I believe that the kids are dead. She keeps claiming this is a custody issue, I think it is complete nonsense.
Let's assume the kids are alive:
She has alienated Colby to the point, that he wants nothing to do with her. It's not much of a leap that she will never see any of her grand-kids either.
If JJ and TR are found alive, it will just be a matter of time, before they will cut off all ties with their mother too. Again, any future grand-kids would not be in Lori's future.
Question: What type of mother would do that to their own children, under any circumstances?
Which leads me to believe that the kids are dead. Then her defense makes sense. She hides behind legal loopholes, and the children are never produced or found. She is betting that she can get away with it all.
If no one finds the kids, then no one can prove that the kids are dead.
This also explains why they refuse to say if the kids are alive or dead.