Found Deceased ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #74

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS* NO DISCUSSION #2

ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 - TIMELINE ONLY *NO DISCUSSION*

Thread #1 Thread #2 Thread #3 Thread #4 Thread #5 Thread #6 Thread #7 Thread #8 Thread #9
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There seems to be some confusion and concerns being expressed about Timeline posts not being linked in the Opening Posts.

Mods, Admins, Coordinators ... we've all had discussion about this over the last year and we just don't know why or when members started requesting WS staff to make all these additions and changes to the Opening Posts of new threads. We are a very limited staff and this is something members have historically done on their own that doesn't create any extra work for WS staff.

It is a very simple system that was set up years ago and has worked well in the past. We don't need to duplicate effort or reinvent the wheel here.

In each forum, i.e. "Located Persons Discussion", members will see at the top of the page, a sub forum called for example "Located Timeline and Media Links"

As you can see, any member can start an appropriately titled new timeline thread within such a forum and make or copy their Timeline posts and all subsequent revisions or updates into that thread. It can be titled something like Vallow & Daybell Media, Maps & Timeline (or just Vallow & Daybell Timeline thread if they want to keep it separate and apart from Media and Maps). If the thread gets titled Media, Maps and Timelines, all members have to do is use the search feature within that thread for the word Timeline. That's what these features are for.

When a member has created the Timeline thread, WS staff link it ONCE in the Opening Post and it never has to be changed again, regardless of whether it's 1 or 100 new discussion threads for any given case.

If there is any question about the above, please contact any Mod or Admin and we'll be glad to clarify.

If nobody else is going to do it for this case, when one of us gets time (not sure when that will be), we will set up the timeline thread for you in this case and copy all of Gardener1850's timeline posts into it. We will update the link in the Opening Post and it will never have to change after that.

Truly hope this clarifies.
Hey everyone,

Mommacass has now been verified as a family member. We'll leave it to mommacass if they wish to share how they factor into the family relationships in this case.

As a verified member, mommacass does not have to provide links to the information they provide. You may ask mommacass questions but it is up to them whether they answer or not.

Please be respectful to them at all times and do not argue with them or badger them for information.
I wonder if we would still end up in the same situation if Lori had no brother willing to do heinous acts in the name of Chad's religion? Would Chad and Lori recruit another man for the job? Also, if they didn't get caught and Alex died, would they replace him?
I think there's a likely layer in the sequence of events that has been overlooked. Just an idea, but to me it not only fits but also explains a lot that is otherwise puzzling. I didn't double-check the details, so some may be slightly off as to time/sequence, but I think the themes of impatient, frustration, lust, and goddess making demands have been in this story at the end, but overlooked in how they manifested.


Lori and Chad meet in the fall of 2018 and want each other. Or so they say. Both see something in the other that thrills them. But there are obstacles in the way to having a real relationship, both spouses and kids, to be removed.

So they plan to be together "some day." Chad? He promises and promises "Tammy is going to die." But Lori gets to work and kills Charles.

Once she has no hubby, Chad has her move close by, so she can be his side piece. But he's still married, still promising, but nothing changes.

So Lori makes sure her kids are killed, because Chad says he doesn't like being around them. Meanwhile, Chad is still married, his family still intact, Lori is still just the other woman and a side romance with a promise of something later. He does nothing. It's been almost a year since they met. But the phone sex is hot, the promises are impressive, the future is coming!

Chad makes more promises that Tammy will die. He has had visions!

But I think at some point, soon after Lori has killed her family while Chad has done nothing to be free of his, Lori says to Chad, "This is BS. I'm leaving town. Let me know when you are single."

In the time after JJ's death, didn't she go to Missouri, and to AZ, and to Hawaii? I think she was mad, impatient, and not letting him have her.

She goes to Missouri for a stay, putting pressure on Chad (and frustrating his lust) because she's not in ID for him to play with. There in Missouri, she tries to "cast" Tammy to death. Of course such nonsense doesn't work. She returns to ID, nothing new, Chad is still making promises.

So she tells Chad again, "I'm not sitting here while you do nothing." She goes to AZ. Then she calls Alex to kill Tammy since Chad has done nothing (utter failure).

She flits into ID, tells Chad, "I'm tired of waiting. I'm not gonna be your other woman. I'm a goddess, you said, and I deserve better. You've done nothing. I think I'll hit the beach in Hawaii in a new bikini. " Off she goes to Hawaii.

They stay in contact with phone sex (err, I mean portals), but she's getting more frustrated with the wait. (Isn't she entitled? Hasn't she done a lot, while he just sits?) But she's obsessed with getting what she wants, so in Hawaii she tries again to cast Tammy to death. All the while she is impatient, snippy, on edge, while Chad keeps promising her it will happen. She calls him all the time, ragging on him to do something, and also teasing him with promises of hot sex that drives him wild.

Finally, Chad takes action. He can't wait to figure out any sort of elaborate plan. So impulsively, one night when he and Tammy are alone, he simply smothers Tammy to death, and then the next morning claims she died in her sleep.
I think that's a good explanation of the sequence of events.

It's pretty classic too, the man making lots of promises to keep his mistress on-side. Meanwhile being unwilling to sacrifice anything to her. But Lori wouldn't put up with it.

But also, they were in a dilemma: they couldn't use the self-defense trick that worked in Arizona, they couldn't make Tammy just disappear with excuses that she was somewhere else.

Alex turned out to be a failure as an assassin - he kept missing even when close to his targets, BB and Tammy (one wonders why-was it ill health, secret doubts about the mission, or just too lazy to practise as much as an assassin needs to?)

To me, Chad was actually smart in what he did to kill Tammy: leave minimal physical evidence and rely on his impeccable reputation as an upstanding member of the community to get past any niggling official suspicions.

It worked. We haven't heard when and why the homicide investigation into Tammy's death officially began, but I think if Chad had laid low and not married Lori, he could have gotten away with it. But again, impatience - his, or Lori's - got the better of them.

I do believe they would have just replacedAlex and carried on. Who knows how long it could have gone on, if the group grew bigger, who knows.

These last few weeks have been so hectic and fraught with this case and the Stauch case but I've managed to follow both. I'm going to need a holiday when they are both over. Jury watch on Stauch so that's made things easier.
I wonder if we would still end up in the same situation if Lori had no brother willing to do heinous acts in the name of Chad's religion? Would Chad and Lori recruit another man for the job? Also, if they didn't get caught and Alex died, would they replace him?
"Also, if they didn't get caught and Alex died, would they replace him?"

I believe that IF Lori and Chad had not been caught, once Chad's money ran out, and the newlyweds [Chad and Lori] had to survive on Lori's kids' SS, Chad's days on earth would have been numbered. According to the divorce records filed, Joe Ryan's income was $13K a month, and Charles's was $22K a month. Yet, both [husbands 3 & 4] died without many assets [other than life insurance policies, ahem, cough, cough].

Living with Chad in a fabulous condo in Hawaii is one thing. Living with Chad in the home he had shared with Tammy is another. If Chad "really loved" Lori he'd carry LOTS of life insurance.

Chad's pickup lines to charm ladies were: "We've been married in a past life", and, "My wife is going to die soon". However, despite telling people Tammy was going to die soon, Chad never had Tammy "up" her life insurance until he met Lori. According to legal documents, when Lori and Joe Ryan divorced, she insisted that Joe carry a generous life insurance policy. Then she and Alex tried to kill Joe (according to Lori's friend April R., and her brother Adam).

Lori was VERY high maintenance. Lori, clearly, had no trouble finding men willing to do her bidding.

Yes. I do believe Lori's hitman, Alex, would have been replaced because I think Lori would have been in need of one, sooner rather than later.

All my own opinion.
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I do believe they would have just replacedAlex and carried on. Who knows how long it could have gone on, if the group grew bigger, who knows.

These last few weeks have been so hectic and fraught with this case and the Stauch case but I've managed to follow both. I'm going to need a holiday when they are both over. Jury watch on Stauch so that's made things easier.
It does really depend on personal perspective, how one sees it potentially unfolding.

Personally, I see the whole conspiracy as deeply deluded from the beginning, and therefore bound to fail. It never had a chance, as long as they were living in ordinary society, where everyone is connected by modern communications and care about other people.

They had initial 'success' in getting away with Charles' murder because their actions and lies were so audacious, and it was hard for those who were suspicious to point to actual evidence or proof.

But as the attacks/deaths/ disappearances accumulated, that alone became all the proof.that was needed to start a full-on police and FBI investigation.

Kay was never going to just forget about JJ and her brother Charles; BB's shooting was exactly what police needed in order to go after Alex; the news articles about Lori's previous husband caught the attention of Tammy's grieving friends and gave them confirmation that something was very wrong about her death.

IMO, it was simple reality that caught up with them. Doesn't matter what people fantasize, reality always wins in the end...

I do believe they would have just replacedAlex and carried on. Who knows how long it could have gone on, if the group grew bigger, who knows.

These last few weeks have been so hectic and fraught with this case and the Stauch case but I've managed to follow both. I'm going to need a holiday when they are both over. Jury watch on Stauch so that's made things easier.
I've also been following both cases. Very exhausted this weekend but I'm totally ready for that verdict tomorrow.
I wonder if we would still end up in the same situation if Lori had no brother willing to do heinous acts in the name of Chad's religion? Would Chad and Lori recruit another man for the job? Also, if they didn't get caught and Alex died, would they replace him?
I believe they used Alex but he fumbled a lot. He wasn’t good as a hit man. However, when it came to Tylee and JJ, Alex was there to assist. He “assisted” Lori in the murder of Tylee and JJ. And he ‘assisted’ Chad with Tammy. He also assisted with digging the kids graves.

However, Alex failed miserably in shooting Tammy and in killing Brandon, thank the Lord! I never have believed he killed Charles alone. Somehow, Lori was in that room, sent the kids outside, and shot Charles, at least the final bullet.

I believe Alex knew he was their patsy on the day he died. If his death was really PE from stress, then we can look at it as divine intervention. Alex and Lori were close. He knew too much. He was never part of their long term plan. His services were no longer required.

Just typing my thoughts makes me sick. Thinking of the precious people who where killed and the attempted murders, it just does something to you. And IF Lori really threatened Audrey, then did she possibly threaten others too? her own family members feared her.
Not at all important but... does anyone know what they were doing with a bunch of those silicone rings? Were they used as hair ties? Or wedding bands for the beach etc (so the real malachite rings didn't sustain any damage)? Or some spiritual tools? Or some kink thing? lol
My husband actually bought us silicone bands from Amazon to wear (instead of our regular wedding bands) at the beach or when we’re exercising. Both packs came with a few different rings of various sizes and colors. Maybe that’s why they had them?
Chad waited until September 8 to increase Tammy's life insurance. That same day/night they murdered Tylee. Lori and Chad were both making steps towards their goal - be together in Hawaii, free of children and spending life insurance proceeds. IMO they carefully planned the timeline. With the children gone, they were unobstructed to plot new murders and carry them out at the first opportunity. Alex was just a tool to Chad and Lori. He had no motive of his own to kill.
It makes me wonder how they were planning to live the Goddess's lavish lifestyle after the money was gone? Oh heck it just came to me.. the apocolypse was nearing so $$$ wouldn't be needed. :rolleyes:.
Yes. I do believe Lori's hitman, Alex, would have been replaced because I think Lori would have been in need of one, sooner rather than later.
Poor Lori, she was surrounded by far too many good and honest men. Adam, Brandon, and Ian were useless to her in her murder mission. Chad of course would have been willing, but was more likely to be the victim. What's a poor Goddess to do?! :(
Monday, May 8th:
*Trial continues (Day 19) (@ 8:30am – 3:30pm MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) – *Lori Norene Vallow aka Lori Norene Daybell (46/now 49) arrested (in Kauai, Hawaii on 2/20/20) & indicted & charged (5/25/21) & re-arraigned (4/19/22) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6: Lori only: Grand theft (related to social security survivor benefits allocated for the care of minors Tylee & JJ). Plead not guilty. DA will seek DP. Was transferred to Ada County jail on 3/22/23. Fremont County
Conspiracy to commit destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence charges dismissed without prejudice on 7/29/21. Fremont County
Resisting or obstructing LE, solicitation of a crime & contempt of court. All charges were dismissed on 1/3/22. Madison County
Trial began on 4/3/23 with jury selection & ended 4/7/23. 12 jurors & 6 alternates (10 men & 8 women).
Trial began on 4/10/23 (thru 6/9/23) @ 8:30am to 3:30pm. Trial will be held in Ada County. (will last about 10 weeks) Trials have been severed.

Arrest & Grand Jury & Competency & Court info from 3/5/20 thru 3/30/23 & Jury Selection Day 1-5 (4/3-4/7/23) & Trial Day 1-17 (4/10-5/4/23) reference post #505 here:

5/5/23 Friday, Trial Day 18: State witness: Former FBI Special Agent Doug Hart & now serves at the Canyon County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy.
For more info see post #602 [pg 31] & 653 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/8/23 @ 8:30am and ends 3:30pm.

*Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 54) – Status hearing on 5/4/23. Trial was set to begin on 4/3/23 was vacated & scheduled in June, 2024. [If memory serves me correctly...]

LINDSEY BLAKE: STATE ATTNY (summary 1, audio Apr10)
Opening statements - "The defendant used money, power, and sex to get what she wanted. It didn't matter what it was."

JAMES ARCHIBALD: DEFENSE ATTNY (summary 1, audio Apr10)
Opening statements - "The evidence will show Lori was a kind and loving mother."

1- KAY WOODCOCK: STATE WITNESS, grandmother of JJ (summary 1, 2, 3, audio Apr10)
CV's life insurance (Feb 2019), JJ's disappearance (Aug 2019), wedding items on CV's Amazon account (Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that KW asked LVD to raise JJ

2- BRANDON BOUDREAUX: STATE WITNESS, ex-husb of LVD’s niece (summary 1, audio Apr10)
LE's initial involvement; attempted shooting from Jeep (Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: questions why MP thought BB was gay, questions BB’s observations of shooting

3 - RAY HERMOSILLO: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, audio Apr11, Apr12)
Jeep surveillance, welfare check & search warrants (Nov 2019), discovery of JJ & TR bodies (Jun 2020)
X-EXAM: questions whose weapons were in garage, establishes that LVD was in HI when TD died (19 Oct 2019)

4 - JARED WILLMORE: STATE WITNESS, Madison Co Sheriff (summary 1, audio Apr12)
CD & LVD prison phone call as bodies were discovered (Jun 2020)

--CD & LVD's AFFAIR (OCT 2018-OCT 2019)--

: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff (summary 1, audio Apr12)
surveillance on CD & LVD (Nov 2019), exhumation of TD's body (Dec 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that LVD was in HI when TD died (19 Oct 2019)

6 - MELANIE GIBB: STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD (summary 1, 2, 3, 4, audio Apr13) OBJ
CD & LVD's initial meeting (Oct 2018), CD & LVD's shared beliefs & affair; CD & LVD's phone call with MG (Dec 2019), MG & DW's visit to LVD's on last day JJ was seen (22 Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs, emphasizes all LVD did for her children

7 - NATHAN DUNCAN: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD (summary 1, 2, audio Apr13, Apr14)
shooting of CV (Jul 2019), CD's call to mortuary (Jul 2019), CD's blessing to AC (Jun 2019), "CV"'s email to CD & CV's emails to TD (Jun 2019), texts from CV to LVD (Jul 2019), texts between CD & LVD about CV's insurance (Jul 2019), AC's "2manykids" text to LVD (Sep 2019)

8 - ZULEMA PASTENES: STATE WITNESS, wife of AC (summary 1, 2, 3, audio Apr14, Apr18)
CD & LVD's initial meeting (Oct 2018), CD & LVD's shared beliefs & affair; "Idiot can't do anything right by himself" on night TD was shot at (Oct 2019), "I think I'm being their fall guy" (Dec 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs

9 - COLBY RYAN: STATE WITNESS, son of LVD (summary 1, 2, audio Apr18)
financial issues; prison phone call between CR & LVD (Jul? 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs, emphasizes all LVD did for her children

---CV's DEATH (JUL 2019)---

: STATE WITNESS, Social Security Administration (summary 1, audio Apr18)
social security payments

11 - CHUCK KUNSAITIS: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 1, 2, audio Apr18, Apr19)
bank statements, prescriptions, flights

12 - MIKE DOUGLASS: STATE WITNESS, FBI (summary 1, 2, audio Apr19)
timelines of financials

13 - SCOTT COWDEN: STATE WITNESS, Chandler FD paramedic (summary 1, audio Apr19) OBJ
AC did not provide CPR to CV after shooting (11 Jul 2019)

14 - AIREL WERTHER: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD homicide (summary 1, audio Apr19) OBJ
following up with LVD after CV's death (11 Jul 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that AC called 911, establishes that JJ & TR were both with LVD day of shooting

15 - SANDRA YNCLAN: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD homicide (summary 1, audio Apr19) OBJ
interviewed LVD & TD after CV's death (11 Jul 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that AC was not arrested after CV’s death

16 - APRIL RAYMOND: STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD (summary 1, audio Apr19)
*exclusionary issue - listened to Jason Lum’s interview with a cousin of LVD
LVD & TR's stay in HI, LVD was "done with JJ" (Feb 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs

17 - NATHAN MOFFATT: STATE WITNESS, Chandler PD (summary 1, audio Apr20) OBJ
CV’s death & inconsistencies in interviews (11 Jul 2019)

---MOVE TO REXBURG (SEP 2019)---

: STATE WITNESS, JJ’s babysitter (summary 1, audio Apr20)
Babysitting JJ (18-19 Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that witness thought she would be babysitting JJ long-term

19 - JOSH WILSON: STATE WITNESS, Kennedy Elementary Principal (summary 1, audio Apr20)
JJ’s school attendance in Rexburg (3-20 Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that witness thought JJ would be attending school there long-term

20 - WYNN HILL: STATE WITNESS, BYU-I Dean (summary 1, audio Apr20)
TR never applied or enrolled at BYU-I

---JJ & TYLEE'S DEATHS (SEP 2019)---

: STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD & husband of MG (summary 1, audio Apr20)
*exclusionary issue - listened to 45m of wife MG’s testimony OBJ
Introduced to LVD by MG in AZ (Aug 2019), visit to LVD’s in Rexburg (20-23 Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs/visions

22 - BRUCE MATTINGLY: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff (summary 1, audio Apr20)
Seized electronic evidence from Daybell home (Jan 2020)

23 - BENJAMIN DEAN: STATE WITNESS, FBI analyst (summary 1, audio Apr20)
TD’s cell phone data, including raccoon text (9 Sep 2019)

24 - DAVE STUBBS: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 1, 2, 3, audio Apr20, audio Apr24)
Travel records, email, Fitbit, prescription, cell phones, insurance records; search for TR’s Jeep & welfare check (Nov 2019); wedding photos (Nov 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about forensic training, reiterates that only AC was at both locations on key dates

25 - NICOLE HEIDEMAN: STATE WITNESS, FBI (summary 1, 2, audio Apr24)
CD & LVD Google searches, temple visit dates (Nov 2018-Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about search results

26 - NICK BALLANCE: STATE WITNESS, FBI (summary 1, 2, 3, audio Apr24, Apr25)
Cell phone data location ‘pings’ (Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about FBI training, mapping cell areas

27 - SUMMER SHIFLET: STATE & DEFENSE WITNESS, LVD’s sister, representing TR (summary 1, audio Apr25)
STATE: LVD told her she knew where kids were and that they were safe (Feb 2020), video visit (Jun 2020)
DEFENSE: LVD’s childhood & family, LVD’s relationship with TR, LVD’s religious beliefs


: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 1, 2, audio Apr25)
Yellowstone trip (8 Sep 2019), storage unit footage (Oct 2019), discovery of bodies (9 Jun 2020)
X-EXAM: asks how they know “C.Quint” at shooting club was AC

29 - STEVE DANIELS: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensics (summary 1, audio Apr25)
Excavation of TR & JJ’s remains (9 Jun 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials

30 - DR GARTH WARREN: STATE WITNESS, forensic pathologist (summary 1, audio Apr26)
JJ’s autopsy: cause of death as asphyxia by plastic bag & duct tape (11 Jun 2020), TR’s autopsy: cause of death as homicide by unspecified means (Jun 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, how they determined cause of death

31 - DR ANGI CHRISTENSEN: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensics anthropologist (summary 1, 2, audio Apr26, Apr27)
Examination of TR’s bones (Aug-Sep 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials

32 - DOUGLAS HALEPASKA: STATE WITNESS, FBI forensics examiner in firearms & tool marks division (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Examination of TR’s bones - signs of stabbing & chopping injuries on pelvis bone (Feb-Oct 2021)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials

33 - DAVID SINCERBEAUX: STATE WITNESS, ID State PD, analytical chemist (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Fire debris analysis - gasoline present with remains
X-EXAM: asks about contents tested

34 - RYLENE NOWLIN: STATE WITNESS, ID State PD, forensics lab (summary 1, audio Apr27)
DNA analysis to determine JJ & Tylee’s parentage

35 - KATHERINE DACE: STATE WITNESS, forensic biologist (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Analysis of blood stains; Tylee’s DNA on shovel & pick ax from CD’s shed (Apr 2021)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, where hair was found (on tape)

36 - TARA MARTINEZ: STATE WITNESS, forensic scientist (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Latent prints on black plastic bag match AC

*11 - CHUCK KUNSAITIS: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 3, audio Apr27)
Satellite imagery of Daybell residence (Aug-Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about smoke or fire on satellite images

---TAMMY'S DEATH (OCT 2019)---

: STATE WITNESS, TD’s sister (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Events leading up to TD’s death, learning of TD’s death from CD (Oct 2019), learning of CD & LVD’s marriage - “There’s no children and they were going to be empty nesters.” (Nov 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about TD’s obituary stating she “died peacefully in her sleep” (per CD); CD’s near-death experiences, books, and work as sexton

38 - COLTER CANNON: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff deputy (summary 1, audio Apr28)
TD’s “paintball incident” (9 Oct 2019)

39 - HELENA KAAIAKAMANU: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff dispatch (summary 1, audio Apr28)
911 calls from TD’s “paintball incident” (9 Oct 2019)

40 - CHRISTINA WEST: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff dispatch (summary 1, audio Apr28)
911 call from TD’s death (19 Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: asks if CD asked for coroner or ambulance (unclear)

41 - ALYSSA GREENHALGH: STATE WITNESS, Rexburg PD (summary 1, audio Apr28)
911 response to TD’s death (19 Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about why CD didn’t call 911 right away; whether TD would have been alive when she fell out of bed (yes); whether CPR was performed (no)

42 - CAMMY WILLMORE: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co EMT (summary 1, audio Apr28)
911 response to TD’s death - TD has been dead for hours, pink foam (19 Oct 2019)

43 - BRENDA DYE: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co EMT, coroner (summary 1, 2, audio Apr28)
911 response to TD’s death (19 Oct 2019); UT medical examiner cause of death: asphyxiation/homicide
X-EXAM: asks about changing death cert.

44 - SPENCER COOK: STATE WITNESS, Sugar Salem School District technology director (summary 1, audio Apr28)
TD’s emails - CV’s address was blocked

45 - KELSEY HARRIS: STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker and clogging instructor and (summary 1, audio Apr28)
TD able to keep up with cardio workouts

46 - SHANNA MILLER: STATE WITNESS, TD’s coworker and workout buddy (summary 1, audio Apr28)
TD able to keep up with cardio workouts; TD did not appear sick on the day prior to her death

47 - KEELEY COLEMAN: STATE WITNESS, DNA analyst (summary 1, audio May1)
LVD’s hair on duct tape from outside of plastic bag wrapped around JJ (May 2022)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, testing procedures

48 - RICKY WRIGHT: STATE WITNESS, FBI special investigator (summary 1, 2, audio May1 pt2)
Yellowstone trip device data & photos, AC’s location at times of murders (Sep 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about determination of pattern, points out that it is AC’s actions not LVD’s

49 - DR ERIK CHRISTENSEN: STATE WITNESS, forensic pathologist (summary 1, audio May1)
Exhumation & autopsy of TD, cause of death asphyxiation, homicide - bruises on arms and chest around time of death (Nov 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, asks if TD could have had seizure (possible, but unlikely)

50 - BRUCE MATTINGLY: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff detective (summary 1, audio May2)
TD medical records, Fitbit - show she was very active & healthy; life insur policies total payout $130k
X-EXAM: reiterates that LVD was in HI when TD died, life insur policy in place for years

51 - ALICE GILBERT: STATE WITNESS, TD’s neighbor and fellow [church] ward member (summary 1, 2, audio May2)
CD & TD’s relationship, TD’s death and funeral, CD & LVD’s quick courtship (Oct-Nov 2019), CD predicting TD’s death (Feb 2019), CD asking to live with them & ask for bond after LVD arrested (Feb 2020)
X-EXAM: questions how she knew Melanie Gibb, what she knew about CD’s books, religious beliefs, Preparing a People

52 - TODD GILBERT: STATE WITNESS, TD’s neighbor and fellow [church] ward member (summary 1, 2, audio May2)
TD’s death and funeral, CD & LVD’s quick courtship (Oct-Nov 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs, Preparing a People, Gibb/Mow/Vallow/Thor podcast (audio)

53 - AUDREY BARATTIERO: STATE WITNESS, friend of LVD (summary 1, audio May3)
LVD’s religious beliefs, removing “negative spirit” from CV (summer 2019), TD’s death and visit to ID for funeral (Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: asks about religious beliefs, Preparing a People
REDIRECT: LVD threatened to kill AB (Oct 2019)

54 - VINCE KAAIAKAMANU: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff detective (summary 1, audio May3)
TD email to son Mark abt paintball incident (13 Oct 2019), AC’s google searches & geolocation (Oct 2019), AC’s guns
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, follow-up on paintball incident, Google searches


55 - IAN PAWLOWSKI: STATE WITNESS, husband of LVD’s niece (summary 1, audio May3)
*exclusionary issue: spoke with Melani, who violated exclusionary issue
Meeting LVD & CD (Nov 2019), contacting Rexburg PD (Dec 2019)
X-EXAM: recordings of convos w LVD & CD, LVD & CD predicting a “spiritual attack” day of AC’s death

56 - TAYLOR BALLARD: STATE WITNESS, Ballard Insurance Group (summary 1, 2, audio May4)
CD’s health insurance policy plans after TD’s death & marriage to LVD (Nov 2019)
X-EXAM: CD income w/o TD = $20k

57 - ANGELA YANCEY: STATE WITNESS, Salem Sugar School District admin (summary 1, audio May4)
Change to TD’s life insurance policy (Sep 2019) & CD filing claim (Oct 2019)
X-EXAM: history of TD’s life insur policy

58 - COLLIN NESBIT: STATE WITNESS, Kauai PD (summary 1, 2, audio May4)
Serving legal documents to LVD in HI - w bodycam (Jan 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about collecting trace evidence

59 - RYAN PILLAR: STATE WITNESS, Gilbert PD (summary 1, audio May4) - OBJ
Brandon B shooting investigation, life insurance policy - gunshot residue in back of Jeep (2 Oct 2019)

60 - DOUG HART: STATE WITNESS, FBI (summary 1, 2, audio May5)
*exclusionary issue: involvement with witnesses during pre-trial prep
Finding graves at CD’s (Jun 2020), LVD’s iCloud data (Oct 2018-Nov 2019)
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