Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #32

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Looks like she dodged the Zombie question
Interviewer: Do you think that Tylee and JJ were in danger? Do you think that Lori thought they were zombies? Do you think that she thought that their spirits have left them?
Melani: I didn't think they were in danger and didn't have these fears and doubts until this welfare check, and then Chad and Lori left. I didn't have contact with them and I'm absolutely worried. I knew the threats that Lori had been getting and I don't know what's going on (looks at Ian) so, being in a new marriage, I'm kind of dumping on him. "I'm worried about this, I'm worried about this."

So zombies were all in Melani's imagination and Kay was the real threat? Yeah, right.

She knew about the threats, and instead of telling Ian about them (where are they in his memo?) she came up with zombies? No mention of the custody issue.

ETA: It looks like Melani made the zombie confession when she was out of Lori and Chad's reach and felt abandoned by them.
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For anyone interested -- but maybe especially for those who have more recently joined the discussion (since it's been a couple of months since we had the more in-depth discussions about how Chad and Lori relate to mainstream Mormonism):

The Daybells and Latter-day Saint Apocalypticism

This short article is in Sightings, a forum of online commentary and reporting on the role of religion in public life from the University of Chicago's Divinity School (so I'm hoping it meets the criteria for discussion here). Its author -- Christopher Blythe -- is co-editor of the Journal of Mormon History, a researcher at BYU's Maxwell Institute (and thus clearly is a faithful Mormon in addition to his scholarly credentials), and is set to publish a book on Latter-day Saints and American apocalyticism with the University of Oxford Press in -- ironically enough -- July 2020.

The article is a couple months old, and doesn't offer any insight on the particulars of the missing children and other strange happenings around Chad & Lori (or even on Chad's peculiar theology), but it does very nicely and concisely discuss how belief patterns like those associated with Chad and Lori arise out of and view their relationship with mainstream Mormonism.

PS -- the Maxwell Institute where Blythe is housed is (also ironically enough) named after the (deceased) Mormon Apostle, Neal A. Maxwell, whom Chad apparently claims Lori (in her first probation, and presumably Maxwell's as well) married as Methuselah's daughter.
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The plot thickens! Melani claims there was a $2mil policy on Lori. That BB & CV worked together in the insurance industry and had a nefarious plan, involving Kay as well. She also insinuates there is no real evidence that BB was shot at, or that AxC was implicated (he seemingly wasn't sought or questioned by police). So much to wade through, I'm going to have to sleep on it!

I just watched this. I think this is all about the Cox family lawyers trying to shift the narrative. I heard the part about a $2M life insurance policy on Lori but don't see the significance beyond trying to minimize Charles having a $1M policy. I did no hear anything about a nefarious plan involving Kay.
so why does anyone here accept that paying out to Kay is reasonable? It seems like opinions are being formed based on likability rather than what the law actually states.
I'm sure the insurance company is well aware of the circumstances surrounding this case. If they did pay out to Kay, I'm sure they followed all the rules and laws. They probably know more than we do.
I'm sure the insurance company is well aware of the circumstances surrounding this case. If they did pay out to Kay, I'm sure they followed all the rules and laws. They probably know more than we do.

Bbm. For sure, considering we know nothing about the policy and how/when it was originally obtained lol. I agree that the insurance company very likely followed the rules.
Bbm. For sure, considering we know nothing about the policy and how/when it was originally obtained lol. I agree that the insurance company very likely followed the rules.
I'm sure they followed the rules. But how would they know more than we do? They only have access to public records just like the rest of us.
Interestingly, a life insurance policy on LV may be a reason for LV to go into hiding, but not for the kids? Is there a policy on the kids? Based on the emails we've seen from CV re: JJ I can't imagine CV had any interest in hurting the kids. So, I'm still where I started: no reason to hide the kids.
I think the policy on Lori might lapse with Charles' death?
Can caffeine overdose cause the pulmonary blood clots? Did the report say how high Alex's caffeine levels were? A friend's child overdosed on caffeine powder and he had clots in his autopsy. I have always worried that caffeine powder slipped into a drink would be how my husband would off me. He could say that as a night shift worker I must have had too much. Especially after I found a bottle of caffeine pulls in his car
I think you can overdose on caffeine but are you meaning you’re personally afraid of that happening to you? I’m confused . I’m sorry .
Another motion to quash one of Means' subpoenas. This one from the prosecutor's office to quash the subpoena to the sheriff's department, because state is not required to provide the information and it asks for identical information requested by discovery request and anything they are entitled to will be provided through the response to that discovery request. to Quash - 050720.pdf

05/07/2020 Motion to Quash
I’ve personally felt from the start of this no matter what she was getting enjoyment out of hurting Kay over the life insurance . The way she was towards them in court so smiley, almost gleeful, taunting them with her smile and skipping. But they told her they’d give her money just give them JJ . I’ve mentioned a lot how I’m holding out hope they are alive and well . I don’t think Lori was a horrible mother . I think she may have not been the most amazing mother of year but honestly none of us really are and that’s when we are trying our best. I’m always unsettled by the fact of how she left JJ behind with Charles . Threw out not only Charles stuff but jjs as well. That’s unnerving

she’s done horrible things . She’s made terrible choices. She seems very vain and petty. Not a good wife. Not a good sister. (Which I always think about the argument people overhead in the street of Lori yelling at Alex right before Charles got there and was murdered. It’s like she was riling him up at the very least . ) I don’t honestly know what kind of bond she shared with JJ but with her own kids it seemed like she tried . So hope makes me think it does have to do with KY and money and getting enjoyment out of causing them pain and letting her look like a Martyr in her own eyes. No matter what happened in that house that morning Tylee was and never would turn on her mom. Bc Tylee is the protector, Tylee was the one soothing Lori, Tylee was taking care of JJ. I have one of the worlds most complicated relationships ever - with my mother . There’s no mental health professional alive who thinks I should keep any contact with her, allow her in my life or my children’s lives. She’s not a good mom to me but she’s an awesome grandparent . It doesn’t matter that I grew up in very violent household, mentally, physically , sexually. None of that matters . Bc I’m middle aged and still want my mothers love and approval. I want her to be proud of me. I want her to want to be apart of my life. In therapy which I’ve tons thousands upon thousands of hours I defend her, I make excuses for her past and present relationship with me. She’s my only parent. There’s no one else. Yes there’s a small part of me that hears all of their rationally knowing our relationship is very bad for me but I love her and I’d do absolutely anything for her. If
something were to happen to her I don’t know how I’d continue on living. When I see Tylee I see myself kinda like Colby . They both had to grow up fast , they were like her confidant, her friends, she was a friend mom who over shares about her personal problems no matter what they were and are and that also causes undo stress and anxiety in children and teens . About money, about her relationships, there wasn’t ever boundaries . It’s not healthy .

I don’t like her. I know she’s a liar. I know she’s a manipulative person. I know she had something to do with at least two people dying and only God at this point knows what else.

then we have Alex who literally every person minus the lady from the island who he freaked out says the same stuff about him.....that’s interesting to me bc when 20/21 have are describing a person they all knew personally with the same stories, words, and how he was a person but none of them know each other it sounds true. Then that means Alex was funny, kind, and he did tell that lady on the island about “almost killing” JR but after what Colbie said about Tylees dad I think that makes a lot more sense. The 911 call after Charles he seemed rehearsed and dead calm. I think there’s the highest possibility he was taking the blame for what Lori did. It seems like Lori told him do this, do that, be here etc. and he did it . I don’t know enough about Alex but I think Alex was always meant to be Loris fall guy. That makes me sad bc he probably just wanted her love, acceptance and respect.

if Kay and her brothers were angry with Lori and Lori was mad about the money I think she’s petty, vengeful , and small . We know that bc she canceled Charles flight, she moved his truck, she threw his stuff out, she took the money .

There’s so many people involved and so much going on and bc the date of the purchase of the rings and dress and the trip we know it’s literally impossible for TD to have died of natural causes. We know Charles is also dead. Yes all of that matters . But I think Charles and Tammy would probably be in agreement with the utmost priority being find those kids. Figure the rest later. The reason it’s not going to work that way is bc they most likely will be charged for those crimes and then finally we might have some leverage , maybe finally she will talk. If she did hurt the kids we will know by her silence bc at that point she’d have no reason to keep hiding them.

I’d also like to add to in that if it’s found out that she did harm them -the kids I’m going to need a very long break from everything in life. I had to stop following another case bc it just became too much for me to deal with right now and I still feel terrible about that. In this case I think my hope burns brighter than a majority of cases we see on here just bc it’s odd so it’ll hit me a lot harder even though I’m bracing for it......hearing it, seeing it will be too much. There are some miracles. There are times when we’ve lost most of our hope and they come home . No they aren’t ever the same. But the made it home. Those days are great. The days we find out a dna match leads to an unsolved . The days in court where there’s really no such thing as justice but we get as close to that as allowable those days are hard, sad, and also you feel a little lighter knowing it’s handled.
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Community property means his business income was half hers.

I know you are in UK or Australia and I'm not trying to be mean. But community property is a concept in American law that does not derive from English common law. It exists is a few western US states and is inherited from Spanish law. In summary the premise is that once a couple is married all marital income belongs to the community. There are few exceptions beyond gifts and inheritances.

So if Charles bought a life insurance policy with during their marriage it would be presumed to be community property unless it could be demonstrated it was 100% paid for with with separate property he had before the marriage. That is very hard to do if you comingle money by having a joint account. And like I said before, if he made so much as a penny in contribution including reinvested dividends after marriage, the account may still be separate but would be subject to a proration analysis.

If teh money was paid to Kay as some have said, I have no reason to doubt that but I think it means someone at an insurance company made a huge mistake.
First of all we don't know when he bought the policy. I suspect as he was in the business he had has it from well before they were married.
Secondly, they have lived in several states so which state law would apply anyway?
Third, Lori had already cleaned out the business accounts and taken CV's truck and moved the business money to her own account so did not respect the community law.
Fourth, his lawyer ok'd it.
Fifth. They were estranged and lived in different states.
Sixth, I am pretty sure it was changed legitimately to benefit JJ via Grandma Kay, probably via a trust as CV would have fully understood that necessity.
Seventh, it doesn't matter where we are from as this is all my and your opinion and there are no facts about how old his policy was therefore it is all supposition anyway.
It's rare because it is barred by the standard court order!

Here is a link to the standard preliminary injunction issued in response to an Arizona divorce filing:

Here are some key excerps:

Your spouse has filed a “Petition for Dissolution” (Divorce) or “Petition for Annulment” or “Petition for Legal Separation” with the court. This Order is made at the direction of the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Arizona in County. This Order has the same force and effect as any order signed by the judge. You and your spouse must obey this Order. This Order may be enforced by any remedy available under the law, including an “Order of Contempt of Court.” To help you understand this Order, we have provided this explanation.

1. ACTIONS FORBIDDEN BY THIS ORDER: From the time the “Petition for Dissolution” (Divorce) or “Petition for Annulment” or “Petition for Legal Separation” is filed with the court, until the judge signs the Decree, or until further order of the court, both the Petitioner and the Respondent shall not do any of the following things:

ü You may not hide earnings or community property from your spouse, AND

ü You may not take out a loan on the community property, AND

ü You may not sell the community property or give it away to someone, UNLESS you have the written permission of your spouse or written permission from the court. The law allows for situations in which you may need to transfer joint or community property as part of the everyday running of a business, or if the sale of community property is necessary to meet necessities of life, such as food, shelter, or clothing, or court fees and attorney fees associated with this action. If this applies to you, you should see a lawyer for help....

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Arizona Law, A.R.S. §25-315(A) provides:

1(a). RESTRICTIONS ON PROPERTY OF THE MARRIAGE: That both parties are enjoined from transferring, encumbering, concealing, selling, or otherwise disposing of any of the joint, common or community property of the parties, except if related to the usual course of business, the necessities of life, or court fees and reasonable attorney fees associated with an action filed under this article, without the written consent of the parties or the permission of the court.

Changing the beneficiary of a life insurance policy would absolutely certainly violate the statute if done without court permission unless is was clearly separate property. That would be a transfer of Lori's interest in the community property as beneficiary. It is entirely possible that it was a whole life police taken out and fully paid for prior to Charles' and Lori's marriage in which case she had no claim. But if $0.01 had been paid into the during their marriage with community marital property, there would at best need to be a proration done prior to settlement.

Do we know if Charles's had a will and his estate went through probate? If so, Lori would get half of Charles's separate property, the three children (JJ, Zach, and Cole) would split the other half of Charles's separate property equally. Lori would get half of their community property and the other half would be split among the 3 kids.

Life insurance payouts are treated outside of a will in Arizona.

Probate is going through the Texas courts. There is a business party who have registered a debt against the estate regarding a loan IIRC from links in prior threads. Nothing from LVD AFAIK.
Another motion to quash one of Means' subpoenas. This one from the prosecutor's office to quash the subpoena to the sheriff's department, because state is not required to provide the information and it asks for identical information requested by discovery request and anything they are entitled to will be provided through the response to that discovery request. to Quash - 050720.pdf

05/07/2020 Motion to Quash

Means is wasting so much time and money on fishing expeditions. I'm to the point I'm not entertained in the slightest by his antics. Jmo
Here’s Part 2 of the CBS 5 Morgan Loew interview with Melani and Ian that aired tonight. (8:49 minutes long)

EXCLUSIVE: 'It seems like the information I shared with them turned into this nationwide frenzy'

Updated 15 min ago

EXCLUSIVE: 'It seems like the information I shared with them turned into this nationwide frenzy'

Of all the places in the world that she might have moved, she moved into the apartment next door to Lori's. Their front doors were a few feet apart. That is a wild coincidence.

She could have said "When I got divorced I wanted to be physically nearby to other family, people who could help me through this time. My aunt Lori moved to Rexburg, so I did, too. I was thrilled to be able to rent the apartment next door." That could have been a satsifying truth about this. But she didn't say that - she said she wasn't following Lori there.
Can caffeine overdose cause the pulmonary blood clots? Did the report say how high Alex's caffeine levels were? A friend's child overdosed on caffeine powder and he had clots in his autopsy. I have always worried that caffeine powder slipped into a drink would be how my husband would off me. He could say that as a night shift worker I must have had too much. Especially after I found a bottle of caffeine pulls in his car
To my knowledge, no. Caffeine overdose does cause heart irregularities, and in very rare cases failure. The pulmonary blood clots would be a secondary factor. The primary being heart failure.
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