Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #6

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Doesn't that video make it sound like both Tylee and JJ were seen at his school on the 23rd?

His opening line says that, but it also implies that Tylee got enrolled at Kennedy Elementary. My interpretation.

Lori enrolled JJ on 9/3. He came to school up to and including 9/23 (we assume). On 9/24 Lori "unenrolled" JJ. What that last part involved isn't clear, but I suspect it could be as little as calling and telling them he wouldn't be coming back.
His opening line says that, but it also implies that Tylee got enrolled at Kennedy Elementary. My interpretation.

Lori enrolled JJ on 9/3. He came to school up to and including 9/23 (we assume). On 9/24 Lori "unenrolled" JJ. What that last part involved isn't clear, but I suspect it could be as little as calling and telling them he wouldn't be coming back.
If a parent doesn't want to send records to a new school, or they're waiting for the new school to request the records, it can be done by a parent on the phone.
Detailed Case Timeline Part III (Update 3)

MISSING: Joshua Jaxon “JJ” Vallow & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan

POI’s: Lori Norene (Cox) Vallow & Chad Guy Daybell
3 Jan 2020 – Lori’s oldest son CR speaks out on Good Morning America saying he has “absolutely no idea” where his siblings are. He says he is in the dark like everyone else and just praying that they are safe somewhere. (GMA Video).

3 Jan 2020 – FBI and local LE search the Daybell’s home at 202 North 1900 East, Rexburg, ID. Fremont Co Sheriff Len Humphries says they have “sufficient probable cause to get a search warrant for the home. Officers are searching for forensic evidence such as blood or chemicals, which might shed some light on the Daybell case.” (East Idaho News).

3 Jan 2020 - Officers spend time in the Daybell home and search a shed on the property. At one point, they used metal detectors, probes and rakes to go over several portions of the yard. More than 43 items were collected from the home, including “computers, cell phones, journals, documents and medications," which have been sent to forensic experts for examination. (East Idaho News. Post Register).

3 Jan 2020 - FBI spokeswoman Sandra Yi Barker confirms that the FBI is assisting with the case. “We were contacted by Rexburg Police on Nov. 27,” Barker said. “I won’t get into details but we are offering investigative, forensic and technical assistance in Idaho and Utah. Today, members of our Evidence Response Team are in Rexburg assisting with evidence collection. Our victim specialist has also been made available to the families of Joshua Vallow and Tylee Ryan.”

3 Jan 2020 - LE concluded the search at the Daybell property. Detectives wrapped up at the home and finished serving the search warrant Fri evening. They released the home to Chad Daybell's adult children, who Sheriff Humphries said currently live in the house. The sheriff would not specify what was found in the search, but described it as “evidence” and “primarily about Tammy." “The evidence collected today will be sent off for examination by experts,” said Sheriff Len Humphries of Fremont County, Idaho, adding it could take months to process.
(KMVT News, Fox13 Salt Lake City).

3 Jan 2020 - Sheriff Len Humphries says they believe the death of Tammy is related to the missing children. "Those are the two pieces of this," he said. "And how they're related we're not quite sure, but we do believe they are related." He said Chad and Lori refuse to speak to law enforcement and have left the state. He said a lawyer reached out to them weeks ago, saying he was the point of contact for the couple. "We do think they've left Idaho," Sheriff Humphries said. "But that's about all." (Fox 13 Salt Lake City).

3 Jan 2020 - FOX 10 Phoenix releases disturbing court paperwork from Feb 2019 when CV initially filed for divorce from Lori. Charles eventually dropped the divorce case in March 2019; In the divorce documents it says Lori claimed she was married to the Book of Mormon prophet Moroni and that she had lived multiple past lives on different planets. Lori also believes she was married to James the Just and was Mary French in the 1800’s, the grandmother of Joseph Smith, Jr. She also claims to be “a translated being” that cannot die and that she was sent to lead the 144,000 into the new millennium.

3 Jan 2020 – Fox 10 Phoenix interviews CV’s older son on the phone; he asks his name not to be published and says, "I'm terrified for JJ. I’m terrified for Tylee," "I’m terrified for everyone surrounding them and their safety. I’m terrified for my family’s safety."

4 Jan 2020 – A neighbor of Lori in Rexburg, SB, speaks to Fox13 Salt Lake City. "It's crazy. Just baffling," JJ, often played with SB’s kids. A couple weeks into the school year, he said he learned JJ was moving. "What we were told... he was going to move with his grandmother, go visit," Rexburg Police have since said that didn't happen (Fox13 Salt Lake City, Local News 8).

5 Jan 2020 – CV’s sister, KW & her husband LW flew from LA to ID to meet with Rexburg PD & FBI to discuss disappearance of JJ & Tylee. KW say she loved Lori “as a sister,” but later suspected Lori and Chad were having an affair based on emails exchanged between the two. After Lori met Chad, KW says she started noticing changes in Lori’s behavior. KW says the final in-person conversation she had with Lori was in 2018, in a car on the way to the airport.
KW believes Lori & Chad may have taken JJ and Tylee because they were witnesses to the shooting of CV.
“I don’t have any expectations. I’ve never done this before. I have no idea. I just feel like I need to be in Idaho,”
“I’d love (Chad and Lori) to be arrested. Have her in one room and Chad in the other? Absolutely.”
“Charles told me he had recordings of her. He said, ‘Nobody will believe me,’ and he recorded her one night,”
“Even though it’s deleted, nothing is ever deleted electronically or whatever. However that is … for her to say she’s a translated being and she is reincarnated? That is scary!” -KW (KSTU; East Idaho News)

5 Jan 2020 – Lori’s oldest son, CR, makes a youtube video speaking directly to Lori and asking her to “do the right thing”; "Mom, I want to talk to you like I'm sitting across the room from you," CR said, "You have the power to end this"; CR also asks Lori to let Tylee & JJ Facetime with him so he can see that they are ok. (Fox13 Salt lake City)

5 Jan 2020 –Lori’s former property manager, JP, writes a fb post saying he asked Lori to move out by Aug 31, 2019; JP was disturbed by details surrounding CV’s July 11, 2019 death at the Chandler, AZ rental house managed by JP. JP wrote that on the same day CV died Lori texted him, “we are ok, Ill explain later,” when he texted her wondering why police were at the house. JP also wrote that Lori threw a pool party later that afternoon:
“That day the neighbors reported a pool party at the house, the same day Charles was murdered, with loud music and lots of people swimming. Neighbors also reported Alex was staying at the house for several days following the shooting even though he lived in the same area. I spoke with Lori several times days following the shooting and she never sounded shocked, sad or heartbroken, as you would think a bride would be watching her husband die,” (Post Register).

6 Jan 2020 – Sheriff Len Humphries gives interviews about the case. He reveals Tammy may have been poisoned but says tests won't be completed for at least another two weeks. “We're looking for poison, but we are just having to wait for lab results,” Humphries said, “You could say we are in a sort of holding pattern right now.”
More quotes from Sheriff Humphries:
“From an investigation point of view this is a disaster,”
“There are multiple agencies involved — us, Rexburg police, the FBI, as well as police departments in Arizona.”
“There are people who have died strangely in several places, and two kids that we have absolutely no idea where they are.”
“Add to that, the mother is known to have told family members that her daughter died a year ago, which we know is not true.”
”And then she claimed that the 17-year-old had run off with the 7-year-old and didn't say anything to authorities.”
“What kind of parent doesn't help try to find their own kids when they are missing?”
Humphries also said he believes Chad and Lori have left Idaho but are still in the United States (East Idaho News, Daily Mail).

6 Jan 2020 - Tylee’s AZ friend shares the last text she received from Tylee’s phone was on Oct. 25 at 11:14 AM. The friend isn’t sure if Tylee sent the text. The friend texted Tylee on Oct. 19 to say she missed her and had been thinking about her. 6 days later a reply text said, “hi. miss you guys too ...luv ya.” The friend says she didn’t think the text sounded like Tylee. “She spelled out her words for the most part,” “Plus, she would have texted more if I reached out.” “When she lived here, she responded immediately,” the friend said, “And when she moved, it slowly decreased in response time.”
The friend also shares: Tylee had originally planned to stay in AZ, but decided to go to ID for JJ’s sake. Tylee had her GED, so she did not go to HS in ID. Tylee had never mentioned her mother’s religious beliefs to her friend. Tylee said they were moving because Lori got a job in ID. “Apparently that was false,” the friend said. (Post Register).

6 Jan 2020 - Ellsworth Family Law releases statement saying Charles Vallow “expressed genuine fear for his life and under our advice obtained an Order of Protection against Lori Vallow” in early 2019 (Fox10 Phoenix; Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter ).

7 Jan 2020 – JJ’s grandparents, KW & LW, hold a press conference in Idaho. They are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the children’s whereabouts. They spent the weekend meeting with Rexburg PD & the FBI. JJ loves to swim and is hardly afraid of anything in life. Tylee is a typical teenage girl who graduated early from HS and has a close group of friends. KW & LW spoke with JJ several times a week and often those conversations were short, but it wasn’t unusual for JJ to call his grandparents back several times in the same day. Lori never prevented the Woodcocks from talking to or visiting with JJ. During their last 35 sec Facetime with JJ in Aug it appeared someone was monitoring what he said and he didn’t call back after that. They also noticed that JJ’s hair didn’t appear to be as groomed as it had been previously. Lori used to be a cosmetologist and took exceptional care of JJ’s hair. The picture of JJ on the missing poster shows his hair matted and not in it's usual style. KW & LW have launched a Find JJ and Tylee website asking for tips from the public.

Some Quotes from the Jan 7th Presser:
“These are beautiful young children. They’re two extremely intelligent young children and we want them back. We want them back in our family,” -LW

“If there is anything that Lori can come forth with and help us, please do it. She knows how much we love these kids, and we want only the best for them. That’s it. It’s that simple. Please give them back to us.” -LW

“All I want before I go is just to see those children, I just want to hear him beat on the drums, I want to hear him say, ‘Papa, let’s go ride’ or ‘Let’s go to Checkers and let’s go get a hamburger.’ I’m hoping beyond hope that that happens in the near future.” -LW

“Sometimes [JJ] may call and say, ‘Papa!’ and then, he’d just go away. ‘Gotta go, bye!’” -LW

“J.J. is my heart, I’m hoping this will allow one person to simply say ‘I saw (him). I know where he’s at,’ and give us that information, so that we can bring J.J. and Tylee back." -LW

“We want and believe that they are alive, and that’s the reason for the reward,""It’s the reason, we don’t say, the ‘d’ word. We’re not going to because we hope and pray these kids are alive." -LW

“If somebody two years ago would have said ‘This is what’s going to happen with Lori,’ I would have never believed it, Kay would have never believed it. If Kay and I would have had any thought in the future that we were going to be involved in an issue like this, we never would have let J.J. up for adoption. It never would have happened, and now this happened. Lori was a good mother when J.J. was young. You couldn’t ask for a better mother.” -LW

“Lori, you know how much we love J.J. You know my heart beats for him. Kay loves him. All our family loves JJ. Pick up the phone. Call me. Call Kay. If you don’t want to talk to authorities, talk to us." – LW

“If this reward can prompt that, then that’s what I want. They’re good kids. They don’t deserve this. And we as a family don’t deserve it.” -LW

“Please, just let us know where the kids are. It’s not difficult. It would end all of this.” -KW

“We don’t know why we weren’t allowed more access to him, but we reached out constantly in every way – email, voicemail, text, phone call, whatever – and never, ever got a response so that was very concerning to us,” -KW

“It sends chills up our spines,” "That’s just (what) brought it home for us. ‘Oh, my God, this is something really bad.'" -KW, when asked about Lori’s false claims that Tylee died in 2017.

“Charles suspected they were having an affair. He told me about it. He told me what he had that made him think that. He was spot on. There were just some things that we discussed, and he showed me (the evidence).” – KW, when asked about Lori and Chad’s relationship.

8 Jan 2020 - The former attorneys of the late Charles Vallow say that CV filed an order of protection against Lori in Feb 2019 and told his attorneys, “Steve, I want to make sure that everyone knows that if something happens to me, Lori & Alex did it.” The lawyers say they could not find Lori in Feb 2019 in order to serve her with the order of protection papers and they even tried looking for her in Idaho because she had a talk or something with PAP. 5 months later, in July 2019, Lori’s brother Alex claimed he shot Charles to death in self-defense. CV not only predicted his own death would be at the hands of Lori and Alex but he also had fears about Lori taking the children out of state. Lori had called JJ's school one day to find out if he was present. CV was afraid she would come get him so he went and got JJ out of school first (Fox 10 Phoenix).

8 Jan 2020 – A hotel employee says that she expected CV and JJ to return to the hotel for breakfast on July 11 but instead police came to the hotel and informed her CV was dead (Fox 10 Phoenix).

9 Jan 2020 – Principal of Kennedy Elementary in Rexburg gives a statement: “We truly hope for the safety of everybody involved and hope for a positive outcome,” said Josh Wilson. JW also says: there was no previous activity that would indicate a need for concern from the school; The school has not received a request to move JJ’s records to another school; if Lori is homeschooling JJ, she would not need to notify the school. The records would remain with Kennedy Elementary (Fox 13 Phoenix).

22 July 2020 – Lori told CV that she believes July 2020 is the date of the second coming of Christ; In Jan 2019 Lori allegedly threatened to murder CV if he stood in the way of her preparing for this date. “I think it’s July 22, 2020?,” KW said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen July 23, you know. Charles told me. He had recordings of her. He said nobody will believe me, and he recorded her one night.” (Fox10 Phoenix, Divorce records, Click2Houston).

Note: If a specific source is not noted in brackets above, then there are likely multiple news sources reporting the same info. See links below.

Mainstream Media & LE Source Links:

The Daily Herald from Provo, Utah on May 11, 1986 · 22
The Springville Herald from Springville, Utah on November 20, 1985 · 8
LDS author uses the past to influence the future in new book - The Daily Universe
'Paradise' lost book battle
New book recognizes local LDS celebrities
Daybell new SF Sexton
Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight
Police seek help locating 2 endangered children, disappearance may be tied to death investigation - Local News 8
Police: Two missing Idaho kids last seen in September
Police seeking couple for questioning in Rexburg children’s disappearance and deaths of former spouses
Police release photos of mother, stepdad who are now 'persons of interest' in connection to children's disappearance | East Idaho News
Idaho police hunt for two children missing after mom marries man shortly after former wife dies | Daily Mail Online
2 missing kids, parents wanted: What the FBI, several law enforcement agencies are investigating
Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband
Family of missing children say mother Lori Vallow 'joined cult' | Daily Mail Online
Parents of missing Rexburg children issue statement, attorney says they are ‘loving’ and ‘devoted’ | East Idaho News
Timeline: Missing kids, newlywed parents and suspicious deaths
As search continues for missing children, family expresses fading optimism
'Investigations need facts, not more rumors': Investigators continue the search for missing Idaho kids
Friend of man wanted for questioning by FBI 'horrified' over missing children
‘This is really, really tough for us’: Brother of missing children speaks
Aunt Of Missing Idaho Kids Reveals Their Mom & Stepdad's Involvement In Secret 'Cult'
Former friend of missing woman, kids speaks of her complicated marital past, with two husbands dead
Man on the run with new wife was kicked out of the Mormon church for declaring himself a prophet | Daily Mail Online
Search continues for children as family hires attorney
Parents of missing cult kids issue statement calling themselves 'loving' and 'devoted' | Daily Mail Online
Chad Daybell had a “vision” his wife Tammy would die, friend says
Doomsday Writer’s Friend Says He Prophesied Wife’s Mysterious Death
Despite hundreds of tips, investigators say they’re no closer to finding missing Rexburg kids
Grandmother of missing Idaho boy is praying for him and his sister. Here’s what we know so far
Rexburg Police Department
Mother of missing kids knows where they are or what happened to them, police say | East Idaho News
Tammy Daybell reported a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun 10 days before her 'suspicious' death | East Idaho News
Missing Idaho children: Film adaptation of stepfather’s book canceled as search for children continues
How a Gilbert drive-by shooting is tied to the Idaho missing children
Idaho Police: Mother knows whereabouts of 2 missing children
Grandparents Of One Of Missing Rexburg Children Speak Out?
Police issue stark warning to mom of missing Idaho children
Police, FBI serve search warrant at Daybell home
Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News
Documents: Lori Vallow claims she was 'god preparing for second coming of Christ'
LATEST: Possible evidence found in search of missing Rexburg kids
Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News
Missing Idaho children’s mom fled the night before FBI raided home, neighbor says
Police issue search warrant at Chad Daybell's home
Court documents: Mother of missing Rexburg children believes she is a reincarnated God chosen for Christ’s second coming | East Idaho News
New evidence suggests mother of two missing kids thinks she’s reincarnated god
New texts show last known contact from Tylee Ryan's phone
A timeline of the events surrounding the disappearance of J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan
Mom of missing Rexburg children fled before FBI raid, neighbor says - Local News 8
Timeline of events involving disappearance of Rexburg children - Local News 8
Police suspect Idaho cult leader's first wife was POISONED | Daily Mail Online
'Do the right thing:' Lori Vallow's son begs her to reveal the location of his missing siblings
J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan grandparents offer $20,000 for information on children
Grandparents offer $20,000 reward in missing Idaho kids case
'All I want is just to see those children.' Grandparents announce $20K reward for JJ and Tylee | East Idaho News
Gardener, Thank you......You did real good....moo
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So PAP has scrubbed much of their connection with Chad Daybell, but I found this posting for an event they held February 16th, 2019. There is a flyer with the agenda for the conference in the uploaded photos. Chad Daybell - “Glimpses of what I have seen coming for the American Northwest”
[URL=""]Feb 16 · Near Death Experiences, Dreams of Future Events, Overcoming Disappointments — Nextdoor

Here is the podcast summary before the February 2019 event
[URL=''][URL=""]PAP PODCAST 056 - A Message To Boise And The American Northwest Preparing A People Podcast Network podcast[/URL][/URL]
A review of the speakers coming to the Boise Event February 15th & 16th. Chad Daybell has a special message for the folks living there, and will be sharing his vision of the end-time events he has seen coming to Washington, Oregon, Cardston, and Western Idaho. Chad and Mike James also discuss their brand new show, "Preparing A People Global Update" It will be available via monthly subscription for $7. includes twice monthly episodes, 45 minutes in length. This new show will feature a spiritual vision and understanding of current world events, as well as interviews with special guests and PAP viewers from around the globe, sharing their testimonies and challenges.


I really think Chad is in danger, his demise would solve so many of Lori's problems. I think she liked the idea of being a famous authors wife and traveling with him as he he gave talks at conferences. But no matter the outcome of all this, I think that's pretty much over. I think she's going to get bored real quick. I liked Chad, nice quiet guy, but I don't think anyone ever described him as exciting. MOO.
Does he have life insurance?
From Gardener's timeline :-
(Thanks so much for this great resource)

16-17 Nov 2018 Chad speaks at a Preparing A People event in Mesa, AZ (PAP website & Event Flyers).

Jan 2019 – Chad is a guest interview on a new Preparing A People podcast titled “Time To Warrior Up” with JM, MG & Lori Vallow. (PAP website).

Late January 2019 – Abt 2 weeks before CV files for divorce, Lori takes JJ and moves out of the Chandler, AZ home she was sharing with CV. Lori’s whereabouts are unknown during this time and her communication with CV is limited. (Divorce Documents, Fox10 Phoenix).

I think this is likely when Lori met Chad. He appears at a PAP in Mesa AZ after being invited by MG who is from Gilbert, AZ. She does a podcast with Chad, MG and JM in Feb 2019. She leaves CV around this time. I believe she went to Sugar City and may have attended a book signing for Chad. This explains the Sugar City PO Box address for her and Alex. I think this may be where she was for the missing 58 days. In May, Chad visits directors to discuss his film. Late May he cancels a PAP conference due to a family emergency. Wonder what that emergency was? MOO except for what appears in the timeline.

Has anyone listened to the "warrior up" January podcast?

Lori stated she was going to marry the prophet Moroni. Does anyone know who that is? Is it perhaps Chad?
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Do we have any guesses as to when the children were moved out of Rexburg? It seems that if JJ stayed much longer that September 24, Lori would not have unenrolled him from school immediately. Did the kids know in advance that they were being relocated? At least JJ seems to have mentioned to Lori's neighbor that he was going to visit (or stay with?) his grandma. What about Tylee? Could September 24 have been chosen to take her (or both) "on a birthday trip" somewhere? Was it to visit family or a tourist attraction? Did they leave with any luggage (JJ's toys were still visible on the porch in the media images)? Would Tylee have called/contacted family or friends on her birthday? Would someone else normally call her? Did Tylee realize that she was being tricked at some point before or after arriving at the destination? Did her mother give her a bogus safety/security reason for her and JJ needing to be hidden away from the world (or just staying put with relatives)? From what we heard Tylee wasn't into her mother's beliefs in the past, but that could have changed. How did Lori justify taking Tylee's phone away? If the latter had her phone with her when they left its location could have been traced. Were Lori and Alex both physically involved in children's disappearance? Did Chad play any role?
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Agree. I live in the area. Its pretty common for people to make a day trip across the border to buy meds because they are considerably cheaper than in the US. If you have your Rx from the US most pharmacies will honor it, if not they usually have a "doctor" in the pharmacy that will give you a Rx for whatever you're looking for. Sometimes you dont have to go into a pharmacy. Once when the new star wars came out as soon as I got into town there was a guy with a trench coat that would not so discreetly whisper "VIAGRA...STAR WARS" as you passed him. If you turned to see what the hell that meant he showed you that one side of the coat held bottles of viagra while the others bootleg start wars dvd's.

Oh that's so funny. A viagra/star wars flasher. :)
How do we know children were actually taken out of Rexburg?
It's my assumption, based on what I find the most likely scenario. I'm not sure they'd be taken in by local Chad's supporters and hidden under the police's noses. There's also no indication so far that they've been harmed and left in Rexburg.
What was the phone ping that made Arizona authorities alert Rexburg police on November 27? Was the ping from Tylee's phone (someone else using it)? Is its relation to "Arizona death investigations" a misprint as only Charles Vallow's death was being investigated at that pont (Alex was still alive)?
Parents of missing Rexburg children issue statement, attorney says they are ‘loving’ and ‘devoted’ | East Idaho News
Well Tammy had also died in October but obviously not in Arizona. And Lori's third husband had died in 2018 I believe and BB attempt on his life had happened, so there were several investigations ongoing.
It's my assumption, based on what I find the most likely scenario. I'm not sure they'd be taken in by local Chad's supporters and hidden under the police's noses. There's also no indication so far that they've been harmed and left in Rexburg.
There is also no indication they have been taken out of Rexburg in the live state. Nobody saw them, nobody talked to them as far as I can tell, after the end of September. There is no obvious reason as to why they would be hidden somewhere while alive in the end of September, and that Chad actually had any followers that would be willing to take in a child with special needs and hide that child successfully. There was no active custody battle. Both fathers were dead. So there would be no reason to hide the children.
There is also no indication they have been taken out of Rexburg in the live state. Nobody saw them, nobody talked to them as far as I can tell, after the end of September. There is no obvious reason as to why they would be hidden somewhere while alive in the end of September, and that Chad actually had any followers that would be willing to take in a child with special needs and hide that child successfully. There was no active custody battle. Both fathers were dead. So there would be no reason to hide the children.
Do we have a crime scene in Rexburg? Them being taken away could include being harmed somewhere else.
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