Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #48

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

The thread does not exist to chit chat about your own religious doctrines, discuss temples, tithing, BYU, physical appearance, etc. Forty seven of such off topic posts have just been removed.

Do not ignore Moderator warnings.

Stay on topic or thread reply bans or TOs will be issued.
Please stop discussing the Release Lori social media account. It is NOT an approved source in this discussion and posts have been removed.

Thank you.
JR is not a POI/suspect here. Please stop discussing her.
Hey everyone,

Plunder is not an approved source here, and what is discussed in the nightly youtube chat is not held to the same TOS standard that this WS board discussion is. Please don't bring what is discussed in chat to this thread.

Please move on from discussing various personality disorders.

We do not have any VI psychologist / experts in the thread and Lori has not been diagnosed so it is really off topic in this discussion at this time and, at times, comments made are offensive to some members.
Hey everyone,

Due to a busy workload behind the curtain today, there is a delay in getting to all the Alerts that have come in. In the meantime ...

Rumors are NOT allowed. You can't make a post and say to the effect "I know it's rumor, but ...."

Also, do NOT sleuth anyone on a witness list. If their name is in MSM, you can discuss and speculate on what is said about them or what they have said in MSM, but you cannot sleuth out their personal information and post about it here.

Posts such as above have been Reported ... do not discuss them. Just give me time to get to them. It will happen, just can't guarantee when :)

Thanks for your cooperation.

There seems to be some confusion and concerns being expressed about Timeline posts not being linked in the Opening Posts.

Mods, Admins, Coordinators ... we've all had discussion about this over the last year and we just don't know why or when members started requesting WS staff to make all these additions and changes to the Opening Posts of new threads. We are a very limited staff and this is something members have historically done on their own that doesn't create any extra work for WS staff.

It is a very simple system that was set up years ago and has worked well in the past. We don't need to duplicate effort or reinvent the wheel here.

In each forum, i.e. "Located Persons Discussion", members will see at the top of the page, a sub forum called for example "Located Timeline and Media Links"

As you can see, any member can start an appropriately titled new timeline thread within such a forum and make or copy their Timeline posts and all subsequent revisions or updates into that thread. It can be titled something like Vallow & Daybell Media, Maps & Timeline (or just Vallow & Daybell Timeline thread if they want to keep it separate and apart from Media and Maps). If the thread gets titled Media, Maps and Timelines, all members have to do is use the search feature within that thread for the word Timeline. That's what these features are for.

When a member has created the Timeline thread, WS staff link it ONCE in the Opening Post and it never has to be changed again, regardless of whether it's 1 or 100 new discussion threads for any given case.

If there is any question about the above, please contact any Mod or Admin and we'll be glad to clarify.

If nobody else is going to do it for this case, when one of us gets time (not sure when that will be), we will set up the timeline thread for you in this case and copy all of Gardener1850's timeline posts into it. We will update the link in the Opening Post and it will never have to change after that.

Truly hope this clarifies.
This post lands at random.

TOS requires that links be provided to support what you state.

Members are entitled to ask for a link. If/when they do, please provide the link rather than tell them to google it themselves.
Admin Note:

Many posts have been removed.

A direct link is required to a source, not just telling folks where to look for it. Posts without a direct link get removed and ALL responses to it. It is discourteous to all other members who have to rummage around trying to find the source or to Mods who have to review page after page to find all the responses.

Off topic posts may result in a loss of posting privileges. If all 300 to 500 members online felt it was okay to make off topic posts, we would have to remove hundreds of them in a day. If you post along the lines of “This is OT but ...” we remove your post and ALL responses to it.

We have received some concerns from members regarding information from Annie's social media as it pertains to the possible sexual assault of Colby.

Normally WS would not allow such sensitive information as it relates to a victim of SA. In this case it is being allowed due to the therapist's suggestion / impression that Colby was possibly coached by Lori.
Thread is open again.

Do NOT post watermarked documents.

If a document is watermarked, that means it should not be copied or used without the consent of the owner.

When in doubt about TOS or what is allowed, do not rely on the advice of other members who may not provide the right answer.. Private message a Mod or Admin to check to see if something is allowed.
No absolutely, I was just thinking the same. If ever there was a case where we needed a list of initials it's this one. There are so many it's hard to keep up

If someone would like to put together a list of initials, please send it to us via private message and going forward we can include it in the opening post of the threads.
Please add any I've forgotten.

(there are others like CV's sons who haven't played a part yet, and haven't been in the media)

AlC = Alex Cox (Lori’s brother, died 2019)
AdC = Adam Cox (Lori’s brother)
AnC = Annie Cushing (Joe Ryan’s sister)
AR = April Raymond (Lori’s friend)

BB = Brandon Boudreaux (ex-husband of MBP)
BC = Barry Cox (Lori’s father)
BD = Benjamin Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)

CD = Chad Daybell
CP = Christopher Parrett (owner of AVOW, Another Voice of Warning)
CR = Colby Ryan (Lori’s son)
CV = Charles Vallow (died 2019)

DW = David Warwick (MG’s friend)

EM = Emma Murray (Chad and Tammy Daybell’s daughter, married to Joseph)

GB = Gabe Bonilla (CV's friend/witness/Bishop)
GD = Garth Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)

HD = Heather Daybell (MtD’s wife)
HS = Hector Sosa Jr. (author, creator of internet forum Pathway to Zion; PTZ)

IP = Ian Pawlowski (husband of MBP)

JC = Janis Cox (Lori’s mother)
JD = Jack Daybell (Chad’s father)
JG = Jason Gwilliam (Tammy Daybell’s sister-SG’s husband)
JJ or JV = Joshua Jaxson Vallow
JM = Jason Mow, aka Richard J Mow (ex-police, friend)
JoR or JR = Joseph Ryan aka Joe (Lori’s 3rd husband, died 2018)
JuR = Julie Rowe (Chad’s friend)

KR = Kelsee Ryan (CR’s wife)
KW = Kay Woodcock (JJ’s paternal grandmother)

LM = Leah Murphy (Chad and Tammy Daybell’s daughter, married to Adam)
LVD = Lori Vallow Daybell (nee Cox)
LW = Larry Woodcock (JJ’s grandfather, husband of Kay)

MBP = Melani Boudreaux Pawlowski (Lori’s niece, nee Cope. aka MB pre-marriage to IP)
MkD = Mark Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)
MwD = Matthew Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)
MtD = Matt Daybell (Chad’s brother)
MiD = Michael Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)
MG = Melanie Gibb (Lori’s friend)

NP = Natalie Pawlowski (ex-wife of IP)

PD = Paul Daybell (Chad’s brother)
PhD = Phyllis Douglas nee Cooper (Tammy Daybell’s mother)

RD = Ron(ald) Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s father)

SD = Seth Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)
SG = Samantha Gwilliam (Tammy Daybell’s sister, married to JG)
SLC = Stacey Lynne Cope (Lori’s sister, nee Cox, died 1998, mother of Melani; MBP)
SC = Steve Cope (MBP’s father, formerly married to SLC)
SD = Sheila Daybell (Chad’s mother)
SS = Summer Shiflet (Lori’s sister, nee Cox)

TD = Tammy (Tamara) Daybell nee Douglas (died 2019)
TR = Tylee Ryan

ZC = Zac Cox (AdC’s son)
ZP = Zulema Pastenes (AlC’s wife)
I'm sorry, you lost me @sillbilly. How does what Nate thinks bear on whether MP is a POI? I think maybe what you're trying to say is that she's not a POI unless the police are reported to identify her as such in this case? Do I have that right?

Not sure what isn't clear. The OP referred me to the interview to ask if MP could be sleuthed based on what Nate said. I've listened to it and decided that Nate was not definitive enough to warrant sleuthing MP as a POI. Just because she may have some information of interest to LE does not make her a POI in the deaths of these children. So no, the only thing I'm saying is that she is not sleuthable based on what Nate said in that interview.

There is no legal definition of POI, but just because someone is on the periphery of a crime or has knowledge that may be helpful to solving it does not make them a POI in a context that would lead to classification as a suspect.

As always, members can sleuth away behind the scenes and discuss in private messages, but no sleuthing of MP and posting it on the public thread.

If more information comes to light as to MP's knowledge of the crime or involvement in it, the decision could be revisited at that time.

Tricia is very familiar with WTAF and the documents that are being referred to. She has great respect for WTAF Wicked Truths and is reviewing this matter as she has time.

Please stop the bickering. Any further attacks against WTAF Wicked Truths will result in a minimum 1 month TO from the board.
A little disappointed to see the bond lowered. But understandable that it was.

Did anyone see what looked like LV roll her eyes at the judge at 32 min mark? Could easily have been me mistaking that as her trying not to cry or show other emotions.

All jmo the bond is 150,000.00 which could be made but still the one million for Freemont county. Does anybody think because she still has a lot of money to come up with anyone would help her? Am I correct in thinking it's still 1 million in equity? What happened to the FBI mobile unit?
Well, the FBI has opened up the case to look at it again. We're also finding out that all the money Lori's been running around with was JR's life insurance policy. The papers are allowing us to see Lori's patterns. MOO
Redvines, I do have to say that Annie Cushing posted several days ago that AZ law enforcement has declined to re-open the case against JR. So, there is conflicting info out there. I hope they do, and/or have, because that man also deserves justice.
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