Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #18

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Hmm, I have considered the second to last sentence in your post. If, and again if even plausible, by whom and why? MOO
I get the impression that the poster when saying this is using sarcasm and making sarcastic supposition as to what rubbish Lori may spout out next as an explanation to get herself out of the mire so to speak ... and I am sure that being so adept in speaking untruths and having many believe such untruths during her lifetime, She wouldn’t be averse to doing and saying anything that she possibly could in order to achieve her objective - freedom!
What implausible scenario that she could introduce to prove to others that she was being blackmailed though, is another matter and your guess is as good mine. But having observed her behaviour thus far, I wouldn’t put anything past her
As usual JMOO
From the criminal complaint, it appears that on 11/26 after leaving the town home, RPD tried to contact MG to see if JJ was with her. I assume they left a message.

Also on 11/26 (I assume sometime soon after RPD had left the town home) both Lori and Chad made phone calls to MG asking her to lie to LE (to say that JJ was with her) in the event LE contacted her inquiring about JJ.

Then, after being asked by RPD on 11/26 to follow up, Gilbert PD went to MG's residence, but found she was not home. I assume this visit was on 11/27. Later (that same day?) however, Gilbert PD was able to speak to MG by phone. During the phone conversation, MG reported that JJ was not with her and that he had not been at her residence in several months. But it appears she neglected to mention the calls she'd received from Lori and Chad (possibly) just the night before.

On 12/6 MG finally contacted RPD to report the phone calls she had received from Lori and Chad on 11/26 in which they requested that she lie for them.

Why, during her phone conversation with Gilbert PD on 11/27, did MG not tell them about the phone calls she had received from Lori and Chad (possibly) just the night before? And why did MG wait until 12/6 before reporting the calls to RPD? Talk about delaying investigators in their search for the kids..

I can certainly understand that MG may have been afraid for her safety if she didn't comply with Lori and Chad's request that she lie. But given that MG probably knew LE would eventually learn of the calls, shouldn't she have also been worried about it appearing in the future that she had been complicit in Lori and Chad's deception (and that she also in the future could possibly face obstruction charges)?

Did MG contact RPD when she did because it was the right thing to do, or because she was less (or possibly more?) afraid than she had been on 11/27, or because she realized the ship was starting to take on water?

Perhaps MG thought that by telling the police the truth (that JJ was not with her and she hadn't seen him in months) that they'd go back to Chad and Lori, say "not, JJ isn't there, now tell us the truth" and they'd tell the truth. We don't know what or how Chad and Lori put it to her. Should she have told them about the calls from Chad and Lori when they called, absolutely. But I can see how she might not have volunteered that information, was struggling what to do, and the call was over before she blurted it out. So the call ends and she hears nothing about it from anyone, so assumes it all got resolved. Then the first part of December the story hits the news for the first time, she says "OMGosh" and calls the police with the rest of the story.
Exactly. I can see a lot of reasons why someone could get pulled in (okay, obsessed, I'll admit it :) ) with this case. The LDS connection is one. I've lived near some of the geographical places that figure in to this story, which is part of it. But ultimately just caring about the kids is enough. (Having some grandkids of about the same ages and being able to imagine myself in Kay and Larry's place adds to it as well.)
Geography was my first attraction! Family in Gilbert, and one of my best vacations in Kauai!! But the horror takes over and though we know and are learning a great deal, we are all going to feel sick or over the moon when we finally get to the truth. imo. imo.
Ok still holding out that the children are alive. What if they married off Tylee early September and she was so miserable that she wanted JJ with her so they sent him to Tylee for her Birthday.
Perhaps MG thought that by telling the police the truth (that JJ was not with her and she hadn't seen him in months) that they'd go back to Chad and Lori, say "not, JJ isn't there, now tell us the truth" and they'd tell the truth. We don't know what or how Chad and Lori put it to her. Should she have told them about the calls from Chad and Lori when they called, absolutely. But I can see how she might not have volunteered that information, was struggling what to do, and the call was over before she blurted it out. So the call ends and she hears nothing about it from anyone, so assumes it all got resolved. Then the first part of December the story hits the news for the first time, she says "OMGosh" and calls the police with the rest of the story.
I agree. I think MG is a major hero in all of this, I don't think we can knock her for that time lapse while she did didn't know what was going on. MOO
There is wisdom in what you say. That's one of the good things about this forum - many people from all walks of life bringing together their thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and life experiences in an attempt to find answers and find the kids. I've benefited from listening to other people, even if I disagree with them on certain points. I've even thrown out crazy ideas that I thought had no merit, later discovering that is exactly what happened. This is such a crazy and complex case with so many people and factors at play that it's hard to know just what is going on and why.

And you're right. We do need to be careful. Not just in what we listen to or accept, but also in what we say and post. Please don't take this as calling you out - I'm not. I'm certain I've been guilty of posting things that others might find hurtful or offensive without thinking about how it might affect them.

Earlier I expressed outrage at a young lady for sticking her tongue out and making faces at others in a situation that I felt demanded more respect and consideration. And yet isn't that what many of us, myself included, are doing figuratively when we make hurtful comments (as an example, such as comparing Chad to a frog) when there are real people with real feelings involved? We should be treating everyone with dignity and consideration, even if, no - especially if - they are guilty. Why? Because there are still innocent victims involved that might not be at the forefront of the case. Innocent victims that might call Chad father, grandpa, brother, uncle, son, friend. And when we try and hurt Chad by calling him names, mocking him, threatening him, or whatever the case may be, we are, by extension, doing those very same things to these other innocent victims we don't hear about and hurting or offending them.

And I'm not saying that we shouldn't expose corruption and crime wherein we find them, just that we perhaps ought to do so a little more carefully. That is, after all, part of what this website is about, right? Being professional and courteous towards all people, even if we disagree.

Just one man's humble opinion. FWIW.

ETA. Oh, and I believe for the most part everyone does treat each other with respect and this site has been very professional. But there is still room for improvement. Myself included.
I appreciate this post. I posted a humorous gif about Chad’s appearance in court yesterday. I tried to make myself laugh in the face of the horrible realities yesterday’s news brought forth. I was trying to release stress, but at someone’s expense. Despite what I think of him, he was frightened, his world collapsing, and I made fun of it. I apologize. I know better. This forum puts us all in the position of judgement. It is incredibly difficult to be unbiased as the facts unfold and to be tolerant of beliefs we do not share. I have learned much here from everyone-how to sleuth, share ideas, see the forest for the trees. Thanks for reminding me to be my better self.
I'me a guy. She looks great smiling and plastered with makeup. After the first month you have to love the woman you wake up with, warts, wrinkles, warrants, and all. I'm pretty sure Chad has regrets about now.
I hear you and without sounding totally shallow because I’m not and I am just trying to look at this situation from all angles, Tammy was by all accounts a beautiful soul inside and out but although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, appearance wise , Lori is someone that Chad would probably only ever dream of talking to, never mind end up marrying and having sexual relations with and I suspect that lust and total disbelief that a good looking woman like her world ever give him a second look, is what spurred his mid life crisis on and ultimately led him down a path that he initially thought as a dream come true! However, as the novelty wears off and it’s not so great having a beauty on his arm that is ugly inside, and the lust part is satisfied, I suspect that he will be deeply remorseful and yearn for the days when he had his loyal supportive kind soul mate, best friend and full of compassion, integrity empathy, his ‘Tammy’ , his beautiful Kind Tammy. By his side . As you say, beauty is skin deep and once he wakes up to the ugliness of Lori inside, he will see her ugliness outside and will then realise how many lives that he has destroyed , not least his own, and how much pain he has ultimately caused. MOO
I agree. I think MG is a major hero in all of this, I don't think we can knock her for that time lapse while she did didn't know what was going on. MOO
I think she called her lawyer and it took time because of Thanksgiving. In the same way the group that cannot be named suddenly backed up a hundred steps away from Chad and Lori. Ends justified the means. Glad she spoke up. She has done what was right.
I’ve been thinking the same. It would be strange for him to stay on the island once she’s brought back to Idaho. However, these people haven’t done a lot of things that most would consider normal. I wouldn’t know what to think if he doesn’t follow her to Idaho.
Perhaps they will use Lori as bait to lure Chad back to Idaho, easier to arrest him there instead of extraditing both.
I appreciate this post. I posted a humorous gif about Chad’s appearance in court yesterday. I tried to make myself laugh in the face of the horrible realities yesterday’s news brought forth. I was trying to release stress, but at someone’s expense. Despite what I think of him, he was frightened, his world collapsing, and I made fun of it. I apologize. I know better. This forum puts us all in the position of judgement. It is incredibly difficult to be unbiased as the facts unfold and to be tolerant of beliefs we do not share. I have learned much here from everyone-how to sleuth, share ideas, see the forest for the trees. Thanks for reminding me to be my better self.
How succinctly put and such a beautiful self reflection which also reminds me of these same values and what I too should be aware of. Well done for your honest self reflection and for inspiring me too to think before I post.
Somebody yesterday chided about the comments made about the ‘fur’ on Loris shoulder and how it was unkind to make such comments, however, I wasn’t being unkind when I made them, I was genuinely asking as I did not realise,like others had, that it was her hair and it caused a lot of amusement. However, although I wasn’t being unkind in my initial message, I did laugh once I realised and others were finding it amusing and I shouldn’t have done , so I reflected too after initially smarting about being chided. We all need to be aware of how our comments are perceived but we also need to have the occasional release amongst such darkness and if this is the occasional amusing meme then as long as it’s not meant as mean spirited and is against ourselves then so be it afaiac .
i know you are not asking me that question, but it applies to me too. I am VERY curious about the connections to and possible response from the church. Before this case, I never had an idea of the preponderance of the End-of-Days people, activities etc. I was aware of lots of teaching/how to/reasons to do the 72 hour/12 month survival kits. I could see positive reasoning for anyone to consider, actually, but it is so much work! There seems to be are a lot of MLM groups out there marketing them. And there are so many of these specifically marketed as LDS. So that alone, begs the question of "who is just making money" off of fear. So with this specific case, it has been an amazing information gathering exercise, for me anyway. On other sites, the amount of discord, fighting factions, often saying they have more power than the Mainstream LDS. Phrases like "the actual Church will not raise the Warning", and "there are so many heads on this beast because if you cut off one head, two more grow". IF I were Mormon, I think I would really WANT the Church to address it, or speak...not absolutely specifically to the Daybells but to what is happening out there. Everyone wanted/expected the Catholic Church to speak out about sexual abuse...and they have tried. But with the CC, it was really more of a straight forward, "right and wrong". In this case, I would think that the LDS Church has some real problems with how to identify what is "right or wrong", but they must be aware that they could have a lot of concerned and troubled followers. And the abuse of "visions", "callings" to cover up crimes is just downright awful. I feel relatively certain this probably does happen often enough in everyday living within any religious community....but the blatancy of the lies and the coverups are just beyond the pale. I hope the Church will help i guess.........
They have, numerous times. There have been many speeches about it and it is something, as big grown up adult people, we know about without needing any warning at all. Even so, they still remind us to be careful. I do not, as a member of that church for 51 years, see how a statement from them would help or do anything. They have nothing to do with this mess. MOO.
Justin Lum Fox 10


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WHERE’S TYLEE: RPD searches Lori’s iCloud & found picture of Tylee Ryan at Yellowstone Park on 9/8/19. That is last known sighting of Tylee who went to the park w/ Lori, Alex & JJ. Surveillance there confirms Tylee visited. Also - Chad & Lori flew from LA to Kauai on 12/1.

From Justin's tweet, it seems that this picture of Tylee is from Yellowstone? If so, does that mean a friend of hers was also there? That would potentially mean that nothing nefarious happened to her on this particular trip, or the other girl would have surely noticed/said something.

Or, did he just include a random pic? If so, nevermind. I haven't followed this case in its entirety so apologies if it is just a media pic.

Probably already answered, but this pic is not from Yellowstone. The friend pictured here is, I think, the daughter of Echo who was a good friend of Tylee's. (Echo posted here a bit some time ago and was also on the Dateline show.)
I wonder if JJ was on the trip, but not present at the part where Tylee “disappeared”— maybe JJ was never supposed to leave there either. IF an unnamed someone was told to push JJ in a pit or otherwise do away with him — but couldn’t bring themself to be “helpful” to LV in that way... maybe that’s why that person had to go. Because they grew a conscience. Just my random thoughts.
According to the affidavit (and my memory) there were 4 people on the trip to Yellowstone. Lori, Tylee, JJ and Alex. JJ came back, Tylee did not. I am wondering if Lori and JJ were dropped off somewhere and Alex and Tylee went down the road and Tylee and JJ were told that Tylee was going to meet the grandmother from Louisiana or someone else, and Tylee would leave with them, and JJ would go back with Lori back to Rexburg. (instead, something bad happened to Tylee). JJ would have been told something logical, rather than what actually happened if something fatal happened to Tylee.
According to the affidavit (and my memory) there were 4 people on the trip to Yellowstone. Lori, Tylee, JJ and Alex. JJ came back, Tylee did not. I am wondering if Lori and JJ were dropped off somewhere and Alex and Tylee went down the road and Tylee and JJ were told that Tylee was going to meet the grandmother from Louisiana or someone else, and Tylee would leave with them, and JJ would go back with Lori back to Rexburg. (instead, something bad happened to Tylee). JJ would have been told something logical, rather than what actually happened if something fatal happened to Tylee.

Something I've wondered about. LE doesn't have to tip their entire hand. Do you suppose they've interviewed school staff from Rexburg? Jmo
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