddler, according to the boy's grandfather. . . DeOrr Kunz, who shares a name with his missing grandson, tells KTVB that FBI agents have been in contact with family members and are now helping investigators search for the two-year-old. . . Sunday, family and friends were back searching near the campsite where the toddler went missing on July 10. (source:

Monday, August 10 – One month mark of the search DeOrr Kunz Jr.: LEADORE, Idaho – Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office has been assisted by the FBI over the past month to find 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz, Jr. Dogs, divers, searchers on foot, drones and a heat-seeking helicopter are just a few of the resources being used in this search… These have been efforts to bring in another volunteer search, but locals in Leadore believe search time needs to be spent somewhere else. As of right now the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office will continue with search plans assisted by the FBI. (source: One-month mark of the search for Deorr Kunz Jr.)

Tuesday, August 11 – IDAHO FALLS – A national phone hotline has been set up to receive tips in connection to the disappearance of Idaho Falls toddler DeOrr Kunz, Jr…. Frank Vilt, a former U.S. Marshal and private investigator working with the family tells that the public cal call 1-888-852-6505 and submit tips regarding the case. (source: National hotline set up for tips on DeOrr Kunz disappearance | East Idaho News)

Tuesday, August 11 - Sheriff: Evidence for missing toddler DeOrr Kunz turned over to FBI
By KBOI Web Staff Published: Aug 11, 2015

"Bowerman said Tuesday that everything has been turned over to the FBI, which includes interviews, recordings and physical evidence. The FBI told the Lemhi County Sheriff's Office that it could be at least six weeks before it receives any information back from federal investigators." The sheriff also said on Tuesday that deputies are still searching for the missing boy, although they're not up at the Leadore site 24 hours a day. Deputies have received numerous reports of people finding human bones, but they turn up to be false reports (or in most cases, animal bones). The sheriff also said on Tuesday that deputies are still searching for the missing boy, although they're not up at the Leadore site 24 hours a day. Deputies have received numerous reports of people finding human bones, but they turn up to be false reports (or in most cases, animal bones). (source:

Wednesday, August 12 - Kevin Miller interviewing Nate (reporter) - Aug 12

- Confirms they did take polygraph tests, but LE not giving results
- FBI searched their homes & vehicles & have their vehicles & homes returned to normal circumstances at this time (according to family)
- LE detectives talk to them everyday bringing them any updates or new conditions (according to family)
- No criminal records on the parents that they could find.
- Grandfather is elderly, on oxygen and has a few health issues, never been a suspect or anyone they are focusing on.
- Friend does have a few things in his criminal past, but police say he is co-operating as well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 – Sheriff Bowerman clarifies information: Lemhi sheriff opens up about DeOrr Kunz case | East Idaho News Same link as above on July 9th

August 18, 2015
from interview:

Nate Eaton:
“And, um, at this point were their vehicles searched, the tents, I guess everything out there was probably searched?”
Sheriff Bowerman:
“We did a…I think a very thorough investigation. We uh took two initial track dogs in. Uh, one of them being mine and one being Salmon Police Department. They’re trained to search for people who are lost. Um, they were given a scent. They went from the campground up to the reservoir and then back to the campground and we…we searched everywhere a small child could easily hide or climb into or fall into.” see rest in YouTube interview

September 14, 2015 – PI Frank Vilt does re-enactment of missing DeOrr. Link: Kunz family re-enacts toddler's disappearance

September 15, 2015 – Possible “new lead,” aka jeep creep, in Swan Valley and now by the Leadore store by DK Sr. From link: PI Frank Vilt said there have been several tips about a suspicious man nearby in Leador and further away in Swan Valley, east of Idaho Falls. The man is described as being in his 50s and having whitish, gray hair with curls at the bottom. He was driving a new-looking black Jeep Rubicon.” More at link: (New leads in missing DeOrr Kunz case)

September 18, 2015 – PI Says Missing Toddler Abducted: ) From link: Private investigator Frank Vilt says he believes that missing toddler DeOrr Kunz, Jr. was abducted. Vilt told KID Newsradio Friday that he came to that conclusion because exhaustive searches, including with cadaver dogs, in the Leadore area found nothing. “It just didn’t make sense that all the searches that took place couldn’t find any parts of a human remains, clothing, nothing. They checked wolf dens, bear dens, eagle’s nests. They checked all that and nothing came up.”

October 6, 2015 – Boise – Saturday will mark the 3-month anniversary of DeOrr Kunz Jr.’s disappearance. DeOrr’s parents reported 2-year-old missing on July 10th while camping Lemhi County. Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman says his office, along with other agencies in eastern Idaho, went back to the remote campground just this past weekend for another search.” However, Sheriff Bowerman went on to say he not ruling out the possibility by abduction by person or animal.” From link:

October 9, 2015 – Leadore - Now, the agencies are going back to square one. Everyone is being re-interviewed, including the mother, father, the grandfather and a friend. From link: 3 months, still no sign of missing toddler

October 15, 2015 – IDAHO FALLS – Nearly a dozen billboards and digital readers featuring DeOrr Kunz Jr. are going up across Idaho as the search for the missing toddler continues. Family and friends gathered Wednesday, Oct. 14 near Texas Roadhouse on 25th East in Idaho Falls as a large digital reader was placed near the restaurant. It reads: “DeOrr Kunz Jr. is still missing. Any info. 1-800-THE-LOST.” […] The Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate DeOrr’s disappearance. Sheriff Lynn Bowerman said there are no new updates to report. From link: Billboards featuring DeOrr Kunz going up across Idaho | East Idaho News

October 15, 2015 – Tricia interviews Sheriff Bowerman on True Crime Radio. Transcript link: ID - Deorr Kunz Jr, 2 yr old -- Media and Maps **NO DISCUSSION"

October 17, 2015 – Salmon - “The FBI informed us that they could not analyze some evidence that we gave them,” Bowerman wrote in an email to Friday. “I’m not sure what that’s about, and they still haven’t provided me any behavioral analysis.” Meanwhile, a private investigator working with DeOrr’s parents, Jessica Mitchell and DeOrr Kunz Sr., tells he has severed ties with the family over “disagreements.” Next week, Bowerman says, he will be traveling to Idaho Falls to meet with Bonneville County detectives to determine the next steps to take in the case. Link: Sheriff: FBI unable to analyze some evidence in DeOrr Kunz case | East Idaho News

October 23, 2015 – Region – “Group pulling together in last search for missing child before winter.” “Family and friends of missing 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz, Jr. are planning a final search this weekend for the child before winter. […] This search will take place this Friday to Sunday night.” Link: Group pulling together in last search for missing child before winter

October 27, 2015 – “Searchers report that nothing was found during the weekend search for missing 2- year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr […] Voss said the family brought pumpkins to the campground that they decorated for Kunz and left them at the rock where he was last seen.” From link: Nothing found in most recent search for missing I.F. 2-year-old

January 25, 2016 – “Sheriff names parents suspects in disappearance of Idaho toddler” by Crimesider Staff CBS News January 25, 2016, 4:26pm. “They are the top persons of interest,” Bowerman told CBS affiliate KBOI. “Does that mean they’re suspects? Yeah, I think so.” […] “They know something, I just don’t know what they know,” he told the station. “It causes me alarm. I believe they know where he is absolutely.” Link: Sheriff names parents suspects in disappearance of Idaho toddler

Also: from “We’ve interviewed them mutiple times, and every time there are changes to parts of their story,” Bowerman said. “The little things all change every time we speak with them.” [...] "We re-interviewed them, but they weren’t willing to tell us the truth,” Bowerman said.
The last interview with the parents was conducted this past weekend. Out of the four suspects interviewed, Bowerman said Reinwand’s story has been the most consistent. However, all four are still considered persons of interest in the case, the sheriff said. "They were at the scene, so we won’t rule them out,” Bowerman said. “But in terms of persons of interest, I think mom and dad are higher on the list.” Link: Sheriff: Parents named as suspects in DeOrr Kunz Jr. case

February 15 update
IDAHO FALLS — Officials say they are continuing to investigate the case of missing toddler DeOrr Kunz, Jr. even though there has not been any new information publicly released recently. […] Lemhi County Sheriff Chief Deputy Steve Penner tells investigators have nothing new to say, but Penner says he will keep the public informed with significant developments. […] Philip Klein, a private investigator working on the case, says his team is “putting the final touches” on their investigation, but has nothing to report right now.

February 23, 2016 Sheriff discusses DeOrr Kunz Jr. disappearance and case of baby overdosing on meth From article: SALMON - Last month, Bowerman announced that the little boy’s parents, Jessica Mitchell and DeOrr Kunz Sr., were suspects in the case. Bowerman said the couple has continually changed their stories, and they’ve failed polygraphs examinations. “We know that the parents aren’t telling the truth, and they know that we know that they’re lying,” Bowerman said. “I know that they know where the little boy is and what happened to him.” While he hopes the case is solved on his watch, Bowerman said he believes it will be some time before an arrest is made in the case. “We really can’t say if anyone other than the parents know what happened to DeOrr,” Bowerman said.

March 1, 2016 Kunz investigator: Jessica Mitchell knows where DeOrr's body is | East Idaho News From article: Philip Klein, a private investigator hired by the extended family of missing toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr., announced Monday that he believes the child was intentionally or accidentally killed while on a camping trip with his parents. He also said (Vernal) DeOrr Kunz, DeOrr’s father, Jessica Mitchell, DeOrr’s mother, and Robert Walton, DeOrr’s grandfather, know more than they are saying about the child’s disappearance. Klein spoke with reporter Nate Eaton on Tuesday and revealed new information about his civil investigation. Below is a transcript of the conversation. […] I want to announce for the first time we, law enforcement and the FBI have interviewed Vernal Kunz (DeOrr Sr.), the father of DeOrr, nine times. He’s been given nine interviews and none of the stories he has told has matched or even been verified. That is very disturbing for us as investigators. He’s given us a story, and when we go out and try to prove up simple things on the timeline it falls apart quickly. […] Eyewitnesses that they have listed – from guys that distribute the beer to the clerk at the store to the person that pumped the gas to the basic timeline information – Vernal and Jessica tell us one story but then the witnesses say no, that never happened. Here’s what did happen. […]He can’t even pass a non-control question like, “Are you gonna tell us the truth today?” He flunks it and not only does he flunk it, he doesn’t just spike in his polygraph test, it’s like a wave. That disturbs us tremendously. Then we move to Jessica. Law enforcement gives Jessica four different tests. Jessica failed not only to the 99th percentile but she can’t pass simple control questions. […] I’m also going to announce to you today that Jessica herself has told investigators on our team she knows where the body is but she will not go all the way and finish her story. […] Also today we are willing to announce that in our interviews with the grandfather, he did admit to investigators that he believes there was an accident. He will not go all the way and tell the complete truth at this time.

March 3, 2016 link: Kunz family fires private investigator BOISE – […] The Klein Investiagations team was hired by DeOrr’s grandfather, Dennis Kunz. Phillip Klein, the senior civil investigator for Klein Investigations, told KTVB he believes the boy is dea and his mother knows where his body is located. It’s an accusation, among others, that got Klein fired by the family this morning. see link for letter from Dennis DeOrr Kunz firing Mr. Klein.

March 8, 2016 Lemhi sheriff's office talks social media conversation in DeOrr Kunz case | East Idaho News
SALMON — The Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office issued a statement Tuesday about the “volatile social media conversation” surrounding the DeOrr Kunz Jr. missing person’s case. Chief Deputy Steve Penner also wrote about the need for people to stay away from the campground where the toddler went missing.
“At the present time this case is still being investigated by this office. … (and) we are planning a professional search, which will be conducted as soon as weather and winter conditions in the area allow,” Penner said in the news release. “It is imperative that the area remain in a pristine condition.” Read more here:

March 12, 2016 Parents interview with Chelsea Brentzel:

March 13, 2016 IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO – Idaho parents deny involvement in Son’s disappearance IDAHO FALLS, Idaho The parents of an Idaho boy who went missing during a family camping trip have denied any involvement in their son's disappearance. Jessica Mitchell and Vernal Kunz told KIFI-TV they last saw their 2-year-old son, DeOrr Kunz, on July 10. The parents spoke publicly for the first time since Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman named them as suspects in January. Bowerman believes the couple knows more about what happened to the boy. No arrests have been made in the case.

Above timeline from: Deorr Kunz disappearance: A timeline of events | East Idaho News

For 911 call and parents interview see:

1/27/16 Tricia/Bessie/Bowerman interview on True Crime Radio:**NO-DISCUSSION-quot&p=12319129#post12319129
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Does anyone know if the Deorr Kunz Jr’s Voices Facebook page is allowed here? In TOS rules it says posts by owner or admin of public group support pages are allowed. I want to be sure though. TIA
I need to take a look. Please assume it is not allowed until we have a chance to look into this page. Thanks
After giving it some thought, I'm thinking that perhaps Mr. Marshburn isn't used to being in the media, in the public eye, so may just be misspeaking to some degree. At least he was out looking, trying, and doing something to find this baby. I'm sure he was voicing his honest opinion, which could be fact, or not.
For myself at this point, I've decided I'm going to back off and give him a break,... considering the work he's done, he probably deserves at least that much. JMO
Oh don’t let DM fool you, he is a master conversationalist and that includes the media. He’s front & center and very media savvy. (MOO based on previous cases)
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