Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #56

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

The thread does not exist to chit chat about your own religious doctrines, discuss temples, tithing, BYU, physical appearance, etc. Forty seven of such off topic posts have just been removed.

Do not ignore Moderator warnings.

Stay on topic or thread reply bans or TOs will be issued.

There seems to be some confusion and concerns being expressed about Timeline posts not being linked in the Opening Posts.

Mods, Admins, Coordinators ... we've all had discussion about this over the last year and we just don't know why or when members started requesting WS staff to make all these additions and changes to the Opening Posts of new threads. We are a very limited staff and this is something members have historically done on their own that doesn't create any extra work for WS staff.

It is a very simple system that was set up years ago and has worked well in the past. We don't need to duplicate effort or reinvent the wheel here.

In each forum, i.e. "Located Persons Discussion", members will see at the top of the page, a sub forum called for example "Located Timeline and Media Links"

As you can see, any member can start an appropriately titled new timeline thread within such a forum and make or copy their Timeline posts and all subsequent revisions or updates into that thread. It can be titled something like Vallow & Daybell Media, Maps & Timeline (or just Vallow & Daybell Timeline thread if they want to keep it separate and apart from Media and Maps). If the thread gets titled Media, Maps and Timelines, all members have to do is use the search feature within that thread for the word Timeline. That's what these features are for.

When a member has created the Timeline thread, WS staff link it ONCE in the Opening Post and it never has to be changed again, regardless of whether it's 1 or 100 new discussion threads for any given case.

If there is any question about the above, please contact any Mod or Admin and we'll be glad to clarify.

If nobody else is going to do it for this case, when one of us gets time (not sure when that will be), we will set up the timeline thread for you in this case and copy all of Gardener1850's timeline posts into it. We will update the link in the Opening Post and it will never have to change after that.

Truly hope this clarifies.
Please add any I've forgotten.

(there are others like CV's sons who haven't played a part yet, and haven't been in the media)

AlC = Alex Cox (Lori’s brother, died 2019)
AdC = Adam Cox (Lori’s brother)
AnC = Annie Cushing (Joe Ryan’s sister)
AR = April Raymond (Lori’s friend)

BB = Brandon Boudreaux (ex-husband of MBP)
BC = Barry Cox (Lori’s father)
BD = Benjamin Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)

CD = Chad Daybell
CP = Christopher Parrett (owner of AVOW, Another Voice of Warning)
CR = Colby Ryan (Lori’s son)
CV = Charles Vallow (died 2019)

DW = David Warwick (MG’s friend)

EM = Emma Murray (Chad and Tammy Daybell’s daughter, married to Joseph)

GB = Gabe Bonilla (CV's friend/witness/Bishop)
GD = Garth Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)

HD = Heather Daybell (MtD’s wife)
HS = Hector Sosa Jr. (author, creator of internet forum Pathway to Zion; PTZ)

IP = Ian Pawlowski (husband of MBP)

JC = Janis Cox (Lori’s mother)
JD = Jack Daybell (Chad’s father)
JG = Jason Gwilliam (Tammy Daybell’s sister-SG’s husband)
JJ or JV = Joshua Jaxson Vallow
JM = Jason Mow, aka Richard J Mow (ex-police, friend)
JoR or JR = Joseph Ryan aka Joe (Lori’s 3rd husband, died 2018)
JuR = Julie Rowe (Chad’s friend)

KR = Kelsee Ryan (CR’s wife)
KW = Kay Woodcock (JJ’s paternal grandmother)

LM = Leah Murphy (Chad and Tammy Daybell’s daughter, married to Adam)
LVD = Lori Vallow Daybell (nee Cox)
LW = Larry Woodcock (JJ’s grandfather, husband of Kay)

MBP = Melani Boudreaux Pawlowski (Lori’s niece, nee Cope. aka MB pre-marriage to IP)
MkD = Mark Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)
MwD = Matthew Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)
MtD = Matt Daybell (Chad’s brother)
MiD = Michael Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s brother)
MG = Melanie Gibb (Lori’s friend)

NP = Natalie Pawlowski (ex-wife of IP)

PD = Paul Daybell (Chad’s brother)
PhD = Phyllis Douglas nee Cooper (Tammy Daybell’s mother)

RD = Ron(ald) Douglas (Tammy Daybell’s father)

SD = Seth Daybell (Chad and Tammy’s son)
SG = Samantha Gwilliam (Tammy Daybell’s sister, married to JG)
SLC = Stacey Lynne Cope (Lori’s sister, nee Cox, died 1998, mother of Melani; MBP)
SC = Steve Cope (MBP’s father, formerly married to SLC)
SD = Sheila Daybell (Chad’s mother)
SS = Summer Shiflet (Lori’s sister, nee Cox)

TD = Tammy (Tamara) Daybell nee Douglas (died 2019)
TR = Tylee Ryan

ZC = Zac Cox (AdC’s son)
ZP = Zulema Pastenes (AlC’s wife)

Doesn't matter whose kids they are, they are not POIs/suspects, and are not on trial here. It is not in line with Websleuths victim friendly policy to criticize them for their silence.

Excerpt from The Rules

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed. Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed. That does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media.

Hey everyone,

Mommacass has now been verified as a family member. We'll leave it to mommacass if they wish to share how they factor into the family relationships in this case.

As a verified member, mommacass does not have to provide links to the information they provide. You may ask mommacass questions but it is up to them whether they answer or not.

Please be respectful to them at all times and do not argue with them or badger them for information.
I've typed up the relevant part of yesterday's proceedings pertaining to discovery and the judge's ruling (accuracy is subject to my hearing - it may contain mistakes) -

Judge Boyce (JB) : Mr Prior I’ll note you don’t have a pending motion to compel. The prosecutor obviously has an ongoing duty to make disclosures for discovery requests in this case, but in terms of you requesting a specific order you’ve got to get a motion filed and a hearing if you want that from the court. I know you have an interest in discovery disclosures like Mr Means but I’m not making any order specific to Mr Daybell today, because there’s no pending motion.

JP: Judge I’m not asking for Mr Daybell, I’m asking it in terms of Mr Means because if Mr Wood provides it to Mr Means he also has to provide it to me. And, and, and, and, and I’m seeking the same information. My hope is that he would have come by way of of, of, of discovery that he was using it under his obligation but at this point we’re not gonna get that stuff unless the court fashions an order in the Vallow portion, so I’m asking on behalf of Mr Means, well I guess not on behalf of Mr Means, Mr Means can speak for himself, but that order needs to be narrowly tailored to direct Mr Wood to do this and Judge we are going to be revisiting this issue in the future, in the short future, regarding more discovery.

JB: Alright. Mr Wood I’ll allow any comment or response to that argument made by Mr Prior, if you’d like.

RW: Well I’d certainly disagree with him that it’s ‘my version of relevance that counts’ or that I said that in a letter. Um I find it odd, we made, what I believe he’s referring to, is a Brady disclosure and said the report will be coming and sent that report, he sent me a letter saying what about audio visual, and I said we’ll look for it and send it, and so this idea that the state’s withholding evidence from Mr Prior or Mr Means I think is ridiculous, it’s repugnant, it’s not grounded in fact. I’ll leave that at that.

JB: Alright thank you Mr Wood. Well I have considered this motion to compel. There’s been briefs filed on both sides, as well as the request for discovery that was filed on December 17th. The state did file an objection. The objection was not filed timely. The court has discretion under Rule 16 as to consider whether or not the objections are waived or whether sanctions should be imposed. In criminal cases often times unfortunately there are delays. I don’t find any grounds at all to consider sanctions, since we do have requests and we’re here at the hearing. Typically sanctions are ordered when you’re saying ‘here, all this time’s passed and there’s still been nothing provided’. There are however some concerns about the objections. I would note those weren’t filed timely and to the extent a discovery request would be beyond the scope of what’s allowed under Rule 16, the court wouldn’t order it whether it was objected to or not, because 16 just provides the parameters for what’s involved in a response to discovery and what needs to be provided. If it’s too broad or if it’s overly burdensome or if it’s not reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable or relevant evidence then the court’s not going to impose that burden on someone to have to provide that, even if they failed to timely object. So, in looking at this motion to compel I will grant the motion in terms of requiring that the state provide a response, to the question as to whether or not the prosecution has discussed the case with those persons identified in the list that starts on line 16 on page 2 of the discovery request. I’m gonna make an exception and not require a response to parts 25, 26 and 27 of the list, as I find those are too broad, and not reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable evidence, or relevant evidence, for purposes of the defense in this case. In terms of the other persons I think those do clearly fall under a response required under rule 16-B-6 which again states that prosecuting attorney must furnish statements made by prosecution witnesses or prospective witnesses to the prosecuting attorney, or the prosecuting attorney’s agents. So, in this response Mr Wood I’m not requiring you to divulge any work product - that would not be your hand-written notes. If there are any written statements you received from any of these people that are identified as witnesses or potential witnesses those would need to be provided, and if you did talk to them and they provided any information in terms of statements regarding relevant facts of the case then I would require you to provide a summary of what those statements were as they relate to the case. So Mr Wood what would be a reasonable time for you to make that disclosure to the defense?

RW: I’d say 14 days your honor.

JB: Alright, I’ll allow that. 14 day timeframe to respond to that and essentially Mr Wood a summary of whether or not you met with those people and whether they told you anything of relevance about the case, or the state’s agents. I think that is discoverable under 16-B. So that’ll be my ruling on the motion to compel. [….] Mr Means I would ask you prepare a [?] for the court to sign in accordance with my ruling today.

MM: Will do your honor.

RW: Your honor if it’s possible we’d like to see the order before it’s signed.

JB: Alright if you’d provide a courtesy copy of that first to Mr Wood. And why don’t you put a signature line on for Mr Wood to approve. If you can’t agree on the terms of the order I’ll be back to look at the record of what I said and either modify the order or just receive it by Mr Means.

MM: I can do that your honor.

RW: Thank you.

This was the discovery request and items 25, 26 and 27 (excluded from the order) were -

25. persons associated with the group entitled "Preparing a People"
26. persons associated with the Avow website
27. Any and all person(s) subject to description above.

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So - what I have next is Daybell's motions hearing on 3/22 for motion to dismiss & motion to change of venue.
For Vallow I have a hearing on 6/2 next - but don't see in my notes "what" this one is for - if someone can help me on that? Actually I have them both on 6/2 @ 10am.

TIA! :)
So - what I have next is Daybell's motions hearing on 3/22 for motion to dismiss & motion to change of venue.
For Vallow I have a hearing on 6/2 next - but don't see in my notes "what" this one is for - if someone can help me on that? Actually I have them both on 6/2 @ 10am.

TIA! :)
2nd June 10am is Pre-trial conference Niner.

Vallow and Order Governing Further Proceedings.pdf
Daybell and Order Governing Further Proceedings.pdf

Thank you Tortoise!
The motion to compel broadcast got me thinking about TD's autopsy reults being complete but not yet released to the public. They are under the control of the Freemont County Sheriff's office but certainly the results would have been given to both the prosecution and defense by now. Could the results have somehow played into the motion to compel? If foul play was found, obviously CD would be the main person of interest but CD's lawyer, JP, didn't file that motion. It makes me wonder if there might be ad tie-in with LV that's making MM jump through those hoops.
sorry I haven't had a chance to catch up Daybell going to represent himself?

"well of course he is ! ', says my Narc o Meter.

If you were involved in the search for Tylee and JJ please contact me at
I specifically need to talk to people who put up posters in other states. We had someone from Hawaii put up posters about Tylee and JJ. If that person could contact me that would be great. Also if you posted about being at the memorial located by Chad's property. before it was taken down by the family please contact me.

Thank you and take care,
Tricia Griffith
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