Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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Here's a snap of the FBI mobile command center from East Idaho News, linked up thread. Apparently it's parked behind the Rexsburg Police Department. This makes me so happy!
Times up Lori and Chad!

:DHoping that is the last piece they needed in place before Lori is brought back. Moo
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

That's odd. But sometimes my pages load funky. Jmo

Thanks, I see the post now. I don't think I've ever seen a member of the media make a private facebook group for discussing a case. I think we will need some guidance from @Tricia on what we can bring here from that group. Why would he have it private? o_O That's disappointing for those of us not on facebook, a private group discussion can't be seen. MOO.

ETA: I sent a message to Tricia and the mods asking if we can discuss that group.
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Might be related:
Roads in Yellowstone National Park closing for spring plowing | East Idaho News

I’d like to comment briefly on a post from the last thread which I can’t bring forward here since the thread is closed. I completely disagree with the statement which assessed Tammy and LDS women in general as passive. It was stated that learning of the affair would result in her “asking” and not “confronting” Chad, and that they would just pray and go to the bishop. I am an LDS woman and I knew Tammy and I know many many other LDS women. They are strong women. Meekness and humility are Christlike attributes, but so are firm faithfulness and solid determination to uphold the commandments. Tammy was strong and absolutely firm when it came to moral principles and I do not believe she would have merely bowed her head and shuffled her feet, so to speak. I respectfully but absolutely disagree with the statements made to the contrary. MOO

Your apology is appreciated and accepted. I apologize for being a bit on the defensive side and I believe you meant no slight to Tammy but I did want to defend her character. She was a force for good.

Thank you for saying this @ThinkoutLoud. Your sentiments reflect my experience with Tammy and many if not most LDS women I know. It's very easy to pass meekness as cowardice, but it often takes more courage and strength to be meek.

It seems to me that we (in thread 23, those on WS here) are trying to ascertain the thoughts and possible motive for something that appears to have happened. Namely:

If Chad killed Tammy, was the knowledge of the email from Charles to Tammy part of Chad's motivation to kill her?

We're really reaching into speculation for that. Here's the line of questions I anticipate happening on Tammy's end with regard to the email:
Did Charles actually send to Tammy?
If so, what did he say?
Did Tammy get the email? As it was from an unknown sender with a forwarded message, did it get to her Inbox or was it in the Junk or Spam folders?
If yes, did she read it?
If yes, did she accept the validity of the email?
If yes, did she talk to Chad about it?

If I know anything about Tammy and she got to that last question, then the answer is yes, she would have talked to Chad about it. They had a very strong relationship. They were united in everything. This is why it's so strange to me when everyone talks about how he could have kept an affair from her. I just don't see it and haven't seen it. Chad wasn't one to hide. He wasn't a very good liar. One of the traits he has that is actually to his fault in this case is the fact that he shared such intimate details about his near death experiences, his visions about his family members, his feelings and impressions about places and people around him. He shared things that maybe shouldn't have been shared. He didn't keep secrets very well. I don't see any merit on his side to the idea of him having an affair with Lori before Tammy's death.
That's why it's so weird to see him hurrying and keeping secrets after Tammy's death.
What secrets was he keeping? We don't know. Could it have been the murder of his "one and only"? Yes, but also it could have been the overwhelming nature of threats he and his children were actually receiving tied up with the grief he felt for her loss.

The only things he has shared: "no comment", we're waiting for the legal process, and "the kids are safe". Is the same thing I've heard since December.
If there's truth to the letter CV found and forwarded to Adam, specifically: Chad stayed with LV and CV in November 2018. He had to have known Lori in November. I've already discussed the possibility of their meeting earlier, but I don't know when. He had to have known Lori had minor children in November. Lori to Charles was married in November.

As he knew her in November, it is likely that he knew about Charles' death in July and could have known about the move to Rexburg in August. What else he may have known is speculation on our part.
What do you mean when you say “SPLC has been associated with the FBI Domestic Terrorist 'watch list' since 1964.“

Of course, the SPLC wasn’t founded until 1971.

It, like any other individuals or organizations can, submits info to the FBI hoping to prompt investigations.

While the SPLC may have started out with a noble and legitimate purpose 50 years ago, it’s clear that it became corrupted into just another political money making business over the past 30 years.

The bombing attempt at the Mongomery, Ala office in 1967 is what started the partnership, as I read it in the link, if it was 71 then I misread it, but I pulled the date from there. Whether it's corrupt or not has little baring on the fact that they absolutely work with the FBI on the watchlist, and publish from the source.

It's mentioned both here: (FBI PDF)
Terrorism Report - 1998 | Federal Bureau of Investigation

and here: (also FBI website)
Southern Poverty Law Center Part 01 of 01

I can't direct quote from the PDF, they don't allow copy/paste but look for the two bombing incidents and read from there.

Here is another Helpful link, which can be quoted:
Confronting the Rise of Domestic Terrorism in the Homeland — FBI
The FBI classifies domestic terrorism threats into four main categories: racially motivated violent extremism, anti-government/anti-authority extremism, animal rights/environmental extremism, and abortion extremism. The drivers of these domestic violent extremists include perceptions of government or law enforcement overreach, socio-political conditions, and reactions to legislative actions, and they remain constant. Although domestic terrorism activity may fall outside of these four categories, the vast majority of our investigations can be characterized as one of the above. We anticipate racial minorities, the United States government, and law enforcement will continue to be significant targets for many domestic terrorists. Domestic terrorists have targeted law enforcement officers both proactively and directly as primary targets, as well as reactively, within the context of routine duties or other law enforcement encounters. Individuals adhering to racially motivated violent extremism ideology have been responsible for the most lethal incidents, however, and the FBI assesses the threat of violence and lethality posed by racially motivated violent extremists will continue.

Radicalization to violence of domestic terrorists is increasingly taking place online, where violent extremists can use social media for the distribution of propaganda, recruitment, target selection, and incitement to violence. Through the Internet, violent extremists around the world have access to our local communities to target and recruit and spread their messages of hate on a global scale, as we saw in the recent attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. In recent years, we increasingly have seen domestic terrorists communicating with like-minded individuals overseas and the domestic terrorists traveling to meet with these individuals. The increasingly global nature of the threat has enabled violent extremists to engage other like-minded individuals without having to join organized groups. We are working with our foreign partners to investigate subjects in their countries who may be radicalizing Americans to take violent action inside this country.

There should be no doubt that the splinter groups, mentioned on SPLC and other sources are on the 'watch lists' and have been for a long time. I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse here, b/c it's a side note and really not helpful to this case. Regardless of how this organization is viewed, it absolutely works with the FBI and the ' domestic terrorist watchlist'
And Finally from SPLC Wiki (detailing the collab. w/ FBI) :
Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

The character of Chad’s child is not adequately represented by that media video.
I’m not defending her actions there but I know her. She is a very good person. There’s no chance she felt at that moment her father was guilty of her mother’s murder or of harming children or conspiring in CVs murder or anything else that seems so likely to so many at this point. She is a victim in all of this as are all of his children and I cannot comprehend being in their shoes and what kind of bad decisions I might make if my kind, patient, beloved and now only living parent were being accused of heinous criminal activity that I felt certain he was innocent of. If Chad is indeed guilty, his poor kids are going to have their world upended for a fourth time. First when their mother suddenly and unexpectedly died. Second when their father immediately remarried. Third when their mother’s body was exhumed and the whole ensuing saga we have all been following. How can they not hold onto the belief their father is innocent? As time goes by that may change and if so, it only means more pain for them. If anyone deserves mercy and compassion and infinite second chances, it’s these kids. Adults though they may be, this is their dad and it’s all come out of left field for them. They don’t even have a chance to grieve. MOO

I apologize. You're right. In the same position at that age (or at my advanced age, TBH), I can't imagine how I'd have reacted.

If he is found guilty, and they do have to back off from what they have been believing, they will experience the greatest loss of all, when they realize how much their mother was violated in all of this. I hope their support, church and beliefs can reconnect them to poor poor Tammy. Tammy needs them. They need Tammy. IMO
One point worth sleuthing or speculating, is when an “affair” between LV and CD is suggested, does that mean an emotional affair (being around each other, love letters, dancing on videos); or does it imply a sexual affair? As “leaders” and “deities”, with a following, these two would be in a LOT of trouble with their followers who (I’m assuming) are still taught the commandment that is very strongly taught in mainstream LDS faith - “sex is for marriage.” Exposure that they were having an actual sexual affair before they were “married” (I have no idea how that would be proven) would suggest to me their motives swing much further to the sex and money side of the pendulum versus the apocalyptic prepper, “hide-the-kids-for safety” side. Moo

It is easy to put people in a box of generalizations, and tempting, specifically for sleuthing purposes. But within any given population, personalities and dynamics vary, regardless of what is taught. Some people may act in certain ways at public and at church. I think this is done to “fit in with the culture” and I see it done. However, once home from church, the true dynamics come out, (every family situation will be a mixed bag) and it’s impossible to put everyone in a category. It’s also difficult to know the dynamics of a relationship unless you’re in that relationship. That said, Chad’s narrative about his revelation to go to Idaho and how reluctantly, Tammy agreed, leads me to believe he is “opinionated” ... to say the least. Moo

eta general grammar edits

According to some of the information we have been given in recent days, Chad believed that he has lived multiple lives. He also believes that she could "visit" him through his closet? Perhaps he doesn't think it is an affair if they were married and together in "previous lives". Also, he believes that he has sealing powers. He would possibly then believe that he could seal himself to Lori with his "extraordinary" priesthood powers. He is so far off his rocker it is unbelievable.

I feel so badly for his kids. This has to have rocked their world. I am sure that they want to believe the best about their dad. But, can you imagine their pain as their mom's body was exhumed? Can you imagine their horror if - and that is a big IF - they are following the news and they hear that he has been having at the least an emotional (or "spiritual") affair with Lori for quite a while before their mom passed away?!!

I really hope they can prove something against him. IMVHO, he needs to be put in jail because he is dangerously psychopathic!
According to some of the information we have been given in recent days, Chad believed that he has lived multiple lives. He also believes that she could "visit" him through his closet? Perhaps he doesn't think it is an affair if they were married and together in "previous lives". Also, he believes that he has sealing powers. He would possibly then believe that he could seal himself to Lori with his "extraordinary" priesthood powers. He is so far off his rocker it is unbelievable.

I feel so badly for his kids. This has to have rocked their world. I am sure that they want to believe the best about their dad. But, can you imagine their pain as their mom's body was exhumed? Can you imagine their horror if - and that is a big IF - they are following the news and they hear that he has been having at the least an emotional (or "spiritual") affair with Lori for quite a while before their mom passed away?!!

I really hope they can prove something against him. IMVHO, he needs to be put in jail because he is dangerously psychopathic!
I totally missed the closet reference.
ETA I did read a snarky remark about him visiting her in jail in the closet, then someone posted there are no closets where she is. So I blew it off. Must of missed some pages in a thread while catching up.
The character of Chad’s child is not adequately represented by that media video.
I’m not defending her actions there but I know her. She is a very good person. There’s no chance she felt at that moment her father was guilty of her mother’s murder or of harming children or conspiring in CVs murder or anything else that seems so likely to so many at this point. She is a victim in all of this as are all of his children and I cannot comprehend being in their shoes and what kind of bad decisions I might make if my kind, patient, beloved and now only living parent were being accused of heinous criminal activity that I felt certain he was innocent of. If Chad is indeed guilty, his poor kids are going to have their world upended for a fourth time. First when their mother suddenly and unexpectedly died. Second when their father immediately remarried. Third when their mother’s body was exhumed and the whole ensuing saga we have all been following. How can they not hold onto the belief their father is innocent? As time goes by that may change and if so, it only means more pain for them. If anyone deserves mercy and compassion and infinite second chances, it’s these kids. Adults though they may be, this is their dad and it’s all come out of left field for them. They don’t even have a chance to grieve. MOO
While I feel a lot of sympathy for relatives of both Lori and Chad, it is really just down to those two themselves to come clean regarding the children, Tylee and Jj who are the real victims here. This can then be resolved pretty quickly.
I totally missed the closet reference.
ETA I did read a snarky remark about him visiting her in jail in the closet, then someone posted there are no closets where she is. So I blew it off. Must of missed some pages in a thread while catching up.

I must have missed it too or I wouldn't have replied with the comment about there being no closets.
Thanks, I see the post now. I don't think I've ever seen a member of the media make a private facebook group for discussing a case. I think we will need some guidance from @Tricia on what we can bring here from that group. Why would he have it private? o_O That's disappointing for those of us not on facebook, a private group discussion can't be seen. MOO.

ETA: I sent a message to Tricia and the mods asking if we can discuss that group.
But it has a request for becoming part of the group. I clicked, so will see what happens. I did this with another Facebook group that has a lot of psychics on it...and was permitted access within a day or so. So far, The posters and posts are more like ours on Websleuth than normal facebook pages. People really have valid thoughts and ideas. I think Justin's is just an effort to partially screen for "way out folks"...
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